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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. 41: In any given online game/MMO, there will always be n00bs who flat out ask for money/rare items.
  2. Sumia? Idk... WCWY expect to say: "My life is like a romantic comedy. Only there's no romance and it's just me laughing at my own jokes."
  3. Ylisstol was busy this morning, but that was nothing new. The young taguel was used to the busy nature of human towns by now. A stark contrast to the small, nomadic settlements of his kind. He had heard that long ago, humans also lived the way taguels and manaketes did today. He wondered when and why they switched to crowded cities. A little boy pulled on his mother's sleeve and pointed at him. "Mommy, that man looks funny! Why does he have bunny ears?" "He's a taguel." The mother said. "He's a person like you and me, only he can turn into a bunny." The kid's eyes were as wide as dinner plates. Fivel chuckled softly. If he wasn't pressed for time, he would stop to show the kid his rabbit form and chat a bit. He made his way to the Sapphire Inn and took a seat in the reception hall. A few others had arrived already, all humans...but he had been working with them his whole life, so it wasn't a big deal. A young human woman entered, introduced herself, and made a gesture that looked somewhat like a bow, but not quite. She was clothed in somewhat plain, yet obviously formal garb. It made him feel a bit awkward in his simple leather tunic and sandals. He stood up and smiled. "Well met. I am Fivel."
  4. Ooo good eye! I'm willing to bet that's a reclassed Camilla. Her outfit looks more...idk what, but not wyvern knight.
  5. Wait what? WYVERN WHERE? I saw nothing of the sort...
  6. Why they would use red and green boxes to show durability instead of the numbers is beyond me...
  7. Ikey kun! Yay for the green headband of whoopass! WCWY NOT want teaching you anything?
  8. Assassins could use bows in Awakening...
  9. Then they're too spherical then...they look like she has softballs implanted in them. Breasts arent sphere shaped. I should know, I'm a woman, I have some... But yeah, now that I think about it, Ivy from Soul Caliber is more ridiculous.
  10. Oh my god. Purple hair chick/Camilla almost looks like she's from Soul Caliber. As in, those boobs are unrealisticly big -_- Shame on you, IS. Even Tharja and Noire were more decent. Blond guy with tome has armor, so he's obviously a mage knight/dark knight/whatever they call the mage promotion that gets a horse and armor in this game. I don't think mage knights in Sacred Stones had armor though...but who cares.
  11. Birthmark. [spoiler=See here] Everything else you said can be fixed. About the weapons being too big though...don't a lot of vanilla battle sprites do that? Like Hawkeye?
  12. Sounds a bit like what I was going to do back in the day when I was trying to make the story that's now a fanfic into a fangame...only the kids were playable in trial maps like PoR's with no story added. I kinda agree with Kysfaen. I didn't mind the time travel in Awakening but I wouldn't want to see it reused. If they do it again, timeskip please, more like FE4 even if I haven't played it.
  13. Hey, what are friends for xD I liked Glaceon's because it's an awesome crossover. Combining the great floods of both Tellius and Hyrule? Pure genius. Maybe when we have a theme it'll be easier to pick.
  14. Man, you should've seen him before...he looked awful. I will take that into consideration if I ever try editing him again.
  15. Hell yeah! I knew my MU's man was a bad boy/rebel at heart xD Plus he'd look uber hawt in leather... I'd take Ike to Five Guys. Best burgers in the world! He'd probably drown it in tobasco sauce lol... Ninjad, I guess Bastian. He seems like he'd be good at that. WCWY go to an arcade with?
  16. That's actually real helpful, thanks. Now as we digress! Leo got the biggest makeover, but Cerai is there even if all I did is change her outfit and make her eyes smaller. And use a better red for the hair and a better green for the eyes...but that was done with both of them.
  17. It took you a bit to get it? Haha. I see you finally got tired of people complaining about the avatar...
  18. I owed him one! I've only been drawing his sis for awhile...shouldn't have to explain the update title. For when I update again: 4/2/15: The "lion" finally gets his time in the spotlight There it is again so people don't wonder.
  19. If she's a manakete/dragon and Avatar's mom that would explain Avatar being special/powerful enough that Nohr wanted to kidnap him/her. Considering all the crossbreeding that's been done in FE in the past, it's still possible.
  20. Yeah I think that sounds possible. Lobster Man can be an older brother or uncle or something. Maybe...Dancer Girl is the mother? *legasp*
  21. Maybe each one will have different political policies/views? Like...the western one could allow the poor/lower class citizens more clout in how things are run, while the eastern one gives all the power to the rich for example. Or west supports protecting nature and east doesn't mind destroying it for human expansion. Or both, or whatever else. It would be good world building and people could side with the one they agree with the most as opposed to "this side has cooler characters/weapons/etc" or just randomly picking. This could help story too, if they're so different in their beliefs I can see why they're having a war. Thoughts?
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