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Posts posted by Squidorsky

  1. Umm i kinda put SPOILERS in the title...

    Lelouch is dead. The creator said as much.

    I get that...did you even read what else i wrote?

    And then the main writer and director said that he was dead


    I'm neither obessesed with him dying or trying to hold onto the hope that he got the code. I merely stated it asa possibility...if V2 lost his code unwillingly and C2 gained hers without her consent, so who's to say Lelouch didn't take charles' code with out even realizing it or meaning to? After all the code doesn't activate until the owner dies.

    Honestly it could go either way...there's mountains of evidence leading to his death ( Beieve me, i agree with you death...we saw him die didn't we and that's hard to fake) But likewise there is much in the story, like the behavior of the geass and code that haven't been fully developed.

    It's not a false hope in saying he got the code...it's a possibility...one of the endless possibilities as to the ending of the story.

    Overall i believe the ending was written the way it was to leave it as an open ending...You as the reader get to finish the story the way you want it to end...hence the purpose for an open ending. It really goes either way, you could easily take the same scenes from the ending and say he's dead or alive. I think it was stupid that the creator said he died, It should have been left as an open ending. much like the ending of Tales of the abyss...

    In it, a man shows up appearing to be either Luke or Asch, it's never said who it is and that's because you chose who you wish to be alive.

    But before i digress too much, i think it's unfair that people criticize others for the ending they choose...i believe both are right and equally so, just as good.

    Well that's that...i hope some of you agree...


  2. he would never let himself get killed so the only thing that i could think was that lelouch and CC are the only ones that know that lelouch is alive

    For real...who's to say the man who singlehandedly brought the wrld to it's knees can't fake his death?

    Lots of theories were made whether Lelouch died are not, but really people would prefer if he stayed dead because otherwise it ruins the impact of the ending.

    But just what is the impact of the ending? The fact that he was so willing to change the world that he died for his beliefs and actions? Why does him dying or living make the ending any different...when you think about it...he is "dead" to the world at least as far as they know, whether he is alive or not. (Is Jesus any less of a hero to us if he died on the cross but "lives"? Excuse my bringing of religion into this but it was the best analogy I could think of...)

    I'm not about to get all religious and philosophical about this...but the list goes on. I get that scapegoats and martyrs tend to be celebrated because of how they met their end but...when there are SO many things pointing to one outcome...

    We are shown that lelouch died...but the evidence is there that he could have lived...but we are only taking what we see as fact rather than looking at the whole thing. We were told that Lelouch is dead...but with so many things laid on the table prior to his "death" Is it so believable that he's dead? I believe that's why so many people theorize and have such a problem with his death, there is so much groundwork laid to us that he didn't die.

    If he's dead or not i highly disagree that it ruins the ending...in a way I believe that it's better if he's alive...Say he got the code...then He and C.C. would forever be protectors of the world...they watch over the world as guardian angels, rather than the demon and witch they once called each other. His death was like a rebirth...( Again a stretch but the last episode was called Re;...this could stand for Rebirth even...for the world and Lelouch.)

    Well that's what i think...feel free to agree or disagree...or just submit some input.


  3. I just after a year after watching the first season) finished the second season...though nothing came to as a shock as i'd already looked up the ending. ( More precisely i had the ending ruined by youtube...)

    Anyhoo i've been trying to understand the ending. Lelouch dies...but is that true? I've looked around at several sites with different opinions but never any thoughts on it, like they presented their opinion but they never backed it. So what i'd like to see is what every one has to say about the ending? Is lelouch really dead or alive and why?

    So that said i'll lay my thoughts down...

    Lelouch, in the world of C, gained his double Geass and as such control of it...with that geass he killed Charles( Who at the time now has a code) so by not killing the contractor who gave him the geass(C2) he now has a code and a Geass, hence the name for the series ( This is a stretch but...it kinda makes sense to me)

    In order for the code to activate you need to die...precisely what lelouch did...

    Also why would Jeremiah, who lived only to serve lelouch willingly let zero, the propagator of his anguish, by to kill his lord? Unless of course, he might have been in on the zero requiem plan...but it seems patchy.

