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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Yeah. That's why I said anybody with enough time on their hands. Somebody can learn the language and make counterfeit tomes. But yeah...
  2. Henry lol. If he gets sick enough that he's coughing up blood he'd just go "yeah, blood!" and go about his business. It would freak everybody out but then again, he does that on a daily basis. Chrom. He'd probably main Lucina. Because he's a proud papa xD WCWY go bowling with?
  3. I'm a straight girl. I don't have a waifu.... But ...husbando. Do I have to? Lon'qu's a one lady stud. I guess Cherche? Or Ke'ri, the girl mentioned in their support who got killed by bandits if she counts...she WAS his first love... inb4 somebody suggests a threesome Ninjad. Phew! Now I can keep him. I'd drink with...Ike I guess. He'd be interesting drunk I'd assume. WCWY expect to have the most amusing reaction to a toaster?
  4. Looks like a younger teenaged Lonky. Maybe that's how he looked when Basilio found him? Loving the shooting stars in the background to reference Astra.
  5. Opening cutscene, Micaiah does the same thing. In part 4 before the Oliver chapter Ike is talking to Volug and Nailah, and we learn the ancient language/old tongue is used in tomes, mages read those to cast the spell. But I still think there's some sort of liquid magic essence. Or else anybody with enough time on their hands could just take a random book and write that in there and tomes would be much cheaper because of it. Or there'd be a black market type of thing...tomes made by mages vs tomes made by people screwing around. The latter would be likely to blow up maybe...
  6. 76: Sell tap water claiming it's full of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Dat Cynthia and Owain comic...yeah, that's a big oops on IS' part. Making it so Lucina and Owain couldnt get together but neglecting to add that to the code for Cynthia and Kjelle. I think those are the only other two female cousins Owain can have...anyway, I bet now they're going to move to Jugdral where that's the norm xD And now I'm trying to figure out how the artist couldve made Gregor sound more, well, Gregor. "That's considered normal, take it from Gregor". That'd work.
  8. Yeah I think I remember that. Might be just her being paranoid though...
  9. Where does it say they are? I thought Stefan's branded village was, well, a place they can go and not be treated differently/badly.
  10. This. But OMG, where does your worse case come from? Which pairing we talking...
  11. I can say...maybe 50 more years? Idk. But yeah, the bold sums it up.
  12. You've got to remember that they're part beorc, so that might cancel it out a bit... And yeah, true. He'd still have to explain it if all the continents were on the same world and people from Elibe or wherever showed up, but that's a big if anyway...
  13. Brilliant. You've won a million internets, sir. Funny how I tried to make this topic not about that pairing and it ended up that way anyway. And yeah, I don't think she raised him. I think more like...raised beside each other in an orphanage or something along those lines...I mean if she raised him that would be like somebody being in a romantic relationship with their mom. For their sake, I hope my theory is correct. 100 years seems like a good lifespan for brandeds. Longer than the average beorc and they age slower, but...It'd just be awkward for Sothe to explain to people why his wife(mother of his child?)looks like she's a teen and he's middle aged. He'd be labeled a pedophile.
  14. This was posted in the fanart thread. Scroll down and you'll find people saying they don't like that pairing because she's branded and much older than him...got me thinking, how do branded and laguz ages convert to beorc ones anyway? If her appearance is any indicator, she's still in his age group or equivalent to it. I for one think they're adorable together but meh. I figured this topic would be less likely to make people mad/start an argument. And more likely for there to be an intelligent discussion. My theory: brandeds live for around 100 years regardless of the tribe their laguz blood comes from, aging slows down at puberty. Micaiah might be...late 20s early 30s, while Sothe is late teens early 20s. Might be a gap if they were both pure bred beorc, but that's not the case...making this pairing no more awkward/wrong/whatever than the average childhood friend pairing. And honestly? I'd love to see how their kids turn out xD But anyway... It would be a bit of an evolutionary disadvantage if say, the dragon laguz were helpless babies for decades. I'll knock the Ena being pregnant for 3 years down to being bad writing/IS throwing it in at the last minute for the dawww factor. I'm willing to bet all laguz have the same gestation as beorc and it takes their kids slightly longer to reach adulthood, but not extremely long. Thoughts?
  15. True. Heck, I'll make the coyote white and the fox silver...maybe. They can all be any color. Not all cat laguz are yellow, not all tigers are gray. These are just the generic enemy/npc palettes. And they're not different species, they are all dog laguz. They can crossbreed and stuff. Like Naesala and Leanne...both bird laguz. And Ena and Rajaion. Both dragon ones.
  16. That's helpful, but I don't want it to look entirely like the real life fox. If laguz looked identical to the animals they're based on, I can see somebody coming across a wolf and thinking "laguz or wild animal?" It's fantasy. It doesn't have to be that way. Using more of the lightest shade huh? Can do.
  17. Well, why did the Daeins in PoR follow Ashnard? Some of them switched sides (Tauroneo) but yeah. Loyalty to your leader can make you do things you normally wouldn't condone doing. If the leader is strict enough and isn't afraid to use force/rule with an iron fist, a lot of people would rather just do what they're told instead of risk the consequences. I'm sure not every single nazi wanted all the jews dead/agreed with Hitler's master race deal, but they followed him because they were afraid what he would do to them and their loved ones if they didn't. Case in point: the failed assassination attempt involving a bomb in a briefcase under his chair. He wasn't sitting there when it went off. I think he either killed everyone in that meeting or locked them up. I can't speak for every single Daein troop, but I bet it's like that.
  18. I've used a fur reference. Let me know if this looks better, if it does I'll work on the tail next. And sprites have a 16 color limit. I generally use 3 shades for each color, that's what battle sprites usually have right? I can add a 4th shade if you think that will help.
  19. Oh okay. When I think of 4 chan I think of perverts and trolls. The kind of people who go on youtube and upload porn disguised as little kids shows, preview images, descriptions, and first 30 some seconds of the video are completely innocent. But after that, it switches to porn...and meanwhile they go around flagging random videos so youtube has a harder time tracking down what they did. I'm serious, they actually did that once. So forgive me if I got that impression. But yes, if you gave us her name there would be more people bugging her, which you don't want.
  20. Pillow shading again? Ugh. Suppose I could look at pixel fur tutorials or something to that nature, but would that even work on something of this size? And the bases have too much fluff/two colors. I've looked up pixel shading tutorials and they're either "this is pillow shading, don't do it" without saying how to avoid it, or tailored to non spriting, stuff you just make for arts sake without wanting them to look like they come from a game. If anyone can direct me to one that's not those I'd be grateful. As far as the tails go, that cosplay fox tail really won't transfer well into pixels. I mean it's a reference, but not a very useful one imo. You said they were stiff looking. Should I curve them like the beast tails? Might be hard because they're shorter.
  21. The ends of the tails have been filled out. Just a few pixels though...made them look less pointy/whatever at the end. But ML said they don't look like that to him, and he's one of the best spriters here, so... Yeah, the 3d models kinda have muted stripes.
  22. Chrom on the drums, but he's good at making holes in walls...I'd have to give him drums made out of industrial strength materials. But he'd probably still hit them hard enough to break them -_- Lissa can play the kazoo. I'd sing. Soren can be on an electric guitar...what he already has long black rocker hair. Ninjad! Put too much thought into that to delete it! And I already did that... WCWY want as your teammate in a relay race?
  23. That sucks...she does appear to be blowing you off. If you have no luck with her friends, I second the idea of putting her on that artist beware thing. But give her a warning first... 4 chan is full of trolls anyway though, from what I've heard about them, anyone who frequents that site probably isn't the nicest person.
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