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Misses Elise-chan!

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Posts posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. More enemies than just boring poop face moblins. We need a challenge. Weakling grunt enemies are okay, but having too much and making them one of the only enemies around while travelling is boring.

    I want to see a crap load of enemies. Put the entire series worth. Aquamentis and Manhandella would be epic dungeon bosses, imagine the classic NES bosses remade in a 3D game.

    The hookshot would be awesome to use in a open world type game, unlike TP or OoT, you'd have more use of it than just to get to a chest or door in a dungeon.

    The sail cloth is used to reach the bottom of a high place, the hookshot could be the opposite and let you reach the top. Maybe a grappling hook could work better. How do you guys think this could work?

  2. I'm looking foward to seeing how all the races look like, especially the Child timeline Zoras, Zelda and Ganondorf (Not Ganon) too. Since this Link is styled after the Oracle, LttP, and LBW Link, I'd like to see how characters from non 3D Zelda games look in 3D.

    Any guesses on where this game may take place in the timeline? The design of Link hints towards the downfall timeline, but that would be boring. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I saw any castles on the map, maybe it takes place directly after SS, or they may have yet to add it into the game.

    Areas I would like to be able to travel too and explore: Lakes, rivers, oceans, beachs, deserts, tundras, snow covered mountains, rocky mountains, caves, villages, mountain peak (So I can jump off and fly).

    With my sail cloth I'd like to jump off Epona from a cliff and float down in slow motion with my bow.

    I'd also like some sort of transportation when going through water. A quick warp thing would be great too, maybe another ocarina, that would be great. A boat would be great too.

    My favorite Zelda game is Spirit Tracks because I'm a filthy casual. If this took place in new Hyrule I'd be so happy, but a little confused. The spirit train would be a great way to get from one place to the next, but this is most likely not goig to be the case.

  3. Topic.

    What features would you like to be added in the upcoming Zelda title? What are you looking foward to? What do you think they will add? Are you worried about certain things that may be added?

    For me, I hope they don't have to sacrifice the story. I'd also like to be able to travel across the lake, river, or ocean areas. Different biomes or terrain than just mountain and trees.

  4. One theory that i came up with, but don't agree with is that there cannot be more than one of a certain person in any timeline or world. So when evil Robin came to the past it wasn't him, but the universe trying to fix itself since there was already a Robin there. When Morgan came to the past he might have come with a twin or another Morgan already came earlier than the one who lost his memories. This could also explain Anna since there are so many. Anna probably traveled through the Outrealms so much that she ended up creating thousands of copies of herself each with memory loss. She ended up thinking that they were all her sisters. Anna is her sisters.

    Another Morgan theory I have is that the FE7 tactician is actually Morgan. Morgan traveled through the outrealms to Elibe and lost her memories. The name she remembers is not her own, but the name of MU,

  5. Makeshift Javelin-All Lances are now 1-2 range. Decreased hit.

    Makeshift Handaxe-All Axes are now 1-2 range. Decreased hit.

    Throwing Knives-All swords are now 1-2 range. Decreased hit.

    Book basher-All tomes can now be used to directly attack the enemy, like a 1 range sword, lance, or axe, but does half the damage. Hit always stays at 100 and critical is raised by 5.

    Grimas Blood(Robin only)-All stats are increased by 10, Evade, hit, and hit are increased by 30, and all weapons become 1-3 range, 5 Hp is restored every player, enemy, and allied turn. Unlocked in a DLC chapter where Chrom and the Shepards visit an outrealm where Robin is taken over by Grima, but the Shepards manage to turn revert him back. Can only be in certain chapters. Such chapters are ones where no reward is given but XP, support, and event tiles.

    Locktouch+-All chests within 1-5 spaces will be unlocked.

    Defense+2+-Defense is increased by 3.

    Outdoor Indoor fighter-Outdoor and Indoor fighter combined.

  6. [spoiler=A rather long post.]Non-sword lords: ... Acceptable.Shapeshifters: No.About Brides and DFs: This makes absolutely no sense. Elaborate. Immediately.Mages: I think you're around three games late, dude.Defensive healer tanks: This is a forum for the Fire Emblem series made by Nintendo, not the online game made by the people of FETO.Joke characters: Didn't you have enough of those in 13?Red mages: Now you're just outright disregarding the Tactician class line. Unless you're not considering that. If not, then you're eight games late.Moar ailments: Again, elaborate. The correct answer to this question is... Inigo. *Warlock Punches Rabbattack* *Falcon Kicks Rabbattack* *casts Apocalypse on Rabbattack* *attacks with Hauteclere* ...... Is it over ye- *stabs Rabbattack*

    When I say something that has already been done before, it means I want more of them. I was really hoping on some interestingly feedback on my potential characters, but that whole post was uninteresting due to the sudden onslaught of attacks. I fear I may be in need of medical help, I think your assault has left me severely crippled.
  7. Also, feel free to man the chokepoints while healing jenny during illusion spamming. When 40 turns are up, the battle ends, but all enemies who died will be gone. When you resume it will be much easier. Also I imagine that mists stealing XP wouldn't be a problem considering that you want to grind. :D:

    After 40 turns the battles ends? I guess I might try that.

    If you still wanted to start over on easy, this save should be set to easy mode. Just rename the file to exactly what your ROM file is named and drop it in your "sav" or "save" folder. At least that's for the emulator (FCEUX), I use. It'll overwrite if you already have a save there so take a backup just in case.


    Geyse will probably still be annoying because he is annoying.

    Here was that patch Celice was talking about, by the way:


    Thank you for the save.
  8. And after all this time, no one has managed to count all the Annas in Fire Emblem.

    Remember, no skirmish or secret shop Annas from Awakening becuase they are infinite. Any Anna that appears during a main chapter, xenologue, or paralogue is fair game. The Anna at the Outrealm gate counts too. For all games prior to Awakening, along with the ones that appear during chapters, you must count the Annas that appear when you save in the midst of a chapter, tutorials, secret shops (since they aren't infinite). MU customization Anna from FE12 counts too.

    Adding this to the first post.

  9. There's a secret Easy mode that you can access by(I think) pressing Select along with Start at the title screen. Th only thing it changes is that you get double XP.

    Thank you, I already knew that, but easy is for chumps. All the enemies I defeat only give little XP.
  10. So there are no arenas and I don't know where I should be grinding to gain the greatest amount of XP. I'm at Geyses Fortress and my Pegasus Sisters have not been promoted yet along with the bearded armor knight. Leo, Saber and Kamui have been promoted.

  11. A child character who is actually a kid. This character is not a 1000 year old manakete, he or she is an actual child fighting in a war. The kid would most likely be an extremely talented mage, although a little kid mercenary could work. Using his or hers childish appearance she or he could lure his or hers enemies into a false sense of security.

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