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Misses Elise-chan!

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Posts posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. Remember how in the video Mr. Developer Man (I think he is Shigeru Miyamotos son or something, his name was Anuki I think) he said there would be bugs? This must mean the net is returning along with more bug catching sidequests like in Twilight Princess.

    Another good item to bring back would be the fishing rod. There's so much water in this game that if they didn't it would be a huge wasted opportunity.

    For the first time Link will be able to use both the bug net and fishing rod in the same game. An open world game needs plenty of things to do, fishing and bug catching should be some of them.

    Now all we need is a museum and owl.

    The Roc's Cape is better than the Roc's Feather, it should return instead if a Roc's item comes back. Unlike the Roc's Feather, the Roc's Cape allowed Link to glide across gaps. The feather only allowed him to jump. And Link already automatically jumps when he goes off the edge of a cliff or platform in 3D Zeldas. Its only use would be jumping on top of blocks or something a la Mario. The Roc's Cape can let him jump OR glide.

    A good use of the item I mentioned is climbing up trees or other platforms where there is no ledge to jump from or wall to climb. Imagine having Link sit on a tree branch and possibly eating apples up there, it would be this games equivalent to sitting on benches in X and Y.

    Also, honestly, using only the Gamepad is a downgrade, not using the remote and nunchuck. I always felt that the Gamepad was a downgrade from them because it's pretty much like an old fashioned video game controller, only with its own screen. The Wii remote and nunhuck were way different from the GC controller because of the new motion controls and stuff. The Gamepad just does what older controllers did plus a screen.

    The sail cloth already glides, that's why I said the Roc's feather. Each item should have different properties and abilities. Giving one item too many properties, especially one that another item already has, dulls gameplay. You might as well take out the sail cloth and forget adding the Roc's feather if the Roc's cape is in. Variety is a must in Zelda.

    I am going to write something 2edgy4U, thus ignoring my post about discussing things other than motion controls versus gamepad. If Nintendo focuses on using one control option then they can spend more time doing more important things. Developers usually give more control options when it's practical and will'nt require any excess money, time, or programing.

    Before you reply back...no, you're not allowed to have an opinion, no one is. On the internet everbody is always wrong, please refer to the rules of the internet if you'd like to know what is fact. Anything not on the list is wrong.

  2. Roc's Feather, hmm, how would that work? Or how about the magnetic gloves, I don't remember much about it but it looks interesting. I wouldn't mind if Link had no partner, or rather one that was more like the King of Red Lions or something. Linebeck was awesome, it would be cool for him to appear, or an alternate incarnation of him. Speaking of which, does anyone have any other hope for recurring NPCS?

    Postman and Windmill guy.
  3. I'd also like the Roc's feather to return. Linebeck is a must in this game. I'm also hoping for a new partner for Link that is less of a lecturer.

    It'd be interesting to see some more personality among enemies, some friendly moblins, perhaps more speaking villains than two as well. I really hope this next Zelda is big on everything, the dungeons, sidequests, characters, story, we already know the world is big so I have no worries there. Ugh I can't wait for this game, someone freeze me and wake me up next Christmas.

    The thing is Smash Bros. has no functions that take advantage of the Wii U Gamepad (except for photo studio and stage builder) and for Nintendo to sell more Wii U's and attract investors, games need to show that the Wii U Gamepad is something important enough to the system that it isn't a waste of money, cause I'm pretty sure it's at least a quarter or more of the system's worth. Each new Zelda game has been designed to take advantage of the new controller and optimize it to the max, it would be inhibiting for the new Zelda game to have to downgrade to accommodate for features on the Wii remote, as it is likely to require the Gamepad's touchscreen, gyro and more buttons. If the extent to which the Gamepad is used is only for map functions and aiming, then maybe I could see there being a control scheme where you'd sit with the Gamepad in front of you and then the controller of your choice in your hands, but I wouldn't expect any enemies or gameplay to take advantage of an alternate control scheme.

    Thank you for the in depth explanation on why Zelda has an excuse for limited control options, I agree.
  4. More time spent developing other parts of the game instead of adding multiple control options that make the game extremely complicated and f**k up the item and map gamepad screens would be favorable to me.

    I was hoping for a better discussion than "Motion plus controls versus gamepad controls". Sorry Anacybele, but your outnumbered, I guess the gamepad lovers win. With the little information we have of the game, we can't say for sure if motion controls will or will'nt be coming back. From what we have seen so far, it is most likely that the gamepad is going to be the only control option. Remember how in Skyward Sword you had to swing in a certain direction to actually hurt enemies? From motion plus to the gamepad, that won't be an easy thing to replicate and I don't see Nintendo changing up the entire enemy AI for that. Still, we could be wrong or we could be right, only time will tell...

    I'd like to see the meat item return. I'd like to see the return of friendly moblins or enemy like creatures because fully 3D Zelda games have yet to have something like that. More door repairs. Cucoos too.

  5. You know what? I can't wait to bomb some Dodongos in Zelda U. I also hope you get to eat Octorock after killing them to refill your hunger bar. If we get to meet King Harkinian in this game, that would be perfect.

    I've been thinking about something lately...what if they added a Dark World, Lorule, or alternate version of Hyrule in this game?

  6. You know what would be a great idea? Remember how in the The Legend of Zelda you had to deliver a paper from an old man to a cave, to an old lady in a cave all the way on the other side of the map who would give you potions? If they brought that back as a sidequest that would be fun. Another trading sidequest with a time limit and no warping would also be fun.

    In Skyward Sword he's part of the Skyloft academy and it's mentioned that Link's tunic is next year's knight garb. In Minish Cap and Four Swords Link is Zelda's personal guard and friend. Also in Spirit Tracks the tunic is a guard uniform (hmm, perhaps it could be New Hyrule afterall, I doubt it though). I think Link might also be a guard of Zelda in Four Swords Adventures as well, IIRC. Only in Ocarina, Twilight and Wind Waker is the tunic specifically associated with the hero.

