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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Perhaps Skitty wants to go with the transliteration versions of their original Japanese names. Nothing wrong with that, although I have to admit I prefer their commonly accepted names as well. Anyways, the screens are looking sexy as hell. Looking forward to trying out a demo for this. :)
  2. Yeah, so some handy links and images to help you out. :) [spoiler=Those links] Spriters' Resources Forum Guidelines [spoiler=Some refs for Proportions] Hope these help! Very cool stuff, btw. :D
  3. Its ok man, you were just excited. Unfortunately, you don't have the option to delete your own posts. Closest thing is editing posts. :) Anyways, as I have said in chat... stuff has been looking pretty good Blaze. Keep it up! You are improving well! :D
  4. You can always edit your posts. Whether on phone or computer the option is right here. EDIT: see?
  5. *blows dust off thread* Well... so, there was some decent response initially... I guess lets see what happens? --- Current Question(s): Q5. 'What are you working on currently?' -Currently working on mugs for my Lords and Units in my fangame project: Book of Exiles. My AxeLord Quinn is pretty awesome now... but I need to get the rest of the portraits created and brought up to snuff. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ANSWER ANY OF THE QUESTIONS, AS WELL AS POSE A QUESTION OF YOUR OWN.
  6. Copy Paste... engage! Hello and welcome to the fifth SIXTH ever Mug Description Contest: Mug Shots! Back after a little hiatus... a big thanks again to Yoshi, our original host! ---- In this contest, the host will provide a short description, vague or detailed, describing what kind of mug the competitors will make. Today's descriptive word brought to you by our last winner and runner up, Bluid and risingSolaris: "Edgy" Further phrase provided by athenaWyrm. Here is your mug's description: "The most edgy cutest cutie around town™" Must have some type of jewelry. Color purple somewhere. Deadline: Monday, July 11, 2016 11:59pm PST... 2 weeks! ---- Just want to say, some very nice works by all who have participated so far! Lets make some cool mugs. ;) ...And, as always... Have fun! :D
  7. Nah nah, clearly the names Anne... and Hathaway... are very unique and unlikely to occur again in history. :\ I did notice that myself way back when... does make you wonder if intentional pseudonym, or intentional allusion if her actual name.
  8. Sneak Peek at current wip. What would you guys like to have shared next? The maps? Or more dialogues?
  9. Oh Hai, Hoshi! Would be curious to see your rendition of the Errant Shepherd. (My avatar mug)
  10. Neat. Isn't he pantless in Zelda 2 though? Armor dude looks cool.
  11. Some good entries for sure. It's too bad there was not a larger turnout... but everyone that entered worked hard. Great stuff! Thanks again to Aeo for setting the voting thread up, while I was down and out. The winner this round... ...is Blue Druid! With 11/13 possible votes! Great entries everyone and I will be contacting the winner shortly.
  12. Think, this is awkward. As I am married. ...after that initial reaction, then probably show to the wife to laugh about, and figure out what to do with the letter. --- But let's say this was me before I was in any relationship? Probably feel somewhat flattered, and super curious... and still a little awkward, like... why anonymous? Why won't they just... tell me how they feeeeeeeeel!?!? DX *cough* ...definitely a good thing I found the one I did. XD
  13. Best Regards,(or Sincerely) <Errant Shepherd> If in an email or something. ...usually handwritten in pen. If signing like a document or letter.
  14. Someone not being politically correct is excusable in a friend... or a colleague. Someone who you can excuse for the slip, because under it all they aren't a bad person. ...when your job is literally to choose the best, most politic choice of action as your decisions and mistakes affect the rest of the world... I think... perhaps... one ought to be more "correct." Being politically correct is about consciously choosing to be respectful and thoughtful towards others as possible... So... if the person in charge tends to display callousness and disrespect, as well as a complete disregard for those they do not personally care for... they SHOULDN'T BE IN CHARGE. Unless... well, one wants to have everyone pissed off at their nation over things that could have easily been avoided with a bit of... political correctness? Just my two cents. :0
  15. Indeed, it depends on the quality of both. However, if the quality happens to be the same... some really nice pixel art can be an eye-catcher imo.
  16. Any idea is feasible with enough work put in. Yes, ANY idea, imo. Just develop it some more, as we can't get excited or help with not much to go on.
  17. Chapters/Dialogues and Supports for Exiles now. :)
  18. Hey there, welcome to the forums! Glad to see you're just as excited by Fire Emblem as we are! So, just as a general tip, I'm going to advise you to check out some of the pinned threads that have advice on making fangames and hacks. This Link here... Arch's advice. Very good tips that I think would help you in some of your planning. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=46992 Currently, there just isn't a heck of a lot to comment on here. But lets give it a go. So... yeah, comments in bold of course. Just need to say, it generally helps to have a bit more to show... for people to really give any sort of valuable feedback, bud. :\ But hey! You have a dream! Go for it! I hope this turns out really cool... just try and read/make use of the various tutorials and advice around here, its all really good. ;)
  19. lol, its ok. Just, paranoid internet parent stuff. I try not to talk much about them outside of private circles. I'll pm ya the answers to your questions though, as you seem cool and are curious...
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