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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. Speaking of Extravagance, how do you trigger it? Is there a command that lets you use the Gold Coins, or does it automatically trigger until you run out, or is it some other mechanism? I assume that its one golden coin per battle? Moreover, are you confident that Villager inherits to the kid? (I don't have the game, so if anyone can confirm from personal experience, that would be great). Speaking of Extravagance again, the -10 damage reduction it gives would cancel out the +10 damage received from Line of Death. And which Kid do you think benefits most from Mozume parentage?
  2. Seeing that another poster mentioned it, what are the thoughts on a -SKL flaw. -20% growth is a big hit… it lowers your skill from 40% growth, and also gives a -2 SKL starting penalty. Assuming SKL works like Awakening, that should be a 3% hit rate loss at first, right? Over time it will compound to (.4-.2)*38+2 = 9.6 points behind on average by 20/20, or an average hit rate penalty of 14.4% (15% if we round up to 10). And it does admittedly basically ruin opportunities to trigger proc skills, so that is also a substantial drawback. Although are are a bunch of fixed damage increasing abilities as well (Prescient Victory [+4 on player phase], Patient Assurance [+3 on enemy phase, mutually exclusive with Prescient victory], Open Assault [+3 ], Overbearing [+5 to non-mounted units], the weapon-faires [+5 when equipped with that weapon type], Line of Death [unconditional +10 damage given and received], Extravagance [+10/-10 damage taken received when coin is spent, etc.), that provide fixed damage bonuses that are much more predictable [they have their own strings attack, but you know when they're going to work, so if you're entering battle on a particular set of conditions you already know how its going to turn out, rather than begging for a proc to happen] . And at least if you were going with Bowman or something you could Raven Strike as a Holy Bowman to get +40% hit for the player phase. Or you could go with the Dark Mage line… they also have bad SKL growth, but they do get Bind [ When fighting adjacent to an enemy, enemy’s Avoid -20], which inflicts -20% Avoid to the enemy when they're adjacent to you, which could significantly offset your hit rate penalty. And since the promotion of that class, Dark Knight, uses a Sword anyways, you could even carry over your sword rank and keep using Yato… sure, you'd have to wait until promotion to get Dark Knight, and you'd still have issues with procs, but that Bind would basically correct your Hit rate at close-quarter sword (Yato) use to normal levels in main-game.. But the class has other issues, like being slow, so I don't know… I need to stop theory-crafting and get to work…. And Bind could be carried over to the Dragon form if necessary to offset its hit rate issues…
  3. Basically, if you buy Hoshido and Nohr, you have (almost) all the characters and weapons, although not on the same file. You get two story lines and their battles. If you buy Hoshido + Invisible, you get also now have pretty much all of the characters, including one save file that can have them concurrently. You get two story lines (but in a different combination from before) and their battles. Invisible basically gives you access to the Hoshido content you already had, plus Nohr content in a different form. If you buy Nohr + Invisible, a similar principle applies…. you already had Nohr and then you get Hoshido. I essentially agree with VincentASM's evaluation above… Of course, there's still merit in getting all three routes if you want to try out their particular battles and try their own individual challenges.
  4. Correct, although in practice there are different implications that it sounds from this… You cannot class change to level 1…. but you CAN purchase Eternal Seals for 12,000 each if I recall what I've read correctly, which let you raise the level cap of a capped unit by 5 per use…. I don't know the limit, but I've seen YouTube videos of level 99 characters, so presumably it goes at least that high. Unless said video was using hacked levels or was fake. So you get to 20/20 before using Eternal Seals, but you could get to at least 20/99 with them, if the videos I've seen are to be believed. Additionally, in this game, you automatically learn skills you've missed in a class tree at the rate of 1 per level up, even ones from base classes. As far as I know, most characters can only have up to 4-5 class trees available to them (most first gens can get 2+2, most second gens can get 3+2), and the most skills a class tree can give is 6 (2 base, 2 from one promoted option, two from the other), so that's only at most thirty skills they can learn from leveling. 99 Levels is more than enough time to do that.
