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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Alright... fine Lenh. :p Sign me up. Criteria: must be able to actually share with my wife and kids. So PG-13? That doable? ;) Maybe involving my screen name? Errant/Wanderer or Shepherds/sheep themed?
  2. Nice stuff bud. Glad to see you back... Feel like that mage animation is maybe... A bit static though? Like the arm moves, perhaps some body movements would be good. ;)
  3. It's... Turkey times. ;)

  4. *sarcasm meter is reading off the charts!?!?* Actually some nice suggestions here.(used unironically) ...think we need to reframe this... And yeah we will definitely be asking people first.
  5. ...quit shitting in our pool.

  6. I know... Joke threads but... Serenes Forums in a nutshell? :\
  7. We will still be here bud. Take time for you. :) Look forward to your return. :D
  8. Yeah Myke! Do it!mebbe I, myself, can actually make one of these deadlines for once XD
  9. Me too?It's still very much in the planning and conceptual stages. I haven't even touched the rom yet. Just been doing what I can do right now... In story, character, world building... And design. :) It will come soon enough. I honestly have been pleasantly surprised by all the support... Thanks guys. just wait till you hear my story and then you will tear me to shreds... Maybe... Hopefully not. XD :p Oooooh... Like it. Done. Thanks! :)
  10. Not bad suggestions. Trying to have something with a "y" ending to have some continuity in the naming.
  11. New WIP sheets... EDIT: Revamped Merc. (Some other sword Class as well perhaps?) New dynamic, Big heavy Sword user... Medium Balanced Mercenary and Hero. Light speedy Myrmidon and Swordmaster Our current idea is to make the classes all have a three part dynamic, the big,medium, small... Military, Academic and Mystic/Wild... And attack based, def, speed... Those three types will be mixed and matched in our new dynamic. Like potentially, for classes already present... Brigand, Fighter, Pirate. Can apply that concept to other specialized classes too. Like the flying classes: wyvern, pegasi, Griffon/something else.
  12. Here is a thought... what if instead of just Mug Descriptions... we had battle sprite and overworld... even half body entries valid as well? Then if someone wanted to go the extra mile... they could make an entire character, or mug and battle sprite, or whatever? I think this concept sounds awesome! Lots of freedom for creativity... so why not extend it to everyone? :D
  13. umad hector? ...yeah, I hear you... Should Ath be like the spriting forums mascot? We are all ATH!? :o
  14. That should help. :) Maybe tweak the topic title? Add "Current EDITS in OP"? or something?
  15. Oh hey... Battle sprites? So... not happy with Raena(the sword girl) Or I was... but then, am not. Feel like the design was good... but then lost something... and realized, why do I need to have her without pants? isn't that a cheap way of indicating femaleness? So... yeah. :\ Anyways, here is my tweaks. I kinda like... the second one maybe blue and a darker color would work more black than silver/grey ...thoughts?
  16. It happens right? Its cool that the community is wanting to help like this... How can we do that? Google Doc or something? :o
  17. Splice Emblem. Needs to happen. XD Thanks for updating this Bud. Very cool to see them all together like this! ;) (Wanna keep track of the BBSS too? Was looking through it... Badass stuff there.)
  18. and more nudes I really envy your skills. Hector and is that Severa? Look good... good starts at least. Should Hector not be larger though? (...and damnit Ath, these are good, any you wanna keep going with?)
  19. Edgy rewrites. XD So... will bird girl be getting her wings, eventually? Do I have to hear a bell ring? ...anyways, latest is good. Keep it going bud. :)
  20. Cool, got some ideas. Need to rework my map/make a new map though as I have story plans and world plans that need to make sense/feel valid or sensical.Still figuring that out... Think each character likely should have at least... Four maps per book? Some story arcs could be longer, some shorter depending on where it is heading. Thanks bud... Yeah it will be an interesting challenge to balance it/keep the story moving forward with four initially seperate tales... But I am always interested/intrigued by possibilities, and love stories in general. Cheers, thanks alot! Hope to have something playable in the next year. Frank, still in planning stages. It will come. ;) k. Hah... Thanks, any thoughts on the current story/background stuff?Or suggestions for a potential middle book title? Something... That fits with Journey, Odyssey and Legacy... But is more of a... Folly type section "stuff goes poorly section..." Leading to the Odyssey? Maybe... Something about starting... Something about beginnings... Before the Journey? Lots of great thoughts and suggestions... (I actually kinda like that Saela tries hiring Raena one.) My current plans is to have them each start off in very seperate nations/climates/situations(each chapter should have a unique set of enemies/unique feel) Cross paths at certain points... Then eventually ally. --- Yeah, was having similar thoughts for Winter's arc. Plan is to have her demonized/blamed for stuff that... May or may not really involve her. That mysterious Dark Cloaked Mage in the North... Destruction/devastation seems to follow their path. None seem to know their identity... Or have seen their face, but rumors suggest it is possibly an a masked ancient sorcerer with long white hair... Some even... Claim this dark one may be a beautiful young woman. But whatever the case... Things happen to those who cross the path of the Dark One. :o --- Battles sprites are... Well smaller sprites are something I have done for a while. So a bit more practice with them. Still need to learn to be an animator though... Work on my flow and dynamism. hah, no your eyes aren't bad. Check out my sprite thread for some cool tweaks people did for me on Quinn. He will be getting some custom armor and stuff in a bit. That is actually a really interesting thought... I don't know how that might work mechanically... But very intriguing.Thanks for the suggestion! ;) ---- So... Yeah wow, thanks so much guys for all the response, lots of great ideas and feedback! :D Will try to have something new to post each week to keep things updated. ;) Edit: read through Singaara's PM... Actually had some helpful ideas. Thought I would share my response in this thread too.
