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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I go insane. If you give Sain a wyvern...
  2. Bartre, he kinda looks like Mario xD WCWY expect to do the stupidest/most embarrassing things while drunk?
  3. I'd assume the other morphs would throw him a dictionary/teach him to say other things eventually. But meh...
  4. Looking good with the background. I knew those were ribs right away. A spine lol...I mean I'm guilty of yelling "good boy" at the TV when Ike killed a big armor knight in PoR, but that's the closest to dog he'll be. He's not going to gnaw on bones unless they have meat on them xD Yeah, I assume since it's fantasy, they can be a bit more technologically advanced. They might even have indoor plumbing. That was invented by the ancient romans irl, so yeah. And there's toilets in a few Zelda games. But anyway, as long as you don't decide to throw a microwave in, you're good. EDIT - Wow drama again... *slinks away slowly*
  5. Not all the morphs are there anyway. Denning also isnt there.
  6. Nothing happens. If you give a magikarp 50 rare candies...
  7. LOL the morphs threw their master a birthday party! Awesome. Not even going to look at the rest of those. I don't feel like looking at people crying.
  8. Depends, am I giving it to them to keep or just showing it to them? Suppose I'd show my 3ds to Frederick. He'd be kind to my pokemon. Maybe he'd even level them up a bit... WCWY go to Chuckie Cheese with? Imagine both you and them are kids...
  9. I thought the black dragons had black hair? And Kyza is a slate blue imo. Like Zihark would look if he was a laguz. I've noticed that the tigers hair matches that mane thing that goes down their neck/shoulders shifted. Kyza's is silver, Mordecai's is light blue, Muarim's is dark green. But the colors have to be similar, there probably can't be one with purple hair that's red shifted. Didn't know you had a tiger OC. He sounds cool, pun completely intended.
  10. Yep. His hair in human form is silver...I don't think hair color always has to reflect the color of the animal form for birds and dragons. Hence why Rannoc and Strixal both have blue hair, yet nothing on them is that color shifted. In Xemar's case, his hair color shows up on his horns and claws. Eye color also shows up on his spines and tail spike. It's actually dark blue. Originally I had those dark gray, but it looked too similar to black. So I went over them with blue ^_^
  11. Welcome. And yeah...I was a weird baby lol. But honestly, who wasnt? xD
  12. Here, have a Xemar. I sure feel sorry for whoever's below him xD
  13. Cuteness overload! The only thing that looks a little off is Lalita, idk if that's the right sitting on shoulder pose, she kinda looks like she was drawn separately and then stuck there. But I would have no idea how to fix it if it was. Maybe Samias should look at it. Lol, Kael looks like he's about to take a chicken leg or something and stick it in his mouth xD I bet Ike let him chew on pork chops when he was a baby. I used to do that when I was that age, actually...
  14. Looking like a good run so far, and educational too. I didn't know Woodrow Wilson supported the KKK, and I didn't know the French used plants as a military strategy. If you continue to use references like that, you'll have a unique let's play :) It's always interesting when video games are paired with another passion of whoever's playing them, in your case, history/military stuff. When you get the chance btw...check your PMs.
  15. Lon'qu. He needs one with that tragic past...plus he's cute. WCWY go swimming with?
  16. Kinda agreed. Part 3 needs to be there, if they took it out it would do more harm than good. I don't feel the GMs were forced into the plot. But yeah, Ike had his fun. He got to kill an evil king and save Crimea. As much as I like him, I agree with your last statement. Seriously IS, how hard would it be to give Micaiah a blessed light tome or something, let Yune do goddess stuff on both her and Ike, and allow either one to do the final blow on Ashera?
  17. Micaiah's pretty calm and serene. I'd say she has enough order, but idk. Ike would go batshit crazy though, no doubt about it. Yune did have some time to think things through, so...I guess by that time she was like "Okay, tone things down, don't want him running around beating his allies into piles of blood and bones." She might have reduced her powers, but left enough so that he could defeat Ashera.
  18. Maybe since she's awake she can pick and choose who can handle her power?
  19. His reaction would be priceless though! Probably Soren. Him and Ike have a BROmance. But the internet has other ideas... WCWY expect to have the most amusing reaction to a car?
  20. I thought about mentioning him in the OP. But he only touches it in hard mode...yeah, batshit insane describes him pretty well xD They had to make it "only a few special people can handle contact with the raw power of a god", story reasons, but yep.
  21. Yeah, that makes sense. And I had completely forgotten about that point. The one with Deghinsea. I remembered the "no big wars in 1000 years". Food for thought: What if it was reversed and Ashera was in the medallion and somebody without enough chaos touched it? What happens then... The effect has to leave eventually. Greil is an example. He killed Elena, then snapped out of it and saw what he'd done. I have a feeling if Ike and Mist weren't there he would've been so overwhelmed with guilt and grief that he would be suicidal. But that's another topic...
  22. Sooo in PoR we're told that this medallion has a dark god in it. If you touch it and you don't have enough order/serenity/etc, you go berserk. Greil touched it and bad things happened. Mist was able to handle it just fine, so was Elena (before the bad things happened and she ended up dead...) and the herons. This is self explanatory until RD, when we find out that it's Yune in there. She's called the dark god because of her temper tantrum that almost drowned the whole world. But she's not evil. She's the counterpart to Ashera, who's worshipped as the divine protector of the world. Yet Ashera turns mostly everyone into statues and will start over with all creation, meaning everyone dies, unless 3 groups of heroes can prove themselves worthy. Neither goddess is either good or evil. My question is, if the goddess sealed in the medallion wasn't evil, then why would touching it have such a bad affect? How does it even work if the goddesses aren't currently conscious anyway?
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