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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Lots of great responses to this one, just had to say. Very interesting replies, one and all...:) Personally, my thought would be I can do both both... I can paint a picture via my words, or tell a tale via a picture... That saying, a picture is worth a thousand words sticks out in my mind though. Some things just cannot be conveyed by simple text. Text itself is just another form of pictographic expression in one sense anyways... So I would rather paint a picture, in order to tell my tales. ;) I connect to visuals typically no matter how good they are, I don't always connect to text. ---- New random wyr ;p Current Question: Q24. Would you rather, have Soup or a Sandwich?
  2. But they use swords... :o Fire vs Lightning... (Oh snap, Lightning would have been more interesting... But odd choice for FF rep)
  3. Nice buddah... Colm should be fun. That splicer project looks super interesting as well. :)
  4. They only fly away. Maybe, I love you, maybe... ;-;
  5. Oh hey! Alpha is back! Sweet! :) *promptly sends him invite to the spriting streams/Skype stuff* *waits... Waits some more* ;-; ---- Anyways! Liking the looks of this. Dat face. ;)
  6. MAYBE... or maybe not. >.> Birds are the word!
  7. Dis thread... Is for da birbs. :0SqWARk!
  8. Watch out for those Hammerne and Warp dudes. Also, I hear one guy... Is alil berserk. ;)
  9. *grabs popcorn* ...this is fascinating. LOL at op being an alt account. LOL at user's history with Integrity. There are people I have far bigger issues with than Integrity. Sometimes his sense of humor rubs people the wrong way... But people I like, like him... And I personally have no issues with him. So yeah... :\ ---- Best thread though op. 10/10 ;) This can only end well for you. Like seriously tho, what is your beef with Integrity? Did he piss in your cheerios? Make you feel bad over something? Not be your best bud? He is a mod. Not your friend. He doesn't need to be "nice" he just needs to do his job.
  10. Good stream man, good stream. :) Like how that was turning out. Solum might be up next if he can figure out his settings to where he likes them. :D
  11. Both so good though. ;-; *votes* next time, next time
  12. Being super hairy has more advantages in my mind over completely bald and hairless... Trimming and waxing is a thing, yeah. Plus facial hair/long hair can be quite attractive. I am a fan of hair over hairlessness. Tbh, some of the obsession over hairlessness we have in the West seems... A lil dumb, if not slightly disturbing when one thinks about it a bit... What are we trying to be like exactly with finding complete hairlessness in bodies attractive... Prepubescents? Hair is just... A natural thing... No need to get all freaked out by it. Just deal with it as you want without getting too obsessed imo? *shrugs* ---- Anyways... Credit for helping me come up with this question goes to Aeo from the spriting forums. Current Question: Q23. Would you rather, Paint a Picture or Tell a Tale?
  13. I would go tattoo myself, in a small private place. Batman Tramp stamp? Yeeeeeeeeeah... Wait no. The meaningfulness and ideas behind tattoos appeal to me. The art is super cool sometimes too. :) Whereas... Piercings don't hold that same artistic meaning and value in my mind. Also, hey magnets, metal detectors and airport security suck for certain piercings. ---- This one is for all the wolfmen and women out there! ;) Current Question: Q22. Would you rather, be completely bald and hairless or super hairy?
  14. (Well, that's kind of ya.) Avatar needs a Mo. ;)
  15. May have experienced a stop in time playing smash with me? (sorry for my lag ;-;)
  16. I do believe we are. :) ----- So just a heads up. Stream on Twitch and upload to YouTube works. :D
  17. So just to let people know, in case they have been curious... I have been working on various story/plot stuff, and character sketches. Hopefully I can put a post together sharing some of the latest plans in the coming days. Book of Exiles is still very much in the works and going forward. Hope to have some proper replies to these latest posts soon, just been rather busy with home life and school lately... :o
  18. Well... took me longer than anticipated. But the very basic of basic channels have been set up for these. http://www.twitch.tv/serenesspritingstreams https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLxRvo6tE9X1ct6Nu04ynFw That's them set up. Sorry it took me a bit longer to get those set up than hoped... Now we just need some streams to upload to them... and maybe some sexy banners? >.>
  19. Cool cool... I will answer the questions myself in a bit... I swear! XD BTW guys, really feel free to ask questions yourself. Or respond to other peoples posts, you know? Take a dip in the pool if you wish. ;) Current Question(s): Q4. 'What styles of spriting have you tried? What would you like to learn/try?' -I have tried a variety of styles. Final Fantasy, Megaman, Fire Emblem, Tactics Ogre, Mario, Sunset Riders, 16 bit, 8bit, 32bit(which is really just 16colors anyways), RPG styles of various sorts... Battle Sprites, Portraits, Overworlds... lots of different ones. I think I would like to learn more Fighting Game style spriting? Those are fun. Would love to be able to be as dynamic and exciting in my animations. Hell animations in general are something I want to develop. :o
  20. Kain Highwind. Only other option from FF worth considering in my mind... Also playable on a Nintendo console. ;)
  21. @Loki: You have chosen... wisely. ;) Hugh Jackman... damn sexy man, over Andrew Garfield or Tobey Maguire. Gotta go with Guitar shredding solo myself. Back to the Future Marty McFly this! Also, I actually play guitar, so well... at least I could potentially do it, over just not being trained on drums. I can keep the beat though. Just a matter of practice/learning how to use both hands and drumsticks properly. ---- Current Question: Q21. Would you rather, have piercings or tattoos?
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