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Posts posted by astrophys

  1. Oh, there isn't any forced save or anything like that in the game (Fates)…. I was speaking the hypothetical .

    The hypothetical danger in putting a save point between back-to-back battles from which you cannot escape is that if you save after the first but then you cannot beat the second (or further subsequent one), you're stuck. Which is why I feel that if you're about to have such a situation, its a good courtesy to at least caution the player about this situation (for example, if they haven't played the game before and don't know that they're in danger of possibly being stuck).

    Its the sort of problem people had with the Riovannes Castle sequence in Final Fantasy tactics if they couldn't beat


    . They beat a the first battle (of the four battle sequence), save, and then find that they aren't sufficiently prepared for the second or third battle, but they cannot escape and they already saved. And then they're stuck unless they had also kept an earlier save file as well.

  2. EDIT: Forgot the word "have" in the title. Sorry.


    We already have this information for the regular 1st gen units. But what of the 2nd gens? Such as (but not limited to) Hinoka!Matoi?

    In other words, if we take their current pair-up bonus and subtract off that from their class' inherent pair-up bonus, we can isolate personal pair-up bonus:

    Hinoka!Matoi at S rank's total bonus - Her Classes's Bonus = Her personal S rank bonus

    Similar things follow for the other ranks.

    Anyone who has the game and some of the kids can try this out: Just take them in any class with someone they have a support rank with, look up their class bonus, subtract that off, and you'll have their bonuses at that given support rank (C, B, A, or S).


    Likewise, does the Avatar's personal bonus depend on your asset and flaw, or is it fixed?

    Thanks for your time reading this and for anyone who takes their time to figure this stuff out.

  3. I do agree that Hinoka's hair is a really bright red and it does feel like it clashes with a bunch of the kids. But I do think it works very well with Matoi.

    Perhaps its because its goes with both her eyes, her portrait uniform's colors, and of course we've also already had the experience of Cordelia so we're primed to find it familiar.

  4. Oh, I've never put myself into an unwinnable situation , but I mean stuff like:

    A FE player foolishly lets too many of their trained units die in the prior level and then saves and are unable to continue as their surviving units are too overwhelmed by the enemies in the next level.

    And because Fates (at least, 2/3 of its routes) is a game that otherwise allows grinding, perhaps they'd reasonably but mistakenly think they'd have the opportunity to grind their way out of the problem with the survivors, so they'd save to retain their last chapter's progress, only to realize that they cannot exit to MyCastle to do so.

    In examples from JRPGs, a player critically low on health and mana and without items too allow them to escape saves in the middle of a dangerous dungeon, such that they have no real chance of making it out alive now.

    Basically, both are situations brought about by player foolishness. That said, despite their foolishness, SRPGs and RPGs can be a great time investment. I'd imagine that it would really stink to find that you were effectively unable to continue the game due to putting yourself into a situation, so although they should have been more responsible, I cannot help but feel kind of bad for them because that's a lot of game time on the file that might be essentially useless now due to what might have been a brief but major lapse in proper judgment.

  5. It would have been better if they had given a warning message saying "you will have to fight and win another battle before you can escape" or something like that and then suggested "you might wish to save your game on a backup or new file to avoid trapping yourself in a potentially unwinnable situation" and then offered the ability to save.

    That way, it would be convenient for those who wanted a save and while it would be possible for an unprepared player to overwrite their only save file, they'd have had to ignore the warning for such a thing to happen.

    And of course, if you're a good/confident player, you could probably find a way to beat it if you had been able to beat the prior level, so you wouldn't likely get into an un-winnable situation anyways even if you only kept one save.

  6. Continuing my thoughts on Tactless Tactician's comments on his ideas for buddies for my pairings:

    Okay, Azura + Sakura is kind of forced as the (useful) A+ choice. Got it. Jakob's might also be forced.

    I'd agree with you that Ogre Strike and Berserker sounds useful for Rinkah thanks to shared weapons. Oh, and it would give her Sol too, which is notable because Shura is a tank class. Although I believe it has bad skill…. The key reasons to consider Oboro as the A+ would be Breaking Sky.

    Ryouma probably should go Cavalier. I agree.

    Charlotte would be able to get Ogre Strike for huge crits, although since Maid gives her Tomebreaker a Belka support would then let her get breakers to cover both her weapon triangle weaknesses

    Xander + Ryouma makes sense for Swordfaire alone…. after all, Seigfried is a sword and Xander probably wants to use it a lot.

