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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Welcome to the forest! Make sure you play the other FEs you've missed, since you said the newest one(currently)was your first. Of course, just the ones you're most interested in unless you really want to play them all :)
  2. I have no idea how people pull off those elaborate miiverse drawings! Probably on wii u...which I unfortunately STILL don't have. Let's see how many yeahs this gets...thing between them is supposed to be a beast/dragon stone btw.
  3. I see I see. Yeah, sounds like Falchion can come up with quite the funnies, which is a good thing xD Closest thing I have to that is Cerai and Leo's "for the love of flying" that I haven't gotten to put anywhere yet and I think is stolen from Haar... And yeah, I understand if you missed it. It's in the middle of the paragraph on that first review post I made, and even then I said more "I might have to".
  4. But it's fun to come up with explanations. Fanfic usually requires you to do so.
  5. "By the goddess' left boob, I look terrible!" xD Also loled at Elincia being as big as a house before her and Ike's kid is born...and maybe I missed something, but I'm wondering what he did to make Titania punch him. Anyway I have the first chapter finished...in case you couldn't tell from that. Might get used to reading long things on a screen yet! You didn't tell me whether or not I have permission to make him snore and sleep talk if I get the chance in WoC, btw...
  6. What's a nemechi? Question makes no sense... WCWY expect to be friends with Sonic?
  7. Volke. He's a thief/spy. And I can see him wanting his martini shaken, not stirred. And Racer, it's spelled Vaike...you've spelled it that way twice so yeah. WCWY photobomb a celebrity with?
  8. Norris...that sniper boss in PoR? I remember him being a pain in the butt to the point that I made a Chuck Norris joke. Forgot the details xD Tauroneo is more black/dark brown, but yeah...
  9. But...I've added it to the map and can't access it. I'm asking what its requirement is.
  10. Started it, this thing is freakin long...hopefully by the end of this weekend I'll have it all read. But here are a few comments so far. I highly doubt red hair is uncommon in Crimea, all hair colors should show up everywhere. This wolf king is interesting, did something happen to Nailah or is he just a general/high ranking Hatarian? The part where he snores and sleep talks made me snicker a bit...lol I might have to find a place for that in WoC next time he shows up. You already told me about his half sibling, but I still found the birth certificate thing interesting and it makes me wonder if that's how Nyra's mom proved her heritage. She likely hid hers until then...and made the midwife/doctor swear never to tell. Anyway, it seems a bit odd that he wouldn't know much else about his half sibling. Birth certificates have names and genders and stuff like that too. Unless Tauroneo crossed that out for some reason?
  11. Somehow I don't think such a tome exists...lol and her name is Kelly, jsyk...their twin girls are Chandra and Sylene, their boy is Skiler...they are all mages/anima users like their mom. He's the only dark user in the family. But he doesn't care. Ask Snowy One for more info on her. Or just read my fanfic in the writing board, Wings of Courage. They both appear in it. *pats him* Boy, you don't know what you're getting yourself into... I mean his "spellslinging beorc whelps", as the cat laguz in the group calls them, might not blow up the universe with an uber powerful tome, but they WILL be typical kids.
  12. What chapter/paralogue/whatever are you required to complete to get Priam? I'm assuming the spot pass map called The Radiant Hero is the right one?
  13. OH GOD lol. No, I don't think so xD Their kids would get ahold of it and that wouldn't be good. Most likely the girls, they're the oneriest. Since they're identical twins they like confusing people pretending they're the other and stuff like that. Luckily, their son is pretty mellow. Fun fact: He's the only one of my OCs that has more than two kids. Because Snowy wanted them to have like 4. I said 3 was a good meet in the middle number...
  14. That hasn't been posted already? I got one: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team: Fugitives Your team has been accused of a terrible crime. You must run, run until you uncover the truth, run with all the other teams on your tail. For those interested in the specifics: PMD does some great storytelling...
  15. What I wouldnt give for Dolphin to actually work on my pc...
  16. Myrrh, she can turn into a badass looking dragon and scare the monsters/whatever back. WCWY expect their favorite food to be peanut butter and banana sandwiches?
  17. I dawwed at that Tharja reading a story to little Noire. And loled at most of the rest xD
  18. His eventual wife has a life goal: mass producing magic weapons like wind edges. So that works!
  19. Define amazing xD I'm gonna say Chrom. He already has it done, poor guy... (Frederick's posters) He wouldn't enjoy it lol, but the brand would be interesting for the students to replicate... WCWY NOT want to give a bunch of energy drinks to?
  20. Well I wasn't going to up and change him anyway, but that's good to hear. I'd assume he'd know sciencey stuff. Honestly, despite having him for...well, he's newer than the wyvern rider twins and their cat laguz adopted brother, but older than my cavalier, myrmidon, and priest. The oldest OCs have been developed more. By older I mean created longer ago btw. As it is, the character development for him is the karma thing, what made him pick up dark magic in the first place, and an eventual romantic relationship and 3 kids(twin girls, one son)with one of Snowy's OCs. The middle piece? An old lady being harassed by bandits gave him a dark tome after he went to get help, she was a retired druid and thought he had potential. Yeah...
  21. I think it's because these companies have to pay to be featured and people don't like seeing advertisments when they're watching movies. Other than that idk.
  22. Owain I guess. WCWY expect to be one of the popular kids in highschool?
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