  21. True that. Was thinking about things. It does seem... Kinda weird to promote/give airtime to poorly done hacks, when some of our really good stuff doesn't get much recognition... Outside of the Fangame forums I guess. Maybe we could frame it with comparisons? Good Hack, Bad Hack, (food hack, rad hack?) Like... What is good in the community as well? What should we be talking up? Besides trying to find the diamond in the rough...
  22. Not wanting to derail your thread bud. But I have something to say to the situation if that's OK. ;)--- ...so yeah, read what has been said. Followed what the thread is for... This is the Requim spriting revamp project thread right? Did I miss something? ...take a wrong turn into another thread or forums here? (We FFtF or Debates now?) Wtf is this?I'm team Nickt? I'm team Aeo? Can we chill a bit here guys? Like... Are we not better than this petty shit already? :( ...I am too old for highschool drama... Aren't most of us? --- K... Let's look at what is actually being said by the people involved rather than everybody. Specifically... What was Aeo saying in her criticism? Beyond her language used,(Aeo is blunt and abrasive... Do we not understand/know this already? She is also crazy helpful if you pay attention... and look past getting pissed off or offended) She had some points that need to be addressed. Can Aeo be a bit less abrasive... Sure, but she has VALID points.(...and actually maybe wasn't that bad... I have seen way worse, or more personal/aggressive/attacking before)Nobody likes being called out. But look past the harsher tone, and look at her points. 'Cause Aeo tends to have some really good points, that can be missed if you choose to get offended rather than really look at what she is saying. Nickt, Aeo has a point. The hair is kinda all over the place. You do good mugs, you are a good artist, but this is an area you might need some work on?Like... Where is it flowing from? What is the point of origin? Where does the hairline begin? Why are so many of the spikes highlighted by giving them similar levels of shading? These aren't just nitpicks. These are valid questions. I don't know the contexts for why the spiky hair is your thing... But its cool if it is. Point is you ARE a good artist, this is just a questionable design/stylistic choice IMO? Spikes and stuff are cool. Go with them... Nothing wrong with that, but we want to help you (in our various own ways) to improve those spikes as we care about mugs/art in general... And it's just not as good as it could be. --- Also hey, yeah... If we are gonna validate your stuff... We need to appreciate/recognize the stuff others are doing too? Like Yoshi. His stuff has been kinda ignored by some of the people in this thread... When its some really good stuff. If you just saw his stuff and had your own thoughts on how it should go... That is one thing. But seriously is anyone paying attention to the other posted mugs in this thread? Can we maybe have a list of what is being worked on/tweaked already? So... We can focus this project and not keep rehashing ones that were already good... Or in progress? We need to communicate here, we need to be having a dialogue, a conversation... Rather than a dozen people just shouting at the air/not acknowledging what the people around them are up to. ...cause that is just... Unhelpful. Aeo has a point in that... You are seemingly ignoring the work other people have been working hard on too... And feeling like people are ignoring some of the stuff you did too.Dialogue with that. Work from that, or at least go... "Oh hey, I see what you did there... I prefer this. Lemme show ya." This is a spriting COMMUNITY forums. Not a PERSONAL blog for anyone... Including me. :\ ---- Can we all just... Chill and quite pissing in the community pool here? I'm trying to ENJOY the pool... Maybe teach some swimming lessons, or go for a swim myself. ;) This stuff... Is like pissing in that pool... Or taking a giant dump in it. We need to clean this shit up. Or honestly... Who would want to swim here? /sermon over
  23. That idea has some good potential. I like it... You up for it Arch? :)that awkward moment when you realize not everyone gets your in-joke with a bud and thinks you're just some random kiss-ass :\ Good suggestions, thanks Eclipse! :)Maybe ground rules should be... We have to be sincere? No BS compliments/actions? ...'cause that would be fake nice? ;)
