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Misses Elise-chan!

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Posts posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. Any personal experiences doing this? I tend to make lots of mistakes when playing by being reckless. I hate having to restart the chapter so I usually use save states, after I feel really guilty and call myself a fraud. But I do plan on making lets plays of each Fire Emblem so I like to think of this as practice.

    Any advice on enemy stats, positioning, or terrain would be appreciated.

  2. how are you still alive

    also when my sister and I were little we hated having the lights on and often played video games/talked to each other in the dark because it was easier to imagine things that way (we loved playing imagination games) and we did this at my dad's back office at his old restaurant

    well he found us in the dark once and told us not to do that anymore or satan would steal us away/attack us in the dark

    and then i thought i saw shadow people one time

    that's the story of how i became afraid of the dark.

    also apparently this is something mexican parents often tell their children, but there are different versions of it

    That's similar to what my parents told me, it's not just Mexico.

    My mom is from El Salvador and she told me that the coocoo or cucu or cuco would take me away if stayed in the dark.

    Also, Religion, not a joke. I used to pray every night out of fear that I would die in my sleep and go to hell and suffer for all eternity. A couple years after I abandoned God and I feel much better now.

  3. Fire Emblem Collectors Edition-Contains every Fire Emblem game from 1 to 12, on DS or New 3DS if the original can run Wii games, yeah probably the New 3DS

    Fire Emblem Virtual Console-Fire Emblem 1 through 6 translated.

    Mother Collectors Edition-Contains every Mother game translated.

    Mother Virtual Console-Mother 1 and 3 fully translated.

    A New F-Zero for Wii U or 3DS.

    Pokemon Generations 1 through 3 on virtual console.

    Super Smash Kart-With all the non-Mario characters I thinks it's time to include everyone.

    New Fire Emblem for Wii U or 3DS that allows for competitive online matches similar to Pokemon and expands the metagame.

    Kid Icarus for Wii U-Imagine the multiplayer online battles, this would be enough to compete with smash online.

    Animal Crossing for the Wii U-One of my top favorite series, there's already a community on the Wii U. I can't wait to hit villagers with my net in HD.

    Official statement saying that they have bought Mega Man.

    Gamecube Virtual Console on Wii U.

    Gameboy Advanced Virtual Console on 3DS.

    Super Mario online multiplayer.

    A new Kirby game that reveals Meta Knights true identify and origin.

    A remake of The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link on the 3DS.

    A new Four Swords with online multiplayer.

  4. Manaketes are without a doubt NOT plentiful in Magvel considering there are only Myrrh and Morva in the storyline and the latter is the Great Dragon of legends so there were probably not many of them in the past either or they would be mentioned.

    Still, Magvel can't be placed in the timeline without blindly guessing. They could have remained in small numbers up to the time of Chrom, Ike, Eliwoood, or Marth.
  5. Yes, all the time, although there were equally as many times where I was wrong and I thought my parents were just using the youth bias but I was actually just plain wrong in retrospect. I don't think there has been a time where I was in the right in an argument with my grandpa, perhaps I'm a little biased in my defence of elders cause he was one of the smartest people I knew.

    I feel ya bro.
  6. The existence of at least 3 out realm gates explains a lot to me(archaenea/ylisse,(out realm gate)

    elibe (dragons gate), and tellius(however Priam got to ylisse))

    The elibe series happens first however the ending winter ONLY affects elibe, the dragons flea thru the out realm gate and reach archaenea and(speculation warning) magvel (in small numbers) magvel retains ignorance of outside realms however and these few dragons settle in darkling woods. SS happens followed by jugdral series. Again the wars of the stones are unnoticed by outside realms. After the events of the jugdral games comes the archaenea series followed by the tellius series. Post tellius series groups of laguz arrive in archaenea thru whatever tellius's out realm gate is and fight a war with the humans of that continent. this war becomes known as the schism as mentioned by basillio in awakening. During this these migrant laguz degenerate similar to the manaketes and become the taguel. The countries of ylisse, plegia, and regna ferox are also founded. I assume this is when ylisse and plegia were founded anyway. And thus we end with awakening.

    In short blazing sword>binding blade>sacred stones>gen 1 of the holy war>thracia 776>gen 2 of the holy war>shadow dragon>gaiden>mystery of the emblem> path of radiance> radiant dawn> awakening

    Manaketes could have been plentiful in Magvel and degenerated by the time of Awakening.
  7. Play them in order, stat from the NES, to SNES, to GBA, to Tellius series, to the DS remakes, and finish it off with another play through of Awakening.

    Play them in order so you can get a better idea on how the series came to be what it is today. Forget about the beginner friendly titles and play them in the order they were made.

    The onyl exception to this is FE6 and FE7, play FE7 first since it came first story wise and is beginner friendly, but that won't matter because you'd have already played the hardest two, the Jugdral games.

    This is coming from someone who only played Awakening, Sacred Stones, FE1, and is currently playing Gaiden, so it'd be best if you ignore my advice if you aren't up for a challenge.

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