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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Oops I didn't know you wanted people to figure it out on their own xD
  2. The third thing intrigues me...so what if say, someone tries to cast dark magic and they don't have enough will power or strength etc? Would it backfire? By that logic idk if my shaman OC Darcen makes sense. I guess he could have strong will power, but the main thing about his personality is he's a firm believer in karma, which is sometimes associated with spirituality which means light magic... Idk...
  3. Yep! It's Zelda's Lullaby xD Nintendo is so witty/creative/whatever.
  4. Awesome! The gamecube/famicom thing :)
  5. I usually like them all. I disagree with the op that they should only reference the same game/series/developer, I mean if it's something small what's the big deal? My favorite ones are all from Spyro. My childhood in a nutshell. [spoiler=Crash Bandicoot frozen in the ice in The Eternal Night] [spoiler=Names of one of the developers' son and daughter in Ripto's Rage(Bryan and Brenda)] Brenda is harder to see, but look on the gold parts of the doors...the one on the right.
  6. Gaius, he'd be a couch potato and eat a buttload of cookies... WCWY expect to have a weird food combination? Like...dipping donuts in ketchup or something.
  7. I'm in the "IS didn't think ahead/enough" camp now that it's been explained...
  8. Sometimes people forget, it happens. WCWY expect to be a skilled rapper?
  9. I'm having a hard time figuring out what "Cordelia is a settler" is supposed to mean. Something to do with her crush on Chrom...or she goes out and makes a living on a homestead. Probably not the latter...blame me growing up in a state that teaches elementary school kids about pioneers and the oregon trail and stuff like that, because that's the first thing I thought of when I heard settler.
  10. But the real world people you're mentioning also think they're going to go to heaven and have 72 virgin wives. Or at least that's what their leaders brainwash them into believing. Last I checked, Validar wasn't promising the grimleal any sort of reward. So yes, there is a bit of a difference...but it does bring up another thought. What if Grima really doesn't want to destroy everything, but we don't know because that wasn't explored ingame? What if the grimleal are to the Plegian religion as ISIS and groups like it are to Islam? As in, they've corrupted their religion to that point, but it wasn't that way originally.
  11. And there was those people who thought their masters were aliens and they would come back for them and stuff like that if they did a mass suicide. And the cult that everybody drank poisoned koolaid...don't know much about Satanism but yeah that sounds like a good analogy.
  12. Oh, yeah, I remember now. So you're saying if somebody switches groups they can still support with their buddy in the other group if they happen to be on the field at the same time? Makes sense.
  13. Yeah, I see them as a cult...that's for sure. Maybe Validar thinks he'll be spared and given power or something.
  14. They worship an evil dragon god who wants to destroy the world...when villains have this as a motive, I always go wtf because destroying the world means they'll die with it. Sometimes "make a new world just for us" is added to it, that makes sense...but Grima doesn't seem to promise that to his followers. He just...wants all humans dead and gone. So why do the grimleal, a human organization, worship him when they know this? They'll bring him back to life, and he'll just kill them. Am I missing something or is this just bad writing on IS' part?
  15. Any reference to Sumia punching him, by chance? Because Captain Falcon has the Falcon Punch... I think Flavia knew I was going to pair them. "Love hurts, doesn't it?" Lol.
  16. Oh I see. That's what I get for not watching that trailer.
  17. Shinon xD I'd also cut his ponytail off and glue it to his butt just to be even meaner...as a reference to him being racist against laguz. WCWY expect to be the best at basketball?
  18. LOL at both throwing his mom in there and the first pic you posted. Why is Chrom laying on the ground? xD
  19. Yeah that's understandable. You could always just draw Freddy's baby picture and put the comic in text form in the description.
  20. Ooo! A wyvern rider! You know I love them xD But yeah, maybe reduce his age to like...30s or 40s? But okay, now my original theory has been disproven. Time for a new one...
  21. And then Freddy burns all his baby pictures before Chrom posts them all over Ylisse as payback for the naked posters... LOL! That's a good idea for a comic.
  22. Would be better if the ghost would act as a guide to the new character, only one person can see/interact with them, they give advice etc. Because with what you have, I can't see ghosts being a popular option.
  23. I thought the one about Henry was funny but okay, whatever :) Golf...hmm. Suppose Janaff. He can use his uber eyesight to find the ball if I lose it. WCWY have a water balloon fight with?
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