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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Hey Rei Rei. Sup bud? :D What are your thoughts on the new FE:Fates? Excited? Dubious?
  2. Truth. But hey, at least they both have great... Personalities? >.> ...and Frank gives me shit about MY threads? :pop this thread is really repetitive. what is wrong with you give us a better useless joke thread I still like ya Frank. ;) But yeah... Buzz off! :p
  3. Furthest... Uh... Hmm... 8 hours maybe? I don't really remember. I just remember some long walks/hikes in the Lakes District in the UK. Nice place... Reminded me of home actually. :)
  4. Looking at the graveyard it appears they took away the post count a while back basically to stop the internet power trips some people go on... "But but but... I post alot you post not a lot! Therefore I am Teh coolest. =B "
  5. Indeed, happy Birthday. I feel kinda sad I never got to comment on your sprites... But they are still damn cool! XD

  6. Does not wanna smash a bro for... Reasons he may or may not wanna go into?
  7. What! Heathen! One does not simply dismiss smashing a bro! >=° ...doesn't wanna smash a bro? :(
  8. You make me wanna do mugs. :o (Btw, What is the difference in FE8 shading?) I quite like the hair on this badboy. Nice. :)
  9. OK Em... Since you offered it... Current Question Q5. Would you rather, be a Kid(inkling), or a Squid? ~SPLATOON edition question offered by EmeraldFox~
  10. So I guess the intent of the question was to present a choice more between being... "Rich and isolated/alone" Vs "Not wealthy but beloved/popular" I think I tried to simplify the question and lost the dilemma through poor choice of wording. Should we edit the question? Or move onto a new one? :\
  11. Is on a bad street somewhere in America. The baddest street of all? :o
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