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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I know...but Ludveck still wanted all the power to himself, and trying to have Lucia killed makes me think: what if he got what he wanted, and one of the nobles started disagreeing with him? He'd probably have them killed without hesitation. Elincia at least tries to solve problems without fear/violence. And not everybody in Daein is like that. The Dawn Brigade is trying to have Nyra taken off the throne and replaced. Not familiar with any character called Neville Chamberlain, but I pretty much got your point. Thanks for finally posting feedback, btw...oh, and the Frozen conversation maybe needs to go elsewhere?
  2. Henry, because he's not afraid to fight dirty, he'd be useful on my team in the challenges. Oscar, because he's a cook and they get limited food, he can make something interesting out of it. Micaiah, also useful for the challenges, can predict the opponent's moves and craft winning strategies. WCWY play dodgeball with?
  3. WoC antagonists: Nyra, Valmas, Xemar. This time with mugs, and Xemar's horns and claws have been colored silver, cause they are in the artwork I made of him.
  4. I wonder if they got the idea here...probably not lol.
  5. Sounds an awful lot like Naga and Grima xD
  6. So sorry for the delay. Took me awhile to get everything working properly.
  7. I thought that Mist and Boyd was going to be like a romantic thing, considering their "canon" paired ending...pleasantly surprised to see it's not! Lol a few pages back me and Ana were discussing Boyd making the peace sign/other gestures and now we have that! The peace sign anyway.
  8. Malefor or Spyro, from Legend of Spyro. Purple dragons are the most powerful dragons. Spyro gets an ability called dragon time in The Eternal Night, that lets him slow down time itself. Malefor, the evil purple dragon, is known as the Dark Master and tries to blow up the world, but Spyro uses his own purple dragon powers to literally put the pieces of the shattered planet back together. But idk if either of them can swallow the whole universe...
  9. They could've made it a tourist attraction to remind people of what happened/try to not let history repeat itself. Like they did with the Nazi concentration camps irl...
  10. I never thought about that but that's a good observation! I can totally see your point. Orre games were awesome, and dat music! Pyrite Town...I enjoy singing that one. But it does make my fingers tired because I also snap them to get the, well, snapping. Agate Village's music reminds me of an old west/frontier thing. I actually made a video of my brother and the neighbor girl pretending they were pioneers in a covered wagon with that as the background music lol. Did anyone else feel disappointed that The Under wasn't in Gale of Darkness? Well yeah, story reasons...but still. It was awesome.
  11. Wow. These look...like the developers of Skyrim really put a buttload of effort into visuals. I mean if even the rabbit is that detailed...
  12. Yeah the thing with Hans shocked me too. Had no idea he was in cahoots with the Duke of Weaseltown-IT'S WESELTON! Lol.
  13. Pun intended on the bold or not? ;) I loved Frozen, but I do think it's getting way too much popularity/exposure/etc.
  14. You didn't tell me she was someone extremely important...but! She'll be traveling with the main group once I get there. I hear it's a play on the story of Rapunzel. Might watch it someday, Flynn does look quite hilarious.
  15. I knew the horse in Tangled was named that despite not having watched it. Needed a name that sounded like one Geoffrey would use, that was the first one I thought of so I used it xD
  16. Snowy should be happy with this chapter :) Actually, this is the first chapter where both Kelly and Jerec have appeared. I figured he'd be able to use his Daein heritage to the advantage of his friends/companions...he'll be a wanted man if that gets out, but I don't think he'd really care. PoR Ike WAS a little scrawny. Can't tell he ever was in RD though. I'm glad I threw in the physical descriptions of Cerai and Leo, and Samba's human form. Description is something I need to work on and even though you can just look at my art/sprites, it's good to have that in there.
