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Posts posted by Squidorsky

  1. Ugh...could somebody send me the patch...and possibly info on where to find a good rom. I tried all day yesterday to get it working on desmume. It worked but the color pallete or whatever was all blue and it stopped working when i got to a battle...it was pitch black. I tried several different roms and several patches and nothing seemed to change...might be my emulator but i'm not sure...

    Please please please! I must play this!!! It sounds too awesome!!!

    thanks for any help you decide to offer! Later


  2. Well...that may be but if you go onto their website now it says that there's some special announcement on 7/23. So you never know.

    They said no more GG that Blazblue is it and will be it for many years.

    That was ( I'm pretty sure) said only because of a huge dispute they were having between Sega as to who owned GG. Apparently they cleared it up...though i'm not 100% sure of this.

    In any case it may or may not be true but it's still something to consider...

    Back to BB: It is sort of annoying to have to pay for DLC...that is unless you have an older brother who loves to burn money for everything!

  3. I read on some sources that arc system works was talking about making a guilty gear next gen ( Ps3 Xbox) Does anyone have any idea, info and/or thoughts about this. The latest news article i found of this was feb. 2010, so i wanted to know if any one heard anything new or what.

    Anyhow onto blazblue...Whooo! Only a few weeks left, i'm so psyched! what about all of you? ( No spoilers though!)

  4. Am i the only one who doesn't like ff6 and 7?

    any how my top three...hm...

    FFX, FFIX, and FFVIII.

    I loved 10 for it's characters, it's beautiful music, and it's perfect heart wrenching ending.

    I loved 9 for just about the same reasons...likewise with 8 i suppose.

    All of these had beautiful music and beautiful stories and romantic love stories...Which are the main reasons why i fell in love with final fantasy as a series...I'm still waiting for a new real final fantasy under these lines.

    Well that's all but before i go...

    Also, XIII is almost a complete piece of shit.

    Exactly...not only did the story blow, it was so hard to get interested with...I seriously started making fun of it just to want to continue playing it. My neighbor fought through longer than i but soon gave up due to the same reasons...then there's the fact that it bricks ps3s...

  5. Didn't you also guess that mystery chapter I posted right? You're freakin' amazing. Can you tell me what I'll have for breakfast tomorrow?

    That was me...

    Any way this is looking really cool! Can't wait for the completed game. Keep it up!

  6. Yay i got it right! Whoo hoo! Any how that's really cool that your deciding to add scenes from the manga into the game. Will you be adding all of the scenes onto the game from the manga or just the ones that really help the plot advance? ( It'd be sweet to add the scene from the manga when cuan fights trabant in the original chapter 3...)

    (Could you possibly upload a new updated official mug sheet, it's been years since i've seen a new one and i'd like to help out some, even if it's just for the bosses at this point.)

    Well in any case this looks pretty sick and getting cooler by the second! Keep up Arch and Co., We're rooting for you!


  7. The first two images contain clues (yay). If someone can guess what I've done then I will reveal it. Chapter 3 is the second half of the original Chapter 1.

    I'm gonna take a crack at it! Um...The "sir sigurd we've been looking for you all night" thing reminds me of the FE4 manga's text and general scenario...Is that what you are doing? Are you adding some scenes from the manga into the new game? ( If so then suh-weet, i'm loving that manga!...Credits to tomoyo and team for translating it)

    Well in any case looks like it's moving right along! I can't wait for the finished product! Are you going to be releasing the first gen then the completed second? ( Just wondering.)

    Also are we gonna have other extra chapters like Eltshan's? Perhaps you could make one on byron fighting langobalt and reptor or something? ( You know when he gets attacked or whatever by them, to give some insight on it.)



  8. well i posted a nice little thought but my mom pulled the internet cord out as i was submitting it so simply put...

    I never said i wanted a strict remake, just one that added onto, not detracted from the original game, as i said in a earlier post.

    And rakath, i agree! Fe4 could take alot of processing power and time to remake, given they remake it with lots of new features and still have th ehuge maps and a biger story more characters, blah blah blah. Aas such fe6/7 would probably be better to remake first given that they would not be as hard to remake...maybe it's for that reason that they chose to make 3 first rather than 2?

    anyhow it would be cool if 6 and 7 was a little bit like 4 in that you could pick the parents and such of the kids in 6. like if you had ninian as the mother of roy, he would get a small boost like dragons get though significantly smaller. Or if you chose not to pair up jaffar and nino then ray and lugh would not be there. they have put two games in one before, so why not do it again, but this time with connectivity between the two. if sain dies in "gen 1"(FE7) then he will not show up at all in "gen 2" (FE6). Maybe some more stuff could happen but for the sake of time i'll not rant about it.

