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Misses Elise-chan!

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Posts posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. Pffft, Shrek was better. Also, I quite dislike most DreamWorks movies.

    that was how i was with the first tbh, i was stuck in an mri tube and they were like "do you want a movie" and i was like "sure why not" and i picked httyd and it ended up being quite good

    Did you seriously lock two of my threads because of How to Train your Dragon 2? I admit that the pokemon thread wasn't that good, but the harem was supposed to be a new branch or type of waifu thread.

    Compared to most threads on the first page, those two were fine. You're just still holding a grudge against me, but that's just my opinion.

    Sorry, for the criticism. Can you please go into further detail on why you enjoyed the movie? I would really like to know.

  2. Bobby Flay

    Julia Child

    Jacques Pepin

    Ina Garten

    Alton Brown

    Hiroyuki Sakai

    My Parents

    It should be pretty easy to figure out the reason for this. My parents are included because I want to stay loyal to their home cooking as well.

    This is a wonderful list!

    All harem people are potential mates. In harem the main protagonist has trouble choosing who to be with. If you want to love your parents and be more than just their son, I'm not.l one to judge because you get to chooses your lovers not me.
  3. As shown in the anime and games and manga, most Pokemon have equal intelligence to humans, some even more. The ones that are less smarter than humans are still smart enough to feel emotions comparable or similar to humans.

    Insects and fish pokemon aren't stupid like their real world counterparts. Bird, reptile, and mammalian pokemon aren't stupid either.

    Why the heck would I think about what is or isn't ethical in a game I play for fun?

    I know it's a game and not playing them for ethical reasons is stupid. This is just a discussion. Haven't you ever talked about a waifu before? Same thing.
  4. Create your own harem, starring you!

    Choose four through ten fictional characters or real people. State why you chose those waifus or husbandos.

    My list...

    Robin (Female)






    Light Yagami

    Me as a girl


  5. Anyone disagree with my timeline? I think it's spot on.

    Theory of the day. Anna's sisters aren't really her sisters. Her sisters are really just the result of her multiple visits to the Outrealms. Anna is her sisters. This also explains how Anna got to the other continents of Elibe, Tellius, Magvel, and Jugdral. Some how by going back through time and travelling between worlds she ended up making more copies of herself.

  6. Female starters always make me happy. She's a tepig and her name is Sausage...

    Sausage is kind of a terrible thing to name a pig pokemon. After all, there are no real pigs in the pokemon world, humans most likely eat tepig. Naming your best friend after the food you support the mass killing of and claim to love her even though you eat and kill her own kind is a mean thing to do. How could you not put her feelings into consideration when naming her. Pokemon are smarter than animals too and can think and feel near and at the same level of humans. I advise you to change tue name of your Tepig.

  7. I feel the need to reiterate that it is impossible to put all games in the same timeline and make much sense out of it because their legends and creation myths are conflicting.

    - The Judgral and Archanea/Valentia timelines feel a bit awkwardly stitched together at their creation myth - it offers no explanation as to why Naga allowed the Loptyr Empire to happen when she had already fought Earth Dragons and created a weapon for humans to defeat them, for example;

    - Tellius and Elibe have pretty distinct creation myths (Ashunera and the Scouring, respectively) that disallow any other game to fit in because Tellius has the Laguz from the beginning and all other universes have little to no sign of them and Elibe has a war between mankind and dragonkind after their first contact and puts dragons in some weird outrealm;

    - Magvel is impossible to analyse because we know nothing about its past before the Demon King, but nothing in any of the other universes could possibly explain the Demon King existing, either.

    This would be more successful if it happened like the Legend of Zelda timeline where there are actually two different timelines (or was it three?) or something of the sort; however, since we only have five FE worlds so far it would be kind of pointless to do so, specially when Tellius and Elibe are so clearly their own thing. It would be a matter of slapping Magvel in some timeline, to be honest.

    I'm not saying that every continent takes place on the same planet or world. When I said Radiant Path takes place in between Shadow Dragon and Awakening, I meant Ike and Michaihs story, not the legends. This applies to everything I said. Elibe and Tellius could take place in a different world or a different continent in the same world.

