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Posts posted by astrophys

  1. Interesting….

    What did you take as your subclass for your +MAG/-LCK Kamui, by the way?

    I'm asking as I think I'm planning to go with that too. (Although my motivations were originally of a role-play driven nature; +MAG is "intelligent", basically, from the translations that I read. I was originally thinking -STR or -DEF to reflect my own real-life physical weakness, but then I considered how colossally unlucky Kamui is to be put in the scenario where they have to choose between their two families like that, so I decided -LCK would really fit for the circumstances that he's in.)

    I'd imagine it would make a decent Dragontank early on as well, given that it gives +3 starting magic (and thus Dragon damage), +15% net magic growth (+20%-5%=+15%) and doesn't hurt defense at all.

  2. Out of curiosity, and to be a bit unorthodox, how do people think Matoi would preform as a Weapons Master?

    You see, regardless of her parentage, she'll always have access to to Pegasus and Samurai thanks to her own class and Tsubaki. This means her promoted class options are Falcon Warrior, Golden Kite Warrior, Trueblade, and Weapons Master (before parentage of course).

    Of course, if she's mothered by Hinoka or Oboro she'll also have Lance Fighter, which goes into Holy Lancer and Basara, which are valuable classes… still, I was just thinking about Weapons Master Matoi, as its something she's guaranteed even if you go for different parentages than these….

    Base stats:

    Falcon Warrior:

    18 HP, 5 Str, 4 Mag, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 5 Lck, 5 Def, 9 Res, 8 Move [ A rank lances, B-rank staves]

    Weapons Master:

    20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Lck, 7 Def, 3 Res, 6 Move [A rank swords, B-rank lances, B-rank axes]

    Oh, and I'll also compare Holy Lancer:

    18 HP, 9 Str, 0 Mag, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 3 Lck, 7 Def, 3 Res, 6 Move [+10 crit and +10 crit evade; S-rank lances]

    What interests me here is:

    a.) Matoi has naturally high HP growths, at 55% default (less due to mothers, I'm guessing maybe 50% with Hinoka) and Weapons Master (as well as Basara) stack on 20%… she'd have a 70% HP growth…

    b.) It retains lance rank when transferring from a promoted class.

    c.) It lets her learn Flowing Strike after 1 level and then combine this for the potential of weapon triangle control.

    d.) Effective weaponry only requires a D-rank.. she already has that from lances and her initial Swordslayer… you could even toss her an Arms Scroll and she'd be able to use a wide variety of slayer and effective weapons…

    And even if you didn't stick with the class, you could use it as a platform to import Astra, Vantage, or even Strength Seal into her other classes all whle retaining Lance rank…

  3. I voted for Matoi for the females… I think anyone who has paid attention to my numerous posts regarding her already could see that coming, of course…

    For the guys, I decided to vote for Leon…. I'm a fan of magic users and books (if I was an FE character, I'd imagine myself like that), plus I like it that in the story Leon is the one who

    executes Macbeth/Iago for us in Birthright and Conquest


  4. Well, Vincent ASM has been doing a bit more research on the subject/compiling reports from other people, and that doesn't seem to be entirely correct, although the page never got upgraded….


    So, it seems that it actually works like this:

    C-rank: +1 point in a peripherla stat

    B-rank: get an additional +1 DEF

    A-rank: get an additional +1 SPD

    S_rank: get an additional +1 Res and +1 point in your asset stat [HP may be an exception that goes to a different stat]

  5. Those haven't been figured out yet to any degree of certainty or rank order yet… some good ones have been identified, but I'm not sure if we actually have a "best three" list yet.

    No one has been answering this because it isn't yet determined yet…. theory is still evolving on it.

  6. Yeah... I've always wondered if newer fans would... like older games the same? I started with Awakening and went back and played older games, but I also like strategy games in general.

    Well, I cannot speak for newer fans in general, but I started with Awakening and afterwards I went back to both The Sacred Stones and Genealogy of the Holy War (Seisen no Keifu), both of which I enjoyed very much and both of which I beat. Although I had also liked strategy games in general beforehand to: SRPGs such as Final Fantasy Tactics and its spin-offs, RTS games like Age of Empires, etc.

  7. do any of you guys know what the best marriages are

    Context is key… in-game, maxed-out, etc.

    I don't have the game yet, but here are some of the things I've heard….

