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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Interesting. Seems like a good visual for organization. Some of the mugs are a little messy looking though. That map looks good imo.
  2. The cape looked better imo. If you want to try something like this cape hanging off... I would advise you to look at Uther and Hector.
  3. Raise your sword higher! To the heavens! Like seriously, seem a little low. Just the dodge left bud. :o
  4. ...to chill out? Sure...--- This isn't meant to be an insult but is a genuine question, do you... even lift, bro?
  5. To make it more difficult to smuggle them under shirts. Why can a Pegasus turn into a Dragon?
  6. Might have been a metal king slime at some point
  7. Impressive. Though tbh, I worded it that way as impressions for the play on words. ;)
  8. That would be the idea... it looks a bit messy ATM though.
  9. Has eyes that follow you... no matter where you go...
  10. @Rezzy, I have never heard that song. XD I have not had very much sleep... so... how would you like to be cooked!?
  11. Because of a switch in the early 20th century... prior to that, Pink was seen as manly virile color, and blue was seen as passive and therefore more feminine.(...cause sexism) Why are some people unable to color coordinate?
  12. Oh hey... a nom, thanks bud. :D ...and I will save my second vote for later.
  13. Thanks for the interesting interview. ;)Ima nom mahboi Ghast.
  14. Because Bras are too expensive to give them away in pairs. Why is it called Pear shaped?
  15. If there are separate blues in the torso, I literally can not tell. It is way oversaturated, I would recommend using some colors from official GBA battle sprites.
  16. You did it bud. Gj. Now he needs dodge and magic sword poses.
  17. Hat is interesting, seems to be on a slightly odd angle compared to the face.
  18. Because legs come in pairs. Why do they call it a paring Knife?
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