    Someone tell me how long ago was Tellius's flood, this could reveal if Ike lived in the same world as the Hero King.

  8. http://www.fireemblemwiki.org/Timeline_of_Archanea,_Valentia_and_Jugdral

    According to the link given to me, the dragons were in control for more than a couple thousand years, around 3000 in both calendars. FE6 and FE7 take place 1000 years after the scouring, still after the appearance of manakete in Archanea and before the birth of the first proper nation in Jugdral. So Binding Blade and Blazing Sword do still take place before the Jugdral saga. Even after my edit and my going back to rethink I am still correct.

    Blazing Sword>Binding Blade>Genealogy of the Holy War>Thracia 776>Dark Dragon and Sword of Light=Shadow Dragon>Gaiden>Mystery of the Emblem=New Mystery of the Emblem>Path of Radiance>Radiant Dawn>Awakening

    Since manaketes most likely originated in Elibe, we can safely place Sacred Stones anywhere after the events of the scouring, which is still a wild card guess. Someone with brains place the mysterious Magvel in it's correct place on my beautiful timeline.

    Another rumor is that Laurent and Miriel have aspergers and Owain has tourette syndrome. Could these rumors be true?

  9. Should I add the Great Dragon into the confusion?They could've flown to find better lands,or traveled through Outrealm gates.Maybe their original home became uninhabitable,so they had to leave.

    FE8 could fit in behind The Blazing Sword,because of the years,but if each game takes place within different WORLDS (with some exceptions) then we may be back to square one.There is nothing linking Magvel to other countries like the Dragon Gate connecting Elibe to Archena.Ether that,or Magvel is VERY secluded.

    I like to think that the dates and years are different for each continent because they are so far apart and have little contact with each other.

    Not even the great Shinehollow could solve the case of the Magvelian Manakete.

  10. PIT: There's something weird about this fighter, Lady Palutena.

    PALUTENA: That's Robin, also known as the Avatar.

    PIT: I wonder where Chrom is...

    PALUTENA: Who knows? Probably taking a nap at home.

    CHROM: I'm no idle layabout.

    PIT: Whoa! Where did you come from?!

    CHROM: Robin is a skilled strategist and master of both the Levin Sword and magic. Certainly more useful than a simple swordsman like myself, though each of Robin's tomes, along with the Levin Sword, can only be used a limited number of times before it wears out.

    VIRIDI: Hey look, it's that Ike wanna-be!

    CHROM: Excuse me?! I think you're sadly mistaken. I lead the Shepherds, not the Greil Mercenaries.

    VIRIDI: Shepherds, Greil Mercenaries, same difference.

    CHROM: The Shepherds may have a lot in common with the Greil Mercenaries, but both my leadership style and my fighting style are very different from Ike's.

    VIRIDI: Pfft! You and Ike are pretty much carbon copies. This is the reason why you were rejected as a playable character.

    CHROM: If I was rejected for being a "carbon copy" of Ike, then explain why Dark Pit is able to fight alongside Pit.

    VIRIDI: Because Dark Pit has a wicked staff that Pit doesn't have. Meanwhile, your Falchion is pitifully short compared to Ike's Ragnell...

    DARK PIT: Yeah, suck it, Pit! This is why the ladies love me!

    PIT: Don't drag us into this, Pittoo...

    CHROM: Too late! I'll turn you into bear meat... Once Robin gets a hold of a Smash Ball.

    PIT: Why wait for Robin to get one? Don't you have a pair of Smash Balls already? Unless the doctor removed them when you were a little boy...

    CHROM: If they had been removed when I was a little boy, then how could I have possibly fathered Lucina?

    VIRIDI: Perhaps "Freddy Bear" is the real father...

    CHROM: Now I'm angry!

    Change this topic to "Post your improved Palutena's Guidance." This way the topic won't be focused just on yours and everyone will get a chance.

    I didn't think you'd make it that inappropriate, I like it. Plus Dark Pit would never let a woman hold him back, he doesn't seem like the kind of person to care about that stuff. Overall it was very well done and very funny.

  11. Well,FE8 takes place in year 803 and FE7 takes place in year 980 with FE6 taking place in 990 or 1000.FE5 most likely obviously comes before the War of the Stones,and FE4 comes a couple years before FE5.I don't know where it will fit with the others.*sigh*If only it had something like the Hyrule Historia to go off.

