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Misses Elise-chan!

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Posts posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. Quick question guys, please answer. Sorry if this topic has been done already, but I felt like making this because of the Underrated FE thread.

    I call upon all of Serenes Forest, everyone in this community, to answer my question. After we shall find out the true value of this community and separate the commoners from the nobles and lords.

    Bonus question: If any, which FE or FEs have you given up on?

  2. Chrom is my least favorite lord of all time, mainly because I don't think he has any originality. He's pretty much a Marth/Ike/Sigurd ripoff with maybe a bit of Ephraim thrown into the mix. I guess the same could be said of the previous Lords/Ladies, but I see it more in Chrom than I do anyone else. Also, his whole relationship to Marth doesn't make sense.

    Even the Celica Einherjar?

    Not the Celica Einherjar.
  3. Who said it wasn't important to her? Who said they didn't believe she would do everything in her power to stop Grima? I just don't see anymore to her character than that and she comes off as flat and uninteresting to me.

    Who said they only dislike a character because of their fanbase? I gave several reasons for disliking Lucina.

    Also, why do people always complain when someone says they dislike Lucina? They dislike her and have their reasons for it, whether you like it or not. Deal with it.

    You have to understand that other people have opinions too, and if they don't like yours they will critique it. You are entitled to believe what you like, but don't expect people to not react differently.

    I don't believe anyone said it wasn't important to her, rather they were just bringing it up.

    And I agree, Chrom is selfish at times as well.

    If you're talking about Chroms selfishness compared to Lucina the I disagree.

    Just bringing this up again.

    Selfish-lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure. This description fits Chrom more than Lucina. Lucina would be the exact opposite of selfish sacrificing her husband, mother, or friend/fathers friend in order to protect the world. Sacrificing her family to keep others together.

    So Lucina is not selfish as well as Chrom.

    I do agree that she doesn't stand out as much and has a sort of bland personality, but this is in a game where everyone is crazy.

    Pls no h8.

  4. 1-Virion










    I've never used Severa in any of my playthroughs, but I first heard her lines when my brother was playing the game. I immediately wanted to punch something.

    I also dislike Severa, but she still isn't as bad as other units in my opinion. She still makes a decent waifu.
  5. All this talk about underrated titles and yet no mention of Tear Ring Saga? For shame...

    (but seriously I'd throw in my vote for Gaiden)

    Gaiden is not that overrated. It gets a good amount of attention for being different than other FE games.

    Even for its time it wasnt really revolutionary or anything (also it didnt define the SRPG genre FE3 is a best seller and a very popular game in japan for a reason) Gaiden is essentialy brought most the things used in modern FEs compared to its sequal and the other nes entry its preety below average even by retro nes terms

    also how is gaiden zelda 2

    it keeps alot of the same core mechanics added one of the most if not the most influental mechanic in FE which is promotions

    My apologies good sir, a better way to say it would be that it was one of the games that started the SRPG genre, if there were any others besides Famicon Wars(which I'm not that familiar with). Very different from normal RPGs like Final Fantasy.

    Gaidens map designs sucked, FE1 had better maps.

    And I see how you're still comparing it to a game that came out on a much more powerful system.

    I understand it doesn't hold up as well today, but FE1 is basically what the series is, more influential for the series than Gaiden, as all first entries are.

    Oh, I forgot that this is not what this thread is about. My point is that FE1 is only ever given hate when rarely mentioned. At least Gaiden is praised for its overworld map, but no one does so for FE1.

  6. I hate Lucina because the whole "I must save the world!" Thing is just about all there is to her and she just plain bores me. Yes, I've read some of her supports. I also don't like her design. And her fanbase is annoying (though not as annoying as Chrom's).

    She's also kind of selfish if the Avatar is her mother or husband. I can't explain it well, but Sangyul put it into good words awhile back.

    I can't understand the love for her. We'll just have to agree to disagree here.

    This is about the characters personality, not fanbase. A characters fan base does not make them who they are.

    I don't think she was being selfish though. I mean, one measly life for the lives of millions is not selfish. She was thinking of the greater good. Having Robin live and taking a great risk would have been selfish. They decided to not take the easy way out and risk the entire planet being destroyed instead, which is stupid.

    If anything, Chrom is selfish for having Grima live in order for his best friend to stick around, putting future generations at risk. But take into consideration how much Chrom and Robin have through together, every battle and Emmeryns death, such a decision would be hard to make, killing someone very close to you like a brother or sister.

  7. I originaly voted SD for how much undeserved shit it gets but then I thought about it and I voted thracia

    original fe1 is trash SD is less trash

    FE1 is what started the series and brought the permanent death. It was a pretty good game for it's time too, giving the player more of a connection with the characters as you didn't have extra lives every level. FE1 was actually my third game to play and I enjoyed it. FE1 defined the SRPG genre. Please do not judge it based off of how it holds up today, instead of what it did for it's time.
  8. Inigo, Tharja, and Virion suck. Sain was funny when he flirted with girls and talked of them, but Inigo and Virion do it in a way that makes me hate them. Tharja is a terrible mother and creepy stalker. Anna is pretty high up there too, but her nurse joy thing greatly outweighs the cons of her stupid desire for money. Reminds me of Mr. Krabs from Spongebob, he doesn't even spend it, he hoards it. Not Lucina because she is my current waifu and a waifu must be treated with respect. I only did S support with Lucina for Morgan with Aether, it was either that or Aversa and her Shadowgift skill.

    But Lucina isn't that bad of a character as people say she is. Just because she is a little bland without any abnormal traits or behaviours like the blood freak, hero lover, loli, or pebble collector doesn't mean she sucks, she's just one of the most normal people there, and I understand how people hate normal. I don't like Lucina that much, but a waifu is a waifu and I shall absolutely not say horrid things about my second waifu.

  9. "phantoms"This is the text you cited.They have to be able to reflect the character. Not possible with morphs.Not the actual person means a copy, granted. However, they do have to reflect the character's original being. Which a morph would not do. The morphs in "Light" never said a word, failing to recognize Nino or the lords. It'smade very clear that morphs are much, much more shallow than Einherjar are.

    A morph could reflect a character's original being if the creator installed that way of thinking into it. Nergal was evil, so of course a flesh puppet would behave similarly to it's creator, that creator being shallow.
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