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Posts posted by Ryo

  1. I don't understand the Felicia bit, what actually happened?

    If you start with a male Kamui, Felicia will join at the beginning and can be trained in chapters 2 and 3. Joker is not deployable here. However, if you use that save data to switch Kamui into female at the end of chapter 5 and beginning of chapter 6 (before the choice), Felicia will be replaced with Joker (who would come at base) and she would not come back until chapter 15. She gets to keep her prior level-ups but +10.

  2. Ew, I only have one Rescue left as of chapter 20 (already included MC bonus...)

    As for parings, if you don't care about turn counts, you can dance-grind Aqua to build support points with someone to unlock two extra paralogues. You should be able to get at least 8-9 of them without other kinds of grinding.

  3. Also, if you don't want to restrict yourself with weapons/items that the game offers, My Castle rank bonus has a lot of neat stuffs that you won't get via online shops. You can also save money that way by not buying extraneous weapons or by selling those that you don't need.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, if you don't have any chapter 5 save data where Kamui is female with Jakob trained before that point, and you want to use the male file to change Kamui into female mid-way, Jakob will join as Lv. 1 at base. Not very desirable for Nohr Lunatic.....

    As for advices, I'm not really well-versed myself since I haven't finished my own run yet, but a lot of people have been saying that learning Pass is very helpful, if not mandatory for the final chapter.

  5. @Shephen @gayserbeam You tiers seem to be focused on around utilitze the most out of limited resources rather than focusing on and maximizing resources AND lategame potential. It seems that this forums to love bash/hate on Mozume's lategame potential (especially in Nohr). Now I'm assuming that this is a situation where no one don't want to utilize certain DLC like the EXP/Gold/Weapons maps, and that's understandable. However, even if you don't want to use Mozume in the long run, you're still making it hard on yourself in the longer run. I would rather struggle in the early game to level up Mozume and other weak units than getting my ass whooped lategame.

    Like Minischew said earlier, while tier lists does alleviate debate and discontent, it fails to put into consideration into people's intent and playstyles.

    Okay, then you have to prove that training Mozume (which would mean lifting EXP from others) will make Nohr end-game significantly easier than not, and as to why not using her would make it "harder in the longer run". And I mean practically, not just stats and skills in theory. Contrary to popular belief, there are more hard-hitting units on Nohr than just the usual Kamui, Camilla, Effie, Marx etc.; due to the existence of Attack Stance, Guard Stance bonuses or special weapons, which are low investments or even free.

    And I'm not even debating against Mozume's potential here, what I don't see is the difference between a run utilizing Mozume and one that doesn't, which seems to be what you're trying to argue for.

  6. I didn't claim that we should solo the game with Camilla or that we shouldn't use Effie. I claimed that Camilla's huge bases lead was more important that Effie's availability lead and so Camilla should be a tier higher.

    That I agree with you. For a wywern unit, she has one of the best speed stats on Nohr route, along with naturally high strength and defense.

  7. The second list makes more sense to me. For instance comparing Effie's bases to Camilla's, Camilla has +7 HP, +6 Str, +7 Skl, +14 Spd, +6 Def, +11 Res, +4 Mov(and flight). Effie does have 4 chapters of availability over Camilla where she's pretty useful, but there's no way she can make up the stat difference in that time and Camilla pretty much wins for the rest of the game.

    You still have to train Effie and the others regardless, because for a long period Camilla will only gain single digit exp until later in the game (where she becomes utterly broken). Effie with +Str pair-up from Arthur can still one-shot a lot of things, even in Camilla's joining chapter where you're pretty much forced to use her anyway.

  8. Are there multiple bosses on any maps in this game?

    I don't believe so no. But I may be wrong since twiddle dumb and twiddle dee (A.K.A Ganz and Iago) show up a lot together and I would no be suprised if they both appeared on a map but I can't recall any.

    Nohr 18 has 3 bosses.

    If you also count the lackeys (Ganz) and royal retainers, then there are a lot.

  9. Well, I think he's the only person in the army aside from Arthur who needs Goddess Icons anyway (even -LCK Kamui isn't that bad), so you safely can dump those on him (each giving +4 instead of +2 is also a huge help).

    It's kind of a matter of what you want Kaze to do most. Nohr, the answer is probably "be the Ninja, debuff all the things," but Hoshido, you might decide you want an early Trueblade who can actually have decent HP (hi Hana) and SPD (hi Hinata) at the same time, considering how many Ninjas Hoshido throws at you.

    I don't recall Hoshido having many ninjas, aside from chapter 10 and paralogues. Nohr, why can't you be like this?

  10. Back to the topic, I'm using him as a Dread Fighter and will switch back to Jonin after Lv. 35. Though he doesn't need DLC classes to be honest since his strength can easily be patched with either Attack Stance or +Str pair-ups, which are plenty in Nohr.

    Puppet Master is also a practical choice because of high movement and workable strength.

    I heard that he performs pretty well in the Samurai line as well, however I don't have any intention in trying that, since I have many sword users already.

  11. How the hell did you have an Anna with Aegis, Luna and Pavise? Buddy seal?

    (Also, i've noticed that a few of the female units have Aether. How is this a thing? I thought you could only get 1 great lord seal.)

    You can buy skills for Anna via MC battles, including hacked ones. You can also use Marriage Seal to get Kamui's second class line, which I assumed is what OP has been doing.

    There are some Aether scrolls available in the Vanguard DLC. Or simply hacking.

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