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Everything posted by KMT4ever

  1. Grey for A Splendid Soiree. 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder. Green for the Rearmed Special banner. 3* Gunter: No. 3* Sheena: No. 5* Hilda: Another 4* Special copy of you. +Spd/-Atk makes a much better master copy than +Def, so +2 it is now. 4* Rath: No. 4* Arthur: No. 4* Clarine: No. That went well enough. Not that I use Hilda at all, but another 5* is never a bad thing. Red for the BHB battle. 3* Kamui: No. Green for Weekly Revival 20. 3* Fae: No. Red for Weekly Revival 58. 4* Mae: No. And since I don't make good decisions, I'm going to see if 69 orbs can net me a merge for L!Julia from the Remix banner. Okay, that actually went better than expected. 25 orbs got me one merge, bringing Julia up to +7. I don't dare test my luck any further.
  2. Alright, green for Weekly Revival 19. 4* Draug: No. Red for Weekly Revival 37. 3* A!Tiki: No. Blue for To Stop Dreaming. 4* Cordelia: No. Green for the Bond banner. 4* Miranda: No. Green for the New Heroes banner. I don't expect to get Hilda, but let's see. 3* Barst: Reposition fodder. 3* Ross: No. 4* Gwendolyn: No. 3* Mordecai: No. 3* Seteth: No. And now to see if I can finally get Julia from the Scion banner. 90 orbs on hand. So in the end a total of 162 orbs got me Midori and one copy of Julia. That's pretty reasonable, all things considered.
  3. Well, the New Heroes announcement dropped and I'm not even slightly interested, so time to spend what I've got. Blue for the New Power banner. 4* Lukas: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 18. 3* Azama: No. Red for Weekly Revival 57. 3* Henry: No. And red again for the Scions banner. This time I'm going to see if 114 orbs can get me the one version of Julia that I'm missing. This banner genuinely has it out for me. Last time it took ~250 orbs just to get one copy of Harmonic!Leif, now it's eaten 106 orbs and given me nothing but a 4* Scion!Lewyn. Not even a single 4* Special like usual.
  4. Green for the Festival in Hoshido. 3* Merric: No. Green again for Weekly Revival 17. 3* Mustafa: No. Green again for Weekly Revival 36. 4* Rath: No. Red for the TT banner. 4* Lon'qu: No. Grey for Ascendant!Fjorm's banner and its tickets. 3* Vyland: No. 4* Lena: No. 3* Leon: No. 3* Atlas: No. 3* Gordin: No. And now for the Flame banner. I'm just aiming for Tana and Peony, since 193 orbs isn't as many as I'd be comfortable with. Once again I've gotten way more 5*s than I really deserve. 147 orbs netted me both Tana and Lyn, Ronan, and 4 4* Special merges: Exalted!Chrom, Nagi, and 2 copies of Edelgard both in the first circle.
  5. Gotta love how even though the whole banner is based around a festival of Rinkah's tribe, she's the demote because Lyn needed another alt. At least give her an Ascendant version with the Mani Katti, IS. I don't really care much about this banner otherwise, although I'm going to try to get Tana and Peony to maintain my complete Harmonic collection.
  6. Grey for the BHB banner. 4* Kaze: No. Grey again for Weekly Revival 16. 4* Klein: No. Blue for Weekly Revival 56. 4* Catria: No. Red for the Bonfire banner. 3* Cain: No. And now for the Legendary banner. Only blues and greens this time around. 217 orbs isn't a fantastic supply, so let's see where my luck takes me. A very nice session, albeit one with a disproportionate number of 3*s for some reason. 117 orbs netted me Triandra, L!Myrhh, and L!Seliph. Shame I couldn't get Deirdre to come along with her eldest child, but I'll take what I got.
  7. 7 banners to pull from this time. Starting with red on the Dodge banner. 3* Miranda: No. Green for Perilous Seas. 4* Reyson: No. Green for Weekly Revival 15. 4* Soren: No. Blue for Weekly Revival 35. 4* Tailtiu: No. Green for the Double Special banner. 3* Atlas: Well, at least you're new. Neutral is acceptable enough. Green again for the BHB banner. 4* Reinhardt: Or not. And lastly red for Pirate's Pride. 4* Seliph: No. No freebies, but adding Atlas to the catalog is nice compensation. Now to await the Legendary banner.
