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Posts posted by Squidorsky

  1. Elincia's sword hasn't been shown in FE13 though, unlike the Sol Katti which has already appeared as a weapon wielded by Lyn in a DLC chapter./quote]

    Course this could be to make up for the fact that they might have chosen Eliwood and Hector for the 2 for FE7, assuming this is what they're doing. Eliwood could take whatever class ephraim didn't and potentially Hector could be an Overlord, as i could see that fitting him, or just simply a general.

    The stupid Sol katti throws off my guess for lyn's class. (An Assassain would make so much sense for her, sword and bows? How much closer could you get!?)

    Whatever the case i hope they just include all the lord characters, forgoing a limit...then again 10 would be a mess to sort through...

  2. Well place holder text is better than looking at the map of Verdane forever...and the like.

    Err...i must be backwards but what is nix/nux. Presumably it's Linux/ Linix as that's all that comes to my mind, but clarification would be nice. You say plain windows, would it work on later/ updated versions of windows, say, Windows 7. Or do you mean that no version of windows or the like will work.

    To clarify, the tools are listed under sources? Also if it's not too much to ask is there a tutorial explaining how to use this to change text? ...or just how to use it at all...

    Any thanks is greatly appreciated and as always,

    Thanks for the help/ patch.

    -Eriad Eternas-

  3. Two quick questions, that may have been answered/ is sorta off topic, respectively.

    1. Will the ending scripts be translated like the Edda convo and the actual ending ending, like when it is saying where everyone went on the map at the very end.

    2. How are you changing the text? Hex editor, parser, Feadv-like program? I'd like to know if you'd be willing to show/ point me in the right direction to do it.

    Answer as you see fit, and above all thanks for doing this!

    -Eriad Eternas-

  4. Definitely know how that one goes. Well i think it's time to close the book on this little tale of...whatever it was. I'll open a new topic somewhere down the road with new sprites/refined ones and see where that goes.

    so i guess that's it for now, i've certainly made a fool out of myself for one day...:facepalm:

    Until next time all...

  5. he he, yeah i definitely see it...especially on alm...

    That's really odd though, mainly on "celica" and "alm" because on both of them all i did was move their bases' eyes up ( to shrink them, i didn't move move them left or right at all...)

    @seph@banner bummer...i already like the black knight now, even only having had it for so little...

    Edit: ...Right, i guess i should do that...

    Edit3: erased Edit2

  6. Ok...i guess that's what i'm having a difficulty understanding...almost all of these were splices...in fact i can still tell you where they came from.

    I can definitely understand what you mean with some of them...though...

    Er...could you just tell which in particular need more attention...asumming it's not all of them...

    p.s. This is really random...but why'd my little avatar thing change while we were fighting from sigrune into the black knight? I mean it's cool with me but its...weird...

  7. To everyone,

    .....You're right, especially Seph,and i'm sorry if i offended you, it was never my intention. I was being a whiner...probably because i almost never go on the internet, and i'm not used to it. You probably won't believe me, but i didn't know that strikethroughs meant they were a joke. In truth I was the pathetic majority here and i jumped on something so petty and meaningless just for the sake of fighting back.

    I never meant to group anyone in what i said, really the only one who belongs there is me.

  8. It's much easier for you, sure, but it really doesn't work as well as popular opinion here would indicate.

    Eriad, give other people a chance, okay? I'm still pretty bad at spriting myself, but I would try to help you if I knew how.

    Yeah, that's just it though...i did...i posted my works, in confidence i'd get some help as to how to move forward, but instead the only thing i get is somebody instantly shooting venom at me.

    get a backbone, this is the internet :<

    It's not because i don't have a backbone either. The internet's like this because of rude comments and such,and i see no reason to join that pathetic majority. Fire doesn't put out fire...

  9. Why be rude, just because it's "easier"? I can certainly say it's not easier on me...I can take a lot of slander and harsh words but it's really hard when something you like and have as a hobby gets turned into an oppurtunity for people like you to just throw down mean words because, to you, they hold no weight and can just be said without a care in the world. That's why i erased everything, not because i "gave up all hope".

