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Everything posted by KMT4ever

  1. Tiki time. I've got 180 orbs, so let's see who my first 5* is. 5* Spring!Catria: That was quick! Her IVs are meh, +Res/-HP, but I've had a string of bad-IV 5*s lately, so meh is fine by me. 3* Frederick: Eh. 5* Karla: Today is my lucky day, I suppose. Or maybe not. She's +Atk/-Spd, just like my Lucina. Figures a great boon would have literally the worst bane to go with it. 4* Subaki: Meh. 3* Matthew: More meh. I was expecting that to be a lot worse than it ended up being. I'm going to stop now before I deplete my orb stockpile for units I either already have or don't really want.
  2. Huh. On the one hand L!Tiki is cute, but on the other hand her art as a whole is pretty meh. She's also an armor, which is an instant turn-off for me. With those deliciously deadly skills I wouldn't mind getting her, but she's not a priority. For the banner as a whole: Red: I could always use more L!Ike merges, but Karla is yet another sword and I don't give a damn about Tharja. Probably going to pull just so orbs don't get wasted. Green: B!Ike is meh for my teams, Spring!Sharena is nice but has to compete with Julia, Nino, etc, and Lector is just competition for Vector. Still probably going to pull. Blue: L!Tiki's nice, Spring!Catria would give me a blue mage horse that isn't f***ing Reinhardt, and Micaiah is meh. Definitely pulling. Grey: Maribelle's better than Elise but not by enough, F!Grima's meh, and Jaffar is just bad. Pass. Honestly this banner is looking very meh for me. I'm sitting on 176 orbs right now, so I think I'll pull until I get one 5* and stop.
  3. Another chance at Flying!Nino? Yes please. 3* Cecilia: Bleh.
  4. Been playing since launch day. I still remember the horror of 50 max stamina and story missions costing ~23 stamina. I also remember the absolute pain in the rear the first TT was. Almost managed to get Quickened Pulse, but my roommate convinced me to go with him on a walk and that meant I didn't have enough time left. First 5* units were Lucina, then Merric, both in one set from Lucina's banner. They carried me quite a ways alongside a 4* Femui and 4* Clarine. Unfortunately for Merric he's been phased out by Julia, chosen of Naga, but Lucina remains one of my main swords (despite me having a glorious +8 Masked Marth) and Femui still sees some action when I need tough blue melee. Stayed F2P throughout, although I seriously considered breaking it for Morgan. In the end she came home on the Stance banner, so it turned out alright. Can't say I'm quite as enamored with the game as I used to be, but IS keeps putting out good content despite the powercreep, so I keep at it.
  5. *snort* That's awesome. As for my Infernal clear, I went with most of my old GHB staples. L!Ike+1: Base kit plus Axebreaker 3, Reposition and the DD3 seal B!Lucina+2: Base kit plus Vantage 3, Reposition, and the Hone Spd 3 seal L!Lucina: Base kit plus Luna Julia: Fury 3, QR2, Drive Spd 2, Swap, Atk/Def 2 seal, Summoner support All in all, not that hard once I got the reinforcement patterns down. It still amuses me to see Ike tank a blue mage and Radiant-Aether them to death. The poor starting green cavalier got totally wrecked too. Not Wing Sword-level wrecked like above, but dead is dead.
  6. Not a fan of Muspell, but a free pull is a free pull. 4* Chrom: Bleh. 300 feathers then.
  7. Well, Performing Arts has returned. Here's to Azura. 3* Soren: SP fodder.
  8. Feeling pull withdrawl, so might as well take the free pull from New Power. Aiming for a Celica+3. 4* Raigh: Feathers.
  9. Before I get to the new banner, time to finally pull from the TT banner. 4* Stahl: Swap fodder. And hopefully a free pull-Flora. 4* Tharja: Meh. There are three other reds though, so I'll take the whole set. 3* Tharja: Really? 4* Stahl: Really?! 4* Mamui: Meh. 5* Silas: Ayyyyy. Of course he's easily the least useful of the four Heroes on this banner, but an easy 5* is an easy 5*. He's +Atk/-HP too, which gives him a nice 52 Atk before refines. So no Flora unfortunately, but Silas is more than acceptable for only 15 orbs.
