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Everything posted by KMT4ever

  1. And to think I just finished a playthrough of Binding Blade yesterday. Between this and L!Lilina maybe IS is trying to give us a hint? As for Fae herself, I'm tentatively positive about including her as a character, even if there are some others that should have gotten it first, but I feel extremely let down about her as a unit. L!Tiki just got her remix and here comes another Earth-season blue dragon except Fae's infantry instead of armor. If Fae at least used her chicken wings to fly I could let it slide on fun factor, but as is she feels very unimpressive. Also, I suppose they aren't creating a new Legendary effect or filling in those two inexplicably empty holes in the stat-boost grid, just adding more Pair-Ups.
  2. Yesterday's Rally banner gave me a 4* Seliph, today's Special Spiral banner... 3* Sophia: Ugh. Now grey on Weekly Revival 28. 3* Klein: No. And red on Treat Fiends. 3* Chrom: No. *disappointment*
  3. The Form banner gave me a 3* Sophia, the Moonbow banner a 4* Peri. As for today's Rouse banner... 4* Nino: No. And blue for the Iceberg banner. 4* Benny: No. Shame about that.
  4. Yesterday's daily banner gave me a 4* Marth, let's see what today's gives me. 4* Erk: No. And now for Dragon's Harvest. A free Harmonic!Tiki? 4* L'Arachel: Oh well.
  5. Time to do a bunch of pulls, starting with red on the Double Special banner. 5* Ayra: Another 4* Special. +Hp/-Def is meh, but she's merge fodder for my +1 +Spd copy anyway. A nice start. Now blue on the Rein banner. 4* Robin: No. My Keaton is -Atk, so red on Weekly Revival 37. 3* Setsuna: No. Red again for the daily Odd Wave banner. 3* Hinata: No. And now for finding Fjorm. 223 orbs to start sniping greens with, here's hoping I don't need to go all the way to the spark this time. So for the first time in a while my spending didn't go too horribly. I got Fjorm, plus merges for Mamori, Sonya, and Ishtar, and sparked for Wolf. For 163 orbs that's not too bad.
  6. They're giving us the entire Wolfguard, yet for some inexplicable reason they're also giving us Malice instead of Hardin himself. They'd better be saving him for whenever they introduce Nyna, and he'd better be good, because this is some serious BS. Was Fjorm not attractive enough already or something? Anyway, I'm not super enthused by this banner regardless of whether Hardin's on it or not. I'll probably end up going for Fjorm, but whether I'll spark or not is questionable.
  7. Sure, but a first-time player is liable to have those things happen more often than not. FE7's tutorial allows them to initially make mistakes in a comparatively consequence-free environment, while FE6 is closer to the equivalent of throwing them into the deep end to sink or swim. There are a lot of mechanics that aren't ever explained even in FE7, such as Constitution, the experience-level curve, or the 2RNG system. In the end I simply think it's better to start a new player off with something easy and let them increase the difficulty if they feel up to it. Agreed. Noticeably FE6's first green unit, Clarine, recruits herself if you don't have Roy talk to her first. That could very easily mislead people into thinking that's how all recruitments work only to end up having Rutger destroy Clarine when that turns out not to be the case.
  8. The difference between tutorials in FE and tutorials in most games is that in most games screwing up means you just go back to the previous checkpoint to try again as many times as you want. In FE screwing up once, even in a minor way, can mean you've handicapped yourself for the rest of the story in some fashion, whether it's because somebody died or you overused a useful weapon on random mooks. A new player isn't likely to restart over something they may not even realize was a mistake. There's also the gameplay element of long-term party management, i.e. which units to use. Better to ease new players into that over the course of several chapters.
  9. No interest in the Halloween banner, so I'll just try blue for Duo!Sothis. 4* Sheena: No. Oh well. Red for the New Power banner obviously. 3* Legault: Not a single red. Utterly absurd. Red for Weekly Revival 27. 3* Olivia: No.
