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Misses Elise-chan!

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Posts posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. Here is my new timeline excluding the history of each world, just the time of the main lords.

    Blazing Sword>Binding Blade>[sacred Stones]>Genealogy of the Holy War First Generation>Thracia 776>Genealogy of the Holy War Second Generation>[sacred Stones]>BS Fire Emblem War Chronicles of Akaneia=Shadow Dragon Prologue>Dark Dragon and Sword of Light=Shadow Dragon=Mystery of the Emblem Book One War of Darkness>Gaiden>New Mystery of the Emblem=Mystery of the Emblem Book Two War of Heroes>[sacred Stones]>Path of Radiance>Radiant Dawn>[sacred Stones]>Awakening>[sacred Stones]

    > Leads to next game

    [] Could possibly take place in that time

    Sacred Stones probably takes place some time after the Blazing Sword and Binding Blade era. I like to believe that the during the Scouring, the Dragons Gate lead the manaketes to Archanea. Jugdral occurs at the same time the Dragon people were first settling into the new continent of Archanea. Eliwood and Roy's story should be before Jugdral's tale of Sigurd and Seliph because according to the timeline...


    ...The dragons came into Archanea before the events of Genealogy and Thracia, even before the first kingdom was established. If the Dragons Gate is indeed a portal to Archanea, then Elibe would take place before the first three continents. The Golden age of Dragons would probably be around...

    ...I forgot Fae uses a Dragon stone, which means that she had probably came to Elibe after the Scouring or something, because Dragon Stones most likely didn't exist until 3000 years after the golden age of dragons in Archanea. Time to think...

    ...Maybe they've been around before they needed to seal their powers, but they had no reason in doing such a thing. I can't do the math to figure out the exact year when the Scouring took place in Elibe, but I have a rough idea. I imagine that their years would be in similar length to ours, just starting at different numbers. What I found in the timeline says they were forced to seal their powers, not that that was the time period dragon stones were created, so dragon stones must have been around during the golden age, 3000 years before. Note that it says the dragons were an advanced civilization, meaning this must have been the time frame that dragon stones were created, but not needed. So in my eyes, Elibe still takes place at the very beginning.

    Since Priam says he is the descendent of Ike, I imagine it wasn't to long ago when the Tellius arch took place. Tiki was 1000 years old when she met Marth, during Awakening she is around 3000. I think it is most likely that Ike's story took place in those 2000 years, especially considering that he left to never be seen again. I also imagine that he didn't get as much recognition for his...

    ...I forgot the Einherjar cards, he must have been immortalized into legends after his game for some magic dude to seal an exact image of his heart and soul into cards, especially more than one. Although, if he never returned, that means Priam most likely couldn't have born several millenniums away from Ike. Such a persons tale could only last so long if being passed down orally from one generation to the next. Ike's descendents probably never stepped foot on Tellius and were probably excluded from hearing those tales from the common folk of Tellius.

    Sacred Stones takes place after Elibe

    Elibe, I've got no reason. All I know is the dragon zombies presence means that manaketes were more plentiful in the past. Humans have had a long history before the Demon Kings attack 800 years ago, so I guess that they've been living in kingdoms and empires for quite some time. Sacred Stones has no specific place in the timeline, all I see is that it takes place after FE6 and FE7, possibly during FE8 as well.

  2. I like to make timelines using the events that take place in the present time in the game, using the history of the continent and other lore would be to confusing considering one arc can overlap with another. So here is my timeline from my old thread I made a while ago, with some new improvements.

    Blazing Sword>Binding Blade>Genealogy of the Holy War>Thracia 776>Dark Dragon and Sword of Light=Shadow Dragon=Mystery of the Emblem Book One War of Darkness>Gaiden>New Mystery of the Emblem=Mystery of the Emblem>Path of Radiance>Radiant Dawn>Awakening

  3. 1)FE7 Recruitment

    2)FE4 Recruitment

    3)FE6 Recruitment

    4)FE1 Recruitment

    5)FE2 Celica Map 1

    6)FE13 Id Purpose

    7)FE8 Recruitment

    8)FE3 Recruitment

    9)Fire Emblem Main Theme

    10)FE13 Conquest Ablaze

    11)Pollyanna (I believe in you)

    These songs are all equal in my eyes, despite the numbers.

  4. New NES, SNES, GBA, GB, and N64 games for download. Since these games are old and understood, shouldn't it be even easier to understand now? Cheap games made and bought for low cost. Don't take as long to make.

    -Megaman X Dynasty Warriors crossover

    -Golden Sun x Dynasty Warriors crossover

    -Fire Emblem x Golden Sun crossover

    -Golden Sun x Pokemon crossover

    -Anything to do with Golden Sun because Golden Sun needs more love

    Megaman is not Nintendo.

    A new Mario versus Donkey Kong where you cam actually play as characters and not toys.

    A new Zelda game with Zelda 2 gameplay.

    A new Fire Emblem game with Gaiden gameplay.

  5. NES Maker, a game that allows you to mix and match pieces from your NES favorites. Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, Clu Clu Land, Balloon Fight, Fire Emblem Dark Dragon and Sword of Light (Japan only), Ice Climbers.

    I just saw the New Hyrule deal and was reminded of New Super Mario Bros. Tis all lol

    The first two New Super Mario Bros games weren't bad. The next two sucked. I have high hopes for Mario Maker. Hopefully Nintendo doesn't crap out another garbage sequal.
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