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Everything posted by KMT4ever

  1. Grey on Weekly Revival 28 since I still don't have Innes. 4* Mercedes: Nope. And grey again on the New Power banner. 4* Kaze: Nope. Oh well. The orb stockpile is growing nicely, so no need to spend anything right now.
  2. Gathered up all of the tickets, so time to spend them. Love of a King first, pulling red. 3* Draug: No. 4* Henry: No. 3* Silvia: No. 4* Athena: Moonbow fodder. 3* Hana: No. 3* Marth: No. That was a big pile of nothing. Now for the Hero Fest. Grey first, green as a fallback. 4* Kagerou: No. 4* Gordin: No. 4* Felicia: No. 3* Klein: No. 3* Kaze: No. 5* Green!Olwen: Sure, why not. +Atk/-Res is great, but my current copy is already +Atk, so merge fodder it is. +2 now. 3* Brady: No. 4* Sheena: No. 4* Merlinus: Reposition fodder. 4* Clarine: No. 5* Shinon: Here to save the day at the last minute. Unfortunately he's +Res/-Atk, but I'll take him anyway. No stupendous luck today, but I'm happy enough with a merge and a new unit.
  3. Red on the Wrath banner... 4* Hana: Feathers. Grey on Weekly Revival 27... 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder. Green for the free Special Hero... 5* Spring!Fir: I'm okay with this. Unfortunately she's +Def/-Spd, but at least she's actually new and not a duplicate.
  4. VG banner first. Red since Saber's the only 5* exclusive. 3* Marth: Nope. And now for the Mythic banner. Sniping blue until I'm satisfied or I run dry. 152 orbs to start. That went well. 76 orbs, exactly half my stock, to get two merges for Julia, some good SI fodder, and a useful +Atk Cordelia to promote.
  5. Time for Heroes with Combat Boosts. Lysithea's the only one I'm missing, so red. 4* Libra: Or not. Green on Weekly Revival 26. 4* Frederick: No. Lastly Dark Burdens. I really want the spark here, but I don't have enough orbs. I'll stick to red free pulls. 4* Gwendolyn: No. 4* Fir: No. 4* A!Tiki: No. 4* Draug: No. 4* Mamui: No. No luck that time around.
  6. Time to clear out a banner backlog. Grey for Hostile Springs. 3* Jeorge: Feathers. Red for the BHB banner since Mareeta is busted. 4* A!Tiki: Meh. Red for Weekly Revival 25 to see if I can get Saber. 4* Effie: No. Red again on the TT banner. 3* A!Tiki: Again? Lastly, time to pull for Dorothea and Lene to keep my Harmonic roster full. 149 orbs to start. That went supremely well. 96 orbs total for B!Lysithea, Rinkah, and Harmonic!Dorothea. I could try to dig for a merge for the dancer duo, but I'd prefer to save up orbs for the future.
  7. All of the New Year's tickets finally trickled in, so time to use those. Red on Fire and Ice... 4* Seliph: No. 4* Eirika: Meh. 4* Roy: No. 4* Eirika: Meh. 4* Wrys: No. 3* Marth: Oh well. Lots of lords that time around. Red again on the Hoshidan NY banner. 3* Lilina: Meh. 4* Boey: No. 3* Morgan: Eh. 4* Silvia: Eh. 3* Sophia: No. 4* Lilina: Disappointing. Now for Weekly Revival 24. Hector? 3* Marth: Nope. And lastly New Power. Kinoka's the only one without a merge, so grey it is. 4* Gordin: Not even close. So many pulls, so little of use...
  8. A no-dancer run this week since I don't have Lalum and Reyson is tagged as being from RD for whatever reason. A lot of Reposition shenanigans were needed. Harmonic!Altina+1: I was expecting her to be more useful than positioning ended up allowing her to be. She did some work, but the true star was... Dieck: This guy was an absolute machine. He tanked Perceval, Echidna, and Sue while taking out all three left-side thieves. He needed the Dancer's Veil and Elixir to not die, but in the end he put those automatic follow-ups to good use. Merlinus: Reposition, Wings of Mercy, and distracting his AI counterpart. Not glamorous, but highly important. Guinivere+1: Mostly for taking out the right-side red thief quickly.