    You forgot Majora's Mask, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, A Link Between Worlds, A Link to the Past, Phantom Hourglass, Oracle of Ages, and Oracle of Seasons.
  7. GameXplain mentioned using the sail cloth to go up high places via gusts of wind. That would feel very out of place in an open world. Dungeons are ok for those and maybe a couple gusts scattered across the map for important places, but a grappling or hook item would be a much better idea.

    Since this is an open world game, how much loading will there be and what kind of places will have to load it itself up once you come to the entrance? When I reach a dungeon or house will I have to wait before the game readies the new area? Did Skyrim and other open world games always have new areas ready before you got there?

    EDIT: I'd also like to point out that before its association with fairies and the Kokori (and later the Hero of Time) the green tunic is associated with the royal guard and knighthood (like in Skyward Sword, Minish Cap and Four Swords) this suggests to me that Link in this story, if it takes place before OoT, is not associated with the royal guard, knights or Hyrule Castle and is likely a lone adventurer or wandering hero with no obligations to authority.

    Isn't he a lone adventurer in every single game? Is always not a memeber of the royal guard?
  8. The truth about the missing hero: This game takes place in new Hyrule before the spirit tracks were made. Which was around the time the hero disappeared and the gods flooded Hyrule. The hero was already reincarnated, just not in flooded Hyrule, but instead new hyrule, where he was needed more. This explains the disappearance of the Spirit of the Hero. If the Hero's Spirit truly did disappear into another timeline, then how did another hero show up? Spirit of the hero never truly left when Link went back to his childhood.

    Lost again: This Link is the same hero from Link's Awakening, who survived the ship wreck and made it back to Hyrule or got stranded on another continent.

    Before the beginning: The Link shown in the trailer is either Hylia's chosen hero or a descendant of him from before Demise came from hell. (The fissure in the earth mentioned could have been a portal to Lorule and Girahim is actually Lorule's version of the master sword)

    Least interesting place in the timeline: This game takes place after Twilight Princess or Four Swords Adventures.

    Worst place in the timeline: This game takes place in Tolemac, Koridai, or Gamelon. Specifically the CD-i timeline.

  9. Being as linear as it was was one of the things that made it easy. And Zelda games shouldn't be so linear anyways, given that one of the main points of Zelda is exploration, and railroading kind of ruins that.

    Not every game has to follow the same pattern, but I do agree that Skyward Sword should have been less linear.
  10. How would the classic zelda items work in a more open world game? I'm going to spend a good amount of time parachuting down mountains and playing with the grappling hook/hookshot.

    Judging from what Mr. Developer Man said in the video, it would take it little longer than 4-5 minutes to travel to the point he marked on the cliff from his starting location. He already traveled some distance before he said that so it would be ok to add a couple more minutes to that, I don't know how much. If we take that distance and make a chain from one end of the map to another, we'd probably have a good rough estimate of how big the map is. I'm too lazy to do this. How big do you think the map is going to be and how does it compare to other zelda and non-zelda games.

  11. From what we've been told, this game keeps reminding me of the original Zelda.

    I was about to say that. Sequalitis did something about that once and from other sources I've heard the original Zelda on the NES was supposed to be about the exploration. Mario was a linear game, and Zelda was nonlinear game where the dungeons could be beat in any order the player desired. I never beat the first Zelda, but I did make it to Ganon with every item before I got distracted doing somethig else. I am so hyped to see this old idea return.

    I was thinking it might be cool if they tried to invoke the feel of the original Zelda, and base the map somewhat on it. Hopefully there are villages though and stuff. (there were people in the first trailer so I assume so)

    There we're people in the first trailer?!?

    I really like how much they showed it off.I also like how the brought back TP sword fighting on horse back.But my question is:Where is Link's tunic?Is he just some random hero until he gets the Triforce of Courage?Or does the green tunic mean anything in that timeline?

    I was also about to mention that too...before I got distracted doing something else. I look foward to being able to have Link wear different types of tunics and clothing or equipment. I saw Link wearing a hood in the trailer, I'm curious as to how that will work. Maybe some DLC or ingame alternate costumes would be cool. Engineers uniform, Skyloft, or outset island clothing.
  12. Do you mean Nayru's friend, Ralph? I'm surprised you mention him, as he was a pretty boring character.

    Well in the manga he seemed much fewer boring. I'm not so sure about the game because I've yet to beat it and got distracted doing something else, but he was pretty much Link's rival in the manga. A rival character with personality would be great, imagine just wandering around the giant overworld and coming across him from time to time in the most random of places just like the postman in TP. I just love the postman, best NPC in the entire franchise. Having the postman return is a must.

    Well yeah, that would be silly. I'm not saying we have to use the Wii remote and nunchuck while hanging onto the Gamepad at the same time. xP

    The Gamepad could be one control option, and for people that enjoyed Skyward Sword's motion controls, the Wii remote and nunchuck could be a second option. That's what I'm trying to suggest.

    I wish I had the chance to play SS. I would have liked the motion controls. Anyways, I don't see the motion controls returning and Kon was right about Mr. Developer Man using the sword during the video (2:03). I don't see them returning because of the different types of screens they may put on the game pad.
  13. I'd also like to see a rival character like that one dude in the Oracle game, I forgot which.

    I'm not expecting much other than the bland OoT formula for a 3D Zelda. I'm just hoping they try to make Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf into actual characters. I only say that since I saw a pic of Ganondorf teaching Link how to draw a bow and it would be like really neat if the three them are friends at first then stuff happens and Ganondorf become the evil dude we all know and love.

    Link please.
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