    I'm not some zany fanboy who has to have the main character live to enjoy it, it's just that the only argument for him being indeed dead was "LELOUCH IS DEAD, IT'S A BETTER ENDING THAT WAY!!!" or something like that...And then the main writer and director said that he was dead but again that felt...like a lie...it's like they were pressured into the answer. ( Or by a stretch they consider themselves in on the secret...like c2 possibly is...again a stretch but it's fun to consider?)

    These are just thoughts, i want to have a true discussion about this...not a flame war, it's fine if you think i'm completely wrong...just back up your counter-argument.

    Alright let the discussion begin! (MMMEEEOOOOWWWW!!!....Pardon the lame code geass joke...( Hey i watched it all weekend so sue me!))


  4. No no, i get that completely...i'm actually kinda rewatching code geass...so yeah...

    Here's how it really is...my thoughts up to now are just a way for me to say i watched and it's over...that they lived happily ever after with no if ands or buts. I still haven't watched Code geass r2 but i will someday...regardless of the spoilers...same with clannad, some day i might go muster enough courage to ride that daunting roller coaster for all that it's worth and watch the entirety of clannad after story, but for now...it's over...

    With what i've seen of all of the first season and the ending of the second season...it was a great ride but it's over...A beautiful conclusion to one of the most thought provoking anime's i've ever watched. I'll never forget anything about this anime...

    And with that...i think i'm done with anime for a little while...I've got alot of stuff to think about/ change in my life...But i'm not about to get into that... Thanks for the suggestions and ultimately the choice. This has opened my eyes to alot of things...

    I'll see you all some other time...Thanks everyone...



  5. I get that...It's not that i'm against watching it or can't make sense of it. It's just that it seems like this...to me at least...

    Code geass shall be used as my example. Let's say lelouch gets the geass blah blah blah, then r1 goes through as it is but instead of nunally getting captured at the end lelouch goes rogue, C.C. then finds nunally and gives her the geass to fulfill the missing lelouch's wishes. Then the story progresses like nightmare of nunnally ( Or something like it....i've never read it...) in that nunally takes over and yadda yipdee doo. then we get reunited with lelouch shiz happens nunally and lelouch confront charles and marianne or whatever. But nunally dies ( Oh noez) leving lelouch wounded to take them down. He manages to but soon his eyes close. Then he awakes realizing he is in the classroom ( Where r2 begins)

    Then r2 continues as is...

    Can't say i'd watch any of that inter part if it meant that it was just going to be a "what if" then replaced by a different reality, this one being the actual one. Maybe clannad doesn't do this, maybe that's exactly what you're trying to say...But...well perhaps i'm being obstinate but i truly don't see a reason to even get into it, even though i'm not getting the full picture...i feel like i got enough of it to understand that it does what i've said and as such i've not really a reason to go through all that if i'ts going to from point A to B then back to A'. A' may not be the full picture and you need to have watched B to get all of A' but A and A' are still the same thing just a little different ( As the naming of these points A and A' suggest)

    Perhaps i'm being one minded...but at least i hope that i'm not being stupid about it. I realize i'm not getting the full picture but...i believe i've got enough it regardless of not going into what happens in point B. This is not to say that i don't like it...i just don't feel the need to watch it if it's going to do is do a semi what if segment then return back the way there were supposed to be. it's like they made a bad ending then made the real ending or the true ending...( simply put it's kind of like when they kill off a character only to bring him back a couple chapters later, we get the pain of losing him and the what if he died scenario, but then ultimately the writer change his mind and brings the character back. S o why do it i think...to send your fans on that emotional coaster...and when you're looking at from the outside in you don't want to jump it since you already know how the roller coaster ends...)

    Well that's enough from my rant/Essay, I can't thank you all enough for your suggestions and the series i chose. Though i'll likely not watch the second series for reason's stated above, I throughly enjoyed Clannad, despite stepping out of my "comfort zone". It made me realize the importance of family and friends, it made me laugh and cry ( Not really...but i definitely cried on the inside.) and best of all it made just love life. The ups and downs of this show made me realize that life is a long ride. it's tough sometimes, it's hard, but at the same time...it's the best thing you'll ever have, no material thing can compare. So...just live it!

