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Everything posted by Gradivus.

  1. C1 4/4 turns Putting this into a spoiler because screenshots.
  2. Kris: named Thwomp?, +2 Def, +2/20% HP, +15% Skl/Spd (Priest, Strength, Honorable). Total growths as Cav: 90 40 5 70 55 60 35 5 Prologue free/0 turns Fed most kills to drafted units, you know it. Got 9k gold because I was 4lazy7restart after Cain got rekt by 2 mages in P8. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEXP BOOSTERS Marth Lord 8.38 28 10 0 11 12 10 8 0 D Swd Thwomp? Cavalier 11.98 31 8 1 14 12 7 12 0 C Swd D Lnc Ryan Archer 8.32 22 11 0 10 8 5 11 0 C Bow Arran Paladin xx/3.00 26 10 1 12 11 4 10 6 D Swd B Lnc Gordin Archer 7.67 23 9 0 8 7 5 8 0 D Bow
  3. Sedgar, where are those 100% def growths anyway?
  4. I'll get tired of winning at some point! Stealing memes from the guy who didn't invent them, the memewar gets deeper every day.
  5. Palla Shouldn't we just ban RP though? I think you might underestimate how easy it makes the game. H3 becomes more or less a breeze with it. (And if there's a case for it because it makes weak units viable, it's not worth it. RP on your best units makes them so broken that it doesn't matter if you slightly improve the shitty ones) That said, Bond Drop should be fair game.
  6. C19 redo 1/132 turns Found a much better clear. Only Hicks, Fergus, Lara and Kain were in the bottom area, so I used Hicks and Kain for the rescue + double swap trick and Sara rescue staffed Fergus pocket Lara to the gate and escaped with a movement star. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF CON MOV WEXP FTG Leif 20/1.00 44 16 1 12 17 11 12 8 8 A Swd - Fergus 12/15.20 43 20 5 20 19 16 10 12 10 A Swd 42 Hicks CAPTIVE Dean xx/13.76 45 19 2 20 18 12 19 16 10 A Lnc 0 Machua 15/10.38 41 19 6 20 20 15 12 8 6 A Swd E Axe 7 Linoan 20.00 26 2 17 14 18 13 0 4 5 B St E Fi E Th E Wi B Lg 0 Sara 10.60 17 0 14 15 12 12 1 3 6 B St E Fi E Th E Wi B Lg 7 Lara 9/20.00 34 4 4 14 20 20 8 3 6 E Swd 27 Dagdar xx/16.22 44 15 1 11 10 5 12 16 7 A Axe D Bow 18 Tanya 14/8.10 33 15 4 18 20 20 5 5 8 C Bow 4 Kain CAPTIVE
  7. No, if you like to count there's a simple method: don't click on enemies. Fwiw I don't mind counting tiles when enemy ranges can't show what I need (e.g. if I'm LTCing and need to count movement over a certain amount of turns) but it's just stupid and crippling to be denied enemy ranges. Even GBAFE and prior was good enough with the "enemy range vanishes when you go back to map" function. FE10's change was simply bad. If counting is what entertains you the most about FE, I'm not surprised your favorite FE is FE10. Gameplay is for 2016
  8. FE12 (fave): Improve 85% of the cast's base stats. FE10 (worst): Change all maps and unit balance (player and enemy) at the very least. Allow the player to activate enemy range and readd the weapon triangle on hard mode.
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