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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. Who ever said the game was balanced around the assumption of grinding? As far as I'm aware, no FE game is like that.
  2. Keep in mind that you ARE Mikoto's child and Mikoto is the queen of Hoshido at the time the story's main playable events start. So siding with Hoshido IS siding with the nation that your maternal bloodline (Mikoto) was associated with. Granted, .
  3. You can also marry a female 2nd gen if you're male…. you aren't limited to just Kamuisexuals to get all the kids.
  4. I don't understand the alleged point about Hoshido players being unable to customize their units…. You can class change for skills… You get marriage seals and buddy seals to open up new class trees and skill combinations…. you can grind… you can get eternal seals…. what's your point, Awakener_? I sincerely don't understand what you mean.
  5. Its been confirmed to work that way (passing down Rod Knight) for children who already start as Pegasus Knights (like Azura!Matoi). I'd imagine she'd pass down Pegasus for other children, but I'm not sure.
  6. Well, the data I was giving on the Gamefaqs thread was for Luna and Marx/Xander…. And I forgot to account for the fact that Xander had Defender… Bonus that Omega Evolution's YouTube playthrough gives S-ranked Luna x Xander, with Defender in the lead and thus an extra +1 active… +2 Str (+1 before Defender) +1 Mag (+0 before Defender) +5 Skl (+4 before Defender) +6 Spd (+5 before Defender) +1 Lck (+0 before Defender) +4 Def (+3 before Defender) +1 Res (+0 before Defender) So lets take the boosts attributable to Luna alone, as a Hero: +1 Str, +4 Skl, +5 Spd, +3 Def Okay, so that's 13 stat points… subtract out the 8 points from Heroes +1 Str, +1 Skl, +2 Spd, +1 Def Luna's listed bonuses: Str +1, Skl +1, Spd +2, Def +1 ​Okay, it works out perfectly here… Same video: Female Kamui (seems to be a Trueblade) with A-rank Kaze +1 Skl, +6 Spd, +3 Lck, +1 Def Subtract Trueblade bonus: +1 Skl, +1 Spd, +1 Def This disagrees with the listed A-rank bonus for the Avatar: Str +1, Spd +1, Def +1 So we can infer that there either is some variability in this based on some factor or the posted stats aren't right.
  7. Also, its it really right that the Avatar only gives +4 points at S-rank? Most characters seem to give +5 points… Unless of course the Avatar gets a slightly customized pair-up bonus, such as (for example, giving +1 extra point in something related to his asset or the like).
  8. What a good idea… yes, let's do something that will get us branded as traitors to Nohr while we're still on thin ice, arrested, and executed before we have our opportunity to take down the real problem within Nohr, Garon himself.
  9. Interesting… so that reduces the advantage classes that boosted multiple stats got by having the +1/+2 support boosts from C/B and A/S in Awakening gained… I wonder how its determined for kids.
  10. They make the claim in post #9 of this thread. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/114533-fire-emblem-fates-conquest/72190458 Is this actually true? If so, I suppose that such information should be added to this site once any relevant numbers are verified.
  11. True, because Azura pairings create two kids… 0/+1/+4/+2/0/+1/0 Subaki!Shigure and Aqua!Matoi: Pegasus Warrior/Rod Knight/Samurai (both of them)
  12. On the topic of Saizou, the Avatar can also be one of the units with a good strength and magic growth if you take +MAG, although that comes at the cost of a flaw elsewhere….
  13. I see… how did your planned optimized pairings fall such that Luna!Matoi ended up as the naturally occurring leftover? You're right that Luna can use Bowfaire from Setsuna both in the Holy Bowman class and also in Luna's inherent Bow Knight and Golden Kite Warrior… Setsuna has the same availability as Hinoka, in any case. Luna would do well with someone who boosts crit rates, from the standpoint of her personal, or someone who has lots of crit opportunities. Harold would help from the standpoint of his Unlucky Soul making enemies crit prone, but he's also highly crit prone himself. Anyone with Astra access could also do this do to getting five crit chances in an attack (although this only matters if the enemy survives the Astra with a crit, although Luna's crit would then most likely ensure a kill). Subaki does have high skill and Astra, although not in his base class. Mozume Matoi… would she be able to inherit Aptitude? Weapons Master inheritance is wasted, but yes, she gets Extravagance.
