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Everything posted by ColdHeartAndASummerDream

  1. I've already said it once,but I'm not the one making the game, Kamui should have a set pool of romantic supprots,and a set pool of friendships support,you can only have one S rank,and you could choose whether it be romantic or not,so there would be no need to decide sexuality for the main character at all. I don't mean them making confessions to you and you denying them either. I mean like choosing the S-support before viewing it like "platonic" or "romantic",this could totally work between a male and a female character too,so you could have paired non-romantic endings. Sound good or do you find a flaw in this idea perhaps...? It's very likely,I'm only human,I make mistakes ^^ Also,to everyone,yes,I personally think IS would've failed in the romance aspect of the game if they won't include same-sex romance on some level(even IF only implied),but not the game,the game could STILL be amazeballs. I'll just not play for supports. I'll play for story and strategy. :) (or play as F!Kamui).
  2. I meant if they brought back romance,but didn't bring homosexual relations for Kamui at the very least,it WOULD be a total fail in my opinion,at least in the romance aspect,I'm sorry,but that's how I feel,if they didn't bring back romance at all? I would be 100% fine with that actually,but it doesn't seem like it.
  3. Well,I'll probably start with Hoshido,so I'll save the best and hardest for last :3
  4. The game would still be awesome,and could still have awesome romance dialogue,but they would still have totally failed in the aspect of appealing to everyone. I meant that character would have defined sexualities,and then romance would go on Kamui's gender,maybe a "platonic" green S and a "romance red" S,so you can choose if you want a romantic or platonic ending ^-^ So even straight people could have non-romantic same-gendered parings if they would like. The more realistic and logical options the better,also,the more options the better! As long as they keep a fine line between the fantasy and realistic aspects :) I swear to god if Cyrus isn't one of the romancable ones for M!Kamui I will figuratively die.
  5. I think most people either support or have no problem with same-sex relationships(they can always just ignore the option),so if they don't show up,IS totally failed in my opinion...
  6. Is it just me,or is Cyrus like,super attractive? Also,childhood friend,I'll totes romance him,even if I have to play F!Kamui,xD. Anywho,thank goodness for this topic,so we don't have to have all these random topics about romance,just taking up space. Also,am I the only one who think Oboro and Tsukuyomi(?) would be the cutest androgynous couple ever?
  7. Waif= Making a girl your wife. ((Not sure about the term for marrying men tho)
  8. I just really hope I can romance Cyrus,also... Gaston (mr. Brave Hero) x Elise, >_> If that's a thing,I swear to god,it will be my crackship,just because of the hilarity. Also,I wish romance returns just so we can all play matchmaker extraordinaries,but that they don't get married on the spot,I'd prefer it if they married after the war between Hoshido and Nohr.
  9. I would like them to be a bit "Daenerys Targaryen"-ish,like it wold suit them so much,very brave,stands up for that they think and such,doesn't back down,makes bold decisions,not for their people but because it's what's right,abolishing slavery,riding/becoming dragons. Also,compassion,and a lot of it~ Wouldn't that be interesting?
  10. Well,the axe has always been the weapon powerhouse of the series.being known for being strong and slow,and bows are paired up with the axes,I think I can safely say that bows will be getting some sort of buff maybe more strength,to negate that weird magic nerf they got.
  11. Do you know what cliché means? It's basically something that's overused. It doesn't matter if it's liked or not,it can still be cliché.it just could be a good cliché.there are those,but it's still overused~ Sorry if I sound rude,it wasn't my intention.
  12. Europe doesn't consist of just Italy,Germany and so on so forth,there are other countries,and in those,mos people only speak their official language+English anyway,yet only some languages get translations. I'm not saying that is wrong,but I'm saying that the more you study English the more you learn, and in Europe we ALL learn English in school,every single country that resides in Europe does,there is no reason to just release it in English, and then have a special release for the countries who themselves want to translate them(they have offices in most countries,correct me if I'm wrong though!). Though,I do see why it could be good for those who don't understand it,I do... It's a tricky issue,honestly. Hope I at least added something to this argument...(maybe not)
  13. I love how most of you guys went: "Darker story most likely" While I went: "GAY MARRIAGE IS R-- Oh,Darker Story,err,yeah,that sounds more likely. Wooo!" Because I love darker stories,but I do also love me some light stories,though I do prefer a story with a sort of mix. :) Also,I was totally jumping to conclusions when I saw that rating... ^//^
  14. I am only disagreeing with calling him a manakete,not that he's a dragon,because I love dragons,but I don't want to get pumped for something that might not even be true...