  5. Matoi should supposedly have a 51% HP growth if it follows Awakening styled rules for inheritance, 55% if its just her personal growth… Matoi really shouldn't have ended up with such low HP, much less lower than her mother… Hinoka only has a 45% Hp growth… Subaki also has a 55% HP growth. Its weird that your Matoi thus ends up with low HP… I'm guessing that she likely got RNG screwed…. I earlier did an estimate of what I thought Hinoka!Matoi's stats should end up as, based on the information on Base Stats, Base Stat Inheritance, and Growths posted on this website, and this is what I got for 20/20 Hinoka!Matoi, assuming recruitment from 20/0 and 20/0 parents (I don't know how strong they were when you recited her): My predictions: 43 HP, 27 Str, 13 Mag, 32 Skl (would be 33, but capped), 34 SPD, 31 Lck, 24 Def, and 29 Res (and these were round-downs) Subtracting off 7 levels: Estimated 20/13 Matoi, with 20/0 and 20/0 parents when recruited… 40 HP, 24 Str, 11 Mag, 29 SKL, 30 SPD, 27 Lck, 21 Def, 26 Res Your… Level 20/13 Falcon Warrior (unknown parent level upon recruit): 32 HP , 23 Strength, 10 Magic, 26 Skill, 33 Speed, 31 Luck, 21 Def, 28 Res This suggests that you had far less HP than my estimates thought you would…. it could be that my estimates are wrong, or it could be that your situation is to far away from my assumptions, or it could be that you got RNG screwed. The other stats you have there don't seem all that bad, honestly… I myself was almost certainly going to try to put Hinoka Matoi through Holy Lancer for a bit to pick up its skills…. if level 20/15 was reached, Lancefaire would become a possibility…. I was also thinking of trying to A+-support Hinoka with Setsuna in an effort to pick up Prescient Victory, once that makes Bowman a Buddy-sealable class option, as then presumably Hinoka could add +4 damage in initiated player phase attacks…and she could then perhaps pass that down to Matoi…. it would basically just require a Golden Kite Warrior level thereafter to pull out. But I don't have the game yet, so I'm just theory-crafting here, while you speak from experience. But then again, PEMN as the old saying goes… would Matoi have been more survivable for you if she had had closer to 40 HP? I'm suspecting that she should have… she definitely should have had more than Hinoka did on average….
  6. +LCK does boost strength and magic too, so that's another positive… Personal 50% Str, 35% Mag, and 70% lck before your flaw…. you'd be pretty solidly protected from crits…
  7. Yes, that's a balanced choice, and that's very good for Dragon Fang and other skill activating, but that still leaves magic at a 30% growth…. Although it gives strength slightly less of an edge at a 40% growth vs. a former 45%….. Dark Blood would end up equalizing those at 45% Str and 45% magic, (White Blood gets 50% Str and 40% magic) that said. Although that's kind of on the low side …. +MAG or something like that would let White Blood get 60% Str AND 60% Magic growths… Dark Blood would get 55% Str and 65% magic growths…. of course, in order to maintain such offenses, you'd admittedly be pigeonholed into something like -DEF, and a +MAG/-DEF build leaves both your personal defense stat growths at only 25% (although to be fair, this is the default rate for resistance anyways, so you haven't actually harmed RES; you've actually even increased its long-term potential with +1 RES). But yes, +SKL/-SKL would be a good choice if you didn't want to eat that defense penalty….. but it would come at lower offenses, making you more dependent on your proc for big damage. I guess its a matter of play style.
  8. Puppeteer promotes from both Herb Merchant and Ninja. Herb Merchant promotes to Puppeteer and Great Merchant. With Kamui having only a 30% Mag growth by default, I'd argue that you should basically either stick with physical classes or take up a +MAG asset if you really want magic. You'd want +MAG for magic for its +20% magic growth to bring you up to 50%, a comparable personal growth to some other magic users like Sakura and Nyx. +RES or +LCK wouldn't cut it for adequately boosting your magic, as unlike Awakening, where assets tended to give +10% (compared to the flaws -5%) and the Avatar's STR and MAG growth were closer, +MAG gives a huge growth edge over +RES or +LCK…. the latter two only give a +5% nudge to 35%, which doesn't really seem to cut it. +MAG basically would allow you to utilize any class you chose offensively… it would give you a 45% and 50% personal growth for STR and MAG, which come out to 60% and 60% as a white blood… you get to effectively use both offenses in whatever classes you please…. It would even enable some fairly weird builds to materialize… any class that would utilize magic weapons would have a pretty good magic growth to back it up, and they have pretty strong might stats and don't carry the "can't double" penalty characteristic of throwing weapons or the "ability to double -3" penalty associated with many C-rank weapons…. you get a can't critical penalty, admittedly, and you do get C-rank 1-2 ranged weapons that have no difficulty whatsoever in doubling that tend to have a higher base might stat than the steel weapons. Hoshido has the Shinrai Nagianta and Explosive Shurkien, magic weapons as described that both have +2 might larger than the comparable Steel weapons. Nohr has Levin Sword,Bolt Axe, and Shining Bow. +MAG would give you a universal minimum +50% MAG (unless you take -RES or -LCK, in which case its 45%) even if you are in a class with no class magic growth whatsoever… It could be quite powerful….. pretty much a way to emulate tomes regardless of class, although the exact classes you could pick would be route dependent (unless you acquired the opposite type from a drop/chest [if they exist] or other MyCastles)
  9. All Poison effects can only deal damage if they have 2 HP or more, and it will reduce them to a minimum of 1 HP. That's what I've been told by others here. Deadly Breath is for softening up targets, not for actually killing them. The in-clase Overbearing, that said, gives +5 damage against non-mounted units.
  10. Deadly Breath itself cannot kill, however, nor can any other poison effect. It can only put them closer into kill range. Dragonstone + does decrease stats after use… its not clear thought how much this actually is.