  10. For the Performing Arts banner, grey for Olivia. 4* Klein: No. Green for Weekly Revival 36 since I'm only missing Adrift!Femui. 4* Robin: No. All four of the other orbs were grey... Red for the Exp. banner since I'm replaying Sacred Stones right now. 4* Sakura: No. And red again for the TT banner. 4* Hana: No. I can finally start stockpiling again since the Halloween banner doesn't interest me at all. Thank goodness I'm done with the Scion banner.
  11. Alright, time for some more pulls. Grey on the Archer VG banner. 5* Jeorge: Are you serious? Is this where my luck is going? +Res/-HP isn't even good. Well, that happened. On to the Noontime banner. Red since I'm only missing Kris. 3* Olivia: No. Green for the Mythic banner since Otr is the flagship character. 4* Echidna: No. And back once again to the Scions banner with 50 orbs and a 4.75% pity rate. Well, after spending 250-something orbs I finally got Harmonic!Leif. I didn't even get much else along the way, just a Fallen!Edelgard and a Exalted!Chrom and Takumi as 4* Specials. Nevertheless my Harmonic collection is once again complete.
  12. Nonsense! Hugs and headpats are the only logical solution to this problem. Chrom doesn't know what he's talking about. As someone who loves Morgan to death this chapter really spoke to me. So darn adorable...
  13. Time for some more pulls. I've got everyone on the Fury banner, all +Spd at that, so I'll go blue for the heck of it. 4* L'Arachel: No. Green for the Legendary Remix. 4* Tethys: Nope. Green again for Weekly Revival 26. 4* Ross: No. And back to the Scion banner yet again...46 orbs on hand. Still nothing from this banner. I've spent ~250 orbs and gotten a grand total of one pitybreaker and two garbage 4* Specials.
  14. Green for Weekly Revival 35. 3* Echidna: No. And a few more shots at the Scions banner with a 5.25% pity rate. 27 orbs on hand. 3* Felicia: No. 22 orbs left. 5* Fallen!Edelgard: Finally an actual 5*, but still not Harmonic!Leif. +Res/-Atk is fine given her main role is to not die. 4* Brady: No. Why is my orb spending giving me everything but focus units? 13 orbs left. 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder. 4* Matthew: No. 3* Gaius: No. This is completely absurd...
  15. Let's see if I can get someone from the dancer banners. Red for Duo!Sigurd. 4* Chrom: No. Grey for Soiree!Nephenee. 4* Shigure: No. And now to spend the Abyss & Muspell tickets. Red to double up on my 5* odds. 3* Raigh: No. 5* Mia: Another 4* Special. +Def/-HP is bad, but she's merge fodder anyway for my +Spd/-Def copy. 4* Bantu: No. 5* Fiora: Huh, not bad. +Spd/-Def is just about perfect too. 3* Fir: No. No focus unit, but I'm still satisfied with what I got. Now to try again on the Scion banner with 42 orbs. Still no Harmonic!Leif...I'm still getting everything except what I'm actually trying to get.
  16. Weird that there's no skill banner this week. Anyway, blue on the BHB banner since my Ylgr is -Spd. 3* Soren: Or not. Blue again for Reginn's revival banner. 4* Erk: No. 5* Duessel: Nice! The one unit I was missing from this banner. +Res/-Def isn't great, but it's good enough. 4* Mordecai: No. 5* Ingrid: Okay, why not? Unfortunately she's +Atk/-Spd again like so many of my good units. 4* Jagen: No. Two good free pulls is better luck than I've had for months. Shame about the flaws though. Now back to the Scions banner. 62 orbs on hand. 51 orbs later I've got nothing to show for it except a 4% pity rate. I swear the game sees that I'm spending orbs and dials the focus probability down several times. It took 16 full circles to get a single focus unit from CYL and 6 to get one from L!Micaiah's banner. EDIT: And I'm back after the weekend. First, green on the New Power banner. 4* Lex: Reposition fodder Blue for Weekly Revival 25. 3* Nowi: No. And back to Scions of Twelve. I've got 78 orbs thanks to Chain Challenges, so let's see if Feh feels like cooperating today. Well, every single one of my orbs down the drain and no Harmonic!Leif. That makes a total of 168 spent on this banner for literally nothing, not even a terrible 4* Special like I usually get. Because I record all of my pulls I decided to go see when this run of bad luck started and it turns out the last round of orb spending that didn't require me to spend spark-equivalent amounts to get even a single focus unit was back in June on the BHB banner for Fallen Ike and Julia. Maybe I'll grind through the remaining Chain Challenges to see how far the game is willing to screw me over...