  8. I'm going to take Chrom as my free pull since I've gone for the blue unit in every CYL so far and see no reason to stop now. That aside, I'll go until one spark and see what my luck brings me. 262 orbs means I can afford to spend that much. And that's that. I ended up doing an extra circle to break my pity rate, so ultimately I spent 155 orbs to get one copy each of Seliph, Tiki, Byleth, and Apotheosis!Anna, sparking for another copy of Tiki. Very nice, all things considered. I think this is the first CYL where I've gotten everyone just off the original banner run.
  9. The Iceberg banner gave me a full blue circle, so I'm going to take all of it. 214 orbs is enough for me to spend some. 4* Est: No. 5* Farina: Yes! Stealing your sister's spot, I see. +Def/-Spd is bad, but I've got a +1 +Res copy already. Merge time. 4* Nowi: No. 4* Miriel: No. 4* Benny: No. That was interesting. No current focus unit, but rather one of the previous ones. Now to try blue again on the Rally banner. 4* Shanna: No. Red for the Remix to see if I can get L!Eirika. 4* Ogma: No. And now for Weekly Revival 14. Red since Ryoma's the only launch unit I'm still missing. 3* Palla: I guess not. And blue for Weekly Revival 55. 3* Mordecai: No. Another merge for Farina is good enough for today. Now to await the New Heroes banner.
  10. The Fury banner gave me a 3* Mae. As for the Rein banner... 4* Roderick: No. And blue one more time for the New Power banner. 4* Tatiana: No.
  11. The Form banner gave me a 3* Palla. Can I get a free Fallen!Julia from the Solo banner? 3* Tanith: Nope. As for the Thieves banner, I'll try red for Leila. 4* Ogma: Nope. I really can't be bothered to spend any orbs, so I'll leave it at that.
  12. Forgot one of the dailies, so now I'm annoyed with myself. The Bonfire banner gave me a 4* Draug, so let's see what the Joint Drive banner offers. 4* Klein: No. Now for Weekly Revival 13. 4* Forrest: No. Red for Weekly Revival 34. 5* Tibarn: Very nice. +HP/-Res is mediocre, but I've already got a +2 +Atk copy. And obviously grey for the TT banner. 3* Thea: Wow... That last circle was absolute nonsense. Three blues and two greens on an all-grey focus banner...
  13. The Null banner gave me a 4* Mathilda. As for the Rally+ banner... 3* Bantu: No. And since I'm bored, one more circle from the Mythic banner. 126 orbs on hand. 4* Soleil: No. 4* Cain: No. 4* Shigure: No. 4* Mustafa: No. 5* Medeus: Alright! +Res/-Def is good enough for purposes. That went well. Fortunately I got an actually new unit and not just a merge like I was afraid of.
  14. Time for more pulls, starting with blue on Weekly Revival 33. 4* Peri: No. Red for Weekly Revival 54. 4* Arthur: Or not. Grey for the Push banner. 4* Kaze: No. Red for the daily Wrath banner. 3* Draug: No. Grey for the daily Moonbow banner. 4* Mercedes: No. Green for the BHB banner. 3* Raven: No. And lastly the Hero Fest. I've got Fjorm and Nifl already, so let's see if I can get Laegjarn with the tickets. 4* Gaius: No. 4* Kaze: No. 4* Kagero: No. 4* A!Tiki: No. 4* Ogma: No. 3* Jeorge: No. 4* Tanya: No. 3* Jakob: No. 4* Tanith: No. 3* Leon: No. 4* Soleil: No. That was incredibly disappointing. Not much else I can say.