    Tsubaki x Oboro or Tsubaki x Lance Fighter Hinoka are pretty nice… helps Tsubaki's damage output and gives him (and his daughter) Lance Fighter access, which shares weapon rank.

    Silas x Hinoka is also supposedly good. Ownagepuffs has suggested this as Oboro x Tsubaki…

    I might note that on Birthright in the long-term that Hinoka x Tsubaki and Oboro x Silas might take better advantage of the fact that Matoi and Sophie A+ support with each other and that Sophie's other two A+ options are only in Nohr/3rd route.

    Xander/Marx apparently really likes a wife who gives a SPD bonus; Charlotte is a popular choice [her class gives +3 SPD, and her personal gives another +2 SPD at S-rank; and she also gives +5+3=+8 Str as a Berserker and lets Xander stop by into Hero to learn Sol]. Luna seems like she'd be a decent defensively orientated choice… she also can give Xander a +3+2=+5 Spd bonus; she'd give DEF as a Hero (+2+1 =+3, +0+1=+1 as a Bow Knight, although Bow Knight also gives movement) and also gives Xander Sol access.

  8. The big choice more accurately boils down to:

    "do I side with the people who I have been raised with my entire life and whom I have thus grown quite close to on a personal level, like a family, or do I leave them because their father tried to get me killed in a trap that ended up killing my actual birth mother as well, such that I can no longer bring myself to fight for a country ruled by him, even if it means turning against those who've I've looked upon as brothers and sisters for most of my life"

  9. Sure, it introduces a bunch of plot holes, I don't deny that. Its a pretty flimsy excuse.

    i was just pointing out that it isn't "hey, we had a bunch of kids during a war" that's the problem that leads to the kids going into the "time chamber" . Its "hey, there are mysterious monsters that are specifically targeting are children and trying to kill them", so the representation of the scenario in post #15 was inaccurate.

  10. True, as even my analyses aren't ironclad proof; we'd really need someone to hack their game or dump the code and find the part where growths are determined.

    Perhaps someone could try hacking a parent's growths to something crazy like 100% or something like that and seeing what happens? And particularly, what happens if they hack a father to 100% growths vs. a mother to 100% growths.

    Actually, if someone could figure out how to hack that, they could even try setting the kid's defaults to 0%, one of the parent's to 0%, and the other parent to 100%, or something like that.

    Unfortunately, I neither have the game nor the knowledge of how to hack stuff like that in the first place.

  11. In any of these discussions, we really need to specify whether we're talking about PvP optimization, hypothetical Apotheosis optimization, in-game no grind optimization, etc., whether or not we're buying skills, etc.

    For example, many of the fancier skill schemes that we've discussed in the thread are impractical without grinding or heavy abuse of the online features of the game. They may be legitimately great, but they aren't going to happen during "normal" play of the game in the traditional Fire Emblem style. Of course, no one is obligated to play that way, and indeed many may prefer to play in vastly different ways, which is their prerogative; all that matters is that if they're having fun doing so.

    There are also the consideration that Seal access tends to be limited in the game (without online abuse) until the Ch. 20s when the seals become infinite in the level 3 vendor. This would tend to discourage overly fancy skillsets [because you'd only have a limited time left in the game to level up and pick up those skills, not to mention weapon rank issues].

  12. I'm going to elaborate on/correct what Neko Knight has said, as they're leaving out or not accurate representing some of the issues…

    To clarify, its not just that they're having children during the war (that would be oversimplifying it) but rather that mysterious monsters show up and attack the camp/My Castle, apparently directly and specifically targeting the baby children for whatever reason.

    Given what several of the child paralogue enemies are, it might very well be forces of the Invisible Kingdom interfering and trying to kill the kids for whatever reason


    So the parents hide away their children in other dimensions, "the Secluded Lands" (not sure what the translation will be, but this is one unofficial translation that I've see), so that the monsters won't be able to find them and so that the kids can grow up in peace, free from the threats of these monsters. Its basically trying to throw the monsters off track so they won't know where to look.

    And, at least for the first decade or two of the kids' lives in the Secluded Lands, it seems to work quite well, as the kids do indeed manage to grow up for that time without being discovered by or attacked by the monsters.

    Eventually, the monsters do find them in the end, or alternatively the kids venture forth out from the Secluded Lands back to their original world on their own. Either way, this marks an end to the safety that they had had. But they had some maybe 10-20 years of safety, in which time they were able to grow up to the point that they were able to actually fight on their own, so they weren't helpless anymore.