  10. Wow, it really does that? But it makes sense as i'm pretty sure, though i'm loathe to admit it, that i switched the tileset everytime as i was making it...

    Well i guess i'll try it out...when i feel a little less like ripping my hair out...

    Thanks for the help, hopefully it works!

    -Eriad Eternas-

  11. Quick backstory, i have a faint idea what i'm doing (At least when it comes to map insertion) however it doesn't seem to want to work for me now...at all.

    I thought maybe it was either the way i inserted it the first couple times, however i literally followed arch's youtube guide verbatum. I can't figure out what's going on, it could really be anything as i i can't pinpoint the issue.

    However all of my issues seem to be,

    -The tiles set perhaps?

    -Everytime i go to expot the map to MAR it always says something like "Too many blocks for .05 thing." so i switch to 1.0 then it also says you have 1024 blocks only use MAR with 1.0 compatible framework. Meanwhile i'm thinking it's gone insane because my map is small, only 15x15

    -Maybe i'm not selecting the right object set via nightmare, though as my failings continued i started to do simpler and simpler maps until it was practically fool proof...though it wasn't.

    I'm thinking it's somekind of issue with Mappy as i've done a redone...and redone the process. If there is some better program or a better version of mappy then that would be great.

    Dunno if it helps but i'm using mappywin32...um i'm also on a windows 7 computer...perhaps thats the problem? Only reason i think this could be it was because it was causing problems with a pokemon hacking program...

    Other than that i'm completely in the dark. Any help would be appreciated.

    -Eriad Eternas-

  12. Alright, I know I'm a bit late to this party, but I just beat Record of Agarest War for Xbox 360/ Ps3( PSN would be more accurate for were I live) and I was left wondering a few things.

    A. Does the game ever clarify or show who Rachel ,somebody Winfield seems to care for, is? He mentions her in the fifth gen. but never really clarifies who she was. A sister, a girlfriend, a wife?

    B. Is there any explanation as to what happens to winfield what with the bracelet. I suppose he removes it but they aren't real detailed about anyone's endings

    C. lastly do the previous heroes and heroines of earlier gens. come back for good. I know they help out in the end, but with the seals gone do they stay or just disappear again?

    Maybe i'm being to literal with wanting to know every little detail in a game that probably simply didn't give them but I figured i'd ask, just to be sure.

    (Hopefully i'm not the only one whos played this here....)

    EDIT: ( Apparently I am... :facepalm: )


    -Eriad Eternas-

  13. Lucian, maybe. Even though you basically described Fabio.

    Lucian? Who's that (Lucius the monk from fe7?)

    Funny you say that ( The fabio thing) My aunt...and my cousins all called me that for the longest time...Though i don't really see the resemblance but isn't that how it always goes? Maybe I should just take Xanderdog's approach as well...

    Thanks anyway!

  14. Er...I really can't figure out who i'd be the most like. I'm a guy with shoulder length dirty blonde hair... weirdly though some of my bangs are a brighter blonde (No idea how this happened, no highlights or nothing, just sort of naturally happened.) It is straight with curls only on the ends (e.g. the hair that touches my shoulders only.)

    Is there even a fire emblem character like that?

  15. Hopefully this is in the right spot...(I apologize if it isn't)

    Any way, some specs before i ask my questions/ help.

    -My wii is hacked(so that's not what i'm here for!)

    -It however is system 4.3 ( Though again, it's hacked, of this i'm sure)

    -it's an usa wii ( Don't know if it matters but can't hurt to include it)

    That should be enough, so here's my problem. I load up my homebrew browser, use gecko codes (Gecko is to load the texture and psa crap.

    Yet when it gets to the select character screen, it freezes. Sometimes i get past, but even then when i move up to select a course,

    every time it freezes. So i found yet another way to by pass it by mashing the start button to quickly hit random and load a course which usually works but sucks as i can't ever pick a course i want. This worked for a while but 1. it sucks... 2. Sometimes it freezes anyway, in the ways listed above or even in battle.