    I think I agree with you on Hana + Effie.

    Takumi x Leon…. he's probably going to be Holy Bowman in the end, so the main question is likely skills… he gets Lifetaker from Dark Knight (he isn't going to be using Bind when Bows normally are 2 range). The only think he'd really be using from Rod Knight is Tomebreaker, probably. I might go with Leon's Dark Knight here.

    Yeah, so I basically agree with what you said.

  7. So, unless I accidentally deleted one when going through the lists, these are the children's personal skills that have the effect of directly boosting the damage dealt by their own users.

    Out of curiosity, how would people rank them, in terms of which of these's children's damage boosting personal skills was the best/most useful

    Full descriptions (and possible corrections) are in earlier posts and responses to those posts on this page.

    fe15skill_175.png Butler’s Feat

    fe15skill_179.png Righteous Bravery

    fe15skill_185.png Prodigy

    fe15skill_186.png Tenacity

    fe15skill_189.png Foul Play

    fe15skill_193.png Girl Lover

    fe15skill_194.png Wicked Fantasy

  8. Oh, so those official (edit: Serenes Forest) descriptions are wrong, then?

    Let's see…. You're saying that Righteous Bravery makes you deal 3 extra damage AND take 1 extra damage then? As in its double edged?

    Tenacity…. okay, that makes it actually able to function during story battles, although when you say "the enemy", do you mean the specific enemy being fought, not just the enemy army?

    Wicked Fantasy then seems to need to be awfully specific… and then you'd probably want to men with their wives for S-support bonuses anyways, so it might be a bit more trouble than its worth to work with Wicked Fantasy.

  9. Well, it depends on their personal skills, class sets, and stat mods.

    So it gets really complex to consider, as some have substantially more useful personal skills than others, while others might have nice skills but may get held back by things like stat mods or class sets.


    fe15skill_174.png Dragon Child When user is equipped with a Dragonstone, they recover 15% HP at the start of their Turn Kanna

    Kanna's personal skill helps if you're trying to play Kanna as some sort of regenerative tank, but it does nothing to boost her damage output or other combat effectiveness in the middle of a battle.

    fe15skill_175.png Butler’s Feat When fighting in My Castle, Hit rate and Avoid +20, damage +2 and damage received -2 Deere

    This is great when fighting other players in PvP and useless in main-story missions. I assume that the same also would apply to Paralogues and DLC (as those aren't at MyCastle, right?)

    fe15skill_176.png Tuning When used as a command, allies within a 2 tile radius who have lower HP than the user recover 10% HP Shigure

    A rally effect, although it seems like fairly small healing with a kind of specific trigger condition.

    fe15skill_177.png Clumsy When user triggers the battle and their attack connects with the enemy, enemy’s Defence -3 and enemy is stripped Sophie

    This does have some combat value (for helping the next units who attack after Sophie does), although depending on how many hidden weapon/seal users you have it might end up outclassed.

    fe15skill_178.png Lucky Charm Skills with an activation rate dependent on the Luck stat have their rate increased by 20% Midoriko Exclusive

    This is great for exploitation of things like Easy Life for more money and fueling extravagance, as well as things like Stubborness. Although several of these things don't operate in combat itself.

    fe15skill_179.png Righteous Bravery When user is the lead unit, if their support unit doesn’t have full HP, damage +3 and damage received -1 Shinonome

    Nice damage boost; might not be too hard to trigger.

    fe15skill_180.png Positive Thinking After choosing to Wait, Speed +4 and Luck +8 for one Turn Kisaragi

    Largely defensive, although it may have offensive use for doubling on the enemy phase.

    fe15skill_181.png Sweet Tooth After choosing to Wait, user recovers 4 HP by eating hidden treats Gurei

    This doesn't seem very impressive at all.

    fe15skill_182.png Play-time After the start of the user’s Turn, all enemies that are adjacent to the user have their HP reduced by 5 Kinu

    It does combo with stuff like Four Fangs to give a lot of fixed or percent damage effects, although this skill depends on the enemy's movement during the enemy phase and might be hard to manipulate.

    fe15skill_183.png Calmness After choosing to Wait, Skill and Resistance +4 for one Turn Hisame

    Basically a defensive skill. Could be useful, but except for slightly higher crit and skill activation isn't going to have a huge offensive role.

    fe15skill_184.png Haiku At the start of the Turn, when two allies are directly above and below Mitama, Mitama recovers 7 HP, while the the two allies recover 5 HP Mitama

