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Posts posted by astrophys

  1. Part of the problem with testing Kanna and Shigure is that my method has been watching child seals during battle from playthrough videos; but both Shigure and Kanna join at the ends of their chapters, so I haven't found one of their child dealings yet. It could still be out there, but if it is I haven't seen or at least noticed them yet.

    If someone could report the promotional stat gains from a child sealing of them (preferably listing what stats either class would give), as well as the parents and the Avatar's asset and flaw (to test the Awakening method vs. the other methods, as well as to confirm whether or not the Avatar has an effect on Kanna), that would be the kind of data I'd need to test that.

  2. Well, I mean, I'm fine in principle with dropping Tsubaki later on if need be… but I insist on having him first giving me Matoi, preferably from Hinoka. It works out better (I'd think) in Hoshido due to them arriving within one chapter of each other. Its a much larger gap in IK, which leads to the issue.

    Tusbaki will still have early flier utility, in any event.

    His daughter, Matoi, has substantially better growths than him; granted, Hinoka has even better growths [and bases, as far as I can tell]; I just want to pull off Matoi in a no-grind context… Hinoka will (most likely) end up with somewhat higher speed, substantially better RES, and marginally better attacking stats, but Matoi's Prodigy should end up making her deal somewhat more damage anyways….

  3. If you want to eventually account for 2nd gen personal growth rates, if you haven't already (I haven't read the doc yet), you should probably be aware that I'm quite consistently finding that the old Awakening formula of averaging both parents with the child doesn't seem to work; it seems to be just the variable parent and the child whose growths get averaged this time.

    This link and the links form it detail my arguments.


    Of course, 2nd gen bases are still important. And we still don't know how their initial stats get effected by their parents… but I think we've got their growths pretty much figured out by now.

  4. This thread was necro'ed yesterday, but seeing that its a topic of great interest and its now already been necro'd by others already (and I might be able to help answer the question that the people seem to want to know), I'm going to post here anyways. I do this in the interest of improving our understanding of the mechanics… I humbly ask for forgiveness for this transgression, done so that we might understand growths….

    Yeah, although I don't have any game code in front of me to confirm, I'm getting pretty sure that its almost certainly [default + variable]/2.

    From YouTuber omegaevolution's Hard/Classic Nohr playthrough videos, here is Elise!Ophelia

    Actual Stats Gained from Child Seal to Level 16, for Sorc and for Dark Knight:

    Sorc: 7 Hp, 2 Str, 15 Mag, 6 Skl, 12 Spd, 9 Lck, 5 Def, 11 Res

    Dark Knight: 11 Hp, 13 Str, 10 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 13 Lck, 10 Def, 7 Res

    Let's see how the two hypotheses work.

    a.) Awakening Rules: Ophelia's Personal Growths = [Ophelia's default + Elise's + Odin's]/3; add Ophelia's Personal Growths to Class Growths for total growths.

    Sorc Prediction:

    HP 7.5

    Str 2.75 ---> could likely round up to 3; borderline wrong

    Mag 13.75 ----> WRONG! This at best rounds to 14; Should be 15. [Odin's magic growth is low]

    Skl 7 --> WRONG! Its 1 SKL too high [Odin's skill growth is high]

    Spd 11.25 ---> borderline wrong…. unless it is liberally rounded up to the next highest whole number (12), which is unlikely, it would be wrong

    Lck 9.75 ---> borderline…. 9 is actually the right value, but this is much closer to 10 here…

    Def 6.5 ---> WRONG! Too high (Odin has higher defense)

    Res 9.75 --> WRONG! Should be 11; Odin has lower RES than Elise.

    Dark Knight Prediction:

    HP 11,75 --> borderline…. would likely be 12, which is too high

    Str --> 13.745 ---> borderline, almost too high

    Mag 8.5 --> WRONG; should be 10; this is low, like Odin's low miagc

    Skl --.> 9.75, borderline to being too high

    Spd 9.5 okay

    Lck 12.5 okay

    Def 11 Def --> WRONG! Too high! Should be 10

    Res 6.25 ---> probably wrong unless liberally rounded up to next full (7)

    b.) My proposed hypothesis: Ophelia's Personal Growths = [Ophelia's default + Elise's]/2; add Ophelia's Personal Growths to Class Growths for total growths.