  17. Chapter 10 August 10, 648 Crimea Castle Queen Elincia paced back and forth in her royal chambers. She was having a hard time with the idea of Daein plotting something...again. The other day she had asked where Bastian had been and Geoffrey told her the truth, instead of making up some story like Lucia apparently wanted him to. While she appreciated his honesty and would take that over little white lies any day, it made her want to run and hide in a hole. But she knew she couldn’t. She had to wonder about the Daein queen’s childhood and how she was brought up. From what she’d heard, Nyra had been a soldier up until five years ago, and she’d never interacted with her father. She had to have known of him, but she was always told that she was sired by a common soldier who was killed in battle. To all of a sudden be told that was a lie, and she was instead the daughter of the mad king himself...it would be mind boggling, to say the least. Elincia knew if it were her, she would be doing everything in her power to distance herself from what her father was. If Nyra wasn’t doing that...it looked like nature was overpowering nurture. Either that or her mother or whoever raised her was just as insane... Today there was going to be a royal meeting. The only nobles attending were the queen, Geoffrey, Lucia, and Bastian. They had managed to sneak it past the other nobles. Some of them were still unsure about Elincia’s methods of ruling. Nobody was going to try a full fledged rebellion after what happened to Ludveck, but it was still wise to keep this to a chosen few. The rest of the chosen few were the leaders of the two mercenary groups who had come to Lucia’s rescue, as well as the spy Commander Ike had sent to Daein to do the same thing Bastian was doing. Elincia vaguely remembered this spy when he was named and described to her. She didn’t get the chance to get to know everyone during the war, but the few times Jerec had spoken to her showed her he was proud and sharp tongued, yet honorable. Anyone else from Daein, she would have trouble trusting now. Apparently he had left the land of his birth months ago...something was up in Daein, no doubt about it. Commander Ike and Deputy Commander Titania had already seated themselves at the table when Queen Elincia and her vassals arrived. Ike had buffed up since the last time Elincia saw him up close. She had caught a glimpse of him during the fight that saved Lucia, but only a brief one. He looked...like one would expect a major war hero to look. Fierce, muscular...a stark contrast to the somewhat scrawny young man he had been before and during the war. Titania on the other hand hadn’t changed. She still had that kind and motherly appearance with a dash of toughness thrown in. The door opened. A red haired young woman poked her head in, then moved back out. “I found the room!” “Good, a few more minutes and we’d be late.” Elincia had been looking forward to meeting the other group’s leaders. Twin wyvern riders who had ties to the Crimean Air Force, and their adopted laguz brother. She had seen the twins drop Ludveck from the sky. The plan was to get him alive so he could have a fair trial, but...that worked too. She was glad those two were on her side, they were obviously good at thinking outside the box, and that was always beneficial. The family resemblance was clear. Both had crimson hair and emerald green eyes, and both had average builds, although the brother was slightly taller. He also had a splotch of a darker skin tone below one of his eyes. His sister didn’t appear to have any birthmarks. They were clothed in typical flier garb: light armor over simple shirts and pants, and armored boots. Their adopted brother appeared to be a cat; tigers and lions tended to be bulkier. His eyes were a piercing gold. He had gray hair and ears, and his tail was gray with black stripes. Tigers always had stripes, but markings were possible on cats as far as Elincia knew. He wore a tunic with a bandanna around his neck, pants, and boots. Geoffrey waited for the three to sit down, then spoke. “Sir Ike, Lady Titania. It is an honor to have you here. Care to introduce your companions-wait. There’s supposed to be one more. Where is he?” Cerai remembered the rumor of the pregnant farm woman all of a sudden, but decided not to say anything about it. He certainly didn’t look like the type to do something like that. And bringing it up would just open a big can of worms that wasn’t needed. “Fashionably late I assume...” Ike shrugged. “If we start without him, I don’t think he’ll mind. As long as we fill him in later.” Cerai kicked his chair. The armored boot clanged against the wooden chair leg. “What? Jerec was late for dinner all the time when he traveled with me! It’s just something he does sometimes!” “I was trying to get permission to introduce myself. Guess I forgot: you can’t read minds.” Cerai snickered, then snapped her mouth shut at Geoffrey’s leer. “...Right. No horseplay in the royal court...apologies.” “Apology accepted...” Elincia said calmly. “And Geoffrey, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be able to introduce themselves. We can’t expect Ike to talk for them.” Introductions were made, then Elincia gave Bastian permission to start. The mustached sage spoke with an almost poetic rhythm. “I spoke to a young lady with silver hair. She seemed to know why I was there. There was a young gentleman with her, green hair, looked like a bit of a scoundrel, but I could tell he and the silver haired lady were close and trusted each other. She started to tell me a few things, that the two of them run a group called the Dawn Brigade, and that they simply don’t trust the lady on the throne. Then the green haired young buck gave her a bit of a tongue lashing. Claimed they were late for something and they had to leave. Ladies and gentlemen, I asked around about this Dawn Brigade. They’ve smited bandits, but the Daein nobles and military seem to dislike them and some even compare them to the bandits they deal with.” “Did you meet our spy at all?” Samba flicked his ears. “Dark red hair, about this tall.” He raised a hand to the height he thought Jerec was. “Somewhat of a vague description, my fine feline friend.” “I’ll take