    Putting them in the Secluded Lands was meant first and foremost for the protection of the children as a safe haven, and they worked like that for quite a long time.

    The "problem" is that the rate of time's flow is very strange in the Secluded Lands relative to the main world…. as such, what is a brief time for the player characters in Fate's world ended up being 1-2 decades in the Secluded Lands, which had the effect of making many of the children teenagers or adults by the time they are recruited as characters, often with ages comparable (or older than) their parents who had stayed in the chronologically slower Fate's world.

  13. What would people think about in-game efficiency for Hana!Matoi? I'm just contemplating alternate options as a thought experiment.. that and spoilers….

    compared to Hinoka!Matoi, it avoids some semi-incestuous vibes of pairing with a step-niece


    Hana and Tsubaki also have the advantage of always joining in the same chapter as each other and possessing a fast support growth with each other, so it be a combination that would also allow me to obtain Matoi as early as possible. Matoi could become very (player-phase) evasive, with an easy Flowing Strike inheritance from Hana to complement Swallow Strike, no re-classes required from any of the parties involved. Or, if one waited until longer, Astra, again with no re-classes needed.

    There's also the personal pair-up bonus that interests me… she always gets, to my understanding, +1 Def @ C-rank and another +1 Def @ A-rank from Tsubaki, regardless of her mother. Hana would grant +1 Str @ B-rank and another +1 Str and +1 Spd @ S-rank…

    So an S-rank pair-up with Matoi would offer a personal bonus of +2 Str, +1 Spd, +2 Def; as a Falcon Warrior, this becomes +2 Str, +4 Spd, +2 Def, +3 Res…. the extra STR and SPD could be of use for bolstering Yato in the late-game against the final bosses [for damage and doubling].

    Mods would be +1 Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl, +1 Spd, -1 Lck, +1 Def, +1 Res; she might actually cap or come close to capping STR & SPD by the end….

    What do people think?

    Lancefaire could always be provided by an Avatar secondary, if necessary (or also by Shinonome if you weren't pairing her with the Avatar).

  14. It should also be noted that from what I've heard, all of Hoshido's data is on the Nohr cartridge already and vice versa, can anyone confirm whether this is true or not?

    I don't have the game, but based on all the discussion I heard on the subject on Serenes a few days after the game came out and the game's data was dumped, this is most likely totally untrue.

    You do have the character data for facing opposing route characters as enemies, but you don't have the unique maps, CGIs, dialogues, non-shared paralogues, etc.

    Unless new information has come out to contradict that since the initial data dump.

  15. Lets see…. I agree that Anna being paid DLC is bad, particularly as so much of her information was already on the cart to begin with.

    "To get a full story"…. here I think its important to define all of our terms…. strictly speaking, each of the routes does tell a "full story" in the sense of having a series of events that includes the beginning, the middle, and the end, and a conclusion with some form of victorious ending [although some are bittersweet]. So you do get "full stories" from each route. That said, you are correct that to get complementary information that elaborates upon that which you saw on the other routes, you would need all three routes… So evaluating this term depends on how we define "full story" and if we consider the three routes as three separate stories (in which case all are full stories) or as integral pieces of a larger arc (in which case they can be considered separately incomplete).

    Weapons…. not being able to restock staves higher than Heal/Mend is problematic (it basically forces you to use Heal/Mend and regenerative skills and save the staves for story/paralogues, which is fine in a no-grind run but problematic in an extended DLC run)….. for the other weapons, I generally find it okay, as in the other games we also had plenty of limited supply weapons [and limited Hammerne to support them too]. And it makes forging more of a strategic decision….

  16. Back in July, based on data provided, VincentASM hypothesized that the following was how it worked.


    At the time, only some of these were confirmed.

    Perhaps now that more time has passed, we have more information that could help us figure it out.

    The bonuses listed will be being added to your class bonuses, so take your total pair-up bonus, subtract out the class bonuses, and these should be the results if they're correct.

    Could someone confirm any of the following?

    HP asset?

    Magic asset?

    Skill asset?

    Speed asset?

    Luck asset?

    Resistance asset?

    Vincent had indicated that the Strength and Defense assets had already been confirmed [as shown by information given elsewhere in the thread and other sources] back in the original post.

    But can we confirm the rest of these [or those we can]? And if something's wrong, can we correct it?

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