    Sorc Prediction:

    HP 6.625 Good (7)

    Str 1.5 Good (2)

    Mag 15 Correct

    Skl 5.875 Good (6)

    Spd 12 Correct

    Lck 10.125 --> Wrong, too high… that said, Odin was pretty close to 10 as well (9.75), when the actual result was 9, so its odd for both of them here

    Def 5.375 Good (5)

    Res 10.5 Good (11) (round up)

    Dark Knight Prediction:

    HP 10.875 Good (11)

    Str 12.5 Good (13, round up at 0.5)

    Mag 9.75 Good (10)

    Skl 8.625 Good (9, round up)

    Spd 10.25 Good (10)

    Lck 12.875 Good (13)

    Def 9.875 Good (10)

    Res 7 Correct


    The Awakening formula very consistently produces wrong answers where my Ophelia's Personal Growths = [Ophelia's default + Elise's]/2 formula generally predicts the right answers. The Awakening formula produces wrong answers that exceed or fall below the actual values by 1 or more in many places. They are consistent in their pattern; where Odin's growths are notably larger than Elise's, we get a value that is higher than the actual; where they are lower, we get a value that is too low.

    This would be consistent with Odin's growths not being involved in the calculation at all so that when we remove his high growths the too high values become correct and likewise when we remove his low growths the too low values also become correct.

    We saw similar behavior in cases such as Luna!Matoi.

    And this is also consistent with the pattern I have seen before.

    EDIT/ADDNENDUM: Links to more calculations:




    As for a more subtle example, consider this case from EmiruTheKnight, with Hinoka!Matoi Child Sealing to level 6

    The Awakening formula would have had her Falcon warrior promotion (which isn't what she promotes to but we still see the stats) give her 4.333 Str. Now, this could end up by chance or rounding up to the next whole to 5, but its far more plausible to round down to 4 (instead leaving rounding up to 4.5). And Likewise, the Awakening formal would have given 5.08333 RES… which is almost certainly 5 RES unless it gets brought up to the next full integer for some reason.

    But the actual values for the promotion are 5 Str and 6 Res. And the [Matoi's default + Hinoka's]/2 = Matoi's Personal Growths formal would have given her 4.5 Str and 5.5 Res… both of which are plausible round-ups to 5 and 6, unlike the implausible round ups that would be needed for 4.333 and 5.08333.

    So, yeah, I'm almost certain that my hypothesis is the correct one and that the Awakening formula does not apply in fates. Tests are quite consistently coming in favor of my predictions and against the Awakening formula.

    Thus, I will consider my [default + variable]/2 hypothesis elevated from hypothesis to a THEORY of how the game mechanics work. (And in science, the THEORY is the culmination of the idea, the graduation of a hypothesis into the next level, the gold-standard of science, so to speak; although of course theories may always be revised if new evidence comes out that calls them into question.)

    As far as I'm concerned, its [default + variable]/2. The default father for the children tied to these fathers seems to have no effect whatsoever. Its all the kid and their variable mother.

    I haven't actually tested Shigure (from the fixed mother Azura) or Kanna (from the fixed mother female Kamui), but I'm hypothesizing that they'll obey the same rules, as the father is now the variable parent in those cases.

  5. I'm waiting until the localization, but assuming the localization doesn't do something drastic like axing character or their supports outright or dramatically changing character stats, I assume we have a fairly good idea what the game is going to be like when localized.

    As such, I;m trying to figure out whom I should use for my team.

    I understand that the team size for IK tends to be lower than in other routes.

    Additionally, I want to try to play the route in a "no-grind" manner.

    Another thing I want to try to accomplish is to have my Avatar married to Matoi, particularly the brilliantly redheaded Hinoka!Matoi who also happens to gain Lance Fighter as her secondary.

    As Hinoka comes in at Ch. 16 in Invisible Kingdom, far latter than in Hoshido, this means that Hinoka!Matoi cannot be started on until that point.

    I understand that when the maximum support points are earned, it takes 7 battles for a normal growth rate support to reach S-rank, if what I've been told is correct. I hear that a fast growth takes 6 battles.

    So, assuming you can view supports between the back-to-back ch. 16 and 17 (but I know you cannot go to MyCastle) and assuming that Hinoka x Tsubaki gain enough support points in each battle, I should be getting Matoi after 7 battles have been completed….

    16 (1st), 17 (2nd), 18 (3rd), 19 (4th), 20 (5th), 21 (6th), 22 (7th); so Matoi would be coming in after Ch. 22 but before Ch. 23, which if I understand correctly would mean she'd Child Seal up to around level 20/10 or so [i.e., level 10 promoted].