  9. Got around to picking up the tickets, time to see if I can get Asbel for free. 4* Klein: Meh. 4* Gaius: No. 5* Asbel: Lucky me! He's even got a good asset and flaw: +Spd/-HP. He can join Julia and Lewyn on my roster of Jugdralian green mages. 3* Jeorge: No. 3* Frederick: No. A very nice set of free pulls. Now to clear off the Draconic Aura banner. Blue for better odds. 3* Florina: Feathers. Oh well. After Asbel I couldn't really expect anything better.
  10. Alright, time for my final sore loser pulls on the Legendary banner. Only 25 orbs on hand, maybe they'll be enough. 3* Raigh: No. 4* Tharja: No. 16 orbs left. 4* Marth: No. 11 orbs left. 3* Soleil: No. Naturally there are two red orbs left when I only have enough for one. Here goes nothing... 3* Marth: Expected nothing, got nothing. Well, that was over 40 orbs down the drain for garbage. Time to sulk and restock.
  11. Weekly Revival 21, can Lute get a merge? 4* Gwendolyn: Nope. Now for my last try at the Legendary banner. 10% pity-rate, 53 orbs on hand. 3* Stahl: No. Not a good sign. 48 orbs left. 4* Sakura: No. An even worse sign. 43 orbs left. 5* Plumeria: Sure, this works. +HP/-Res, the exact opposite of my current +Res/-HP copy. Merge fodder it is. I really should stop now, but I want Lilina. 38 orbs left. 4* Olivia: No. 3* Roy: No. 29 orbs left. 3* Seliph: No. 24 orbs left. 3* A!Tiki: No. 3* Marth: No. 4* Bantu: No. So much for that. Maybe I can scrape up enough for a few more pulls later, but it looks like Lilina will have to wait for another time.
  12. I'm pleasantly surprised by all of the tickets for the New Year's banner. Time to use them up. Going green to see if I can get Peony and Triandra. 3* Nino: Meh. 3* Klein: Meh. 5* NY!Lethe: You're not bad either! +Spd/-Atk is a fantastic asset and awful flaw, but then again her Attack isn't great to begin with. 5* Lugh: Okay. Nice to have you, although +HP/-Atk isn't as good as Lethe. 4* Virion: No. 3* Niles: No. I'll go through the other NY banners when I get all of the tickets. Now to clear the backlog. Winter's Envoy, green again for better odds. 4* Mustafa: No. And the TT banner, grey since I don't have Velouria. 5* Velouria: What is up with today? And +Atk/-Def is actually very solid. I've got Kaden and Selkie, now I'm just missing Keaton himself. Lastly, back to L!Lilina's banner with 65 orbs. 53 orbs later, absolutely nothing of value. Figures I'd get lucky everywhere except the one banner I spend orbs on. Still 8 free pulls giving me 3 free 5* units is some incredible luck. Hopefully I at least don't have to leave the Legendary banner with a pity-rate.
  13. The reason I say she's useless is that I try to keep all of my units with their base set of skills, so no Wings of Mercy or other such stuff to help me. I had to work my way up the map the hard way, and with only one dancer that meant I had to pour everything into Fallen!Julia. Nice use of cavalry on your end despite the trenches.