    Minor healing, although it doesn't help her in actual combat.

    fe15skill_185.png Prodigy At the start of the battle, if the enemy’s Strength or Magic (whichever is highest) is higher than Matoi’s corresponding stat, damage +4 Matoi

    This is a bit of a weird skill, but many of Matoi's classes are of the fast but low power variety, so this should be triggering for her most of the time anyways (and almost always against mainly magic-focused enemies). Seems like it would be a reasonably good skill for her…. even if she gets something like Berserker (via marriage) she would be able to get the +4 against basically all primarily magic enemies, whereas even as a Sorcerer or a Witch she'd be able to get the +4 against basically all physical enemies.

    fe15skill_186.png Tenacity When user triggers the battle in a repeated map, damage +4 Syalla

    This better than the other +4 if you've played the map before as then it will be always on henceforth, but useless if you haven't (such as during story battles)

    fe15skill_187.png Ladies First When user is the support unit, if the lead unit is female, the lead unit’s damage +2 Siegbert

    This seems nice. Its easy to trigger if you put him with his wife or a "girlfriend" he's trying to build support ranks with. It helps her rather than Seigbert, that said.

    fe15skill_189.png Foul Play When a male enemy triggers the battle, damage +2 Foleo

    It seems okay… I'd imagine more enemies are male than female, although the damage bonus is smaller.

    fe15skill_188.png Timid When user is the lead unit, damage received -2. If not in Attack Stance or Guard Stance, damage received +2 Ignis

    This should normally be -2 damage received, but it has a very real drawback otherwise.

    fe15skill_190.png Scavenge At the start of the Turn, Luck% chance of recovering 10% HP Velour

    This seems a rather weak personal skill.

    fe15skill_191.png Lucky Soul Allies within a 2 tile radius have their Critical Evade increased by 15, while the user’s Critical Evade is increased by 5 Lutz

    This seems pretty amazing for a support unit aura-bot.

    fe15skill_192.png Blossoming Mind When user is carrying 3 or more Tomes, Critical rate +10 Ophelia

    This should be very easy to trigger.

    fe15skill_193.png Girl Lover When user is the lead unit, if their support unit is female, damage +2 and damage received -2 Soleil

    This seems to work against the preference to put someone with their S-rank partner, so that's a drawback. But it might work well with an A-rank girl.

    fe15skill_194.png Wicked Fantasy When user is in Guard Stance with or adjacent to a male ally, damage +2 and damage received -2 Eponine

    Is this the correct description? I've heard a few different things about how this skill actually works, so I'm not sure.

  10. I was looking at a Dark Mage Avatar, which gives me bind (for boosting the melee-range accuracy of Yato & Dragonstones), the option of Devilish Wind (+2 magic damage to enemies in radius of 2, which could help Levin Swords, Tomes, and Dragonstones among others), and Lifetaker. That and Kanna and Matoi will also be able to share its sword rank (via Dark Knight) with some of their other classes (Nohr Princess for Kanna, Matoi's Samurai tree).

    Yeah, Sophie makes sense for Matoi.

    Mitama would be able to pick up Dark Mage/Sorcerer/Dark Knight from Kanna, so I guess that would work well for Mitama.

    Thanks. I'lll have to think over your other suggestions.

  11. Wait, some of your pairs don't work… Velour cannot support with Gurei, for example… Each 2nd gen gets all the neutral options, their own faction, and two from the opposite.

    While I'm at it, could you give me a hand in working out how I should have the 2nd gens marry and buddy, as well as first gen buddies?

    Already decided:

    Hinoka!Matoi x Corrin

    Orochi!Mitama x Jakob!Shigure [rally Shigure]

    Pairing not yet determined


    -Oboro! Sophie








    *[this has been discussed; I'm basically doing it as "pair-the-spares", plus +4 RES and Tomebreaker highlights a mage-killer use; I also kind of liked the Felicia x Nishiki and Kaze x Mozume supports better than the Felicia x Kaze and Mozume x Nishiki supports when I read them]










  12. Well, yes, but

    only on the Hoshido path or for two chapters on the Invisible path, or as an einherjar


    Basically, any woman who gets Samurai is already a decent candidate due to Vantage + Awakening. Astra and Swordfaire also help (Great Lord has A rank swords).

    Any woman who gets both Samurai AND Lance Fighter is in an even better position, as now she gets the -faires for both her weapon options in the class, depending on which one she wants to use, sword or lance.