  10. Flora's Hoarfrost Knife...Now we're even getting into weapon-description powercreep, to say nothing of Ophelia's Rally powercreep (for what that's worth). Also nice to see Silas as blue Reposition fodder, but he really did get shafted in the skill department. Nina's not anything spectacular either, but she's still more interesting than someone who looks like he's going to be Florina without even flying utility. Personally I really want Flora for the awesome colored dagger and character bias, but on the other hand I'm finally building up a reasonable orb stock again. Going to have to pass on this banner and just hope that Feh favors me and I get Flora on the free pull.
  11. Alright, the Festival, Brave, and Legendary banners wrecked my orb supplies, so I'm just taking the free pull for the new banner. I never played Genealogy anyway. 4* Beruka: Bleh. And now for the Fury banner. Hoping for a Myrrh merge. 3* Eirika: And of course there are 4 red orbs. Well, that was pointless.
  12. Well, the Legendary banner's almost over. Let's see if the Hero-King is feeling generous today. 38 orbs on hand. 4* Fir: Meh. 4* Athena: More meh. 4* Ogma: Feathers. So much for that. Another go with 25 orbs. 3* Mamui: Garbage. And one final set. As long as I don't end with a pity-rate I'll be happy. 4* Athena: Again? 4* Gunter: Eh. 3* Azama: Feathers. 4* Femui: Meh. 5* Nephenee: Yes! Last orb did the trick! Unfortunately she's +Res/-Atk, but compared to +HP/-Spd on my current copy I'd rather take -Atk. Well, that was kind of a disappointment, but I didn't spend too much on this banner anyway.
  13. Alright, I've got every CYL1 hero, so who to shoot for...Probably B!Lyn since her +HP/-Def IVs are meh. 4* Lucius: Oh well. Feathers then And the September quests have gotten me up to 32 orbs, so more Marth-hunting. 4* Chrom: Wrong. 4* Hana: Even more wrong. 4* Lon'qu: Meh. 4* Marth: *angry noises* Might as well go for the last orb since it's cheap. 4* Donnel: Garbage. So disappointed...
  14. Got back up to 21 orbs. Too greedy to wait for more, so here's another shot at the Hero King. 4* Beruka: Meh.
  15. Alright, time to shoot for the Hero-King. Other than him I'm not particularly excited about anyone else. I already have 6 of them and don't really care about the other 5. 20 orbs to start things off with. 3* Bartre: And of course there's no reds. Well, that was a waste. 4* Mamui: Meh. 4* Eirika: Eh. Not really surprising, although I was hoping for some Reposition fodder.
  16. Going to wait on the Legendary banner free pull to see if I can scrape together more orbs before it ends. For now, back to Brave Heroes with 22 orbs. 4* Clair: Meh. 5* SM!Eirika: Okay? Nice to see you, but with +HP/-Atk you're worse than my current +Spd/-Atk copy. Merge fodder. 3* Cherche: Feathers. 4* Wrys: Meh. 4* Setsuna: More feathers. Well, that could have ended better. A 5* for 55 orbs isn't bad, but she's just merge fodder. I didn't get much good skill fodder either. I think I'm just going to take my free Brave Hector and try to get something from the Legendary banner. After all, I did get B!Ike and 2 B!Roys from general summoning. These four will come again sooner or later.
  17. Alright, got 21 orbs on hand. Time for another Brave set. 4* Femui: Eh. 3* Cordelia: Feathers. 3* Seliph: More feathers. 4* Frederick: Meh. 4* Legault: Meh. More disappointing pulls. Still have time though.