    Over all, maybe i was being stubborn. a six/ seven mash up remake would be cool...perhaps it has been long enough? maybe this game game could be the last hurrah for the ds lite era?


  9. Also, if we wait the two years will it suddenly be 'not too soon?' HG/SS are about ten years after G/S came out.

    Well no not really...What i was trying to say was that it is not really in need of a remake. You have thousands of people still hacking the gba games and playing those.

    But alas i'm not arguing with you at all. i'm all for a remake believe me, just they'd have to do the kind of stuff to it that would make it worth the money and time to make it, and for us to want to buy it as you talked about. in the case of six graphically it really isn't all that bad yet. look at the nes and snes games and compare them to, say, the gba gamecube ones.

    But this is not to say that six won't ever get a remake. I just don't think it needs one just yet. first they'll do the snes ones and such then i'm sure they'll do six. But i'm not IS nor nintendo so what's my word mean, it's merely opinions and speculation. but enough about six back to four... :awesome:

    Technically speaking, I don't know if the DS can handle maps as large as FE4's with the graphical technology employed in Shadow Dragon, and I can't see them backstepping with the graphics. FEDS is already kind of touchy.

    That's why it has to be on the wii!!!!

    What's all this talk about balance and changing the game. I thought remake meant make it again but better, not nerf the whole thing! Sigh...IS i'll hate you all forever if you don' make FE4 as perfect as it was originally.

    Minor cosmetic changes to the kids depending on father, even if just a palette swap. Why is Lester's hair blue if Fin or Lex isn't his father? Tint it green if Midir's his dad, black if Jamka is, etc. If Fury pairs with Claude, maybe Sety should be blonde. Just sayin'.

    Amen to that my friend!!

    (on a completely of topic note....Schools out!!!! Whoo hoooooo!!!!....ahem sorry about that)


  10. I'm having a thought here...Maybe they'll do it in a different order than before...like finish the main story of marth then show the gaiden story.

    That is of course being Fe 2...So for us it might be like this order instead: Fe shadow dragon, Fe new mystery, then fe ( new) gaiden. It's a possibility considering gaiden didn't do bad as some had thought, but we'll see.

    Fe6 getting a remake...seems kinda of redundant...It's like considering a remake for 9, it feels too new to me still( And japanese people i'm sure). Fire emblem 1-5 came out before the 2000's making them fairly old(Over 10 years in fact!). ( And graphically outdated by most people's standards, unlike fe6 that is still fine when compared to 7 and 8.)

    Release dates for them...






    fe6- 2002 ( Only eight years ago...too soon.)


  11. And thus Gaiden further disappears into oblivion that is the fanbase's obsession with incest-laden Seisen no Keifu?

    Oh, come now, it wasn't the incest! It was the gameplay, and the mechanics that hooked me the most! But incest in a fire emblem shouldn't be so looked down upon considering MANY royal bloodlines in medieval ages married cousins and such to preserve their lineage. If medieval people did it in real life already, why is it so wrong if fake characters do it? After all Fire emblem is set in approximately the same time.

    Ramblings below, reading is optional...

    In any case i wish gaiden got more attention...I for one liked the different style...I think it would be awesome in a hypothetical new game, they fused every difffernt aspect into one. like the roaming and classup system of 2 and 8, the elaborate supports of 6-8, the 2 generations and the uber weapons usable by only a few, and a couple of unorthodox lords( Meaning a different weapon than a sword, and (though not absolutely needed) a different hair color. Too much blue hair!!!)

    Hopping on the unorthodox lords train, perhaps they could do something really different for one...like what they did for Ike ( Fe9 version...I like to pretend Fe10 had a different Ike...i call that buff hobo...Mike...sorry for the ramblings) Maybe a lord turned gladiator...or a defeated nation's leader as your lord...but like not all wussy like elincia and friends of that stereotype...or perhaps a lord that was exiled from his nation and seeks to defeat his own country due to the corruption that he tried to bring to light before being banished.