  14. Can Voice of Peace be inherited? But yes, that's a good point… Aqua also has pretty high growths, even higher than Hinoka's, although distributed differently than hers. Assuming growths inherit like in Awakening, Aqua/Azura!Matoi would get these growths: 45% HP (lower), 38.3% Str (higher), 20% Mag (higher), 50% Skl (higher), 40% Spd (higher), 36.6% Lck (tied), 31.6% Def (lower), 20% Res (higher) EDIT/ADDENDUM: As a Falcon Warrior: 45% HP, 48.3% Str, 30% Mag, 60% Skl, 55% Spd, 56.6% Lck, 31.6% Def, 40% Res So this produces a bit more of a glass canon Matoi; better at both offenses, more skillful, and faster, but with lower HP & DEF growth and lower defensive modifiers. +4 SKL would be really nice, that said. That elevates the rate of Breaking Sky to 51% before any other boosters… not overwhelmingly impressive, but its now marginally more likely to activate than it is to not activate. You do raise a good point in that I could take up Lancer/Holy Lancer/Basara…. of course, the Avatar wants to use a sword, but then again, there's nothing that says that I have to actually USE my secondary class… I could, after all, just use it as a vehicle for delivering skills to his wife… Let's see… considering third route, an in-class build would grant Noble Lineage (good until capped), Dragon Fang, Draconic Shield, Hoshido, Draconic Curse, and Nohr…. and of course, there's Swallow Strike that he could pick up from Matoi…. Dragon Fang, Hoshido, Nohr, and Draconic Curse on their own could make a pretty solid core for a skillset… particularly considering that Aqua!Matoi x Male Avatar (Lancer) could alternately run a build with Astra + Breaking Sky and then let her husband use Nohr in the endgame to borrow her skills to proc-stack too. Servant's Joy would also make sense…. Aqua Matoi, if for some reason playing more of a support role, also gets Battle Command and Demoiselle access, although she's probably better suited as an attacker. Oh, and she gets Tomebreaker from the Maid class… Although there is one issue with marrying Aqua!Matoi…
  15. I thought it only switched over to the spouse's secondary class if the two of them shared their primary….
  16. Another thing that I thought of that counts as a strike against the 3rd route pairing of Luna x Tsubaki: While Tsubaki is able to get Luna's Mercenary from a Marriage Seal, Luna will try to take Tsubaki's Pegasus Warrior class when she already has that as a secondary. As such, Luna wastes her opportunity to expand her skillset. Of course, to be fair, skillset size only matters if its used, and it doesn't strike against Matoi herself…. just against a side-effect of the pairing used to produce her. But Luna does at least have availability in the 3rd route over Hinoka (Ch. 12 vs. Ch. 16). Speaking of Hinoka!Matoi, can anyone think of better Matoi's that this combination?
  17. As a correction to my earlier posts, it turns out that Hinoka!Matoi actually gets Pegasus/Samurai/Lancer.
  18. Just wondering, as in a no-grind playthrough you probably wouldn't get all of them. I guess this is a bit of a complicated question as getting the kid requires using their father as well, so its also a question of not only what the kid offers, but whether bringing the dad along with you during the campaign is worthwhile. Also, some of the kids come with different weapons than usual: most come with Iron weapons, but there are some exceptions. Also, since some of the better weapons only have limited copies in the shop, these kids might be ways to get more of them. Examples: Deere, Mend, Summer Festal, Physic Physic Staves have limited quantities in the Vendor. Matoi, Swordslayer Naginata, Iron Naginata Swordslayer Naginatas are limited (isn't it like 2 or something from the Armory?). But Subaki has pretty poor speed and total stat growth himself…. Siegbert, Iron Sword, Iron Lance, Javelin, Concoction Ignis, Iron Lance, Javelin, Vulnerary You get a lot more Javelins form the armory than other limited items, but its still something like 10 from the Armory… this gives you a few more. Lutz, Hand Axe, Iron Axe A similar principle, but with Hand Axes.
  19. Fair enough…. I guess I was just anticipating more skills given the precedent of Lunatic in Awakening.
  20. Nohr Prince/Princess for ALL the first gens! Including the Hoshidans!
  21. I'm wondering why they didn't give it Draconic Curse…. I'd have probably designed the boss to have Status Immunity, Dragon Skin, Draconic Curse, Pavise, and Aegis for Lunatic Mode… or something like that.
  22. To be honest, I was also expecting it to get more skills, like Pavise and Aegis, or for it to get even higher stats… I mean, even a Dark Knight (chosen as an example because of its low speed cap and ability to use a sword) can achieve a double if assisted by Swallow Strike with just Yato aiding him for a +4 speed boost to get to 31 (and that's unequipped… 32 speed when equipped) As for 66 attack… that could be pushed into survival territory even with 20/20 with something like an Angelic Robe or HP topic, or some Dracoshield/Defense tonic….
  23. Its someone else's video, but it still provides us the information: Source: Below are a series of screenshot taking the stats of the enemy in question from their bottom screen, so that we can see them clearly (seeing that in the video itself we only see them for a brief moment). Edit: Looks like it peaks out at 66 Atk. There's also a 31 speed in there, so 36 speed, or 31 speed + swallow strike, would be needed to double it.
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