    Alright enough of my lameness...Thanks everyone...i feel like i've learned alot of things, that i wasn't even thinking about before this. And so To all who suggested Clannad and all who made it...

    Thank you...so very much...


  6. In the end it makes more sense than it may sound like it does now, and everything that happens is not exactly "disregarded" either. I suggest you just watch it without reading anything else on it to avoid possibly being spoiled even more (though now there isn't much else left to say).

    Well i get that...but it's like this...why get on this emotional roller coaster if it's gonna go back to where it was to begin with? I get that things aren't disregarded but...when you look at it...or rather when i look it, you could very well just take the first couple episodes that eventually lead up to when ushio is born then jump to the later ones when shes "born again" but nagisa doesn't die then call it a day. It just seems like it's an unnecessary emotional roller coaster ride...Maybe you don't agree, but am i at last making sense?

    I guess i don't want to jump back on an emotional roller coaster ride if it could simply be summed up quickly rather than going through that long ride.


  7. Yeah i just realized that..........BUT IN DOING SO I JUST SPOILED MORE!!!! AUGHHH!!!!


    [spoiler="]I found out that they redo it all or whatever and then they all live happily together...Which is nice...But i just ruined it more. Why can't i just let things be...

    ( The function stuff isn't working for me so...just don't read it if you haven't seen the story and i'll edit it later!!)

    But anyway...Regardless of that unfortunate spoil then more spoil...It does sound alot less sad then i thought...But i spoiled it anyway as such, i dunno it's just seems like it goes from normal then forks on a long path only to return back to the good path, like ( here's a bad end but then after seeing all that bad crap here's a good end....It feels kind of moot to watch if it's going to go on an emotional roller coaster only to return back to the beginning and disregard all that happened...I might just leave it at that...First what do you think, please make it as unbiased as possible...


  8. Yay!!! (Excuse the double post)

    I finished Clannad...After having spent 8 hours watching the rest of it in one day...

    I'm a little confused ats to what to do next though... Obviously the instant answer would be to watch the next series but i'm a little hesitant. This is due to what happened when i watched code geass. I watched most of the first season, then Boobtube found a way to spoil the ending for me, then i trucked through the remainder of the first season, then about a year later i finally am debating on watching the second season. Unfortunately this phenomenon happened again for clannad...

    Youtube yet again spoils the ending to the series which like code geass is huge...As such, despite finishing the first season, i'm a little hesitant on watching the second season especially with how it ends. odds are i'll wait for a while until i watch the second season/ any other anime ( I take long breaks that way i can dwell on the series.)

    So basically what i'm really asking is despite how it ends, is it worth it?

    (I don't know!)

    Je ne sais pas! What should i do? Thanks again for suggesting Clannad I throughly enjoyed it, i'm just hesitant on going right back into all the drama if the only outcome is a spiral of sorrow and whatnot.


  9. Are you talking about Clannad? It's my absolute favorite series out there if that says anything about what I think of it.

    Oh sorry, i meant Gun x sword...but now that i've sat in school and thought about it...i think a break from action oriented anime might be a good thing and instead watch a simpler one like clannad...which, despite having only watched one episode, has been on my mind all day...

    I really think i'm being way too picky...It's like i'm looking for an anime just like code geass...but the only thing that fits that description is code geass itself...

    What i need is to just enjoy code geass for what it was and move onto a new anime...one with fresh ideas and such just like the transition i went through by going from Dn Angel to Code geass...one was nothing like the other but both are equally as memorable for me...

    So on that note...what's a good anime...Of any genre...(Though just not too much ecchi and dark themes)

    I feel like i'm repeating myself...Probably cause i am...but fear not i've finally reached somewhat of an idea of what to watch!


