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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. ...Your mom knows a chatspeak acronym that you don't. True story...for those who care, my dad had to go to Mississippi for training for his job. He'll be there for a week. Enter Mom on facebook saying he made it there safely, PTL. I had to look it up! Means praise the lord. To put it in perspective, my mom still hunts and pecks to type, took her a long time to figure out her smart phone, she dislikes my video games. She's not exactly technologically impaired duck, but yeah. -_-
  2. Yeah Ikr? Disgusting. I don't remember where I learned that. Probably in sex ed -_-
  3. Nobody said they were perfect, like I said... Now here's the question: if she got hurt and miscarried as a result...would that mean Klein wouldn't exist? Or would he just be younger because they had to...remake him? Are souls even recycled if they die before birth? The world will never know. EDIT - Actually some forms of birth control have been around for a long time. The ancient greeks used crocodile dung because it was acidic, but that probably didn't work too well...it's fantasy, they very well could have condoms. Just not pills.
  4. You know what? I never considered that. I just dawwwed when I read that support xD I'll go for the "nobody's perfect" excuse for them. They're responsible otherwise iirc...for the making of the kid, well, it had to have happened in a more less dangerous time, like when the battles weren't as close together. Maybe they're turned on by danger? I do kinda agree with you on the second statement though. But maybe she didn't know she was preggers until around the time of the support, by that time, too far away from home, too dangerous to go back. It's risky, sure...but yeah. Actually I'm pretty sure she didn't know until right before she tells him. That's kind of a big deal. No keeping a secret like that...the father needs to know ASAP.
  5. No, I'm implying that it probably isn't the most fitting name for a weapon.
  6. So this is how you start your awesome battle sprites. Should probably try that sometime :) Nice stuff.
  7. Then I guess...see if Vincent can make it so avatars can be turned off? OR the people complaining can use the script instead.
  8. I don't think you have to do any scripting yourself, I'm pretty sure it's like an addon for your browser. Haven't tried them though.
  9. Sounds like it lol. Why weather.com? I don't get that one.
  10. Not to point fingers, but Raven has scantly clad girls in his sig with big boobs and nobody complains, so you have a point, BUT like was said, sigs can be turned off. Avatars can't... I guess the way to solve it would be to move it to your sig? But that's full already. Idk.
  11. I just suggested that it would be better to avoid conflict...up to you though. Like I said it doesnt bother me. But I do agree that if somebody looked over my shoulder and saw it it would be a little awkward.
  12. Are people still arguing about the shirtless Ike? Nipple lord of the tatas lol... Idk. It doesn't bug me, but if it bugs some people, I'm sorry but I think it should be changed. Either that or endure people complaining about it for who knows how long. Sometimes you've got to pick your battles.
  13. Everybody makes mistakes, Ana probably didn't read the rules entirely/skimmed them...missed the part that it has to be entirely new. As long as she said she's not entering now, we're cool, right? Although for future reference, maybe the rules should just out and say "no editing previous works"...
  14. I tried white outline and it looked ugly. Bolding the black text looks like it works...
  15. Or video game logic. Sums it up...
  16. I'll have you know I had to restart a chapter 15 or 20 times and I only raged for 30 minutes.
  17. IKR? Maybe he didn't train her as much as Greil trained Ike. And even then, he was a swordmaster, she's a cavalier. Big difference there. But anyway that would say something about him, if he's not willing to teach his kid how to fight/be good at it I get the impression that he was kind of a dick. Maybe she's a bastard child, who knows.
  18. Tauroneo calls Lanvega a swordsman, so I bet he was of the myrmidon/swordmaster class. And I understand the thing with Gallia now, thanks. Explaining laguz/beorc would be easy, but what about if they asked "Daddy, why do we live in a laguz place?" Then he'd have to try to explain why they were hiding from Daein. And no way of doing that without scaring the poor little things half to death. And he obviously never did, considering Ike not knowing what the medallion really was until after Greil died/finding out elsewhere.
  19. I still bolded it so it's a bit easier to read. If one person says it's hard to see, others will...
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