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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Has the strange notion I am popular... o_O
  2. Nah, I just tend to... strip them down to the bare bones to add clothes later, sometimes when customizing. ...uh, what does that mean exactly? Do you mean... animations? ---- So... some old sprites of mine. -Need to either finish this... revamp the design... port to FE style or... do... something? -Oh hey... my former avatar character, Erwand... He used to cameo in various Megaman sprite comics back in my Bob and George days... -...and for some reason I forget, he had a Chibi form? Think it was maybe some sort of weird-mini me sidekick thing? I dunno...
  3. UPDATE: So, realized I don't wanna leave this in limbo. If anyone wants to host, maybe volunteer/start up the new thread? My vote is Smirks or Toa as both are fairly active around the forums and in this thread. But yeah, anyone who wishes to take this on, feel free? Maybe somebody could tally up votes perhaps once a few people have volunteered? I dunno, anyways... have fun! Found some old sprites that amused me from a spriting game on FEPlanet... I believe it was called, Mug Medley? Basic Premise: One person starts with a generic mug and performs ONE form of edit to it. Next person adds/edits ONE thing onto that sprite... we keep going for a while till we come up with something... amusing... or we get bored and want something new? Wanna play? :D Btw Major props to Smirks for this AWESOME banner. :) ---- I will start... by providing the base sprite... either perform small subtle changes... or duck costumes... you know, whatever you like. Keep it fun. ;) -Bartre... with a simple recolor... and... go! :D
  4. ...so at what point does passive aggresiveness become outright hostility? :\

    1. CooledEvergreen


      When the aggresiveness goes from being implied to being outright stated.

  5. So... Had a shoplifter at work when I was closing about two nights ago... Curious what others would do in a situation like that and to situations of conflict in general? Would you confront them? Would you run away in some sense? ...would you do nothing/freeze? Anyone else have some situations/experiences/hypotheticals? :o (I will share what I actually did... later perhaps...)
  6. Nice. Looks clean, not as sure if the gold portion matches the rest of the design perhaps? Maybe more of that gold/design in the fest would help? What class is it supposed to be? :) *gets inspired to revamp his own*
  7. Yeah...my thinking is it could be perhaps an over-arching creative section chat(I consider fangames perhaps part of creative... Overlap)? But using the Serenes ipchat thing to avoid people having to share personal info on Skype. So... Been seeing a lot of views on this thread... Not a lot of comments... Still don't quite know exactly what that means. ----- I guess... If I want a community questions thread may as well start it here? So... Welcome to the Community Pool open questions thread! Feel free to ask/answer whatever question you like, whether the question of the week or something someone asks. Please try to answer/ask at least one. You decide whichever. :) Questions should try to relate in some way to spriting. ---- First question. 'What was your first sprite and what started you spriting?' -For me, it was rpgmaker sprites, and just enjoying sketching and art stuff in general. So I started drawing pixel art and eventually editing sprites....and here I am over 10 years later still doing that stuff... Cause I love art, and sprites. I am a spriter. I am a pixel artist. It's a part of my identity. :)
  8. Has a cool looking avatar I know nothing about.
  9. ...so do we have anymore suggestions for cool stuff to help serve the community?
  10. Wondering if this idea could overlap/link to some of those ideas I have been discussing? Serenes Pixel Art Community Events... And the Community Pool general spriting chat and questions thread? Or perhaps this is an alternative?
  11. Yeah I am working on a Batshep avatar myself. Going back to some of those FESpritez comps... Had an idea for a new comp, the variety show. The idea would be to avoid oversaturation of comps... And burnout... It would be a quarterly thing. But basically something different each round for three rounds. :) For sprites that all tie together. Ie. Make custom splice mug. Next round make a battle sprite to match that mug. Next round remake mug from scratch/customize it.
  12. Yeah... I expected... At least some more negative response as well? maybe people are just tired of my threads... I dunno... :\
  13. (Mew, would you like to join us? Will link you to SALVAGED general spriting chat via PM. My handle is errantshepherd.) Anyways... so I am seeing a lot of views but not much response aside from Mew? Is this just not something people need/want? 'Cause honestly, if not that is completely cool... Just want to get some sense of if I should bother trying to set these up or not? :)
  14. Gotta put up or shut up. :0 *still have no clue what the elle is going on* o_O
  15. What the Elle? What the Elle indeed... Welcome... again?
  16. Judging by current theme will probably like one of the female Lords in my fangame concept then. XD
  17. Oooh. Neat... Really clean work! Is this the same character but at different ages?
  18. Lol maybe. It started as a joke... Maybe will develop into something... Maybe not.At the moment kinda fun to spitball. I just got out, man... My parole officer has been busting my balls ;-;Not serious. ;) Good point though. Definitely should be reframed. Nice-off is lame and cringe-worthy... Community Service Off makes Arch and me sound like criminals...they know too much... that guy I shanked had it coming anyways :p Me too man... Me too... who the hell is the Shepherd guy anyways? Why does he keep posting stuff here?! When will he make me a sandwich? Where is my service?! This service is terrible! Who's the manager?! I demand to see-*is shot* Heh. K. We shall see. Noted. ;)
  19. Hard to beat a Triceratops... Especially a Death Knight triceratops covered in armor. XD Great entries guys! Hopefully I can actually make one of these for once, next week. ;)
  20. Current Question(s): Q5. 'What are you working on currently?' Previous Question(s): Q4. 'What styles of spriting have you tried? What would you like to learn/try?' Original Post
  21. K, what if we reframe? Because... Nice is meh. Service... Community Service... Serve off?
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