    EDIT: After deep consideration...sort of, I've decided to watch clannad, as it's simplicity will help alleviate the stresses of daily life, as entertainment should...Well thanks guys!

  10. ...Heh heh, Missed that i did! I had no idea that's what you meant and as you guessed i don't have one...but the list i provided was seriously all i've ever watched all the way through (Numerous times...)

    Guren laggan no plot...Bad! Nah just kidding...This is getting to be kinda hard...I'm sorta leaning now towards Gun X sword...It has ( Again) the same director and composer as Code Geass...Maybe i'm sticking to much to my guns ( No pun intended...well actually i think it was!)

    Do any of you have an opinion of it...I've already watched episode one and I thought it was alright but i'm very reluctant to start new animes sometimes...Heck I almost didn't watch the rest of code geass cause of the darkness of it in the first episode...

  11. Music, story, and voice acting are big deciders?

    Well i wouldn't say big deciders per se, but it's certainly nice to have them! Story because I like a good book...as such a good story to escape the problems of my life...as such slice of life animes/ mangas have never been my all time favorites. Music is good because as a musician i deeply appreciate good music...

    But alas i've gone off track...Man i'm gettin swamped with all of these suggestions...But i've done my best to look into all of them...

    As for clannad...*Drumroll*...I like it! Despite it's slice of life aspect that sometimes deters me from watching most of these kind of anime. Now what do you mean it's not exactly a love story? It seems to be going in that direction...But hey i only just watched the first episode so...

    Suichimo: Thanks for your input...I'd have to say that S-CRY- ED looks the most interesting to me...With a little researching i've found that the director is the same person who directed Code Geass, and the composer is the same one as Code Geass. Two pluses by my book! But even with the same people, the works can be immesnely diffferent. ( Just compare the older final fantasies to...ugh i can't even say it's name...F-F-Final F-F-fantasy 13...) So long story short, I'm not asking for it to be the same as code geass, just if it could be considered as just as good or a close second?

    Whoo...this tough trying to figure out which i'll watch...then again i'll soon have a long list of anime to plow through.


    EDIT: Just watched episode one of S-Cry-Ed...can't say it really spoke to me...But thanks for the help suichimo...

  12. Ok...Guess i'll forget about watching beserk and technolyze, thanks for the suggestions though! Glad to see more help! So Vxvalareven, What exactly about Durarara!! fits my terms? I looked it up on wikipedia but it didn't give too much of an explanation... So I was hoping you could help clarify what about it that you'd think i'd like...( I really hope i'm not coming off as stuck up, or snobby or something by saying this, I'm just trying to formulate an idea for an anime based on all of your opinions)

    Ugh this harder than i thought...Ok let's try this...Name an anime that you have watched that has something about that made it something you'd never forget about... Preferably the memorable thing wasn't violence, but whatever else...Great music, great story, love story ( I'm a sucker for those...god i'm lame...) or whatever else you can think of!

    And again, thanks! (I think i'm saying that too much...but i really do mean it, you've all been great help!)

  13. Wow thanks every one! This seems like a pretty good list! As for an anime list...

    -D.N. Angel ( LOVED IT!! My first anime...save pokemon...)

    -Naruto ( Only season one or whatever you call it, Gen2/ Shippuden got pretty annoying to watch...)

    -Bleach ( ONly up to ep. 80, I stopped watching because at the time that was as far as the english dub was and then i never really bothered coming back to it, despite the prodding from my friends to go back...)

    -Code Geass 1-2

    -Don't know if this counts but i watch FMA Bro. every sat. night ( Then why did i ask for an anime to watch, you ask? Its kind of a side thing every sat. for me...but alas i digress)

    And that's pretty much it...seems small but I love anime, i've been watching for years...although it's been the same stuff...What can I say? I'm very picky! If something is too dark or "Evil" I simply don't watch, which is why I never got into death note. If something's a little too ridiculous then again i don't watch, like say lucky star or harem ecchi anime's in general.

    Big selling points for me however are if the music is phenomenal, the story is awesome and the voice acting is good. Again my pickiness comes in when i say that if it doesn't have all of these, or at least two of them, then again i won't watch.

