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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. ...so uh, Coby, Bluid? Anything happening here?
  2. Welcome to our addiction. ;p You can't stop the fire... you can only let it burn into a beautiful raging inferno of artistic passion. Or something. First splice is a lil dull design wise. The second is inresting though. I guess the super saturated hair is just something the original sprite has... but its crazy hard to make out details in it. Needs more contrast in colors. They look clean though, so kudos on that. Keep at it, try some different colors and mixing up pieces a bit more? Curious to see what you will come up with. :)
  3. "...HuMAN... aRE yoU... ReADY?! ...TO pArTAY!?!?"
  4. Weird Alien bug creature... Check! Edit: Animation courtesy of AK. XD
  5. Will have to get on fixing those images. Kudos to Toa, Aeo, Yoshi and Nickt for help with this. Still has some neck issues but eyes are more size I wanted. EDIT: The original... and the latest edition. :D For comparison's sake. EDIT the third: ...I think that is... good enough for now? Now to do some clothes and armor. :D
  6. Claim clause sounds good imo. But needs limiters? 24hr, or 10hr might be too long, maybe like I dunno... 1-2hr claim? Don't think we need toooooo long? Right?
  7. -Minor touch ups to "Fighter"/"Bandit" Sprite... Gotta work on my palletes... Oh yeah, also... Older and younger Garhen... the uh... "Fighter"... maybe "Bandit"
  8. The previous map I quite liked. This one feels a little... bland in the mountain area... I know it's supposed to not be accessible likely, but it needs some variation/breaking things up. Alm's face appears vertically a few pixels too long in my opinion. In proportion to his body and stuff. Actually... try moving his eyes down a pixel or two.
  9. That's pretty awesome. Nice job. :)
  10. With Toa's permission I thought I would share the very cool concept art he did for my three Lord characters. Hope you enjoy. Here's a little taste... Check the rest out Here! Major kudos and thanks to you bud. :)
  11. You are super prolific, for sure. It makes it slightly hard ton comment as its so much to take in it gets slightly overwhelming. But yeah, anyways, lookalike you have been improving, I am jealous of how many characters you have created here. XD Carla also looks better. :) Some kinda pillowy shading going on with the more custom ones tho. That last guy Arron unfortunately seems cross eyed ATM.
  12. That is actually a feature of this Cavalier, thanks to Alsuq. Horse and Saddle are easily separated from the rider allowing lots of freedom with palettes. Yeah, we are working on tweaking some of the movement. Will def look into that though... Do keep in mind however they are supposed to be revamping the old sprites rather than just chucking everything. ;)Salvaged after all. :D
  13. *blows dust off thread* So we took a bit of a hiatus. But we have restarted work on the project. Smirks latest work on the Cav can be seen here. Current to-do: Cavalier -Smoothing the Cav animation. -Finishing up other weapons -Proportion tweaks -Female version Soldier -proportion fixes -finish javelin throw -female version Hopefully we can get these ones finished up... and then we will see from there what we may do. :)
  14. http://chicken-yuki.deviantart.com/art/Wilmark-Fan-Sprite-The-Book-of-Exiles-572525924 Found this today. I am amused... there will be a tribute to this in the hack now. ;)
  15. Gogo-ah Team Toa! You have definitely come along way in your skills bro. It's pretty cool seeing that year in review. Now onto actual Crit... Liking the animation. :) Arms seem short somehow though... shoulders may be a pixel or two too low as well. Feels like the boots and cloak could both use one more shade each for highlights/darks possibly as well... it moves smoothly though, nice work. Of the three newest mugs, I like the first the best. The third one is interesting... second one seems... bland?
  16. Mostly Older Stuff -Fiddling with various things... normal FE sprites in there for reference. Tried tweaking my personal Merc's legs a little bit to more in line with the normal spacing on the far right... think it looks a little better. Bottom is I dunno... a Big Merc... or a new class perhaps? Some Variant of Hero? Think Bigger Merc was the original idea. Tweak of Swordfighter -Pose based off an edit Bluid did of my Female Sword Lord. EDIT: I need to axe you something. :o -I think I fixed my Merc's proportions inadvertently... tweaking stuff made him look better imo. LumberMerc ho!
  17. Laugh at them hard. Then tell them off. Then probably help them. ;) Wait, dislike... not loathe or hate? ...help them most likely unless it was too much of an issue or too much out of my way.
  18. Happy Birthday Mister. I don't really know you, but you have done a ton of cool stuff and sprites... so kudos to you! You are an inspiration to the community. :)

  19. So spring is done, I am back now though. Thinking we start this back up say June 1st? If people want it?
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