  15. Starting off this session with green for Nohrian Summer. 4* Vyland: No. Grey for Sketchy Summer. 4* Azama: No. One circle from the Mythic banner for fun. 230 orbs on hand. 4* Lilina: No. 4* Soleil: No. 4* Cath: Reposition fodder. 4* Arthur: No. 3* Sakura: No. That was utter garbage. Anyway, grey for Weekly Revival 32. 5* Loki: Figures that's where my luck would go. +Def/-Res is awful, so merge fodder for my current +Def/-HP copy. And now to see if I can get some merges for Lucina from Weekly Revival 12. 215 orbs left after that awful Mythic circle. I'm down to 59 orbs, with only one merge for Lucina to show for it. She's +4 now, but along the way I picked up a grand total of 7 other 5*s. B!Micaiah merge (4* Special) Kjelle (4* Special) Luke (4* Special) Guinivere merge Malice merge Lene merge (4* Special) Nailah merge (4* Special) This plus Lucina all came within 23 pulls and 109 orbs spent, not to mention the merge for Loki earlier. I'm not sure whether to be ecstatic that I got so much for so little or annoyed that Feh kept playing keep-away with my actual objective.
  16. Red for Overseas Memories. 3* Stahl: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 31. 4* Lukas: No. Red for Weekly Revival 53. 3* Silvia: No. Grey for the Null banner. 3* Felicia: No. Grey again for Summer Vibrance. 3* Effie: No. Blue for Summer Refreshes. 4* Shigure: No. And grey for the New Heroes banner and its tickets. 3* Titania: No. 4* Chad: No. 4* Legault: No. 4* Natasha: No. 3* Mercedes: No. That was a disappointing sequence of pulls. Not that I was particularly hoping for anything, but my interest in Heroes is starting to flag, so a new unit would have been a nice motivator.
  17. Grey for the New Power banner. 3* Jakob: No. Blue for Weekly Revival 11. 4* Reinhardt: No. Blue again for Weekly Revival 30. 4* Marcia: No. Green for Summer's Dream. 4* Rath: No. Red for Roy's Legendary Remix. 3* Marth: No. And lastly red for Muspell's banner. Let's see what the tickets give me. 4* Bantu: No. 3* Miranda: No. 5* Celica: Another 4* Special. +Res/-Spd is bad, so merge fodder for my current +3 +Spd copy. 4* Mamui: No. 3* Fir: No. Well, I got something at least. I would have much preferred Constance or Muspell, but a merge is good enough.
  18. I really enjoyed this one. Harkening back to Lex's Forging Bonds from years ago with Azura and Bartre was already amusing, but his dismayed reaction to Kiran coming out of the lake was great. And of course Kiran completely ignored the usual tale (and the axe) in favor of just running off with all of the treasure (and the axe).
  19. Considering Elibe's geographical similarities to Western/Central Europe, it's pretty easy to pin down likely inspirations for the various lands. Etruria = Bourbon France: One of the continent's two major powers, located in the flat and fertile west and famed for its culture. Aside from the southeast belonging to Lycia it even looks somewhat France-like what with jutting out to the northwest. Bern = Habsburg Austria: The continent's other major power, located in the more mountainous east and famed for its military might. It also looks very similar to the Austrian Empire sans its coastal lands, again occupied by Lycia in this case. Lycia = various Italian states: A long, narrow country with a long coastline that's divided among many smaller states and caught in between its two more powerful neighbors. Ostia and Laus sharing names with ancient Italian cities lends more credence to this. Sacae: The name, as already stated, is directly shared with that of a real nomadic group. Ilia = Viking-era Scandinavia: A northern, snowbound land famed for its mercenaries who often still adhere to an older religion (worshiping the dragons/paganism) rather than the new faith (Elimine/Catholic Church). Western Isles = Pre-Roman British Isles: Geographically the resemblance is obvious, being an island grouping to the northwest of the main continent. The etymology of the various locations is also heavily British. Caledonia and Fibernia are references to the Roman names for Scotland (Caledonia) and Ireland (Hibernia). Eburacum was the Roman name for modern York, Armagh is a city in Northern Ireland, and Edina is Latin for Edinburgh. Even the capital Jutes is named after a Germanic tribe that settled in England. Nabata = Nabatea/Arabia: Already suggested. A barren desert peninsula with a sparse population that largely interacts with outsiders by raiding them. Other than Elibe I don't think any other FE continents have truly overt inspirations, particularly due to the lack of geographical similarities.