    But alas this is all hypothetical, on the spot, ramblings of a hypothetical new game...

    Back to a possible FE4 remake on the horizon...You never know if they will censor it though...Nintendo themselves had no problem making and releasing it the first time...what'll be any different this time?

    Call me optimistic, but I don't think that much censoring would be required to remake FE4.

    Here here! As El Rey Leon has said before me, many fire emblems have already done many things that fe4 did, though more discreet. CoughRavenandPriscilla,EirikaandEphraim,ClarineandKlein...Cough

    But alas, We shall have to wait and see what nintendo does...FE4 FOR THE CONSOLES!!!!


  12. No love for fe2...Why would they skip over it i wonder? Maybe they'll make 3 then make 2?

    You know, remaking the SNES games aren't bad ideas at all, they were consider the best of the series after all. As for the incest, they can either censor that or rate the game Rated T.

    Amen to that!

    It had darker themes yes, but that's what made it so real! that's pretty much how medieval ages were..save the dark god thing and other details but the incest was definitely there! The holy blood system, the holy weapons, the story, the drama! It was all so perfect, so nintendo has no reason not to remake it...preferably on a console. Fe4 in an updated 3d style from snes to wii....i'd die happily!


  13. Oh, whoops... I saw a video once of his hack where she attacked similiar to the beta animation, that's all...

    My mistake then...sorry.

    either way there are beta animations at feuniverse that you might be able to use! ( Hope i'm not worng about this too...crosses fingers)


  14. Aaron looks even better! For the eirika battle sprite you might want to ask Mageknight 404, as he made a modified version of that sprite as such he might know where the normal sprite is.

    Though i saw a beta animation package on Feuniversae you might want to check out. if you can't find it i could find for you.

    Hope this helps!


  15. Yay so i do have listeners!

    Ahem, any way, bryan, some of the lords are decorated...just not in their games...and besides, it was more towards the quality of the sprite that made it look professional nintendo-esque...not the decoration and such.

    Now onto Nickt...

    Faded red, it's possible that it came from Eirika's mother or Seth's parents. You can get hair colours from grandparents. If this doesn't satisfy you, I will ask the spriter if she would like to change it to a more reddish tone.

    ...Whoa whoa! I never intended to be a nag. Please don't think that i'm whining and wanting my way and only my way! Just offering friendly advice, 'kay? Anyhow, that aside...unless you agree with me don't worry about it. These are you and your comrades sprites. if you like them as they are then don't change them on accord of one person, this project will go nowhere if you are constantly trying to appease everyone. So if you say he inherited it from his grandparents then by God he did!

    NEW DISCLAIMER: I'm offering friendly advice, just my opinion's...if you agree with them, use them, if not then don't.


    Regarding your last comment on innes...Ephraim and friends are parents too...But hey as said above...it's your hack, your choices.

    I have a few nitpicks with some sprites...no i'm not going to make a huge list like last time so hold your horses!

    Before i start though, franz's hair look better...though the rectangular shape at the end of his hair is weird...

    Anyhow on to business,

    Seth's cheek, the one closer to us, looks like he got repeatedly hit by a baseball bat til it got bashed in, rather than aging.

    also the cheek under the collar look's like it's bulging out...Also, what's with the red dot thing on the far side of his forehead...

    Some of the problems mentioned before are still there...so whether or not you are going to fix them or not is up to you.

    Also if ephraim's going to be evil...shouldn't he look more evil...or is he going to have two forms like lyon did?

    And artur....Well just look at the above post's if you already haven't...

    Well that's all i can see. Again i'm not trying to be rude or mean, or a whiner, i'm simply trying to help you guys fix mistakes that i feel are there...but to heed them or not is up to you...

    Good luck, hope this helps,


  16. There's also the fact that people can age well/not so well over 20 or so years.
    Kyle- looks fine...though shouldn't kyle forde and ephraim all look the same age since they did in the first game? then again time has different effects on different people so i won't delve into it further.

    Come on...did you even read it all the way through?....Forget it...Good luck with the project then, seemingly my comments are falling on deaf ears...



  17. Looks pretty interesting...tough some characters look...really odd.

    DISCLAIMER : These are my opnions/gripes, you may choose to heed them or ignore them, that is up to you. Simply meant to be food for thought.

