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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. ...Idk about a naked one, but Cherche, Heath, Jill, Cormag. Their wyverns would make great substitutes for flying broomsticks. WCWY want as the designated driver when everybody goes out and has alcohol?
  2. Well excuse me if that Ranulf looks like a digimon or something similar. OMG somebody actually drew the butt ugly dress in the Lucina x her mom C support...
  3. Frederick. He'd make the fire and pretty much do all the work. Willingly. WCWY expect to own a moped?
  4. My theory is that they spit acid.
  5. LOL toilets get "flashed" all the time...even if it's usually just butts and crotches. They really have shitty lives. Pun completely intended. Had to look hard for that one. Easy to miss.
  6. Hahaaha OMG that's the funniest thing I've seen like ever. Bravo, sir! Even Marx's horse has something to say xD
  7. People dislike her that much? News to me...
  8. OMG Neopets. I remember when that was popular...
  9. Don't really count as funny/amusing stories, but in your defense, if your parents are gamers like you then that won't produce much silliness.
  10. That's mine in a nutshell kinda...
  11. More like the other way around. The hinderance is healed during the course of the story.
  12. I have an idea now too, but the hinderance won't be there for the whole story, would that be reasonable?
  13. Nice theme idea! I'll have to think of something...
  14. That white area on his head, is it part of his bandanna or is it ripped showing his hair underneath?
  15. Would be nice, but it's probably not going to happen for reasons given...at least we'll always have fanfic for that.
  16. And I hadn't kept up on it much. Derp, yeah...
  17. "I will be in no need of a horse." Fivel announced. "If you don't mind..." He dropped to his hands and knees and transformed. "...I can cover as much ground as a horse can this way...I will try not to run too far ahead, but sometimes that happens. Or I can help Blodwyn scout ahead? Some things can't be seen from the air."
  18. Lol why? Ana: Gyorg! Yeah, that's it. And yeah, you told me about your mom and Wind Waker.
  19. Thought this would be an interesting topic to go over. Have any amusing stories of this nature? While my mom tends to dislike my gaming passion, oddly enough, most of the stories I'm going to post are about her. My friend was playing Majora's Mask and about to face the boss of Great Bay Temple. I don't remember/know the name of it, but the important part is the boss title: gargantuan masked fish. She thought it said "gargantuan naked fish". Fast forward, me and that same friend are adults, but still love our games. I hadn't gotten Awakening yet and my friend was telling me how you can "recruit your kids". Mom said: "I'm gonna recruit my kids and make them do housework!" And I was like Mom that's probably not how it works. One time I got my mom to play Crash Team Racing and she kept going the wrong way, even with "wrong way" flashing on the screen... My aunt was watching my brother play Skyward Sword, and he was in Skyloft screwing around, he picked up a pumpkin and my aunt saw the thing that shows you where it would land if you throw it, and she said "That pumpkin's peeing!" I had to explain the aiming thing to her. So, yeah...comment on others' stories and add your own.
  20. Looks like a kind of story FE might do. If you can't make it into a game, I support Integrity's idea, you can also make it a book.
  21. Because that's what grandparents are for. That and filling them with sugar/hypering them up and then sending them home lol. Back on topic. That Petrine pic looks wierd, I agree.
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