    I'm thinking of using Hinoka!Matoi for it myself.

  13. General!Tsubaki, Max Stats:

    70 HP, 37 STR (38-1), 25 MAG, 34 SKL (32+2), 23 SPD (25-2), 31 LCK (32-1), 43 DEF (40+3), 29 RES (30-1); A rank Lances, B rank axes

    Growths (Personal + General):

    80% HP, 50% STR, 20% Mag, 65% Skl, 20% Spd, 35% Lck, 65% Def, 10% Res

    So, Swallow Strike might not work on a General Tsubaki as it has such low SPD (both in caps and growths)… at least his Falcon Warrior gets up to 32 SPD (34 -2) and has 35% growths in speed (personal + Falcon Warrior), so its more feasible there.

    How about:


    Defensive Formation

    Astra (five hits in Guard Stance --> fully charged Shield Gauge and thus a free Dual Guard charge)



    For free slots you could do stuff like Pavise, Defense +2, Confined Defense, Mirror Strike + Diamond Strike if you want him attack on player phase, etc.


    On an unrelated note, going back to my earlier discussion of whom Felicia should be paired with, another consideration is that she is a Tomebreaker source (Butler/Maid, level 15). So she could be used to take a unit with pre-existing anti-mage leanings and make them even more effective at that purpose (by giving them crazy evasion against tomes).

    Mozume is better for both kid's resistance due to aptitude, but if trying to craft a kid into a mage-killer (when maxed out, although admittedly you'd have already finished the story by then) then caps and Tomebreaker might be more useful for that in the end….

    Mozume passes down a -2 RES mod and Felicia gives a +1 Res mod, so the same kid mothered by them will different in RES by three between versions.

    Now, both Kaze and Nishiki have anti-mage leanings… Nishiki's personal growth and class does have higher RES growth…. so Rod Knight COULD offer them something when maxing out, namely Tomebreaker to supplement this role.

  14. Well, let's see the exchanges effect:


    -3 Str, +3 Mag, +3 Skl, +5 Spd, -1 Lck, -1 Def, +1 Res

    Kaze: Ninja, Samurai, Rod Knight

    Felicia: Rod Knight, Mercenary, Ninja

    Midoriko: Herb Merchant, Ninja, Rod Knight

    Rod Knight can become Butler/Maid.

    Felicia gains access to Snake Venom and Kunai Faire. Kaze can use his Kunai as a Butler with staff utility. Midoriko's STR mod is really hurt and gets a +3 magic mod that she'll have trouble using.


    +2 Str, +1 Mag, -1 Skl, +4 Spd, +3 Lck, -1 Def, +1 Res

    Nishiki: Fox, Spellcaster, Bowman

    Mozume: Villager, Bowman, Spellcaster

    Kinu: Fox, Spellcaster, Villager

    Spellcaster gives Basara. Villager gives Weapons Master and Great Merchant.

    So this lets Mozume exploit Basara and Kinu gets better strength.

    Basically, if these pairings Nishiki and Kaze with Felicia and Mozume are the only ones left, regardless of what I do someone gets the short end of the stick on STR due to Felicia.

    Compare against

    8. Kaze x Mozume --> Mozume!Midoriko

    -1 Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl, +5 Spd, +0 Lck, +0 Def, +0 Res

    Kaze: Ninja, Samurai, Bowman

    Mozume: Villager, Bowman, Ninja

    Midoriko: Herb Merchant, Samurai, Villager

    Mozume could hypothetically pass down Bowfaire to Midoriko, relevant as Great Merchant is a bow-usign class. Midorko has a STR that isn't as badly hurt mod wise and Aptitude to help its growth. Kaze could go into the Puppeteer class and gain access to both relevant faire (Bowfaire and Kunaifaire). Same with Mozume.

    11. Nishiki x Felicia --> Felicia!Kinu

    +0 Str, +3 Mag, -2 Skl, +4 Spd, +2 Lck, -2 Def, +4 Res

    Nishiki: Fox, Spellcaster, Rod Knight

    Felicia: Rod Knight, Mercenary, Spellcaster

    Kinu: Fox, Spellcaster, Rod Knight

    But Kinu suffers in STR and gets a +MAG mod she doesn't really need. Nice resistance and speed. Notably, Nine Tail Fox gets 34 RES normally, so this would bring her up to 38 in her starting tree, promoted.