    But now, to marry her: I'd need to complete these, assuming I could get enough Avatar x Matoi points during her recruitment chapter:

    Her gaiden (1st), 23 (2nd), 24 (3rd), 25 (4th), 26 (5th)…. and that's right before the point of no return, two battles short.

    HOWEVER, I've overlooked the considerations of other Gaidens… producing a few more children would allow me a few extra battles to build supports in. This would either let me gain Matoi earlier in the game's story (by giving Hinoka x Tsubaki more time to build support and fall in love), or it would give me more battles after Matoi recruited so that they could provide a 6th, 7th, or more (as backup, in case not enough points are gained in a given map) in which Avatar x Matoi could build their S-support.

    I've also heard that there are supposedly certain pre-determined MyCastle battles, although I don't know if this is true or how many/when they occur. These could also be helpful for getting a few more battles in which to build supports.

    Additionally, there is another consideration…. if I want to be pairing off Tsubaki with Hinoka in IK, that means that I need to first bring him all of the way up to Ch. 16, then have him fight alongside Hinoka somewhere into the chapters 20s (unless more gaidens or fixed optional encounters provide a larger number of chapters than I'm expecting)…. and he won't have the character he's planning to S-rank until Ch. 16, so he'll probably want to be supporting with someone in the meantime, as well as gaining levels so he won't be dead weight and so that he can assist Hinoka out (and not necessarily have to be a pair-up bot exclusively)….

    One possibility that I foresee could be having my Avatar himself A-support Tsubaki in the meantime, as the Avatar will be waiting for his future S-support; and I'm planning a +MAG avatar and according to what I've been told about personal pair-up bonuses for the Avatar, supposedly a +MAG avatar would give +1 SPD on C rank, +1 Def on B rank, and another +1 SPD on A rank; he'd give +1 Mag and +1 Res on S-rank, but Tusbaki cannot get that.

    Or alternatively I could support Tsubaki with Hinata 2 chapters after Tsubaki joins (mainly for the SPD boost); or Saizou starting in 11….

    But anywyas, I'm guessing that I'll have to drag along Tsubaki for my plan to work well, the Avatar is a given to bring along, and I assume that I'll also want Azura for Singing utility.

    From there, I have to figure out whom to bring along with my limited slots, not only to be an effective team, but also to ensure that I have enough S-rank capable male-female teams being run in my team so that in no-grind I can generate enough extra paralouges (that can be reasonably completed) to give me the extra maps for support building, as noted above.

    Again, from what I've been told, most couples will need 6-7 maps after the second member in the couple is recruited (as they cannot start until then) to produce their kid.

    What would people recommend I do, considering the constraints my plans place on my team?

  6. Yeah, both Luna and Charlotte's promotions (Hero/Bow Knight or Hero/Berserker) both give +3 SPD, and by S-rank both of them will give Xander +2 more speed personally, so they'd give him +5 SPD in pair-up at S-rank.

    Charlotte's personal is +3 STR, +2 Spd, so she gives: +8 Str, +5 Spd as a Berserker or +3 Str, +3 Skl, +5 Spd, +2 Def as a hero.

    Luna's personal is +1 Str, +1 Skl, +2 Spd, and +1 Def, so she gives: +1 Str, +4 Skl, 5 Spd, +3 Def as a Hero and +1 Str, +4 Skl, +5 Spd, +1 Def, and +1 Move as a Bow Knight.

    Basically, Charlotte really cranks up Xander's offense, while Luna gives him slightly more defense or can boost his movement range instead.

    Both will make him equally fast.

  7. I don't see how that takes away strategy…. if anything, it adds more of it, especially if we're considering a no-grind run.

    Skills are new factors that need to be accounted for, giving you novel ways to approach the situation or forcing you to be extra cautious around the enemy.

    Pairing mechanics: Likewise, you can alter the capability of the units to fit your needs, but giving them strengths in some areas from the parent might cost them in others. Also, there's the question of the timing of the parents (is it better to delay getting the kid in exchange for a better parent, or is it better to get them earlier on [even with a possibly worse parent], before your final team is solidified and when the kid has more time to contribute).