    In order, this could be long...so brace your self

    Aaron- Pretty cool, looks very...lord like, as if he could walk side by side with the other nintendo made lords and fit right in! So good job! Just one thing...if eirika and seth were his parents...where did the brown hair come from?

    Franz-...Simply awesome! Reminds me of the change that Fin went through during the course of fe4. one little nit pick, his back piece of hair looks weird how it flairs out but also seemingly tucks behind him or something like that. Hopefully that made sense...

    Derek- He's ok...just a litte boring that he uses the same pieces of hair from a certain someone's younger self positioned to his left...

    Marco- Really cool! No complaints from me! Well done! (Is he orson's kid or something, he reminds me of him.)

    Willis-...Pink hair...on a dude...That's kinda--... nah just kidding he's fine! Good job again!

    Shirley- Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by day-....Sorry she reminded me of that show for some reason. anyway yet again, another good sprite! Three in a row!

    Jocelyn- Cool, calm and sorta shy looking! Perfect for the green knight ( If that's what she is...Any relations to franz? Nanna, anyone? )

    Maya- Pretty sweet, you guys have a good record so far, five in a row!

    Glen- Interesting choice of class, given who his parents are...but who said the kids have to follow the parents! Again yet another good sprite.

    to shorten this a little i'm just gonna do this

    Mattie-lauren are good!

    Forde- what happened to him!!! No, forde was so cool! now he's...oh well...it's a good sprite never the less...he was based off of a painter was he not? If he is supposed to be a painter then why he still be a knight? Shouldn't it be one or the other?)

    Everyone else in the light green color is good!

    Now for the red section...Why the two riev's? Also shouldn't riev be dead now...or is he of some importance to the story?

    Mack- Good ol' bandit guys! Looks fine to me!

    Ephraim- Looks fine other than his far eye as someone already pointed out.

    Onto blue!

    Isolde( Young)- PERFECT!!!!!!

    Vanessa- colm are all fine

    Artur- he doesn't look like he aged a day...in fact he kinda looks younger...

    Forde....See above <_<

    Kyle- looks fine...though shouldn't kyle forde and ephraim all look the same age since they did in the first game? then again time has different effects on different people so i won't delve into it further.

    Lute-...Simply perfect! Hopefully these twenty years has gotten rid of that arrogant nature of hers...

    Tana- looks a little too old...in fact she looks way older than ephraim while in the original game she looked younger...

    Amelia and gerik look fine

    Innes-........Why is he so old!!! He was in the same age group as ephraim and friends...so why does he look like he could be their father!!??

    Tethys- Looks great!

    Marisa- doesn't look any different, just given a new angle and hairstyle...twenty years later and she is still wearing the same thing....

    Cormag- his head looks too small

    Rennac- fine other than the fact that he uses innes face...which seems sorta weird...

    Duessel is fine though Knoll looks too old.

    Myrrh looks fine

    Syrene looks...weird...she barely looks different save for the cape, and the wrinkle.

    Joshua looks....FANTASTIC!!

    Natasha...doesn't look different save for her head deformity.

    well that's all from me...i hope i didn't offend anyone. These are not facts just opinions, please treat them as such. Thank you for reading and hopefully you'll at least consider fixing some of the proposed problems.



  18. Poor Beo and Holyn. They always get the cut for being unpopular and/or unimportant.

    Definitely liking what you upload, though, and it's finally time for my favorite character of Generation 1 to appear.

    ...Well i never liked Beowolf that much. ( He's too ugly...and old to pair up with anyone...) But honestly why Holyn!! Why not cut some stupid dude....like say, Dew!

    Oh well, definitely a fun read nevertheless!

    Oh yeah just cause everybody saying it i'll join in too...Trabant looks cool!

    Look at the Gungnir!!! No wonder Cuan died!...And everyone else involved in that attack.


  19. Pretty much. You can check Elto's status screen on CH1 or CH3 and it shows no skill whatsoever.

    It's a good thing thing that he has none of those skills...Fighting him would be ALOT harder...

    But on another note...Why is there no Holyn! He's like my favorite character! ( Course all the Isaacians are my favorites...) Was he cut just so there was no implications between him and Lex over who gets Ayra? Same goes for Fin, Lachesis and Beowolf love triangle, I presume?

    Shame...But the manga is definitely one of my all time favorites! Can't wait for chapter 22!