    She could still chip with four-fangs. Her Strength growth would be 20% if its (child+variable parent)/2, so comparable to Setsuna, although her class growth would be less than hers. Of course, Setsuna is known for low STR, so this might be an issue. But like how Setsuna gets effective damage against fliers, Kinu gets effective damage vs. beasts (such as cavalry).

    No Maid + Ninja combo here (except through marrying Kinu to someone).

    As an aside, Nishiki's Gratitude is somewhat like a half Servant's Joy effect on whomever hals him… so Felicia, as a healer, would get a little extra healing herself whenever she healed him, perhaps stacking with her own Servant's Joy.


    Oh, the user Ebony when ahead and in his great generosity made a image of my pairings (following up from a conversation resulting form a question I asked in a thread on Serenes). This image reflects the ones I proposed earlier tonight, before we started the Felicia vs. Mozume discussion for Kinu and Midoriko.

    Its quite nice to get an idea of how the characters would look from these pairings.


    Whom do you think I should use to complete the skillsets via buddy sealing for the 1st gen couples as well as buddy sealing + marriage for the second gen couples?

    ADDENDUM: Some of my provisional thoughts on the matter, working from my prior pairing lists. I haven't given all that much thought to some of these yet. I'm trying to avoid assuming too much in the way of inheriting skills from one parent's buddy onto the kid as that may require delaying getting the kids for a long time or be just generally inconvenient.

    EDIT: Oh, I've ran out of time for this: I'll need to resume later, so I only listed it for three characters so far….

    Corrin x Matoi + Any Male: Corrin can get any number of buddy seals at A-rank with the same gender, so he works differently:

    Hinoka!Matoi x Corrin + Sophie: Matoi can use either of her weapon-faires (swordfaire, lancefaire) as a Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight. Also helps fill out her strike options (Swallow, Flowing, Diamond, Mirror) and gives her another damage booster (Open Assault).

    Hinoka!Matoi!Kanna x Hisame + Mitama: Swordfaire benefits Kanna's A-rank sword options in either White Blood/Dark Blood, for when she isn't using her Dragonstone. It also works for Levin Swords. Astra helps out for Guard Stance shield-gauge building and can either be used by Kanna herself or Hisame in pair-up. Mitama gives Renewal to combo with Dragon's Child.

  15. Well, that's a fair point about Mozume x Kaze and Nishiki x Felica.

    For Felicia I was basically reasoning that she has a stronger magic growth than her strength growth (35% vs. 10%, so neither is impressive, but magic is far better growth for her than strength nonetheless). Maid gets 10 and 10, so 45% vs. 20%. Hero gives 0 and 15 (35% magic, 25% Strength), Bow Knight is 35% magic, 20% strength). Strategist gives her 15% magic growth, so that would give her her best offenses while still retaining the ability to use staves.

    But then again, de-buff utility is another consideration…

    Now that I think about it, I now remember that Mozume x Nishiki had been considered last time because of Basara access for Mozume. That's something to consider, for breaking sky usage.

    Of course, Felicia!Midoriko would have had a -3 Str modifier, so that would really mess around with Midoriko's strength growth, and she doesn't have good magic growth.

    Then again, giving Felicia to Kinu messes with Kinu's strength growth, so yes, you're right, that's kind of problematic….. she does get a good resistance modifier, that said.

    Basically, Felicia seems a bit toxic to builds, in that she brings down very low STR and lowish magic for a magical character .

    And yes, Kuanifaire on Felicia would let her do physical damage a bit better…. she's still destined in the end to favor magical damage output due to her mods, that said…

  16. How's this from Invisible Kingdom.

    Below, I list pairings, stat mods, classes that each party gets from marriage seal or inheritance, and brief comments. I'll put in a spoiler box (despite not being spoilers) to save room on the page.

    1. Male Corrin x Hinoka!Matoi --> Hinoka!Matoi!Kanna

    Mods depend on Corrin's asset and flaw: (+1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res) + Corrin's Mods

    Corrin: Nohr Prince, Secondary, Pegasus

    Matoi: Pegasus, Samurai, Lance, Secondary

    Kanna: Nohr Princess, Secondary, Pegasus

    * Here Secondary means whatever Corrin chooses as his other class set at Avatar creation.

    This is just personal "waifu" bias. Oh, and Corrin needs to marry 2nd gen or Kamuisexual to get all the children.

