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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. This is a good place for a headcanon of mine. Tomes are made with magic "essence", a liquid that you soak the book in...so maybe to forge the tome they just soak it again.
  2. I know. He was just in the line of fire and stuff. Samba was joking, like was said. Combination of me sucking at length and maybe you using a bigger font...
  3. Good question. But I'll just say "video game logic"...
  4. Beasts added, hopefully the dog tails don't look like a certain part of the male anatomy now...
  5. Bandits also burn down villages and rape and stuff like that. They generally have no good bones in their body. Daein troops...well, I'll point out the couple Jerec mentioned again. I put that in there to humanize them. My chapters tend to be like 4 or 5! Holy crap.
  6. Haha, I just might read it if it's not like...10 pages. Glad it's still interesting, and forgot to add: that couple Jerec mentioned :( Real sad. They're never going to be mentioned again and are there to drill in the "war is tragic" thing, but still.
  7. I was avoiding that conversation. You're welcome. *sarcasm* But yes...agreed.
  8. Thanks :) And brilliant to you too. I'd airsoft with Lon'qu. He already gets figs thrown at him. Muhaha. WCWY expect to be addicted to coffee?
  9. All right! All but one of the submitted characters introduced. The remaining one...there was an agreement to introduce him in the epilogue. His creator hasn't been active lately though :( Hope that changes soon. Chapter turned out shorter than usual, like half the normal length. Meh... Two of the Crimean knights who died (Raeni and Cadil) share their names with characters from my original fiction experiment. I came up with Raeni before I played Awakening. So the similarity to Raimi is entirely a coincidence. I got the phrase "beaten hooker at that time of the month" from a crazy sprite comic back in the days of FE Online. Figured it'd be perfect for Boyd and Cerai. Lol. It's crude, but that's how they roll...
  10. Chapter 11 August 10, 648 Crimea Castle “I made an effort to be within earshot of Queen Nyra when she ordered the attack. I heard her say, direct quote: ‘Find that dastard they call Lord Ike. And kill him. Slaughter him like he slaughtered my father.’ I wasn’t worried. I know Ike can take care of himself. But that’s all I heard.” This time the group attending the meeting was much larger, extended to the members of the groups and not just the leaders. Jerec’s words confirmed Queen Elincia’s suspicions. Nyra was out for blood...out to avenge the death of the father she had never even met. Ike seemed to bristle. “I wondered why they seemed to be targeting me more than anyone else. One of them actually swiped at Boyd, saw me, then left him there and came after me. I thought that was kinda weird...guess now I know why.” “Yeah, and that was the last thing he did. Literally. I know because...well, did you see all that blood? He was bleeding like a beaten...” Boyd stopped there. “...I forgot where we are. I’m not gonna say it. Anyway I was confused too. I could’ve done the same thing though...” “I thought I was the only one who said beaten hooker at that time of the month...” Cerai muttered, quiet enough that the ones farther away from her couldn’t make out any words. “I borrowed it. It’s genius.” Geoffrey pounded his fist on the table. “Take your whispering elsewhere, and remember that these were people too! Don’t talk about them like their lives weren’t worth anything!” “That’s why it was hard for me to turn on them. I had to socialize to fit in...there was a newlywed couple, she told him she had to return home. You should’ve seen him smile when she said why...” Jerec frowned and hung his head. “That poor kid is going to grow up without a father...I know because I recognized him among the dead.” There was a brief silence, then Geoffrey cleared his throat. “See? This isn’t something to be taken lightly. Many brave lives were lost today...on both sides. Captain Kieran informed me that four Crimean knights are confirmed to be dead. Many more are wounded, that number may go up. For now...Vick, Viola, Raeni, Cadil. May they rest in peace.” “All right, we get it...these weren’t bandits.” Leo frowned. “But...does this mean war? Again?” Everyone was looking at Elincia for an answer to that. She blinked and spoke in a nervous tone. “I...give permission to use military force against any Daeins who show up on our side of the border. Not including Jerec, of course...I also order more frequent border patrols and more troops doing so on a daily basis. As for the mercenaries...I know Sir Ike’s group has been to all corners of Tellius. Sir Leo, Lady Cerai, have you and your friends traveled much?” “Been to Gallia once. Other than that, we haven’t been far from Crimea.” Cerai shrugged. “Why do you ask?” “Marcia, tell them about the Begnion captain you met last month.” “Yes Ma’am.” Marcia nodded. “Last month, towards the end of the rebellion, there was a man collapsed in the woods near the Crimea and Begnion border. I was on a routine patrol when I spotted him. He was weakened and