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Posts posted by Ryo

  1. I don't even like FE4's way of handling the marriage/children mechanic. I'm not a fan of replacing an entire army for a second generation of units that I don't even care about. Either removing the children completely, or replace them with something that makes more sense in the storyline (like new recruits trained by a specific character who would inherit that character's classes and skill etc.)

  2. Lmao, all of this.

    I'm so damn salty about the DLC and the third route, but gods know I'll buy them all. Hopefully IS will take note with all of the negative backlash that they're getting from basically every FE fan in the world??? We can dream.

    You know... if you end up buying them all anyway, they definitely won't take it as a backlash.

  3. While I like the pairing aspect, I'm heavily against the children mechanic. I also don't want all characters to marry during the game (S support can be ordinary romantic relationship, or very close friendship even). I dislike the fact that every main characters can romance most people, the avatar can romance anyone regardless of age or prior connections, and the existence of "Avatar-sexuals".

    I'm okay with one or two genderlocking classes/weapons per game, but no more than that.

  4. I'd say there's a good amount of overarching focus on Kamui's development. She gets several chapters about her naivety and several more where she has to come to terms with Nohrian methods/morality. Since she does end up kinda jaded (I mean... she just kinda lets Leon go ahead and murder Zoro, despite being unwilling to kill anyone for the sake of saving her own skin at the beginning of the route split) and her character+internal struggle is more fully explored here than in the supports, it feels me like some character growth happens and it's a focus of the Nohr route, starting even at the beginning of the route split.

    We also get some more understanding behind the Nohrian siblings. While they aren't changing as people, we still get the motivations to their actions more fully understood over the course of the main plot. Starting from Camilla's intro, you get this lil string of almost sequential chapters on the Nohrian royalty and where they stand with Garon's actions. It's not the same level of exploration as in the supports, but it's still a commonality over multiple chapters, and certain characters (Leon and Marx, really) get multiple chapters where you return to whatever reveal they had shown earlier. I'd say Takumi and Ryouma get some similar character focus as well. Perhaps I shouldn't quite label this as character development, maybe more... character exploration, but it goes beyond base action because we usually get some explicitly stated motivation or some monologue or whatever beyond 'this happened' without any statement or clue to opinion. Since it occurs in a good number of chapters, I'm inclined to label it as a focus.

    Marx turns against his father's allies twice (and that's just as of... chapter 18, I think?) because he disagrees with their methods. Just blatant 'I understand Father secretly promised you things because you helped him, but you're not the sort of person who should have power in my country, so I'm going to kill you.' And then you... just kinda kill them all so the news of that betrayal never gets back to Garon. If I remember correctly, he's the one who actually leads both actions (he definitely leads it at least once), not even Kamui. And in the first instance, you're fighting along Saizou and the Hoshidans as allies, in the second, you're saving the Hoshidan royalty's lives. I dunno, I kinda read it as... well, betrayal. It doesn't seem like Marx understands it as betrayal, but Leon clearly does, and he doesn't have the same sense of justice or attachment to his father. He definitely has a different understanding of it when it comes to his father, buuuuut he's not hesitating a scrap when it comes to cutting down the men doing his work. You're just straight up killing Nohrians and Nohrian allies at one point because they had Ryouma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura captive through a method Marx disagreed with.

    That's my point. Marx's killing them because he disagreed with their methods, not because he's actually being rebellious.

  5. Just looking at Nohr, there's just not much room, given that every chapter pushes the war with Hoshido (I mean, I guess they could squeeze something here, but even the focus in these chapters is on Hoshidan royalty drama, not general Hoshido), develops a character, and/or displays some act of rebellion from Marx and/or Kamui (sometimes feat. Leon). And IK references, I forgot that they've got some chapters for those, too.

    I have to disagree here.

    None of the main characters have any notable character development on the Nohr route. All of their motivations are hidden inside support convos that you have to dig for the right one to even find out. They don't do or say anything special in the main story, and would only turn their back against Garon when he's revealed to be a slime monster, which is already near endgame. I would argue that the Nohrian siblings undergo much more developments on the Hoshido path. Elise outright sided with Kamui and the Hoshidan there. Leon actively assisted us.

    And Marx doesn't do anything "rebellious" at all, he's the most devoted to Garon out of all the siblings, even though he clearly knows that his father's deeds are questionable and not always best for the country. When he's doing anything behind Garon's back, it's because he thinks the enemy's being dishonored, not because he's doing it against Garon's benefit. He suspects you of being a traitor when you tells him that Garon's the real enemy. After you've helped them conquering Hoshido and destroyed your other family. And that's two chapters before endgame...