that as a no, then.” Titania frowned. The door flew open. “We’re under attack, your majesty!” The guard yelled at the top of his lungs. “They’ve gotten through the outer gates and now they’re making their way here!” “Leave this to us.” Lucia stepped in front of Elincia as she tried to make her way out. But Elincia shoved right past her. “I want to see these enemies with my own eyes. I will not be a sheltered passive ruler any longer.” August 10, 648 Melior, Crimea The dark blast hit the Daein soldier square in the chest, forcing the air out of his lungs. Gasping for air, he retaliated with a quick stab that he thought was aimed straight between his enemy’s eyes, but the magic impact had blurred his vision. The lance hit above where he thought he was aiming. It grazed the top of Darcen’s head, almost scalping him. The shaman prepared to launch another blast of eldark. A white blur whooshed toward him, he assumed it was ice magic. He ducked, and the soldier fell to the ground, his eyes glazed over and the rest of him frozen solid. Darcen smiled when he saw who had cast the ice spell. He wished she would’ve warned him first though...if he hadn’t been alert, he would probably be an ice block now. “Black armor...” Kelly walked over and kicked the frozen corpse. “Daein? What the...” “I’m not sure. But now isn’t the time.” Darcen told her. Kurt rode past on Stella, chasing a Daein archer. The cloud of dust that resulted made Darcen sneeze. “Right! I’ve got your back. Let’s make them wish they were never born!” And then she ran off toward the nearest Daein. Darcen couldn’t help grinning. Maybe Samba was right...maybe she was his type... ---- Elincia shuddered. Definitively Daein...they had attacked before a plan could be made! Was it a revenge plot, or something worse... “You’re hesitating.” Geoffrey rode up beside her. She had retrieved Bellona from the stables and was on the pegasus’ back, but all four hooves were still on the ground. “Your highness, it would be ideal that you go someplace safe. There are plenty who are more...well equipped to defend our capital.” She gave him a blank look. “I want to know why they’re doing this again.” The cavalry had begun engaging the attackers, the air force circled above. Two royal knights, Kieran and Marcia, charged the same Daein cavalier at the same time. The Daein went flying through the air at the force of the impact, the riderless horse ran away. Geoffrey’s horse neighed. He patted its neck, sighing. “Just don’t go too far, this is dangerous, but you already know that. Come on, Maximus.” The cream colored stallion was raring to go. A young man on a black horse was trying to corner an archer nearby, Geoffrey figured he was with the mercenaries judging from his skill level. The archer saw Elincia and aimed toward her, but was quickly dealt with by the mercenary cavalier. “Traitor! Stop him!” One of the Daeins yelled. A red haired halberdier had taken down a soldier who was harassing the purple haired mercenary priest. From behind a distant building, a mage was spinning her arm like she was about to throw an object. Elincia knew that action, she had seen some of her own mages do that to focus and charge a spell. There was no one close enough to that mage for anything but a long range spell, and she was looking right at the red haired halberdier who just had to be Jerec. Jerec was almost trampled by a pegasus, and there was a crack of thunder magic that hit right where he had been standing before he was forcefully moved. He raised his lance and swore under his breath, but lowered it when he saw who it was. “For the gods’ sake, Queen Elincia! It’s me! Remember?” “Yes, I remember. Did you not notice that bolting tome aimed right at you?” The mage was running toward them, this time charging an elthunder tome. An arrow hit her in the heart. Shinon and Rolf highfived from a nearby ledge. The battle was winding down, the Daeins had been reduced to a meager number. Kieran had the Daein commander in ropes and was asking Geoffrey whether he wanted him to kill or interrogate him. “Let him go.” Elincia ordered. “We can get enough information otherwise. He won’t be a threat now that most of his troops are gone.” The Daein commander was released. Elincia turned to Geoffrey. “Geoffrey, this is Jerec, the other spy. He was hiding among the enemy all this time.” “I see...interesting tactic...” The two mercenary groups began to gather. Jerec stared into space for a second. “...Other spy?” “It will be explained. For now, you’ll need to follow us back to the castle so everyone will be on the same page.” Geoffrey began leading everyone back.
  18. LOL you should! Don't forget his pot helmet xD Problem is, the gameplay is so different. It would go one way or the other, almost impossible to combine it. Maybe they could do like a final fantasy style thing though with both FE and Zelda characters? Another problem: FE has more protagonists/allies/characters in general than Zelda. An anime or manga might work better.
  19. Makes sense. When I species swap I make their fur or whatever the color of their hair. But you've done that with their manes so that's fine. Huh...so alicorns are female only? Interesting. But I guess the artist just made Lissa and Emmeryn alicorns and thought Chrom would look out of place otherwise. And I can't really see him as an earth pony either. A good one for that would be Donnel xD
  20. Dat pony Henry xD Oh and dat pony Ike/Elincia. But why did you pick brown and white for them? Just curious. I think Chrom's that way because aren't the alicorns usually royalty? And he can use levin swords, which are magic based...probably more the former though.
  21. I didn't say die, I said miscarry. But anyway... [spoiler=The priest volleyball comic] That was in my DA favorites too. Unfortunately I neglected to add the wind broke one.
  22. I saw the Pokemon/FE crossover before. It's in my DA favorites :) Also seen the wind broke joke before. But not the same comic. It was PoR based and Soren's wind tome ran out of uses and Boyd was all "well it wasn't me" xD
  23. That comic kicks butt. When it comes to mythology, I know the most about Greek...Norse mythology sounds just as awesome.
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