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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. If you have a usb capture card you can use it to get them from the game in the way you want them. Like...I have a dazzle, but there are other brands too. Google "usb video capture card" or something like that. Other than that idk. I don't know if there are other places on the net that have them in HD. Maybe googling for that would work if you don't have/want a capture card.
  2. I meant LTCers are used to being fast, I'm not. Get it now? :)
  3. Nice stuff. I applaud you for having enough patience to make sheets...
  4. Yep. I like dinosaurs too :) And you're right, they can look however you want. I was used to seeing Spyro run around on 4 legs so yeah.
  5. Well here's the thing. Dinosaurs =/= dragons. Suppose they're the closest thing we had irl, but by that logic, the wings would be feathered. Dinosaurs evolved into birds and a lot of scientists believe raptors had feathers. The armless wyverns from Awakening and Sacred Stones have grown on me. And growing up with Spyro...my dragon laguz kinda resemble him. Spyro was the first thing I got into that made me love dragons.
  6. *looks at poll results* So people want me to stick to OCs, and nobody wants classes to be included otherwise? I have a few custom classes though.
  7. Wow, I've shown you Cerai, Leo, and Rannoc and you just now decided to say that? xD Tellius wyverns might have arms, and the dragon laguz might be bipeds, but I have the right to tweak things, especially minor ones like that. Wyverns are defined as being two limbed dragons. IS can't seem to decide on that. I mean I used to make them just standing on their legs and with arms, but I changed it. Dragons just look more awesome standing on four legs imo. Otherwise they look like they belong on Barney or Dragon Tales. I even change the adult dragons from the PS1 Spyro games to be quadrupeds. My avatar is one of them for example...
  8. LOL she'd be so pissed. I'm assuming coed would imply romantic relations(or same sex in some cases, but I'm straight so yeah)? Hmmm...Marcia. She seems to have my sense of humor. I already live in an apartment but I have no roommate unless you count my cat. I can just picture him snuggled up with her pegasus. And I can picture the pegasus trying to come up the stairs...that might be an issue lol. WCWY watch cat videos on the internet with?
  9. The info dump will be off site on Google Docs. Just wondering what everyone's interested in so if I don't have to include something, I won't. Think of it as a tweaked RD base menu library that adds my headcanons to the mix.
  10. It was fine you bringing it up. It wasn't fine to start a big debate about it. But okay, apology accepted.
  11. Wow really? I never heard you talk about him. Well anyway, that advice still stands. Earlier or later.
  12. I think visiting Falchion(I know who it is without you having to tell me xD)before or after the wedding would be your best bet. Just tell him you have to give him an early or belated birthday present because of the wedding. Voila... Kinda unrelated, kinda not: is everybody meeting their online friends irl now? My very good irl friend who got me into Zelda and FE and we got into Pokemon together did with at least one. She had her parents with her, because you know, there are weirdos who like pretending to be someone they're not on the internet. Pretty sure you or Falchion or etc aren't dirty old rapists. But yeah, for that reason idk how my parents would react.
  13. Snowy there's been a topic set up in the entertainment section for debating Frozen. Sorry, but...yeah.
  14. Like I said, there's probably going to be plot holes...
  15. Naesala did that, but she could still tell he had warm feelings for Leanne. It's possible that she can see through whatever facade Nyra might be putting up, not being able to read her mind entirely, but feeling the negative/evil/whatever. Like...she couldn't tell that Naesala had been a dick to Reyson and Tibarn, but when Leanne was involved, she found his love for her obvious.
  16. Micaiah told Sothe she was sure there had to be a legit reason. She trusted Pelleas because she had spent time with him, whereas all she sees of Nyra is that she resembles her father way too much. She's a fortune teller so yeah. Yeah highschool classes tend to be that way...
  17. Pelleas also proved that he was trustworthy before the blood pact thing came into play. But idk. This is an alternate reality thing I came up with a long time ago, it might not be perfect... And wow. He sounds pretty stupid. Wonder why I didn't learn about him in school when we were studying that era?
  18. Gawd the desert chapter! I had to fill my team with fliers...and watch out for crossbows. Jill got put with Ike's team on my game. I just let the teams stay how Yune put them...the three peg knights got put with Micaiah though. Oh and Haar's with Ike too. Sleep Bishop kept making Boyd go night night. Think Ike got it once, but I had Rhys behind them with a restore staff so...Boyd almost got killed too. I restored him, then had Rafiel give Rhys another turn so I could heal him. The prologue was harder on me than it needed to be! I suck...
  19. Nice stuff! I like how you did the spell effects on your mage OC.
  20. I'm actually on that one...Been trying to utilize Tormod a little, him with the meteor tome and I gave the blizzard tome from the chest to Soren.
  21. Every one so far has been a rout objective. And enemy reinforcements show up like every 2 or 3 turns, give or take a few, making the chapters drag on and on...I'm not a LTCer, so this makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes, I'm not used to having to be quick. Anyone else feel the same way?
  22. Maybe he knew about Zelgius' alter ego too? Idk... In that PoR cutscene I recall BK sounding kinda raspy like a heavy smoker, Zelgius in the RD cutscenes doesnt. Might be because they used different voice actors, did they though?
  23. He doesn't dodge that well for me unless he's a trueblade with resolve... Depends, what kind of an amusement park, what does it have? I guess...put Ike on the roller coaster for the lols. WCWY steal their clothes while they're in the shower and replace them with a banana costume?
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