    2. Ryouma x Rinkah --> Rinkah!Shinonome

    +1 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Skl, +3 Spd, +2 Lck, +1 Def, -1 Res

    Ryouma: Samurai, Pegasus, Oni

    Rinkah: Oni, Ninja, Samurai

    Shinonome: Lancer, Samurai, Oni

    Ryouma-centric pairing: Blacksmith gives him Lancebreaker and can still use swords.

    3. Takumi x Kazahana (Hana) --> Kazahana!Kisaragi

    +3 Str, +1 Mag, +5 Skl, +1 Spd, +1 Lck, -2 Def, +0 Res

    Takumi: Bowman, Lance, Samurai

    Kazahana: Samurai, Priestess, Bowman

    Kisaragi: Bowman, Lance, Samurai

    Kisaragi gets nice skill and THREE S-rank classes available. Hana has War Priestess as an option, so she can now do that with Bowfaire too if she wants. Or just be a Holy Bowman instead.

    4. Saizou x Kagerou ---> Kagerou!Gurei

    +5 Str, +1 Mag, +3 Skl, -2 Spd, +1 Lck, +1 Def, +0 Res

    Saizou: Ninja, Samurai, Spellcaster

    Kagerou: Ninja, Spellcaster, Samurai

    Gurei: Ninja, Samurai, Spellcaster

    Pair -SPD couple together to contain their impact and get high STR. Gurei will be 32 STR and 33 SPD as a Ninja (instead of default 27 STR and 35 Spd). Kagerou gets Samurai, Saizou/Gurei get Breaking Sky.

    5. Hinata x Pieri ---> Pieri!Hisame

    +3 Str, +1 Mag, -1 Skl, +0 Spd, +1 Lck, +1 Def, +3 Res

    Hinata: Samurai, Oni, Cavalier

    Pieri: Cavalier, Dark Mage, Samurai

    Hisame: Samurai, Oni, Cavalier

    Hisame gets some resist from Pieri. Cavalier can use swords and sword faire. Pieri isn't as obviously crazy in this support.

    6. Asama x Orochi --> Orochi!Mitama

    +3 Str, +1 Mag, +3 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +0 Def, +2 Res

    Asama: Priest, Herb Merchant, Spellcaster

    Orochi: Spellcaster, Herb Merchant, Priestess

    Mitama: Prietess, Herb Merchant, Spellcaster

    Mitama might actually be able to pull of magic well this time…. and I wanted to give Orochi to someone who was at least somewhat magical in their class options.

    7. Tsubaki x Hinoka --> Hinoka!Matoi

    +1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res

    Tsubaki: Pegasus, Samurai, Lance

    Hinoka: Pegasus, Lance, Samurai

    Matoi: Pegasus, Samurai, Lance

    Lancefaire, Holy Lancer, and Basara for Matoi. Dragon's Vein and High Growths.

    8. Kaze x Mozume --> Mozume!Midoriko

    -1 Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl, +5 Spd, +0 Lck, +0 Def, +0 Res

    Kaze: Ninja, Samurai, Bowman

    Mozume: Villager, Bowman, Ninja

    Midoriko: Herb Merchant, Samurai, Villager

    Overcome Kaze's -LCK mod for Midoriko's LCK abilites.

    9. Jakob x Azura ---> Jakob!Shigure and Azura!Deere/Dia

    +3 Str, -1 Mag, +4 Skl, +4 Spd, +0 Lck, -2 Def, +0 Res

    Jakob: Rod Knight, Cavalier, Pegasus

    Azura: Singer, Pegasus, Rod Knight

    Shigure: Pegasus, Rod Knight, Wyvern

    Deere: Rod Knight, Cavalier, Pegasus

    Pegasus/Rod Combo is nice for both support or anti-mage. Shigure is a rallier.

    10. Silas x Oboro ---> Oboro!Sophie

    +3 Str, +0 Mag, +4 Skl, +2 Spd, -1 Lck, +2 Def, -1 Res

    Silas: Cavalier, Mercenary, Lance

    Oboro: Lance, Herb Merchant, Cavalier

    Sophie: Cavalier, Mercenary, Lance

    Cavalier + Lance are compatible. Kind of the same basic idea with the Cavalier + Sword from Hinata x Pieri.