  17. First, Weekly Revival 34. Blue for Nailah. 4* Effie: No. Red for the TT banner. 4* Lilina: No. And now to try to get Harmonic!Leif with my piddly 49 orbs. 4* Ogma: No. Not a good start. 4* Niles: No. 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder. 40 orbs left. 4* Lachesis: No. 35 orbs left. 4* Serra: No. 3* Lissa: No. 4* Azama: No. 22 orbs left. 3* Tharja: No. 17 orbs left. 4* Kagerou: No. I guess Feh isn't going to have pity on me despite the absolute disasters that were the CYL and Legendary banners.
  18. Grey for the Moonbow banner. 3* Olivia: Or not. And once again I'm going to try to kill my 5% pity rate on the CYL banner. 92 orbs on hand. 4* Cain: No. 3* Ares: No. 4* Mae: No. 4* Reinhardt: No. 3* Jeorge: No. 65 units pulled, not one focus unit. This has reached the point of utter absurdity. 72 orbs left. 5* Fallen!Berkut: Again? Whatever. +HP/-Def is meh, but it's still better than +Spd/-Res. 4* Mustafa: No. 3* Camilla: No. 3* Priscilla: No. 4* Nanna: No. Oh my god...At this point I might as well go for the second spark. 52 orbs left. 4* Knoll: No. 4* Altena: No. 5* Quan: Another worthless 4* Special. He's not even new, he's +2 already. +Spd/-Res isn't bad, but I'll stick with +Def. 4* Priscilla: Go away. 3* Sakura: No. One more circle before the second spark that I didn't even want...32 orbs left. 4* Erk: No. 4* Shigure: No. 5* B!Eirika: I can't even be happy because she's the 78th unit I pulled from this damned banner. Full neutral, not that it matters at this point. 4* Gwendolyn: No. 4* Shanna: Figures. So ends this absolute train wreck of a banner. 16 circles to get a single focus unit, 295 orbs spent when I only planned for 135. At least I get Gatekeeper and another Celestial Stone out of this. I was hoping to try again at Micaiah's banner, but so much for that...Before I got Eirika the game decided to throw the entire kitchen sink at me. 4* Special F!Kana merge Annette merge Leila 4* Special SF!Nino merge Fallen!Berkut merge 4* Special Quan merge Leila at least is new and interesting, and Annette got a deadly Atk asset for her trouble, but other than that...
  19. First things first. Red for the VG banner. 4* Cain: No. Green for Weekly Revival 24. 5* Hector: So this is where my luck is going? +HP/-Def is meh, but I'll take him. Another try at the CYL banner with 158 orbs. 3* Bantu: No. 3* Ares: No. 3* Boey: No. 4* Azama: No. 4* Clarine: No. That makes 60 pulls from this banner without a single focus unit. Up to a 5% pity rate. Anyway, now to try my luck on L!Micaiah's banner. 138 orbs left. 4* Cain: No. 3* Hana: No. 4* Jagen: No. 3* Tethys: No. 4* Forrest: No. Absolutely rotten luck. 123 orbs left. 4* Stahl: No. 4* Cain: Are you serious? 3* Sakura: No. 4* Sothe: No. 3* Setsuna: No. I have no words...103 orbs left. 4* Seliph: No. 5* Sword!Reinhardt: Great, a 4* Special I couldn't care less about. +Res/-Def isn't even good. Well, now he's +2 completely undeservedly. 4* Robin: No. 4* Altena: No. 4* Lissa: No. I don't know why I'm even bothering at this point, but I am. 83 orbs left. 3* Nino: No. 3* Fae: No. 5* Ashera: Finally a unit worth having. +Spd/-Atk is pretty good too. 4* Lissa: Go away. 4* Wrys: No. I'll try one more time because I feel like disappointing myself. 63 orbs left. 3* Caeda: No. 3* Merric: No. 4* Fae: No. 4* Reyson: No. 4* Kagero: No. I really feel like this game is trying to get me to stop playing it. The banners where I spend orbs give me jack for my investment while I get a bunch of worthless 4* Specials. Before Ashera just now the last unit I've summoned that I was actually trying to get was Harmonic!Caeda more than a month ago.