    The only things i can think of are

    -My loader codes ( The gecko codes) Are out of date...or commission or whatever...maybe i'm not using the right ones (I'm using the codes by Phantom wings)

    -Gecko itself is not working properly on 4.3 yet.

    The things i'm positive i'm doing right are

    -Everything is where it should be, (Private, app...etc.)

    -Files are indeed named correctly ( FitMarth00.pcs, FitMarth00.pac...etc.)

    If these above problems are indeed true then i guess i'll just have to forget about hacking brawl for now...but if it's some error on my part than i'd like to know and correct it. Hopefully this isn't vague and someone can help, i've searched numerous brawl hacking sites but can find or get no answer ( This is the only place i'm a member at, thus the only place i can ask for help)

    Thanks for reading! I'd greatly appreciate any help!


  16. Apparently it's going no where. I never wanted this to be an argument...But of course that's all it turned into. Thanks for nothing.

    When i said each side was equally likely, i meant that i respect both sides, i may not agree with one but i absolutely respect it. I ask one little question and instantly you make it into an insult. I have no idea where you begin to feel the need to bring in all this obviously ridiculous crap, but it's obvious that that's all you see my POV and I as.

    It was nice talking with you,thank you for your time, sorry i wasted it.

  17. Forget it...I'm so through with this...With several supernatural abilities addressed into the series how can you instantly rule out a supernatural ending?

    Lelouch...is very much like Santa Claus. He's as alive as you believe and want him to be.

    Cut, print, roll, wrap, Baby!


  18. Sigh...Just because there is no indication of something doesn't mean it couldn't have been there/ happened. ( Tree falls in the forest and now one's there to hear it, does it make a sound, kind of scenario.)

    Perhaps she was!!!

    Jokes aside, it WAS meant as an open ending, the director said so himself.( I don't remember where i read this but i swear on pain of death i'm not making this up!) However due to so much prodding from fans, they through out that. But that little stunt doesn't change what's already been laid out for us, it was said AFTER the fact. It's like when J.k. rowling said dumbledore was gay after the conclusion of the series, yet no where in the books was that truly ever said, thus does it make it a fact? Not really...same for code geass.

    When you get told a bed time story and you finish it and go to bed thinking it was a good story only to wake up and realize your narrator forgot that the main character died right after the happy ending due to heart failure, is that really considered a part of the story. No it was said after the fact though no where in the story was it ever said that the main character had heart problems.

    Which going with this argument, they either spit out a bad rushed ending with an abrupt end, or gave their TAKE on the open ending. Did they specifically say that he in no way got the code? They merely said he was dead, which gives more credence to the possibility of the openness of the ending.

    You misunderstand me when i said i believe both are right, I meant if you say he is dead but i say he's alive, then it's perfectly fine. I meant that there shouldn't be so much yelling between fans on the ending when both sides have good evidence backing both claims. I'm not saying that seeing lelouch with a sword through his chest isn't hard evidence, but with the introduction of a force called Geass and namely the Code, then it's really unprovable.

    Basically both sides are right ( In the sense that it's ok to think either is right); your choice is your choice, as mine is mine.

    The only reason i say all this is because i'm tired of all the people saying only one way is right because that's what we are told by the post facto words of the creators.

    Well that's my outlook on all of this...You don't have to agree with the ending i'd prefer but I at least hope my argument makes sense enough to at least dwell on. In any case i thank you for listening to my ramblings,


  19. I've been playing it religiously for ever but now i find myself completely and utterably stuck. i'm trying to go with sofia and yadda yippty doo. all is going well until I take on a request, from the mailbox, titled: It's not much. (It begins with her getting into a fight then running away.)

    Where in the world is Carmen sandiego! I seriously cannot find her and it's driving me insane, i've listened to all of the stupid villagers but nothing they say is right.

    ( They'll say they saw her and gaius at somewhere at some time , but when i go there and that time...nothing, and then i wait and wait and wait...but nothing!

    So please help me out! I'm dying here!...not really but still...


  20. Err...well the manga series is actually a prequel, so no help there, but i don't really care. the ending was supposed to be open in my opinion, you pick the ending you see best!

    End of story!

    Alrighty...thanks for hearing me out everyone...Later!


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