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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. You can just use the edit button if you need to correct something in your post. I would advise reading the rules section of this forum as it has advice on these types of topics... :) as well as rules against double posting. ;) Anyways, good luck.
  2. Your style works well for Kim Possible. Gharnef looks pretty good too. Looks like you are improving a bit here as well. Do you freehand, or draw skeletons for your poses/characters?
  3. 1) what brought/brings you to the forums? 2) what made you choose the name, Ercdouken? 3) impressions... do you do any? 4) depression, do you ever find yourself struggling with it?(it's OK if you wish not to answer this one) 5) ...original/current impressions of me?
  4. [spoiler=Missing Pages, Spoilers ahead] -The Lost Pages- The Royal family and peoples of Enduris, believe that those with red hair show they are true descendants of the Hero Durian... but Durian was not a hero. Durian, was the one responsible for the Eldar's exile and the Republic winning the war, but Durian, one of the wandering, unbeknownst to his fellows... was an Eldar himself. Durian found himself entranced by humanity. He sympathized with the humans terrorized by the Eldar and he sought a solution to end the war between them, that ended up far more devastating than intended. ----- -Magic's Origins- An Essay by the Scholar Zed Magic is not natural for most humans. They must use a magical item in most cases to draw it out of their surroundings or from within. Anima comes from the energies of the world around them. The magics known as Light and Dark have less certain origins. Clerics claim that Light comes from the divine, whereas the Dark comes from the demonic. Dark mages say that light and darkness are merely inherent in all...whereas some scholars believe that light and dark are natural energies drawn from the heavens and from the earth itself. The Eldar were very magically attuned and gifted. Durian wanted to give magicless humanity the gift of magic as well. The tome later known as the Opus Exsilium was full of the most powerful and experimental magics the Eldar had. This Book of Exiles... could be the key to unlocking the secrets of life and the world itself. *There appears to be notes scrawled on the bottom of the page* "Zedolphus, this paper is unsatisfactory. Not only have you failed to turn in a complete essay, but you constantly refer to mythical figures such as the Eldar and link our great Ancestor Durian to them with no proof or sources whatsoever. I expect far better of someone wishing to become a Sage. Try harder on your next assignment. Mark: C+"
  5. Wow... that is looking sweet in-game, Bluid! :D Looking forward to that Kefka. ;)
  6. Getting better. I think the shoulder pad look was a bit better design wise... although the previous shoulder pad looked a little odd.
  7. Looks cool... much improved from its original version. :) Not so sure on the shading/colors on the body ATM though... seem... very Ms paint/inconsistent with the colors of the hair and skin... maybe try to find similar GBA mug colors and see how those look?
  8. No problem, please just edit your original post for your entry though in the future, to avoid potential confusion over which is your entry. ;) Heads up... This upcoming Wednesday is our deadline. Please let me know if you need more time for your respective entries. :D
  9. We all start somewhere, glad to have you join us. :) Anyways, it's a cool design, just needs some more technique and touch up. You do have until the 15th to tweak the entry if you aren't satisfied with it of course as well. Definitely very bounty hunter like though. Approved.
  10. Gotta be honest, I don't quite see the point? But good luck OP. Seth works well for me as a meat shield, and if I want to not use him... I just don't. :)
  11. Description altered to either scar or physical trait. ...as that was confusing. Anyways, mug APPROVED! :)
  12. The histories of Avalan volume 2: by the Great Sage Zedolphus Chapter 1: Avalan and its Peoples -The Five- The people's of the Avalan peninsula come from five main groups. The Eldar, the First Ones(also known as the Avala), the Republic, the Wandering, and Ibyssian settlers. The Republic came from a far away land with little to no knowledge of magic, and saw this powerful energy as both horrifying and intoxicating. The First Ones were eventually absorbed by the Republic. The Wandering... came in the midst of the battle between Eldar and Republic... ...eventually the Wandering were accepted into the Republic, turning the tide against the Eldar. The Eldar as a result were either banished, killed, or vanished from human knowledge. Meanwhile peoples of Ibis traversed the mountains and deserts separating the peninsula from the Ibyssian empire, to settle near the Republic's borders. -The Endurian Republic- The Royal family and peoples of Enduris... believe that those with red hair show they are true descendants of the Hero Durian... Durian one of the wandering... was the one responsible for the Republic triumphing during the great war... but Durian- *it appears several pages are missing here* -The Wandering sympathized with the Republic, whose people were terrorized by constant Monster attacks on their settlements... and Durian sought a solution to end the war between humanity and Monsterkind... that ended up far more devastating than intended... *the page trails off*
  13. JPEG adds dithering to the image, which is random pixels. That isn't so good for sprites because we work with such small spaces that literally every pixel counts. Png for still images, or Gif for animations are the preferred file formats for that reason.
  14. Double postage, eh? Ah well. Anyways, some more concept art. This time starting with... Prince Saela. [spoiler=Prince Saelamendron] -First rougher sketch... -Like how this one turned out. #sosmug Raynah currently has a WIP mug sans mustache being worked on by Toa... [spoiler=Large JPEGy images] -current version of the face -thinking about tweaking her hairdo possibly Found some more character sketches of mine I plan on using in Exiles. Side Characters: Garhen Whelan the ex-Bandit, Vant Lindegarde the Mercenary, and Porter Alvern the Lancer.[spoiler=Vant and Garhen] -Vant will be a Mercenary, part of a company hired by Prince Saela, after Saela tries to hire Raynah but ends up insulting her. -Garhen is a stoic ex-bandit searching for his son, who ends up joining Raynah's mercenary group... -and there is a not so great drawing of another side character there, Erwand the Thief, member of a thieves guild that takes Winter in. [spoiler=Porter] -Porter Alvern, Lancer Mercenary who works alongside Vant and their healer... Gruff, and fond of money and the material world. ...and some random face. [spoiler=Have some more shirtless Quinn?] Anyways, next post hopefully will have some more world building type stuff. So... look forward to it. ;)
  15. Cool, the chests seem out of place considering the houses and forts though. Unless they are giant chests the size of houses? Map looks pretty good though. :)
  16. Gotta focus on essays and midterms this week, won't be around... seeya in a bit. ;)

  17. Violence is definitely not 'the answer' at least in my own opinion, the feelings of the nations and peoples involved however, may be rather different. Exploring that is going to be fun. ;)Thanks. Yeah there is a part me trying to keep some cards close to my vest, part figuring things out as I go along, but happy to hear its been well received so far. :D World building will be definitely something that happens in the storyline of each Lord. Hoping to kinda explore some different types of narratives as well. We will see how that comes across. Quinn and his country should have some interesting plot developments for sure... especially in regards to the Book of Exiles. Thanks! Glad you are liking the sprites and designs. :)As you can see with the more current Drake art, he doesn't actually have a mask. (Although now I want to give a mask to another character) Axe Pally should be a fun dude. I imagine him as seriously gung-ho. Raynah indeed looks good short-haired. Her longer hair will be only really present for backstory/flashbacks. (Her story will have quite a number of flashbacks) Saela is going to be fun hopefully, his chapters are going to be essentially him treasure hunting to an extent, to prove himself as potential heir to the Ibisian empire. Done, Quinn has gone from AxeLord to BuffLord. XD
  18. Looks like you are having fun. Got more planned? Shading seems a little pillowy, colors look a little off as well. Otherwise, nice. :)
  19. Cool looks, arms still need shortening however.
  20. I would say the faces look a touch too long in my opinion. It's not a huge deal however, Ray did a very nice job on the art. The colors and designs are especially nice. :)
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