  20. Well, this is nice. Micaiah herself is great, but the rest of the banner is actually tempting me, which hasn't been a thing for a while. The only units I don't particularly want/need are Sothis and Naga, and knowing how my luck works I'll pull them and only them...
  21. More pulls. First, grey for Weekly Revival 33. 4* Rebecca: No. The only unit I have from the Double Special banner is H!Dorothea, so I'll try blue. 5* P!Tharja: That works too! Not quite as useful as Katarina, but +Atk/-Def is perfect on her. And red for the Ruse banner since I have Selena and Leila already. 4* Raigh: No. Now I'm going to try again on the CYL banner. 4.25% pity-rate, 150 orbs on hand. Can I get a focus unit this time? 3* Lon'qu: No. 4* Reinhardt: No. 3* Luthier: No. 4* Titania: No. 4* Virion: No. Seriously, Feh? A 4.5% pity-rate now, 130 orbs left. 4* Hinata: No. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder. 4* L'Arachel: No. 3* Nino: No. 4* Gaius: No. This is ridiculous. I've pulled 55 units and not a single one of them has been focus.
  22. Alright, time for a bunch of banners I forgot to do earlier. Grey for Pirate's Pride. 4* Titania: Or not. Red for Festival in Hoshido. 3* Marth: No. Red again for Weekly Revival 23. 4* Clair: Or not. Blue for the Lull banner. 4* Odin: No. And lastly another circle from the CYL banner to try to kill my 4% pity rate. 113 orbs on hand. 4* Cain: No. 4* Ilyana: No. 4* Ross: No. 4* Bartre: No. 3* Brady: No. I don't understand why this banner refuses to give me a single focus unit...
  23. Alright, all four tickets are in hand. I've only got 229 orbs, so only one spark. My free pull's going to be Eirika regardless, but I'll pull everything I can get. That somehow managed to go both quite nicely and absolutely horribly. I ended up getting not a single focus unit (on top of there only being 3 blue orbs that entire time), but I didn't do too badly otherwise. 4* Special F!Kana Annette Leila 4* Special SF!Nino Anyway, I'll take Eirika as the freebie and Marth as the spark. Haven't played Three Houses, so I have no real interest in Marianne or Gatekeeper. Of course now I have a 4% pity-rate going to waste. Maybe I'll dig around a bit more later.
  24. Time to do some pulls before CYL comes along. First, green on the TT banner. 4* Hawkeye: No. Green again for Perilous Seas. 5* Dedue: Huh, not bad! Unfortunately he's +Spd/-Res, which is atrocious. Still, nice to finally get a Save unit. Red for the BHB banner. 3* Lilina: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 32. 4* Leon: No. And lastly grey for the New Power banner since I'm only missing Maribelle. 3* Gaius: No. Getting Dedue was good enough for today. Hopefully I'm lucky when CYL comes along.
  25. Blue for the Fortress banner. 3* Clair: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 22. 4* Sothe: No. And now for the Hero Fest. I've already got Guinivere and Flayn, so I'll try red for Henriette. 4* Raigh: No. 3* Python: No. 3* Erk: No. 4* Cain: No. 3* Laslow: No. 4* Draug: No. 4* Soleil: No. 4* Raigh: Really? 4* Ross: No. 3* Mustafa: No. 4* Subaki: No. Not a single 5*. My streak of horrible luck continues...
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