    Plus,someone please tell me how Bantu is still alive in FE13?He must be around 6000 or so because of his old looks,since Tiki in Awakening is 3000+.Either he's some sort of super-manakete,or he isn't as old as he looks in Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and Mystery of the Emblem.

    Bantu never told Tiki his age, at least from the sources I've read. Bantu looked pretty old so I guess he's already dead. If he was still alive he'd probably be with Tiki, which he isn't, so he's dead. Crap, I forgot about Nowi and her relations to Bantu, never mind.

    But there are still more mysteries to be solved! Can we place each game in a timeline(Excluding legends or events that happen prior to game)? Is smash brothers canon? Did Ike, Marth, Roy, Robin, Chrom, and Lucina really travel outside their world to fight with Nintendo's greatest characters? Do manaketes who go through the dragons gate end up in Archanea? How does does Morgan exist if the Avatar marries a child character? If Morgan is from the same future Lucina came from and the Avatar marrries Lucina, how do the other child characters know about Morgan, especially if the future was been saved?

    Perhaps they just didn't knew about hybrid. If Archanea was beyond the dragon's gate, Ninian and Nils would have existed prior to Nah since, if memory serves, dragons can stay there (the world behind the dragon's gate) in dragon form without ill effect, placing FE7 more than 3600 years before FE13 in that case, instead of ~2600y.

    Moreover, Naga was against dragons medling with humankind, which could explain the even greater rarity (let's not forget that even in Elibe, hybrid aren't common)of hybrids in akaneia and Jugdrall, where her influence is the greatest.

    The Dragons Gate could also lead to Magvel since dragons there don't seem to age or take ill effects either, but this would end up with FE6, FE7, and FE8 not being to be able placed in timeline. Not sure becuase I'm just an Awakening newb, fill me in about what the ill effects are in FE6 and FE7 and the origin of manaketes in Magvel.

    So this is what I'm getting from your post.

    Blazing Sword>Binding Blade>Genealogy of the Holy War>Thracia 776>Dark Dragon and Sword of Light=Shadow Dragon>Gaiden>Mystery of the Emblem=New Mystery of the Emblem>Path of Radiance>Radiant Dawn>Awakening

    EDIT: FE6 and FE7 moved to the beginning.

    I did not know this before.

    "In terms of eras, the era of Genealogy of the Holy War occurs long before the continent of Archanea. Jugdral was an advanced country, whereas Archanea barely held any level of civilisation. At this time, the dragon tribes of Archanea were deciding on how to handle the human race."

    Most dragons were probably coming through the portal before the events of FE6 and FE7. So the Jugdral games probably took place before the events of Roy and Eliwood. I'm not taking the legends into account when placing them, legends are just evidence and proof of my claim.

    Sacred Stones is a wild card. I bet no one will ever be able to place it correctly. The origins of manaketes in Magvel is shrouded in mystery, so no one knows if they go to Arcanea or Magvel, most likely the former. Magvel is screwing with the timeline.

  12. The Jugdral games canonically happen before Akaneia. If one considers the Laguz and Manakete to be the same, it's likely Tellius happened first because there is a common ancestor for Beorc and Laguz. Elibe and Magvel are less clear-cut; my headcanon is that Nils is Forseti, which would put Elibe before Jugdral.

    In Akaneia, Wyverns are Dragons who didn't use dragonstones and lost their intelligence. IIRC the relationship between the two on the other continents is left ambiguous.

    Cool, what other mysteries can we unfold? How about why Anna's sisters look all the same, maybe it's another Outrealms conspiracy!
  13. And there are multiple Annas are on the map when there are multiple people who sell more stuff

    That's what I said, sorry I'm english is bad.

    there's about about five different Anna portraits in awakening and than 11 for all the other Anna's in the games take off two because FE 12 reuses FE 11s and FE 7 reuses FE 6s so there about 14 Anna's in the series if I'm not missing any. As for my favourite either awakenings because shes playable or thracias because I'm biased as hell towards portraits in that game.

    Not portraits! I mean individuals.
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