  20. Blue for Summer's Arrival. 4* Mordecai: No. Blue again for the TT banner. 4* Lena: No. Blue again for Ylissean Summer. 5* Winter!Chrom: Kind of the wrong season, sir. +Def/-HP isn't bad, so welcome aboard anyway. A new 4* Special is always nice to have. And now to start spending. First off is hunting for Eirika and Nifl. 276 orbs to start, let's see where my luck takes me. That went better than expected. The first circle gave me Summer!Eirika at +Atk/-Res. Rather than try to find Nifl for now, I'm going to finally get around to pulling on the BHB banner so Morgan and Morgan can get merges. 261 orbs left. Going to end it with 56 orbs left since I don't want to leave a pity rate here. Ended up getting 2 merges for Fallen!F!Morgan, leaving her at +6 to her brother's +4. I also got Malice and Rennac as pity-breakers, plus merges for Kaden and Hilda as 4* Specials. Combined with my earlier pulls that's a total of 8 5*s for 220 orbs. Very nice, all things considered.
  21. Let's see what the VG banner has to offer. 4* Seteth: Not a single green. Green for the Solo banner. 3* Mamui: No greens again. Red for Weekly Revival 29. 4* Sully: No reds... Red again for Weekly Revival 52. 4* Linhardt: No reds again. Somehow four circles in a row refused to give me the color I wanted. Hopefully that's not a bad omen for the Legendary banner. I'm fine with anything, so let's see where my luck takes me. 310 orbs to start. It took 95 orbs to get any focus units, a lot more than I would have liked, but in the end I did pretty well. Nott and Niime plus a 4* Special B!Ike could definitely be worse. Before I blow the rest of my stockpile on the BHB banner to get merges for the Morgans I think I'll wait to see who's on the upcoming Special banner.
  22. Let's see what the Double Special banner has to offer me this time... 3* Mordecai: Nope. I wanted green or red, the circle had two blues and three greys. Figures. Red for the Moonbow banner. 3* Raigh: No. Green for Weekly Revival 10. 4* Merric: No. And grey for Weekly Revival 28. 4* Tanya: No.
  23. Time for the last of the Three Hopes banners. Grey for #11. 4* Kaze: No. Green for #12. 4* Cath: Reposition fodder. And lastly blue for #13. 3* Nanna: No. No blues or greens...Red for Weekly Revival 27. 4* Sothe: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 51. 4* Benny: That was an entirely blue circle. Red for Summer Passing. 3* Erk: No. Grey for Summer Returns. 4* Jeorge: No. That was a very unimpressive set of pulls. Back to stockpiling.
  24. There's almost too many banners to keep track of. First, green on the TT banner. 4* Libra: No. Grey for the Rally banner. 4* Miranda: No. And now for the Three Hopes banners. Red for 6. 4* A!Tiki: No. Red again for 7. 4* Knoll: No. Green for 8. 4* Libra: Really? Blue for 9. 4* Silas: Reposition fodder. Blue for 10. 3* Gaius: No. And finally time to try for Harmonic!Edelgard to keep my collection topped off. Hopefully 210 orbs does the job. I ended up wasting 20 orbs on a worthless circle at the end, but I still got Harmonic!Edelgard plus merges for Valentian!Palla and M!Byleth in only 63 orbs. I doubt I'll come back to this banner since my luck is clearly being stretched thin as is.
  25. So Claude and Micaiah are no surprise at all. Dimitri and Edelgard likewise make sense, as does Elincia (Yay!), but why Altina of all characters? She's almost as much of a nonentity as it's possible to be, yet here she is on her second Harmonic. We could have had Sanaki, or even Skrimir showing off his lion physique to appeal to that part of the fanbase. He would have worked well as the free unit due to being a beast while Elincia joined Edelgard as part of the Harmonic. Well, I can at least take solace in the fact that Elincia's the free unit instead. Hopefully she gets a good PRF. Otherwise I can't really be bothered to do more than pull for the Harmonic as I always do. EDIT: And I just looked at the update. So much for Elincia's nice PRF...She doesn't even have good skills.
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