    11. Nishiki x Felicia --> Felicia!Kinu

    +0 Str, +3 Mag, -2 Skl, +4 Spd, +2 Lck, -2 Def, +4 Res

    Nishiki: Fox, Spellcaster, Rod Knight

    Felicia: Rod Knight, Mercenary, Spellcaster

    Kinu: Fox, Spellcaster, Rod Knight

    Felicia benefits from being able to pick up Tomefaire from Nishiki's Spellcaster -> Exorcist

    12. Tsukuyomi x Nyx --> Nyx!Syalla

    +1 Str, +5 Mag, -2 Skl, +5 Spd, +1 Lck, -2 Def, +1 Res

    Tsukuyomi: Spellcaster, Oni, Dark Mage

    Nyx: Dark Mage, Outlaw, Spellcaster

    Syalla: Spellcaster, Oni, Dark Mage

    Dark Mage Tharja… oh, I mean Syalla

    13. Benoit x Belka --> Belka!Ignis

    +0 Str, +1 Mag, +3 Skl, -4 Spd, +1 Lck, +6 Def, +1 Res

    Benoit: Knight, Fighter, Wyvern

    Belka: Wyvern, Fighter, Knight

    Ignis: Knight, Fighter, Wyvern

    Putting -SPD parents together to avoid hurting other kids. Also, Benoit lets them all learn Defensive formation anyways, so Ignis will get Defensive Formation access and +6 Def. Oh, and Wyvern, Fighter, and Knight's General all mesh together in axe use.

    14. Flannel x Camilla --> Camilla!Velour

    +5 Str, +0 Mag, +0 Skl, +1 Spd, -1 Lck, +4 Def, +0 Res

    Flannel: Garou, Fighter, Wyvern

    Camilla: Wyvern, Dark Mage, Fighter

    Velour: Garou, Fighter, Wyvern

    Camilla gains access to Axefaire for her Wyvern classes (and her new Fighter classes). Flannel and Velour get access to Four Fangs + Deadly Breath .

    15. Xander x Charlotte --> Charlotte!Seigbert

    +6 Str, +0 Mag, +0 Skl, +2 Spd, +3 Lck, +0 Def, -3 Res

    Xander: Cavalier, Wyvern, Fighter

    Charlotte: Fighter, Rod Knight, Cavalier

    Seigbert: Cavalier, Wyvern, Fighter

    Xander gains access to Fighter, which gives Hero: HP+5, Sol, and Axebreaker for Xander's somewhat tanky role. Charlotte gets Luna. Seigbert gets huge strength.

    16. Leo x Sakura --> Sakura!Foleo

    -1 Str, +5 Mag, +0 Skl, +0 Spd, +1 Lck, +0 Def, +3 Res

    Leo: Dark Mage, Rod Knight, Priest

    Sakura: Priestess, Pegasus, Dark Mage

    Foleo: Rod Knight, Dark Mage, Priest

    The all get magical classes (Leo and Foleo gain Tomefaire, Sakura can be a Dark Mage if she wants)

    17. Zero x Setsuna --> Setsuna!Eponine

    -1 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Skl, +7 Spd, +0 Lck, +0 Def, +1 Res

    Zero: Outlaw, Dark Mage, Bowman

    Setsuna: Bowman, Ninja, Outlaw

    Eponine: Outlaw, Dark Mage, Bowman

    Extremely fast Eponine…. all of them can use bows and Bowfaire works with both Bowman and Outlaw.

    18. Odin x Elise --> Elise!Ophelia

    +0 Str, +5 Mag, +0 Skl, +1 Spd, +3 Lck, -2 Def, +1 Res

    Odin: Dark Mage, Samurai, Rod Knight

    Elise: Rod Knight, Wyvern, Dark Mage

    Ophelia: Dark Mage, Samurai, Rod Knight

    Magical Ophelia (who also has some resemblance to Lissa). All get new mage classes (Rod Knight for supportive options on Odin/Ophelia, Dark Mage for offensive Elise option.)

    19. Arthur x Effie --> Effie!Lutz

    +5 Str, +1 Mag, +3 Skl, +2 Spd, -2 Lck, +1 Def, -1 Res

    Arthur: Fighter, Cavalier, Knight

    Effie: Knight, Rod Knight, Fighter

    Lutz: Wyvern, Fighter, Knight

    Effie gets Berserker (from Fighter) to abuse Super Strength. Arthur doesn't need to worry about passing down Luna to Lutz because he'll get that from his mother now anyways, which lets Arthur pass down something else if he wants (or just a skill that's convenient). Beserkerer + Luna combos. Even without Berserker, Arthur gives skill and strength in pair-up.

