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Misses Elise-chan!

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Posts posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. Technically Nyna, Camus, Rickard, and Minerva are lord characters in BS Fire Emblem Akenia saga. Although not the lord class specifically, they are still treated as such and are the lords of that specific chapter. Like how Celica and Alm or lords, nut not lord class.

    So more answers for your question thanks to me.

  2. Rosalina

    Baby Rosalina


    Baby Wario


    Baby Daisy



    Bowser Junior

    Professor E. Gadd



    Baby Mario

    Paper Mario

    Doctor Mario

    Small Mario

    Fire Mario

    Ice Mario

    Penguin Mario

    Propeller Mario

    Cat Mario

    Tanooki Mario

    Cape Mario

    Frog Mario

    Boomerang Mario

    Racoon Mario

    Hammer Mario

    Squirrel Mario


    Baby Luigi

    Paper Luigi

    Doctor Luigi

    Small Luigi

    Fire Luigi

    Ice Luigi

    Boomerang Luigi

    Cat Luigi

    Penguin Luigi

    Tanooki Luigi

    Hammer Luigi

    Frog Luigi

    Racoon Luigi

    Cape Luigi

    Propeller Luigi

    Squirrel Luigi


    Red Yoshi

    Blue Yoshi

    Green Yoshi

    Yellow Yoshi

    Black Yoshi

    White Yoshi

    Pink Yoshi

    Purple Yoshi


    Baby Bowser

    Dry Bowser

    Cat Bowser

    Tanooki Bowser


    Baby Peach

    Fire Peach

    Small Peach

    Boomerang Peach

    Racoon Peach

    Cat Peach

    [spoiler=Donkey Kong]Donkey Kong

    Baby Donkey Kong

    Diddy Kong

    Dixie Kong

    Cranky Kong

    Wrinkly Kong

    Tiny Kong

    Funky Kong

    Candy Kong

    [spoiler=Bosses]King Boo


    King Goomba

    Princess Shroob

    Elder Princess Shroob

    Captain Syrup

    Petey Piranha

    Lord Crump

    Shadow Mario

    [spoiler=Toads]Red Toad

    Blue Toad

    Yellow Toad

    Green Toad

    Purple Toad


    Captain Toad






    Green Koopa

    Red Koopa

    Green Paratroopa

    Red Paratroopa

    Blue Koopa

    Blue Paratroopa

    Yellow Koopa

    Yellow Paratroopa





    Red Shy Guy

    Blue Shy Guy

    Yellow Shy Guy

    Green Shy Guy

    Purple Shy Guy

    [spoiler=Koopalings]Larry Koopa

    Lemmy Koopa

    Roy Koopa

    Iggy Koopa

    Wendy Orlean Koopa

    Ludwig Von Koopa

    Morton Koopa Junior

    [spoiler=Koopa Kids]Koopa Kid

    Blue Koopa Kid

    Red Koopa Kid

    Green Koopa Kid



    Doctor Crygor




    Jimmy T.





    Penny Crygor

    I may have missed a couple key characters.

  3. That means Morgan forgot her or his name and went back in time through the Outrealms to Elibe before the time of Awakening using the name Mark.

    Or maybe in an alternate universe, she was sent to Elibe instead of Archanea.

    Maybe his real name isn't actually Morgan, but Mark and he just remembered the name of his twin sister Morgan instead after losing his memory.

  4. Theory, Robin is a descendant of Chris.


    I believe you'll ascend as king of Altea, and govern the world. By then, you'll probably have children too... I am certain your children will be both kind and brave.


    Thank you for your kind future. And what will you be doing, then?


    When that time comes... I believe I'll still be serving you by your side. And, if I happen to have children of my own... I am sure my children will fight for the future of Altea, as well.


    My children and your children... It would be lovely if they could get along.

  5. Keep marriage, but nerf it a little. No children units should be in this game. How about having units teach other units skills instead of inheriting them.

    For example Stahl can teach two or one skills to a select few characters after getting an A level support with them. Lonqu could teach Astra to Lissa or Chrom can give Pavise to Donnel. Tought skills cannot be tought to other units, special skills are character locked, basic skills can be tought to other units. 2 for less useful basic skills like Outdoor fighter and Strength +2 or 1 for more useful skills like Astra or Aegis.

  6. Sigurd doesn't have that great of a speed growth, but the fact that he uses swords as a primary makes up for it. Only wind magic is lighter.

    You have a point, i didn't get sigurds tyrfing because 3 axe horses killed him and i just let it go. My sigurd endgamed with 15 speed which, again, is probably why m biased

    My Sigurd has 21 speed at chapter 3. Probably because he's gotten half the kills and has the Paragon item. I think level 26 or 28
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