    Builds: Trade-offs…. that's a long-term strategic situation… I can go to this other class to pick up these skills, but I won't be in my original, so I'll function differently… does my team depend to much on me being in my original role? Can I afford to switch, or will I make things difficult for the team? Will I have good enough weapons to carry me through my time in the other class? And seals costs money or a limited number of drops? Is what I want worth spending the seal? Does another character want it more for strategic considerations (like them getting a new skill that helps out your team, like a Rally or Battle Command).

    Basically, Great Geargia Gateway, I cannot understand at all where you're coming from here, because the skills/class system seems to achieve the opposite of what you're implying; it introduces MORE strategic considerations; it doesn't take them away.

  8. Oh, she can get Vantage…. in this game, unlike Awakening, if you class into a promoted class that you haven't learned the skills from its base class version yet, you gain the skills you previously missed at a rate of 1 per level as long as you're above the needed level. (Although if you still haven't learned the ones before it by the time you hit a level 5/15 skill, you'll first learn the rest of those you missed at 1 per level, then you will pick up the 5/15 skill in turn.).

  9. 4. Marrying male Kamui to any 1st gen female who cannot marry ONLY him ultimately locks you out of pairing one of the fathers with a wife, thus costing you one of the kids. If you happen to not like one of the kids or not care about them, that's fine. But if you want everyone, male Kamui has to marry a second gen female or a female who only can marry him. For female Kamui, she'll leave one 1st gen woman unpaired, but this is okay as long as it isn't Azura.

  10. Well, yes, Orochi does have 65% magic, which is the best that any mother can offer (the kids never offer more, and due to averaging it will normally be less)…. if (mother+child)/2 occurs, you'd get 47.5% magic on Kanna this way (Kanna has a base of 30%)

    But she'd also have pretty rotten SPD…. granted, Kanna is fairly speed, so maybe she'd be looking at 45% SPD (default) --> 30% SPD (Orochi!Kanna)

    But it would be kind of unoptimal to go Orochi!kanna in the first place in the sense of the larger team, both for mods and due to losing a kid.

  11. Lightning looks like it could actually be a very nice tome….

    Yeah, its only 1 might and has the "silver-penalty" of -2 MAG/-SKL after battle, but its C-rank, which means it accessible much earlier than your A-rank brave weapons… it seems like the Celica's Gale of the game.

    Of course, you can't keep it up forever, but it could be of use….

  12. Just keep in mind that while I've done a lot of calculations to circumstantially suggest the Mother+Child)/2 formula, given the small number of samples and possible RNG effects I cannot exactly say its confirmed yet. I do think that its the case, but there's the possibility I've made an error due to small number statistics and RNG.

    Really, we need a much larger dataset than what I've used, or someone going through the game code, to know for sure.

  13. Yeah, Kinu would have 33-3=30 Skil, which is still quite reasonable.

    You do raise a good point about Sakura!Matoi… she also has superior availability than Hinoka!Matoi, in terms of how early the pairing can be created; Tsubaki and Sakura join in the same chapter and a chapter earlier than Hinoka in Hoshido…. and in Invisible Kingdom Hinoka doesn't show up until Ch. 16, so that's ages to have to wait.

    Of course, Sakura is a healer, so you'd basically have to stick her in some guard stances with Tsubaki to boost his growth of support with her, but you could still probably pull it off. Or just let it take a longer time by attack stances and heals.

    Sakura!Matoi loses Lancefaire, but she gets a lot more magic growth; I think its the average of Sakura and Matoi, which would make it 32.5%, but even if it worked like Awakening, it would be 28.333%. Whichever interpretation, its still substantially more magic growth; if my guesses are correct, +17.5% magic growth.

    One interesting possibility is having her as a Shinrai Naginata (what we called a Shockstick in Awakening) user… while she doesn't get the Lancefaire like Hinoka would give, she DOES get an increased magic growth… (.325-.15) x 29 levels (10/0->20/0 -> 20/1 --> 20/20) would let her end up with +5.075 magic relative to Hinoka!Matoi's growths, ultimately offsetting the +5 damage that Shockstick would have granted… although at level 15 (when Lancefaire can be learned) Hinoka!Matoi would be briefly ahead, as the accumulate difference would be 4.375 MAG at that point.

    Actually, Sakura!Matoi could end up as a nice Dark Falcon candidate; she gets Tomefaire access from her mother, regardless of buddy/marriage…

    Max stats as Dark Falcon: 45 HP, 27 Str, 35 Mag, 30 Skl, 33 Spd, 32 Lck, 28 Def, 34 Res, B-rank lances, A-rank tomes

    Although Galeforce is an anti-synergy with the Avatar's personal skill if he want to support Matoi… but the class itself could still be useful for leveraging the tomes….

