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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. So how do nominations work again? It can literally be any user? If that is the case... I would enjoy learning more about some of the peeps from Creative if they were down for it. Ghast and Mister IceTeaPeach
  2. WYR asks you the hard nonsensical questions! XD ---- I would rather be savored? I guess?(though I am often called sweet, I dunno...) ...and yeah too sweet is not pleasant to me, so savoury for food too as well, hard to be too savoury! Current Question: Q18. Would you rather, be/play Nintendo or Sony?
  3. Do the GBA as more ones people are familiar with. Then branch out to Marth and Ike maybe? Then the SNES perhaps? Save Awakening for last? Also maybe say *spoilers* for people with no reading comprehension or senses of humor. ;)
  4. Is the list current and updated? I have some free time this coming week... I might try my hand at seeing what I can do in terms of tweaks. (I had some ideas for Ash anyways...)
  5. I WILL! ...because you made me one, since I haven't gotten around to it yet XD
  6. "Dark Magic is basically Cocaine." Too true. That sweet sweet elder arts. :o I like this. Was amusing AND informative... Series?
  7. I still think Ocean, and of "the Deep" as "deep ocean creatures" is still valid IMO. ;)Maybe though, Fre... I am over thinking this? #2deep? :p We gotta go deeper! INCEPTION. Sea Otters ARE pretty awesome too though. Love seeing them every time I visit the aquarium here... Part of me wishes we still had Orcas though... Though I understand there are a number of issues with Killer Whales... :\
  8. Heh. Fair enough. But we are all meat? No cyborgs here right? >.>Alright, tweaked to be less esoteric. ;) (Guess those "would you rather" be food questions just amused me, spaghetti man or waffle woman indeed... Sometimes my sense of humor is odd. XD)
  9. Well Hoshi, I am not opposed to a Creative Channel thing as well. But I think likely it would be best if the creative subforum took care of their own as opposed to us merging them? (Although, could be possible to have a playlists with one for sprites, one for art, one for even fangames maybe? But likely best to focus on trying to get this idea up and running, before we try expanding it further... But hey, more power to you if the creative subforum does their own?) @ Aeo Sundays work well for me in terms of a fair bit of time potentially available. That would work great for an upload/update time personally imo. K, I can set up the basic doc, and channels by the end of the Weekend hopefully. If not able to get it done by then, I will definitely have time in the upcoming week with a minor reading break. --- Do we have any volunteers or nominations for account staff/maintenance? I have some people in mind that I would like to ask who I feel would be both capable and trustworthy, but would rather open it up for the opportunity to have the community nominate people/volunteer first off. This is a community thing after all, I just wanna help get it going, help facilitate. :)
  10. Oh woops... Forgot to get this up >.> best hosting amirite? For myself, I like a lot of DreamWorks stuff. But they Also have a lot of misses... And some stuff that is clearly just rip-off/play-off of Disney ideas "Shark Tale" when "Finding Nemo" was out... "Antz" and a "Bug's Life" ...Anyways Disney wins out due to their History, for all the crap they have made... They also have a huge vault of pure gold. DreamWorks doesn't have that same build up of good quality stuff... Though they have had some quality ips lately. --- Current Question: Q17. Would you rather, be/eat Sweet or Savoury?
  11. I had to read through the thread/post a few times to really get what you were proposing. (Might be me just too sleep deprived atm tbh) Casual conversations/Hacker Hangouts does seem like an interesting idea. I do feel like offering more opportunities for people to just talk to people, and do community stuff without it needing to be some grandiose purposed thing, basically casual fangames chat forums , is something that would be helpful. (That uh... Is what you were proposing, right?) :) (I don't mind the IPC chat, personally I would like to see some more chats for the Creative and Fangames sections specifically, to allow for quick conversation without needing to do Skype all the time...)
  12. :) *gives Specta a high five* Manatees are hilarious. XD ...other than Manatees, I dunno, Sea Turtles or Dolphins? Sea Otters are cool, but I dunno if I consider them... Of the "deep" :\
  13. Seriously? ...man I need some sort of long-term solution then. :\ Anyone got a sprite/pixel art hosting site that has lasted years for them with no issues?
  14. Just thought I would update this to say... Smirks has come up with some trophies! ...and they look pretty damned cool! But yeah, if anyone had some ideas for Banners for the Competitions, or the SPACE winter holiday even, would love to see what people could come up with! :D Perhaps this should move to creative forums? As they seem more about banners there? :o But honestly I think I would prefer pixel art/sprite banners as these are Spriting forum comps... ----- So... I am going to repurpose this thread for general requests I have for stuff around the forums that I would love to see, but just don't have the time to fulfill myself. :\ Open Requests: 1) Banner for SPACE winter holiday event 2) Banner for Mug Medley Game In Progress Requests: -none atm Fulfilled Requests: -BBSS Trophies (Smirks)
  15. Yeah, I likely will just use gyazo assuming that I have all the images still in my files.
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