  18. Okay, Feh, please let me get something from the Festival banner. Got 41 orbs right now. 4* Seliph: Bleh. 5* Micaiah: Well, not the version I was looking for, but nice all the same! Meh IVs, +HP/-Def (super-boon and super-bane), but my current copy is +Res/-Atk. Not sure which one is worse. Thoughts, anyone? 5* Mist: Okay...+Res/-Atk, but her stats are terrible anyway. Still, another 5* healer to SP-grind. 4* Sothe: Tellius is all over this set, isn't it? 4* Priscilla: Meh. Well, that was a massive orb sink for ultimately very little. At least I got 2 5*s out of this, however mediocre they were. And finally, off to the new Brave banner. Going to pull until I get one of the new heroes, then make my free pull accordingly. 21 orbs on hand. 3* Odin: Meh. 4* Wrys: You're getting fed to Mist. 3* Palla: Eh. 3* Marth: SP fodder. 4* Sheena: Finally Fortify Armor fodder. Nothing surprising here.
  19. Unfortunately the Festival banner still isn't cooperating, so our new Brave Heroes will have to wait until that's done with. But first, the BHB banner. Hoping for Micaiah. 4* Sothe: So close, yet so far... Now back to the festival. 48 orbs for now. 4* Cherche: Feathers. 4* Sakura: More feathers. 4* Rebecca: Meh. 4* Clarine: Worthless. 3* Mamui: SP fodder. Come on, Feh. 28 orbs left. 3* Hawkeye: Bleh. 3* Merric: SP fodder. 4* Oscar: Lancebreaker fodder. 3* Felicia: Meh. 3* Wrys: Worthless. 4.75% pity rate on a banner I don't even care that much about. Unbelievable...
  20. 35 orbs on hand, so might as well shoot for Elincia a few more times. 4* Lon'qu: Or not...Damn green orbs won't show up. This is getting ridiculous. 30 orbs left. 3* Fae: Draw Back fodder. Every time there's never more than 1 green...25 orbs left. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder! That was useful for once. Nephenee's been waiting for a while. 20 orbs left. 4* Merric: Screw it, at this point I'll take anyone. Rest of the set... 3* Henry: Feathers. 4* A!Tiki: Meh. 4* Nowi: Another useless dragon... 4* Nanna: Meh. Might as well feed you to your mother for Heavenly Light. This banner clearly doesn't like me. At least I still have tons of time and orbs before it's over.
  21. Two new banners today? Might as well start with the daily. I've already got Minerva and Eldigan, so Jaffar it is. 4* Lachesis: Guess she was looking for her brother. And now for the Draconic Aura banner. Don't care about Kana, so red then. 4* Lon'qu: Bleh. I really haven't been lucky with the 5*s lately. Well, 24 orbs on hand, so another shot at Elincia. 3* Camilla: Worthless. What's with the lack of greens? That was the only one in 3 sets. Up to a 4% rate now on the Festival banner.
  22. Cutting it close on today's daily banner. Hoping for Ephraim again. 4* Cain: Or I can just get no blues... And another shot at Summer!Elincia. Only 20 orbs this time. 4* Caeda: And no greens... That went terribly. Maybe I'll grind the TT "tomorrow".
  23. Ooh, a chance for a second free Nephenee or Sonya+3. 4* Cordelia: mampfoid, I found your Cordelia. Shame I can't trade her over. And back to the Festival banner for a quick pull. 26 orbs thanks to the TT. 4* Titania: Meh. I'm finally up to a 3.75% pity rate. 21 orbs left. 3* Raven: Worthless. Welp, two more failed attempts at Elincia.
  24. Ooh, a chance for double Elincia. DB banner first since I already have her regular version with +Atk. 4* Subaki: Not a single red. Anyway, Swap fodder is useful. And back to the seasonal. Thanks to Corrin and Azura's BHB I've got 29 orbs on hand. 4* Frederick: Luna fodder. 4* Arthur: More Swap fodder. 3* Titania: Feathers. Since I've gotten so much of the set, might as well take the other two. Anyone from this banner would really be fine. 3* Stahl: Even more Swap fodder. 3* Oboro: Garbage. Figures. Well, 7 orbs wasted right there.
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