    Do the ones you all listed hold to these terms? (What's gurren laggan like? I kind was wondering about whether or not to watch it, Wikipedia doesn't really give a good explanation)

    Shinigami: What's beserk like?

    I'm sorry if i'm making this hard...but i really do appreciate it!


  14. I've been wanting to start watching a new series of anime lately, but i've had no luck in finding one that piqued my interest.

    The most recent one that i've watched was Code Geass R1 and R2. When that ended i was devastated, one because the ending was a huge shocker and i had just finished one of the best anime i've ever watched. Thus with no luck in finding another one to sick my teeth into i came asking for some suggestions for an anime to watch, one that is on the same caliber as code geass, or just close to it. Just hit me with all that you got that's super good and i'll try and figure out if i want to watch one of them or maybe all.( I'd really prefer that they're shorter ones, so nothing as ridiculously long as naruto or bleach...I tend to lose interest if they're that long...) I deeply appreciate any help you offer, as i've been having a sad anime drought lately...and it sucks!

    Thanks in advance!


  15. I liked dissidia alot, it was really fun, but there are alot of things that i hated about it!

    basically what i'd like are a super revision of the brave thing...i'd kinda rather just have a normal health bar with ALL attacks affecting hp at a certain amount, like fire does 10 damage and firaga does 50 no matter what ( But obviously there would be a limit like a magic bar, you could refill that bar with ether or whatever which leads me to another hing they could do, items!)

    It was a cool idea to incorporate rpg with a fighting genre it was just done in a way that made the game not too much fun.

    for example my brother an me are at the same level, he's got a set amount of brave at 1000, as do i. we've both got about 3000-4000 hp. what does he do the whole battle? Mash square until it connects and i die...How is that fair!? I die in three hits! it's really not fun when you can lose in two seconds even though you're at a seemingly high level, it's like all that training doesn't pay off!

    Hopefully i made sense...i keep retyping it cause i feel like i can't get my point across...

    Anyhoo, what characters do you want in? I'd like Steiner, Beatrix, Irvine, Tifa, ....well let's just say alot!

    p.s. What do you think they'll do with the story, especially if now their adding all these new people. ( Also for the love of god! I want luneth to have his actual costume! Not the onion knight with a face and color swap. Maybe an entirely different moveset/ character for him...Well i'm rambling now...)


  16. I come bearing gifts!


    I know april said he'd make an ike, but i made the sprite forever ago for a hack i was making but cancelled, so rather then let it rot away, i'd give to someone who needed it, same for the micaiah if you want it...

    And shinon i made seconds ago with your hack in mind from the start so i hope you like it!


  17. Played this patch a couple days ago aaannndddd....Loved it! Seriously, i think the idea is very cool , (it'd be cool if more people did stuff like this!)

    Can't wait for tale 4 and the tales to follow!

    Keep it up Arch! (Any news on Fe4 advance, if it's not too bold to ask? The topic's been rather dead lately...)


  18. Agreed Esau...It made us cringe...but also smirk a little. But seriously fighting over a game...is kind of stupid. I loved 10, 9 and 8 and hated 1-7. It's really a matter of preference and what games you first played not which was truly better. I guarantee that people who started with 10 and the like thought that 6 was cliched. ( Myself one of them.)

    To call one Final fantasy "Cliched" is like calling them all that. All share many devices one of which being the final dungeon, as Esau pointed out, and many many more. To say something copied by another is likewise stupid, as many games do the same thing. Many fire emblems draw many points from mythology even the story. In literature, Eragon by Christopher Paolini can be looked at as a direct rip off of Star wars. Many modern music takes many pointers from classical music. It's all around us really, only if you truly look for it.

    Just my two cents, whether or not you agree is all up to how much you wish to.


  19. Smash bros-esque eh? i heard that they said at some convention thing that they thought about doing a crossover fighter between GG and BB. But hey these are all rumors anyway, i truthfully game for anything! All of these ideas sound great!

    One week for BBCS! Yay the wait is almost up!


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