  14. This week was a pain in the rear thanks to the restrictive terrain. Harmonic!Altina being infantry and thus automatically awkward to use didn't help matters. She pretty much ended up being a Reposition machine while Fallen!Julia and Dancer!Eldigan did 95% of the work. Fallen!Julia: Even with her automatic follow-ups she still had trouble because of how tanky the guard units were. I had to give her the Death Blow seal so she could ORKO Shannan and I had to manipulate her special cooldown so she could ORKO the top blue thief. Dancer!Eldigan: Thank goodness for him, since for whatever reason Reyson is tagged as being from Radiant Dawn. He needed Guidance to help Altina out because LOL at infantry movement. Harmonic!Altina: Like I said, basically useless. Julia: My pride and joy, sadly not of much use on this map. She took out Lachesis and Ishtar, but it wasn't really necessary.
  15. Alright, Luna banner first. I don't have Ced, so green it is. 4* Rath: No. Weekly Revival 22, aiming for Lyn. 4* Tharja: 4 red orbs in that circle. No interest in the New Year's banner, so back to looking for Lilina with 30 orbs. 4* Stahl: No. 25 orbs left. 4* Hana: No. 20 orbs left. 4* Soleil: No. 4* Ares: No.
  16. A bunch of free tickets is never bad. Starting with Gifts of Winter, looking for W!Eirika. 4* Clarine: Feathers. 4* Felicia: Feathers. 5* W!Eirika: Yay! Finally an armored healer for those niche occasions where I want one. Full neutral is decent for her role. 4* Effie: No. A good start to today's pulls. Now on to Glorious Gifts, looking for a merge for Marth and Elice. 4* Rebecca: No. 4* Saizo: No. 3* Setsuna: No. 3* Brady: Meh. And now for L!Lilina's banner. I'll just take whatever reds I get since I still need to rebuild my stockpile. 34 orbs on hand. 4* Chrom: No. Only one red that time. 5* Plumeria: Awesome, another Astra hero. +Res/-HP is fine for a dancer. A nice pull, although I have so many Astra heroes already. 5* Reginn: Merge time! +Res/-Def isn't great, although it is a superasset at least. Yet another Astra hero, yet another one-red circle. 4* A!Tiki: I guess hoping for Lilina was expecting too much. Now that I'm 2 for 3 on red heroes, I'm going to push my luck a bit and do a few more pulls. 3* Lilina: No, no, no. That was a blatant snub, Feh. 29 orbs left. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder is always needed. 24 orbs left. 3* Gordin: No. 19 orbs left. 4* Palla: No. 14 orbs left. 4* M!Morgan: No. Probably shouldn't have spent those extra orbs, but I still made off very well. W!Eirika, Plumeria, and a merge for Reginn is more than satisfactory.
  17. Back up to 35 orbs, time to hopefully spark on the Christmas banner. 4* Silvia: Feathers. This dearth of reds is frustrating. 30 orbs left. 4* Beruka: Feathers. Not even any greys that time. 25 orbs left. 4* Tethys: Meh. Still no reds. 20 orbs left. 4* Chrom: No. This banner is seriously not cooperating. At least it's going to stick around for a while yet. EDIT: Picked up some more orbs, up to 25 now so I can definitely get the spark. 38/40 pulls. 4* Sophia: Feathers. 5* Harmonic!Altina: Well, better late than never. I guess they'll get to be +1 after all. Full neutral isn't great when taking the spark merge into account, but it's still acceptable. For fun's sake I'll take the remaining orbs. 4* Lachesis: Feathers. 3* Kaze: No. 3* Echidna: No. 11 wasted orbs at the end, but overall this banner didn't turn out too badly. 43 pulls got me Altina, a +Atk Tibarn, and a superfluous Laegjarn merge.
  18. I'm only missing Tsubasa on the Chill banner, so blue it is. 5* Tsubasa: I guess she's used up my luck from the Christmas banner. She's even got a good asset and flaw: +Atk/-Def. Lucky me. Now for Weekly Revival 21. No Rhajat, so pulling green. 3* Gunter: No. And one more poke at the Christmas banner with 20 orbs. 4* Rebecca: Feathers. Ugh, this banner is really annoying me. Still, a free Tsubasa is nice.
