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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Amazing how just using a different pose on the base sprite makes my dog laguz look so much better! I've included differences stat and appearance wise. Have to fix the beasts now...and when I do, you'll see that the mammal laguz tribes aren't copies of each other. Foxes for example, while they appear to be just like cats, are slightly different stat wise. And all dog laguz are weak against ice magic. Beasts are weak against fire.
  2. Nagas or merpeople, looks like closer to the latter. Nagas have humanoid upper bodies and snake lower ones, merpeople are similar, only with fish/sea creature. Harpy...well, whatever Malcolm is. I thought he looked close to what harpies are. Welcome.
  3. Lol that little puppy completely pwning that guy. Looks like your hack has nagas and harpies! BOW WIELDING HARPIES. And...bees? Bears and pigs... You get a medal for creativity ^_^
  4. Maybe the point of Gangrel killing his wife and kid was to force him to? Or maybe he didn't used to be, but after experiencing a lot of death and suffering, changed his views?
  5. First statement: Wat? Second statement: Arent those two also a popular pairing? Mustafa says his wife and kid were killed by Gangrel...so he was taken at one point. Even so, I can't see him and Emmeryn together. The personalities mix well, but meh.
  6. 38: If you don't like something, it's better to ignore it than to start an argument and make yourself look stupid.
  7. Yeah I pretty much agree with you guys. Maybe if we're talking storywise, it's fine where it is, but if somebody wants to hear it during a risen skirmish, why not?
  8. So I just finished that chapter for the second time. To refresh your memory, it's the one right after Emmeryn dies, where you face the pacifist Plegian general Mustafa. The music is a perfect mixture of sadness and hope, really fits the moment. All of the other non event songs can be chosen to play during risen skirmishes once theyre unlocked, but as far as I know, this one only plays at that part. Vote in the poll and discuss.
  9. I think so -_- Wilma Dickfit. Jesus Marian Joseph. Mary Christmas.
  10. Haha! Some of the text is hard to read though...and I'm a bit confused...Aunt Cynthia? Must mean their avatar married Lucina? No wonder Chrom's all "NOPE"...
  11. Lol but still... Really though, Lonky'd be more likely to react with a "hmph" and then go beat the crap out of the combat training dummies or whatever without another word. He wouldn't even tell Chrom... Thanks!
  12. Nowi. She's thousands of years old, she'd have interesting ones... WCWY expect to drink directly out of the milk carton?
  13. [spoiler=Cosplay comic!] Made me snicker a bit and that scares me. I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON But...awesome cosplayers are awesome... Source Thanks L95!
  14. What kind of movies? Suppose me and Sully can watch cheesy crude comedies. She'd like those xD WCWY send to retrieve the frisbee from the neighbors' roof if everyone's playing frisbee golf or something?
  15. I agree. I want laguz back! Multiple forms sounds a bit op though.
  16. Digging those samurais. Especially the guy's scary teeth mask thing.
  17. You guys are hilarious lol. Too bad for me, I lean toward serious forge names... Oh and when I was in elementary school and we would go out and pick up trash in the playground, I always had to have a pokey stick to do that with. If I didnt have one at the time I'd rip a branch off a tree and sharpen it...so yeah that's what I think of when I hear Pokey Stick.
  18. Gaius. But then again he'd probably try to eat mine.... WCWY go to a NFL game with?
  19. *reads that support* *looks up definition of masochist* o_o Well you get a cookie for being creative. I'd give Harry Potter books to Soren. Just because there's an owl in them and in Guardians of Gahoole, there's an owl named Soren xD And he's a mage/wizard and he likes to read. WCWY play Guitar Hero/Rock Band with?
  20. I remember the assignment in art class once was parody a famous painting like The Scream, American Gothic etc. I did American Gothic with my OCs' wyverns holding lances... But back then I sucked at art big time. I didn't study anatomy or anything. I still have the cat eye painting that was my best work though...assignment was simply paint a realistic eye. So no dragons. But anyway, that's pretty awesome. Those are song lyrics right? *looks it up* Yep! Centuries by Fall Out Boy.
  21. Boyd. He doesn't care about stuff like that. WCWY expect to have a secret stash of dirty magazines? (Try to be creative and NOT say Sain, Gatrie, Inigo etc)
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