  6. Well it's not like they can actually DO anything about Anankos even if they did know about him.

    Considering that she didn't even want to let Kamui or anyone to know of IK (even though the crystal ball actually needs concentrated dragon blood to activate lol), it's obvious that she's being mysterious for the sake of being mysterious.

    Had it been that she's brought up Hydra/Anankos, they discussed it and figured that it's too late to do anything about it then that would've been another story (but even then, she should have shown people IK and told them everything she knew eons ago). However, Nohr!Aqua purposely acted like she didn't know about Hydra.

    Basically, the original two paths didn't even need to exist in the first place. The only reason they did was due to the actions (or lack of) of these 5 people: Aqua. Lilith, and the Awakening trio.

  7. Great minds think alike!! I'm also curious about this. Generally I thought +mag -str would make sense but some people have argued against this. Anybody know??

    I'm heavily against -Str because unless you reclass Kamui into a magic user right away, they're gonna depend mostly on Yato pre-promote. -Str makes it much harder for Kamui to kill things.

  8. I'm also having a problem picking a partner for Ryoma. The available females are: Rinka, Orochi, Mozume, Setsuna. Which one is the best choice? Also all of these people are severely untrained, so I'm not even sure if it's worth a unit slot...

  9. Regarding the two paths' gameplay, I'm playing Hoshido Hard and Nohr Hard (semi-blind) simultaneously, and the differences are quite significant:

    [spoiler=Personal gameplay impression]

    - Hoshido Hard: Similar to Awakening Hard. Enemy positioning and density are still quite thin on most chapters, so Attack Stance will see more use here. Most enemies don't have skills. There are barely any status-staff users. The simpler objectives also make it much easier than its Nohr counterpart. Therefore, as long as you don't do anything reckless, you don't have to worry about survival. You don't even need to think much.

    - Nohr Hard: Closer to Awakening Lunatic but enemies' stats aren't that inflated. It's not at all insanely hard, but can be quite difficult for people jumping right to HM for the first time (like me), and/or not yet used to this game's mechanism (like me :p). Enemies' density is really thick, and they often come in group so you'll be worn down really fast if you don't use Guard Stance. Status and Draw staves are much more common than Hoshido and Nohr Normal, and have very annoying placements (e.g placing someone with Freeze near a chest or village to prevent you from reaching it). Some enemies have skills like already mentioned, but thankfully not every single one of them. Strategy-wise, the game pretty much forces you to actively think and be careful, because every small step and decision may matter more than you think. Even if you may not win a chapter on your first few tries, the game makes sure that you have to learn from your mistakes and know what you're doing.

  10. With Rinka, though, if I want to use her as a front unit (because I'm me and therefore favoritism, this isn't trying to say she's good), who would y'all recommend I use as her pairup?

    Well, most people are having problem with her strength, but on Hoshido there aren't many people that boost strength. I can only think of Kamui and Silas. You may also want to dump a lot of stat boosters on her.

    EDIT: Oh there's also Takumi, Setsuna and Oboro. These people also apparently boost spd so that's also nice.

  11. I was kinda forced to utilize Tsubaki since I heard that his daughter's paralogue is good for farming exp lol :v Surprisingly, he isn't doing so bad on my team. With +SPD pair-up he can still double many slow things. Though admittedly he kinda lags behind compared to others even after being fed a considerable amount of killings due to being "balanced".

    I haven't tried training Hinata or Rinka, though the latter is an invaluable source of +STR bonus for early-game for pretty much everyone.

    The only one that I actively wants to train but failed is Setsuna. She joins underleveled and needs a lot of babying to catch up, but the efforts aren't really worth it because other units also need those EXP. And even then, her stats is still pretty meh, so I pretty much had to restart an entire chapter just so I can reallocate the EXP on people who might need it more.

  12. I'm playing the JPN copy, but I'll still buy the localized version. However, I won't purchase all three paths on each copy to save money.

    For your question, I'm still hyped for the gameplay and is still enjoying it very much. The other aspects, not so much, but let's just leave it as that...

  13. I think debuffs from hidden weapons are usually more dangerous when used by the enemy, because 1) they're specifically designed to screw you; 2) the player's debuffer units themselves can still ORKO their targets on their own given appropriate training and/or support bonus (unless the enemies' particularly tanky, but then the debuffs don't really matter); 3) you don't need these debuffs to win the game because not everyone uses them. Though I admit that it can be useful on some tight situations.

    The thing that I find more useful/dangerous for both parties is skill like Snake Venom/Deadly Breath, since you always deal/receive damage and can potentially reduce the target's HP to 1.

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