  19. BHB banner first. Lyon's the only one without a merge, so green it is. 3* Rath: Feathers. And back to the Christmas banner for Altina. 45 orbs on hand. 3* Forrest: Feathers. 40 orbs left. 4* Seth: No. 4* Lilina: No. 31 orbs left. 3* Morgan: No. 26 orbs left. 4* Marth: No. 21 orbs left. 4* Ares: No. 4* Lon'qu: No. And one more grey orb. 3* Emmeryn: No. 33/40 units pulled, still no focus units.
  20. Alright, time to start searching for Altina and Sanaki. Grey as the fallback color since I want Sephiran to join them. 122 orbs to start. 109 orbs and 25 units later, all I have to show for it is two pitybreakers. Tibarn's good thanks to being +Atk, but Laegjarn is completely redundant. It could be worse, but I'm still not satisfied.
  21. I was going to wait until the Christmas banner to clear my small backlog of free pulls, but now that I actually want to pull on said banner I might as well do them now. First up is Weekly Revival 20. Aiming for Amelia since she still doesn't have a merge. 4* Python: Moonbow fodder. And now the TT banner. Aiming for Bernadetta. 3* Setsuna: Feathers. I had a suspicious feeling about that circle, but I need to make sure I get Harmonic!Altina tomorrow. Every orb needs to be conserved for that goal.
  22. Well, good thing I've been able to save up some orbs after splurging for Morgan last week. I've been making sure to get every Harmonic Hero, but this one I genuinely want for fun rather than keeping on top of Resonant Battles. I should be able to get one spark while this banner lasts, which is enough for me. Sephiran looks nice, especially since I don't have Winter Eirika for the niche occasion where I want an armored healer. Bernadetta looks powerful as expected. I don't care about her as a unit, but her tome's critical animation with the house is hilarious. Hilda is meh. Not much else to say there. Altina looks about as busted as her base version. Counter-Vantage with Ragnell-Alondite (which I note isn't constrained by HP) has the potential to trivialize so many situations. I'm also in love with the idea of Sanaki getting to celebrate Christmas with her adoptive father & mother/great-great-...-great-grandparents. Labeling RD and PoR as separate games, while technically already established by Resonant Battles, does strain my tolerances though. When it comes to those two games IS seems to throw units into one or the other arbitrarily. Base Sanaki is from RD while Bridal!Sanaki is from PoR, so who knows what'll happen when characters like Geoffrey or Volke show up.
  23. Having not played Three Houses, my personal opinion is that if there's going to be differences within weapon types there has to also be differences between weapon types. Steel Sword vs. Iron Axe is one example of similar paper stats that I personally come across a lot when I'm playing the GBA games. To compare them (Sword/Axe): Up through FE9 they're almost if not completely identical, at most differing by 5% Hit (and 2 Wt in FE9, but anyone who actually has the choice isn't going to notice that). By far the biggest difference is in FE14, with the biggest stat discrepancy on top of the Steel Sword's -3 AS and -5% Avoid. There are the cost and durability differences, but that's rarely ever brought up as a concern. With this in mind, without the weapon triangle there's no point for a Hero to ever use any axe aside from a Hand Axe (and that's assuming it's not FE10 or FE14 where ranged swords are common). Swords are weaker and more accurate than equivalent axes, but they're also weaker and more accurate than superior swords. Unless there's something unique to higher-level axes you're better off sticking with the swords that you have better ranks in. The reverse isn't quite as true, especially in the later games, but how much incentive is there to increase your sword rank from base if a plain Iron Axe is already so similar to a Steel Sword?
  24. Shame Lucina's stuck sharing a color with her father on the New Power banner. Anyway, free pull time. 4* Legault: Not a single red...
  25. @daisy jane A sibling double-whammy thanks to Weekly Revival 19. My pride and joy (aside from Julia, of course). Not exactly optimal skills, but they're still more than capable of kicking butt.
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