a bit cut up, but I couldn’t tell whether that was a result of him being attacked or being lost for a long time. I brought a healer and some water to him. He introduced himself as Lord Theodor, younger brother to Begnion’s General Zelgius and a captain in the Begnion central army.” “Zelgius has a brother?” Ike’s eyes widened. “Apparently. I could see the resemblance, so I’m sure he wasn’t fibbing. He said many people outside of Begnion don’t know of him. He’d been in his big brother’s shadow for quite some time and just recently rose to captain status. Anyway when I told him my name and title, he told me he owed Crimea a debt for helping him out. I said that wouldn’t be necessary, but he insisted. Said he will gladly donate troops or supplies if that’s ever needed, and he asked for an audience with Queen Elincia so he could tell her personally. I told him I would relay the message because of matters that didn’t need to be known outside Crimea, the rebellion...he seemed to understand. I accompanied him back to the border, and that was the last I saw of him.” “Thank you, Marcia.” Elincia sounded like she had a plan. “I will take it from here. While the Greil Mercenaries are needed here, to help with border patrols and to back up the soldiers when and if it’s needed, I propose that the Whitefires make their way to Flaguerre in Begnion, where Lord Theodor is. I will sign a note to prove they are Crimean royal messengers. Everything he needs to know will be written down. Can I trust you to do this?” Cerai and Leo nodded in unison. Elincia smiled. “Both groups are welcome to stay overnight. There is plenty of room in the stables for the wyverns and horses, and plenty of spare rooms in the castle. I will have everything ready in the morning, the note and a few troops and supplies.” ---- Darcen confronted the Whitefire leaders later that day. “Permission to bring Kelly along? It’d be rude to leave without at least telling her.” “I don’t mind.” Cerai replied. “What about you, bro?” “I don’t mind either. Extra mages are always a plus, right?” “As long as they’re not on the enemy side.” Samba chuckled. “Make sure she doesn’t get excited and accidentally blast me or anyone else.” “Oh, she won’t...” He didn’t need to tell them about how he almost became an ice block...he was sure that was supposed to be a joke anyway.
  11. Thank you. I thickened the ends of them anyway. Did that before you posted...
  12. Look at this silliness from the WCWY thread. Q: WCWY expect to get in trouble in highschool for wearing an inappropriate T shirt? A: Matthew. My response: Lol just picture it...
  13. *detention* Leila: MATT! Did you steal something again? Is that why you're here? Matthew: No...*takes shirt out of bag that says "Mike Hawk's taxidermy, I'll stuff your beaver"* Word of advice: Never borrow a shirt from Sain. So...what are you in for? Lol... I'd have Miriel or Laurent as lab partners. WCWY expect to have the most amusing reaction to seeing themselves in their game?
  14. Huh...I thought they looked somewhat pointy at the ends. But I'll see what I can do.
  15. Well I suppose that can be fixed...does the thicker fox tail not look like it? Because I can use it for the other two and make the fox's more thicker.
  16. OH GOD WAT. Weirdest comment I've ever recieved...seriously? *squints at them* Nope. I think they look like canine tails.... And I thought I had a dirty mind xD
  17. I meant statwise foxes and cats seem similar. Both have high speed. But while foxes also have high luck, cats have high skill instead. Weak to ice is just so they have another difference. Beast laguz weakness is fire magic. It's true that they can handle cold weather, but there are also feline species that live in the desert/can handle heat, and yet fire is the weakness IS chose. My headcanon adds ice magic and as you've seen, a new laguz tribe for wolves. If I kept fire as their weakness ice would be the odd one out, the only one that isn't good against a laguz tribe. Using the mauthe doog I can guarantee that it'll be FE style. I still have a ways to go before I can do full custom...there's a good reason it's used to make laguz. It's the closest thing there is in the GBA FE sprites. If it ain't broke don't fix it...
  18. Taking a hint from Errant, updating the topic title when there's an update...
  19. Lol when I was in highschool there was a teacher named Mr Gross. Glasscock blows that right out of the water...
  20. That question has been asked before I think but meh. I'll say Morgan. He/she'd enjoy it, wanting to be a tactician and all. WCWY expect to get in trouble in highschool for wearing an "inappropriate T shirt"?
  21. 1 Sully 1 Lon'qu 1 Inigo 4 Gaius 4 Henry 4 Basilio 4 Owain 4 Noire 9 Morgan 10 Vaike 10 Kjelle 12 Tharja 13 Panne 14 Brady 15 Yarne 16 Gerome 17 Emmeryn 18 Stahl 19 Ricken 20 Donnel 20 Anna 22 Cherche 23 Virion 24 Lucina 25 Gregor 26 Sumia 26 Nowi 26 Say'ri 29 Flavia 30 Lissa 30 Frederick 30 Libra 33 Gangrel 33 Priam 35 Chrom 36 Kellam 37 Nah 38 Cynthia 39 Miriel 40 Maribelle 41 Olivia 42 Cordelia 43 Tiki 44 Yen'fey 45 Severa 46 Laurent 47 Aversa 48 Walhart Interesting.
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