    I'll move the discussion to the optimization thread…

    But back to un-optimzaton…. Orochi!Kisaragi has a pretty bad SPD mod… although he does get Basara….

  14. Long rambling in spoiler tags to save space on the page.

    I'm similarly impacted by Tsubaki, not because I want [my character] to marry him (I don't) but because I want [my character] to marry HIS DAUGHTER, Matoi. And given how mod inheritance works, that means he passes on a -2 SPD mod to her, which then becomes -1 under the child bonus.

    Thankfully, my hair-color and skill-set (red and Lance Fighter/Basara's Lancefaire and Breaking Sky) preferences for her come along with a mother (Hinoka) who gives +1 Spd, so she evens Matoi out to +0 Spd. So its not negative…. but its not positive either, which will end up limiting the SPD that my Kanna can obtain.

    There's also the issue that the "waifu" that I like the most tends to have stat growths that really conflict with my own asset/flaw preferences…. I prefer being a magic type, but Matoi will have +0 MAG and something like a 15% mag growth, so that's going to conflict for Kanna…. she will at least substantially boost Kanna's HP growth, that said, although that will still only work out to something around +3 HP by 20/20.

    I mean, objectively, as one who prefers magical characters, I really should be going for someone [purely from a gameplay standpoint, not from actually liking the character] like Nyx!Syalla or someone with a similar mod spread: She has +1 Str, +5 Mag, -2 Skl, +5 Spd, +1 Lck, -2 Def, +1 Res; this is a far better spread for a magically orientated Kanna than what Hinoka!Matoi offers: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res.

    I mean, +MAG/-DEF Nyx!Syalla!Kanna would be +1 Str, +9 Mag, -2 Skl, +7 Spd, +0 Lck, -5 Def, +2 Res and could be quite the potent magical class cannon, while +MAG/-LCK Nyx!Syalla!Kanna would be +0 Str, +8 Mag, -2 Skl, +7 Spd, -2 Lck, -2 Def, +3 Res; with slightly less power but not being as fragile….

    But as it is, going Hinoka!Matoi is REALLY unoptimal, yet I'd really prefer her:

    +MAG/-DEF Hinoka!Kanna!Matoi: +1 Str, +4 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, -1 Lck, +0 Def, +3 Res

    +MAG/-LCK Hinoka!Kanna!Matoi: +0 Str, +3 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, -3 Lck, +3 Def, +4 Res

    No hugely impressive magic there, no hugely impressive speed. Although she does at least have good defensive stats, although those don't kill things.

    Honestly, I would be better off with a different Matoi than Hinoka!Matoi if I go with Matoi to begin with, although i really like her hair color as it is; but she's unoptimal for my gameplay purposes if I'm honest with myself.


    Sakura!Matoi: +0 Str, +3 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +0 Res

    +MAG/-DEF Sakura!Matoi!Kanna: 0 Str, +7 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, -1 Lck +0 Def, +1 Res

    +MAG/-LCK Sakura!Matoi!Kanna: -1 Str, +6 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, -3 Lck +3 Def, +2 Res

    Nyx!Matoi: +0 Str, +4 Mag, +1 Skl, +1 Spd, -1 Lck, +2 Def, +1 Res

    +MAG/-DEF Nyx!Matoi!Kanna: +0 Str, +8 Mag, +1 Skl, +3 Spd, -2 Lck, -1 Def, +2 Res

    +MAG/-LCK Nyx!Matoi!Kanna: -1 Str, +7 Mag, +1 Skl, +3 Spd, -4 Lck, +2 Def, +3 Res

    So yeah, there's that.

    Edit: Response to SerenadeofWisdom; I don't think Kinu's SKL really needs to be all that patched up, provided we're talking caps; her class cap is 33 as Nine Tailed Fox, so she has lots of SKL already; she can afford to lose a bit.

  15. We still need to verify the growth rates. I've put forth my arguments for why I think they aren't the same as the Awakening growths this time and think they're actually [child + variable parent]/2. The only reasons I say I don't KNOW it are small sample size, RNG possibly interfering, and the fact that we haven't seen it in the game's code yet (to my knowledge).

  16. Well, stack -SPD mods together with characters who don't get Defensive Formation and don't have a particularly speedy class to compensate that would exploit their mods.