  15. The Kamui's,because their powers seem awesome. Blue dancer lady - Need I say more? And Sakura,she seems like the perfect little sister,really.Also,Sakura reminds me of Madoka Magica,so I might make my Kamui Madoka. >_>
  16. I'm not going to go off topic,I hope... This is what I hope might happen... Though it won't. XD Hoshido is a peace-loving goody-goody nation,but,their biggest weakness is their biggest power. The dragon blood. After the Royals dying,their bodies give birth to a dragon,more powerful than any of the Royals, leading to mass war against itself. Every dragon-royal now dead,except Bebe(black-haired mother of Kamui), and Kamui left... How will their country survive,and kill the dragons which will spawn from their deaths, if they don't take Nohr, all they needed was an incentive,so to protect their people,what they had to do was initiate a war. She told her husband(Kamui's dad,let's call him Bob.) Bob,that they needed to kill Nohr, so what did they do? They sent their young child,and Bob, to Nohr, with intention to kill off Kamui, making it look like Garon did it. However,Bob was caught and killed. Kamui was taken by Garon,much to everyone's surprise, and when Bebe found out that Kamui was a Dark Prince(coming from the whole dragon death thing?),she needed him back,if they were able to conquer Nohr,with the help of Kamui,they could yet save their country. However,Garon found out about Kamui's powers,and he decided it was time to go to war and kill those meddling Hoshidans for once and for all. Exodus(third country),the super-power,who ruled their lands fairly, with both peace and glory, found out,and decided to destroy both sides, for their own gains...(Ergo the nosferatu). This won't happen,knowing IS,also,my ideas have tons of flaws most likely,but it would be a twist,and fun. Or,what do you guys think?
  17. I love how you are calling out the nay-sayers as stupid,like,seriously. No,they're not stupid,you aren't either,btw. Either we're all stupid, or none of us are. Unless specifically said otherwise. Anywh... They have opinions too,let them have them. I say no because of these two reasons: Hoshido Royalty were given the gift of transforming into Dragons from the Gods(I found it in a trailer analysis,either by Gamexplain or here.). And this: Manaketes aren't the only ones who can turn into dragons, our character is a Dark Prince(/princess?), which would lead me to believe that we are possessed by a dragon soul(given the gift of Dragons),like that one boss(haven't played that FE,pretty sure someone already mentioned this though.) I however, do not rule out the possibility of him being a manakete, but if so: Why does he have a sword? >_> So,he may be manakete-ish. Yeah. Or maybe even a manakete,but for now I say no...I think.
  18. What do you say to someone who has an identity crisis? Bee who you want to bee! //That was so bad,sowwy.
  19. No,I don't think so. In the trailer, it says that the Hoshido royal family has been granted the power to turn into dragons. Granted, is the key word here, not turned into manaketes. It is possible though, because the entire family should have the ability, but as you said, Twylis, Ryouma is a Swordmaster. He cannot turn into a dragon if he's one. Yet,only Kamui can do it.Also,Kamuis blood-related sister and brother doesn't have the ears. So,I think that if Kamui is truly a manakete, it's probably because he's "The next chosen ruler of Hoshido, cuz only those who are manaketes can rule" or some weird stuff. So,yes,it's possible,but logically,he's not technically a manakete,but they might call it something else... Like Dark Prince. ;)
  20. This is neither here or there,Ike being gay or not(even though I do think he may have ended up with Soren if you go the route where he lives with him),what i'm asking is if you want homosexuality in the game. Not because of cultural reasons or whatever,just this one simply question. Do you want it in the game?
  21. Clarification: Setting it up doesn't mean necessarily in Avatar creation,that's not what I meant at all,what I meant was that you get,in some way,choose who romances who,when it comes to the same gender. Hope that makes sense?
  22. Guys,please,chill. I think that yes,you should be able to ship people,but in game relationships should be realistic. Could you imagine Micaiah and Ike? Heck no,not realistically,not me at least,but they may be cute in fanfic,I dunno. That's what I'm saying,that the characters should be able to romance most of the people they have a social compatibility with,of their preferred gender,if they have one,and be able to friendzone others. So yes,denying romance should be an option. So you could technically be straight/gay without asking the player. However,it shouldn't turn up out of the blue,uninvited. Now: Can we chill? There's no reason to get angry about this. //Btw,I'm pan/bi,which I don't think there are a lot of other members that are,but,being able to romance someone that you think would your MU,even if they were of the same gender would be cool.
  23. As in the whole "Most characters" thing,I meant that everybody should have at least a few people(like five) they can romance,and then support everybody else in a platonic way,that would work,right?
  24. Mhm,I agree,DA:I had a pretty good set-up,but of course it'd include an increased character pool,but what would the equivalent of Race-Gating be? Class-gating? 0_0
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