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Everything posted by fengaridotdll

  1. Cutest: Myrrh is pretty adorable Prettiest: I don't know man it's like asking me to find a needle in a haystack Hottest: Flora Lucius Forrest Marisa
  2. I don't know why but I find it oddly hilarious that Leo is holding a tomato while dressed as a vampire
  3. GBA for having the best games all around. DS era had New Mystery, but it also had Shadow Dragon.
  4. I consistently get silver balls and rarely get bronze balls
  5. Someone in RU forfeited when I one-shot their Delphox with Specs Exploud lmao

  6. Villain: A well-intentioned extremist who is actually trying to go for world peace but is twisted into thinking genocide is the only way to attain it Protagonist: An anti-hero who was actually executed properly Deuteragonist: The protagonist's son who is completely oblivious to their father's morally questionable acts
  7. Good: Royal siblings Bad: Odin, Peri, Gunter (he's pretty much the most Jagen character ever since Jagen himself)
  8. I don't care much for Jim Sterling at all but Digital Homicide needs to grow up and learn to take criticism. This is basically the Garry's Incident incident with TotalBiscuit except more extreme.
  9. I just pretty much popped up here out of the blue one day without ever even making an introduction thread

  10. Arthur isn't the hero we need, he's the hero we all deserve. His Americanness is only surpassed by Captain America and Liberty Prime. Justice or death. Also, Azama is the funniest character in the game. "Fruit is proof that the gods exist, and love us dearly. Just kidding! Life is meaningless."
  11. Oh, welcome. Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games, and I would have played New Vegas had the Steam version not worked at all for me (it said it was missing the installer even though the game had finished installing via Steam, seriously I got a refund for it.)
  12. Birthright was a lot easier for me. For one, it doesn't have the most bs boat chapter ever conceived.
  13. I'd probably be better off with keyboard and mouse in most scenarios. It's what I'm most adapted to.
  14. Also, a few of the battle animations are a little weird, such as Nohr Noble not knowing how to use Tomes properly and holding them up sideways
  15. Yeah, some of the animations in the cutscenes were hard to take seriously. In terms of sheer ridiculousness nothing came close to Lucina with Falchion as a Sage because cutscene demanded her to use it though.
  16. I expected Charlotte to be an annoying gold digger who only does it for personal gain, and boy was I wrong Izana was pretty funny I expected Peri to be a token psycho and she was actually a pretty well written character
  17. And for whatever reason my Oboro!Selkie has like 31 Resistance and about half as much Defense. Is that normal for Oboro!Selkie?
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