    Consider Orochi with someone who has poor SPD mods and a kid with non-existent magic growth.

  17. Well, I was reading the Fire Emblem subbredit, and moderator Shephen and user Ownagepuffs (whom I believe both also have Serenes accounts) had posted their impressions of the characters either on their own or in the context of Lunatic walkthroughs.

    They had some very good things to say about Hinoka.

    EDIT: Links to the the subreddit threads in question in the spoiler tags. Caution. There are some spoilers in the links.

  18. It seems reasonable. The only question is the practicality of recruiting her, as that does mean running Odin on your team for some time (although he could be a pair-up bot for Elise, so this might not be a real issue).

    As for the other comments, yeah, I'd anticipate that Hinoka would be a good Lance Fighter.


    Assuming a +MAG avatar, running Dark Mage as a secondary in Hoshido/3rd (Bind, Devilish Wind, Lifetaker, ability to continue using Yato while also gaining tome access if in the Hoshido Route [Dark Blood also takes this role in the 3rd route and Nohr]), what do you think I should go with for my flaw? I'll probably A+ buddy with a Samurai to get Swordfaire on the 3rd route to boost both Yato and Levin Swords simultaneously.

    On Nohr, I'll probably actually go Samurai as my secondary and buddy for Dark Mage, again allowing the same combinations of skills mentioned above.

    Any thoughts?

  19. Ah, but to clarify, I should have specified that what I meant was the INCREMENTAL BONUS.


    C Rank: Str +1

    B Rank: ADDS on Lck+1 ----> Total bonus is Str+1 and Luck +1; the incremental bonus was LCK+1

    A Rank: ADDS on Def+1 ----> Total bonus is Str +1, Luck +1, Def +1; the incremental bonus was DEF+1

    S Rank: ADDS on Str+1 and Luck+1 ---> Total bonus is Str +2, Lck +2, Def+1; the incremental bonus was Str+1 and Lck+1

    So the incremental C-rank bonus of the father, Xander, is Str+1, and the incremental A rank bonus was Def+1.

    Say if he married Charlotte. Her incremental bonuses for B rank are Str+1 and then for S rank Str+1, Spd+1.

    So Charlotte!Seigbert would give this total at S-rank: {Str+1} + {Str +1} + { Def+1} + { Str+1, Spd +1} = Str +3, Spd+1, Def +1

    Xander's luck bonuses don't come into play as they fall on the B and S rank increments, which are the domain of the mother for the inheritance.


    Changing topics: What do we now think about luck flaws now that we know that 1 luck = 0.5 crit evade, 0.5 hit, and 0.5 avoid his time, particularly with regards to Crit Evade. This basically means that you face crit rates against you unless you have higher values of luck (compared to Awakening).

    Mitigating considerations: Dragonstone, upgraded Yato, existence of Guard Stance crit evade bonuses, Luck boosting items

    Concerns: Bosses and enemies with high crit rates.

  20. S-support pair-up bonuses are dependent on the father and mother.

    Father's C-bonus + Mother's B bonus + Father's A-bonus + Mother's S-bonus

    Seigbert's total bonus:

    {Str +1} + Mother's B bonus +{ Def +1 } + Mother's S-bonus


    {Str+1, Def +1} + Mother's B bonus + Mother' S-bonus

    So then you look at whomever you made his mother. Seigbert doesn't give any extra luck beyond the standard class bonus himself, so any bonus will be coming from him mom.

  21. Well, as for growths of the character mentioned in the spoiler tags, it matters when the Awakening formula or the [default +variable]/2 hypothesis applies (or if its something different from both). I've outlined reasons why I suspect it to be the[default +variable]/2 system earlier in this thread.

  22. i.e., assuming fairly regular play, no grind, no particular low manning, but taking advantage of stuff like Noble Lineage and using Kamui as is sensible, at what point (as in chapters) in the various routes are you likely to be hitting various benchmarks?

    Like level 10/0 (get your second skill), level 20/0 (promote without losing out on pre-Eternal Seal levels), 20/5 (your first promoted skill), 20/15 (your high level promoted skills) and 20/20 (max level pre-Eternal seal)? Is it a fairly good assumption that your Kamui will hit 20/20 by Endgame, from a combination of Noble Lineage and using them the most due to them being your Lord? Or does the diminishing returns hurt their chances of this by too much?

    I want to know as I'm making various projects of Kamui's endgame stats as a test of the feasibility of him taking on various bosses with his average stat outcomes.

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