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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Gotta watch out for those flowers man... Flower picking is like... a curse, man. :o *looks at both himself and Koneko*
  2. edited the notice Is a fan of retro gaming.
  3. Scavenger hunts are usually fun. I am up for any game/challenge of any kind if I can enjoy myself/grow usually. :)
  4. Happy Birthday Momma Freohr Datia. May the odds be ever in your favor. ;) ...so is not changing their name, an example of irony? O_o o/`...isn't it ironic? Dontcha think? ...it's like Raaaaaaaaain, on your wedding day, a free riiiiiiiide when you already paid, its the goooooood advice that you just didn't take... But who would thought, it figures...o/` *prepares himself for retribution in the games* :p
  5. I would sing. I like singing... I don't mind dancing, but that is an area have to work on sometimes versus voice stuff coming pretty naturally. ...sometimes I maybe like my own voice a lil toooooomuch :p Having done both in amateur settings with audiences via choirs and musical theatre... I believe my decent singing skills would be more likely to get me paid/food than my poor dancing skills. XD Anyways, so... Another day, another question! Current Question: Q9. Would you rather, be a Fish, or a Bird? #terriblepuns ...this question is for the birds... ;) Seems fishy... :p Why I think- :o *shot*
  6. *wanders back into thread* *pats Frank and Fre both affectionately on the shoulders* ...you both are cool in my books. ;) I appreciate both of your very different responses to this situation, as both gave me some good things to think about,especially in how I was coming across potentially, and about whether I even needed to worry about responding. :) ...anyways, yeah. I can relate to both those responses, the super investment/sometimes over investment and wanting to fix things and have everyone get along... As well as just ignoring people who aren't worth my time/cutting off toxic individuals and just avoiding them rather than playing their games. Those are literally my two default responses. Wanting to be the Hero or the Outsider... And it's damn hard to find the balance in between... :\ ...yeah anyways, I said my piece already. Thank you again, Frank and Fre for giving me stuff to think about. I am at peace with it now, so I am gonna go back to having some fun. ;) *wanders back out of thread*
  7. ...Ants(z) The common ant is kind of inspiring in some ways... And also a pain in the ass during a picnic or anywhere in your house. :o
  8. Cool cool. 6) Favorite genres? 7) Do you know any sort of Martial arts? 8) What sort of weaponry would you choose irl, and in fantasy? 9) What kinds of movies do you enjoy? 10) What do you feel makes a person, and yourself personally?
  9. 1. Impressions? Do you do any? 2. ...Speaking of which, what were and are your impressions of myself? 3. If you had three wishes from a Genie, what would they be? 4. Do you smash bros? Would you like to smash a bro? 5. Any other cool things we should know? ...and can we do more than five? :0 ;)
  10. So much variety. :) Hard to know where to start on commenting... Will likely come back to this to give you some feedback on all of them. In the meantime, my favorites would be the red haired battle sprite(cool pose and design) and probably the Black armored mug.(though his face still bugs me a bit, but that is a tough angle to get right) Will comment a bit more in depth soon. ;)
  11. Yeah... I still haven't done a full sheet and I have been doing Fire Emblem style since '08... So you are not alone there bud. (I should get off my butt and do some >.>) You look like you are getting the hang of things though. Smirks shading tips should help there as well. Speaking of the mage. One suggestion I would have would be to widen the stance a little bit. It would be awkward to try to do any movements with your legs so close together. Spread them about a shoulder width apart, and you have a more solid footing for any movements. (Yeah, I remember making stuff off of the Monk at first too, he has a weird stance actually in some regards...)
  12. This program looks very very interesting...(I am excited bud about the possibilities :0) ...that is actually quite a lot of production especially considering you have done animations, mugs and other stuff since Jan. 2014... It's definitely been a productive year for ya Smirks. Very impressive stuff,and you have come a long way. You're a hell of a guy and a hell of a spriter, bud. So glad to have you around, as an artist whose work I enjoy, and as a friend! Happy Anniversary! :) *suddenly notes his own date of gallery...steals/borrows? Smirks anniversary idea*
  13. I would go for immortality myself... So much to learn and discover... :D Current Question Q8. Would you rather, Sing for your Supper, or Dance for your Dinner?
  14. I am down for smashing some bros in about 5-6 hours once work is finito. :) 3ds(I will likely be owned hard, but eh fun to play with actual people) ErrantShep - Today 9:30 AM > My friend code btw is 0748-4726-6955
  15. @Darros Spoilerize that, bud, please. :0 I legit am looking forward to seeing my son's reactions to his presents this year. Should be fun. :) Also, I actually get along fantastic with my family and cousins so any excuse to hang out is good with me. ;p
  16. That would be cool. Try it out.
  17. Really tough choice this round. Lots of great entries. :o
  18. Huh... Is she casting the magic backwards? :o
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