    20. Lazward x Luna --> Luna!Soleil

    +1 Str, +1 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, +2 Lck, +1 Def, +0 Res

    Lazward: Mercenary, Ninja, Pegasus

    Luna: Mercenary, Pegasus, Ninja

    Soleil: Mercenary, Ninja, Pegasus

    Actual spoiler

    Inigo x Severa!

    Lazward gets Rally Speed access, which may stack with his Azure Dance… oh, and he can support A+ with Flannel to also get Rally Strength. More Swallow Strike availability (now for Lazward and Soleil too).

  17. Tuning counts as a Rally, right? If so, I'd do this:



    Rally Speed (from Shigure's Pegasus)

    Rally Resistance (from Jakob's Rod Knight class inheriting to Shigure)

    Rally Defense (from Azura's Pegasus Knight becoming a faction parallel for Shigure)

    Rally Magic (marry Shigure to Mitama)

    Rally Luck (marry Shigure to Mitama)

    A complete 5-skill rally bot, no logbook/MyCastle skill buying needed, no DLC needed

  18. Many of the characters who have damage boosting skills might like skills that stack on the damage, as these suggest that they might be suitable damage dealers (provided that their growths and classes also cooperate).

    Although the specifics vary on the character and how the skill is worded.

    Example: Effie might want STR+2 (Wyvern Skill) as that directly increases her STR, which is the the trigger condition for her Super Strength Personal, thus helping secure an extra damage boost. Weapon-faires and other generalized damage boosters will still help her overall damage output, but won't directly affect the activation of her personal. So Personal + STR+2 + general damage boosters.

    Matoi's Prodigy cares about her STR or MAG, whichever corresponds to the enemy's higher attack stat, being lower than that of her enemies to get a +4 damage booster. Here general damage boosters (Lancefaire, Prescient Victory, Open Assault, Line of Death, etc.) are more synergistic as they let her boost her damage output by a lot without touching her STR or MAG at all, which means she can still activate Prodigy despite the huge attack STR she can pack with stacked skills like that… the trick is to stack on huge attack STR onto her with SKLs and equipment and then getting that +4 on top of it.

    Now, granted, Prodigy is a more interesting one, as obviously if you can get a sufficiently higher STR stat from a class such that it outweighs the loss of the Prodigy boost (example, 30 STR with prodigy boost is worse for damage output than 35 STR that misses out not the Prodigy boost), you may overlook Prodigy on purpose.

    But Prodigy DOES let you get away with using classes that would otherwise have lower damage outputs (but have something else to compensate, like high speed, or flying utility, etc.) and use them to be much more damaging than these normally differently-focused classes would otherwise be.


    Let's ignore Matoi's mods for a moment because they apply equally to all of her classes.

    An un-modified Falcon Warrior gets 28 STR. The Prodigy bonus, when active (as it will often be) will bring Matoi up to 28 STR + 4 bonus damage, which is a similar level of damage to a unit that had 32 STR but no particular bonus damage. That's like the STR of a hero, for example, while getting extra move, higher speed, etc.

    But I'm starting to ramble, so I'll end it here.


    Joth mentions some good ideas….. yes, a 45% HP restoration on Kanna would be nice. And a female Kanna from the male Avatar can also A+ rank Mitama if she wants to, if I recall correctly. So that's an easy source of renewal. If you really wanted to get crazy with HP regeneration (although I question whether its worthwhile to stack so many regen skills) you could also give her Eastern Heart from the Pegasus classes… now she's at 55% HP regeneration. Or Stubbornness from Mercenary for even more, although that's random rather than being based on a trigger that you can directly control.

  19. I don't know. I did a bunch of calculations and it looked like (Mother+Child)/2 to me, but the problem is small number statistics…. when you have a small number of samples, the relative error compared to the sample size is larger.

    The calculations I've done (looking at YouTube videos of people Child Sealing characters from 20/0 to 20/18, which gives them the promotion bonus and then the stat gains from 17 level ups) helps blunt some of the effects, but the problem remains that there's still only a small number of these videos. As such, the margin of error is still substantial and its hard to be conclusively sure.

    I'd lean towards thinking (Mother+Child)/2, but I'm not confident enough to say that its definitely the case.

    ​There's also been a bunch of anecdotal evidence and personal experiences that other users have shared, but that's really not as conclusive information as hard numerical data. After all, there's a reason why we have the saying of PEMN (personal experience means nothing).

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