  24. I talk too much, incoming wall of replies... Deal with it? Will try to respond to all I can. ---- I am sorry Eclipse-san... I have failed you. ;-;Hmmm... That is a good suggestion. I suppose I like trilogies? Feel like they work well as a narrative construction... But yeah you are right, don't have to stick with that ideal. Just came up with what I felt was a cool framing device... (People want more books? I can give you more books!) I am being ambitious perhaps in my plans, but better to have something I can scale down or scale up I guess? Dream big? Shoot for the moon, land among the stars? Hmm... I like the dynamic of experiencing everyone's different dynamics and tales though... So maybe... Hmm... Maybe there could be four books for the four Lords..n emphasizing an aspect of each of their stories. But each patch would still have all four Lord stories playable. Just each book would be 1/4 parts to their individual tales, finally wrapping up for the big finale in book 4? Exiled Legacy? Maybe Beta can be reworked after it releases... into its own complete book/patch? Something around Exiles and one of the Lord's storirs could work as a title/theme for book two/three... Keep the current Exiled Legacy as the ending... Figure out a good thematic concept using something similar to Journey/Legacy/Odyssey... Word that comes to mind is Folly... But that doesn't quite fit. Need a negative term/word for this new book. Any suggestions? sorry Saela's color scheme is already chosen... But there are other playable Redheads? And he wears red at least?Like a redhead runaway noble Archer girl named Arenae(probably will tweak the name(maybe too similar to Raena, could be confusing) and backstory a bit, just realized that one character from Path of Radiance has a least some similarities in at least being a noble girl Archer).. And redheaded Myrmidon/Swordsman called Dacen. Although obviously you are picking up the Salamander allusions. He does have a fiery personality? Cocky young prince... Kinda a bit of an anti-hero, jerk with a heart of gold... in contrast to Quinn's earnestness, Saela is pretty young and immature... He will grow throughout the story though, hopefully I can keep him sympathetic so you root for him rather than against him. @Toa Yup... No backing down. This hopefully will get moving/get done... To the awesome level I can picture in my head. Btw, thanks for helping make Quinn's mug awesome. Very much appreciated bud.(lemme know if I can help out with your project in any way, k?) no screens yet, but got concept stuff and sprites at least? You people just responded too fast XD) @Ghast I have pix screw off ya hoser ;) Jk too. Love ya bud. Yeah buddie! Thank you so very much! Hell you inspired me to actually take this random stuff I came up with and put it together into something cool.. If I can be half as cool, creative and innovative as Bloodlines... This will be good. :) Whoa ok... Thanks for the offers of help, very much appreciated. It's cool though bud. We can chill, and enjoy this together. Just yeah, calm down a lil bit/tone it down a touch perhaps? XDThis project will still be here. Thanks for the offers of help and ideas. We will chat about them. I know its exciting and cool to be creative like this, especially when you have so many great ideas... But take a breathe bud! XD Use some spaces. Give yourself some room to breathe, and not burn out. This passion, enthusiasm and excitement is great though! Thanks so much for your feedback.and wanting to help. We will chat. Just breathe buddy. XD ;) (Its like the complete polar opposite response here... XD)Because I like to be creative. Thanks for the input, can you go a bit deeper there? Need to be able to work with the criticism/improve any aspects you bring up. ;) I love you too Agro XD (Makes me kinda sad some people are being completely unironic when they post unhelpful negative shit like that, over actual legit criticism) ------ Thanks for checking out my thread. Will have more replies and stuff to show/share when I get a chance later this week... But thank you so very much for any and all feedback!
  25. I had the pics... Just didn't get a chance to put it in the second post like I meant to. I will try my best to reply when I get a chance to all the commenters. Thanks so much for the response. :) Sooooo... Yeah, meant to have it here already.(didn't honestly expectnsuch a quick response) But here we go. ;) ----- Currently still very much in the planning and conceptual stages. Working on the story with my wife actually, as a kinda fun project together... So we will see how long it takes for me to actually get something playable together here. ;) In the meantime, say hello to Raena, Quinn, and Prince Saela(Saelamendron)! Yes, the Lords from my Sig and sprite thread will now have a home .. Eventually. :p Here is a placeholder for what Quinn, the Poleaxe Lord, would look like armored, but I am working on customing my own design for the armor hopefully soon. Still working on Raena's designs... Here are some of her original potential color schemes. Her tier 1 and 2 potential designs.. need a bit more differences perhaps. ...and finally her tier 2 updated and original designs... Along with her pose reference... A splice of a fighting game sprite. ...stay tuned for more character profiles, more concept art, potential actual screens and chapter outlines. :o
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