  20. Ah, tomoyo and team thank you so much! This manga rocks! Thanks for translating! I hope it keeps on going smoothly.

    Seriously nintendo needs to remake this game with the amount of beautiful narrative and story that this manga added on. Course it's likely that it will be rated M but hey...It would be AWESOME!!

    (Number one FE4 fan right here, my fav. game!)

    Thanks so much!


  21. You're going? Shame, I'll miss you, bro :(

    I'd just like to thank you for all the sprites you've made for me. Though I never actually finished any hacks myself either, I wouldn't have even started if it weren't for you sprites. In particular, thanks for the FFX sprites, I'll make sure I put them to good use. Hopefully you'll come back later and get the patch once it's done! That won't be for a while though ;)

    Your last sprite is brilliant! Is it an FC?

    Well, I wish you luck in your pianoing. Thank again for the sprites, and the support!

    See ya man!

    -Jecht- (Stealin your thing one last time :D)

    Not a problem at all, it was my pleasure!

    Yes it is a full custom by the way...possibly the last one i'll ever do so i'm glad you liked it...

    Maybe, if your interested i'll post some videos of me playing piano, hopefully someday i'll be able to play the some in the linked video.

    Wow this is really hard to say goodbye... :sob:

    If this is goodbye forever Jecht, then I wish you the best in every aspect of life! Same goes for everyone here!

    Truly this is the end now.

    The dreams that we shared...the friends that we lost...Never forget them...-Yuna, FFX


  22. I hate to say this but this is farewell everyone. I have been on serenes and spriting for over two years ( The date i joined is incorrect because of the server crash thing) and I've met some really cool people though not personally. many of these people helped me learn and many of these people mercilessly mowed me down in critiquing my sprites. I've enjoyed spriting for a long time but when hacking became big I thought oh how great that would be! I could make my own fire emblem game!

    But week after wasted week of mindless spriting kept on getting me thinking...Why am i doing this? I literally no joke broke two mouses and one keyboard in frustration when it came to hacking the actual game. It's just not worth it...And besides, my future doesn't hold anything like this in it. I want to major in piano in college, and how can I do that when I spend more time spriting then playing?

    I'm not trying play the coward's card and opt out of it all because i have other plans...but when this hobby takes way too much time up and leaves me more frustrated then happy then can it still be called a hobby? It's more like painfully long payless work...The hacking aspect is what got me the most...

    It's slow, frustrating and most of all it always breaks down some how. So maybe you're wondering can't i just keep on spriting then. Well not really, the only reason I ever got into this was because I wanted to make my own hacks, but my ambitions for those are way too high and frankly i've had enough with yelling and screaming at a computer for hours on end for such little output. the only reaction i've ever got from my siblings and neighbors for making a semi complete hack was, Oh that's cool...

    Then they'd leave...That's it. Don't get me wrong, i'm not done because i feel underappreciated, it's that I, myself, am throwing in the spriting hacking towel. It's been a long hard road. Raising my spriting skills from nothing to something was long but i enjoyed it while it lasted. Many thanks to Jecht, above all. Were it not for him, i doubt i would have stayed on this long. I'm sorry to be quiting out on you...good luck with you hack!

    But as my serenes forest "Will", I leave any work I have posted to you, May it serve you well( Provided you want it.).

    Maybe i'm being silly, to some...but I just don't find it to be a hobby any longer. It's sort of became some kind of contest or job, One that i can't seem to like any more.

    So goodbye everyone, I hope you enjoyed my would be hobby over the last few years. It's been a long crazy ride but like anything it must come to an end. maybe some of you don't know who i am or maybe some of you didn't even think i was that great. Know that if the latter is how you felt then that's why i'm leaving. moreover though it's the hacking...it's tough, its slow, it's time consuming and not fun. Most of all I don't enjoy it anymore.

    One last hurrah,


    Maybe it's not a great way to go...so here's a video of Chopin( Eternal sonata ending so don't watch if you don't want to ruin it) with the song i wrote all this to ( Yeah even in goodbye I'm still lame)

    Maybe I left an impression ( I'd like to think so) on you all, maybe i didn't. In any case to all of you that helped me, to all of you who critiqued my work, to all of you who generally liked anything i did, Goodbye.

    So ends the tale of Eriad, I hope you all enjoyed it.

    The end is just the begining of something new...-Eriad


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