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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I actually don't remember who made it, but search DA or Google for old paper texture. The feet are supposed to be facing frontward, meh...feet are hard. Forgot to add that sometime after Naroc is born, but before Ciara, Boyd gets a scar across his chest. And she's like "Dude! I take back calling you crazy when you said mine was hot." xD
  2. Time for a WIP refsheet! Didn't make the background, it was a stock image. Reffed Jill and that PoR concept art with the myrmidon and wyvern lord when drawing her clothes...and I bet you didn't know about the scar. It was mentioned in that semi smut fic, Sparking Embers...that title is a reference to her and Boyd's affinities. Basically, it talks about how Boyd finds the scar sexy, it means she's tough like him. Anyway I hope the pic of the scar is accurate in terms of how the strap goes over the shoulder. There was female torso references, but...they were mostly nude and I didn't want that.
  3. Haha that's it in a nutshell...I doubt Greil or any of his kin are branded though. One thing I don't really get: Greil and Elena stayed in Gallia for a bit. Ike and Mist were born there, and lived there when they were real little. But they're beorc...Gallia is the home of the beast laguz. You don't see any beorc in the Gallian military. In PoR you have racism going both ways, although more one way...but you'd think Greil and Elena would want to raise their kids among their own kind. Before they start wondering why they can't turn into felines/don't have the cat ears and tails. How long did they stay there anyway...
  4. Anyone who does backflip criticals/skills. The moon's lower gravity would allow them to do that even more epicly. Maybe...Mia. She does backflips when she kills things. WCWY go thrift shopping with?
  5. Even if somebody did try to be as great as say Elvis was at rock and roll, they wouldn't replace him. Everyone is an individual. There can be a new King of Rock but he would be compared to Elvis and that wouldn't be fair to either. Same goes for the rest of those examples.
  6. Unfortunately Klok, you hit the nail on the head...the younger crowd of celebrities just isn't as awesome in general as the older ones we're losing. Famous for stupid things, jerks, etc. I don't see Betty White slowing down anytime unless she gets deathly sick. She's just that badass/awesome. But when she does, yeah, it will be sad. While I never got into Star Trek, I know how big of an impact this guy was and he will be missed. I wonder if The Big Bang Theory will do a tribute for him? That would be cool. His last tweet: https://twitter.com/TheRealNimoy/status/569762773204217857 "A life is like a garden. Beautiful moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory." Well spoken Mr. Spock. RIP.
  7. We can agree to disagree. I still think it looks like curtains xD
  8. Vanguard Ike looks like his cape is made out of curtains that go on stages for plays...kinda. The gold/yellow things on it bug me, they look like where the curtains would attach...but that's just me. Hero outfit is fine though. Honestly, I think they had way too much fun with Ike's outfits. Should've just done subtle changes for each promotion/class instead of completely overhauling it every time. Like...adding armor is fine, but no curtain capes. And no changing the color of the Green Headband Of Whoopass , it's red on vanguard...
  9. Idk, I'm not that versed in FE abbreviations.
  10. I was going to say elastic but that probably doesnt exist either. You're good then.
  11. A ranch is different than a whole continent. But yeah...
  12. Akaneia...did somebody seriously name their OC after the continent they come from? -_- Learn to name n00b. It's not that hard. Behind the name and sites like it exist. If I'm wrong, it IS quite similar to the continent name... Awww! There needs to be more pics of Griel being, well, a dad.
  13. Jill! I'd also be a badass wyvern rider. But...my dad would die :( WCWY play a lame prank on? Like...shocker handshake thingy, whoopie cushion etc.
  14. While it's true that it's not canon... This. And idk about the prophecy thing. It sounds...meh. But it is a theory...
  15. Okay then...my mistake. Remove the button then. There can be pants without buttons.
  16. Isn't everyone who's not asexual into naked men/women? xD I get what you're saying, you wouldn't make sprite porn/naked sprites...but if you make the pants more obvious, consider removing the belly button. Right now it's like on top of his pants and it kinda DOES make him look like he's in his birthday suit...except for the headband... "No officer I am NOT naked, I have my headband on." *shot* This thread is getting kinda entertaining, what does Cthulhu have to do with anything though lol. And OMG I spelled that wrong and the firefox spell check successfully corrected it... xD
  17. 16: Try to keep a balloon in the air without using your hands. No helium, that's cheating.
  18. Oliver. I'd poison the fat son of a bitch xD WCWY want to switch lives with for a day?
  19. WCWY try to scare with a live spider?
  20. Yeah it was difficult to work with the female hero/Echidna...too much stuff that had to be tweaked and removed. Is there a female fighter sprite that I can ref? Thinking about using an assassin for Milo instead of a rogue. Oh, and you saying mugs are alright made my day xD EDIT Tried to fix Ciara. Her shirt WAS terribly pillow shaded...added shoulder pads and used different legs. Changed Milo to an assassin base.
  21. I'd put berserkers in as an alternate promotion for fighter. Voila.
  22. Haha, nope! Leo: Quit dissing on teh mark. Chicks dig it... Eloin: *rolls eyes* If it was bad shading I'm pretty sure it would be on all my mugs... That's because I had to paste some on from Wil when I retouched it. When I originally made it I had left an ugly straight edge...
  23. That really depends. If the author sucks at it, yes. If they're a decent enough writer, no. Not all fanfic is badly written smut and high school AU and stuff like that. If somebody wanted to write some more backstory for Greil, I wouldn't shoot them down...I'd probably even read it.
  24. Soren. He'd probably be like 100 times better at it than me... WCWY do parkour with?
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