  11. I myself am interested in magic, not because of Dragonstone, but simply because I like the idea of playing a magic user, whether that be a Tome users (Dark Blood, Dark Knights, etc) or Levin Sword users (any sword using hybrid class), etc. SPD might very well be a better option, that said….
  12. However, Eternal Seals raise your level cap, and it seems you could easily go to higher levels than the number of skills you'd be able to learn (even after reaching 20/20, you still have more than enough levels).
  13. Interesting… of course, the growth inheritance is still assumed on all of our parts… we still need confirmation, although it seems likely, given that stat caps inherit. But then again, class inheritance changed, so there's still the possibility that something has changed. But I'm guilty of making the same types of calculations. Its a cool build.
  14. Following up from #18, that's why I feel hesitant about going with a Luck flaw, even if a -DEF flaw would make me take more damage out of the two… at least with a -DEF flaw, I know that I have my defense penalty and I can directly plan around it. Whereas with -LCK, I imagine that even if buffed by rally luck there could be times where I'm still facing crit chances where a DEF flaw (only -5% Lck, rather than -20% lck, which leads to 5.7 more luck from levels by 20/20 plus 2 more luck from not having the luck flaw penalty , for a 7.7 luck lead) may not have subjected me to a crit chance. Ergo, more chances of random failure with a -LCK flaw in the main game, while with a -DEF flaw I can at least work out whether I will be killed or not in advance.
  15. So are you advocating -LCK if you say is the lesser of worries, CocoaGalaxy?
  16. Well, -DEF also gives -1 to starting defense… overall, over 38 levels to 20/20 I'd be behind by 4.8 Def. Which, of course, probably is fine if I'm being careful not to have a huge amount of enemy phase attacks per turn. At 20/15, I'm behind by 4.3 defense…. so basically, +4 damage taken per attack…. But of course, everything involves a sacrifice of some kind. -SKL hurts accuracy and particular skill activation rates pretty badly… -LCK doesn't affect starting DEF or growths, but it makes you more vulnerable to death by crit, in which you sustain triple damage. -STR hurts the damage output of your personal weapon, Yato. -MAG does carry a small speed penalty but it also pretty much kills off the viability of using magic classes or magic weapons well. -SPD is bad because speed is so valued [you'd pretty much want +MAG or +RES or a Defensive formation General secondary/marriage/buddy if you were going with this to offset or ignore the penalty to doubling]. etc….
  17. That's a good point… I was kind of wanting to get away with +MAG/-DEF or +MAG/-STR because I feel those are most representative of me. [in the in game descriptions, according to the translations, +MAG is associated with "bright/intelligent" while -DEF is "cannot take hits" and -STR is "lacks power".] Yeah, I was planning on a player-phase strategy….
  18. How many Goddess Icons are available in the game? How early on…. as you're right, that could majorly shore up the issues. Moreover, if you're on the Hoshidan side, you have your Priests who get Rally Luck, which could significantly help out there. How dangerous does -DEF end up to you in this game? I mean, Ryouma has -2 Def/-2 RES and has a 35% Defense Growth (in a class without its own Defense growths)….. -DEF brings you to 25% personal growth, and your classes (Nohr Prince, White Blood, & Dark Blood, have 10%, 15%, and 5% growth). So that would be 35%, 40%, or 30% DEF growth, comparable to Trublade Ryouma's 35% growth rate…. And Ryouma is supposed to be a really strong character (although partly due to his 1-2 personal weapon)… but Kamui of course also gets a nice Personal with Yato….
  19. Well, Nohr Prince Avatar, starting: 5 Lck - 2 Lck from Flaw = 3 Lck +0.35 x 38 Lck = 13.3 Lck [38 levels, from 1/0 -> 20/0 and 20/1->20/20, assuming Nohr Prince/White Blood [45% lck - 20% lck flaw + 10% lck = 35%]] +2 Lck bonus from promotoin 20/20 stats: 18.3 Luck So the expected crit evade when not as a Dragon is 18. As a Dragon, 28 crit evade (+10 is from Dragonstone) Without the luck flaw, and a luck-neutral asset/flaw, it would be 5 + 20.9 + 2 = 27.9 luck, or 27 luck. 37 crit evade with Dragonstone. A luck asset would yield 36.6 luck. 36 luck. So basically the difference between an asset, neutral, and flaw is 9 points between each of these states. Of course, +SPD or -SPD and +DEF and -DEF also have smaller 5% effects, which accumulate to 1.9 points of difference over 38 levels.
  20. Matoi almost certainly won't stay that way, being a reference to Cordelia's original Japanese name of Tiamo (through an anagram). So there is the question what would keep a proper reference to Cordelia, presumably in English…. I don't think they'll necessarily make it an anagram… but perhaps it will form some other reference.
  21. Regarding the -LCK thing…. that is, of course, a good way to avoid dropping either of your offenses, without touching skill or speed either, and only access small penaties on offense growth…. but how is the enemy crit rate that results from that? I know that the Dragonstone, of course, has a built in Crit Evade +10, but still, how impactive is the loss of crit evade from your raw stats, both in dragon form and outside of it…. I agree that -LCK makes sense thematically speaking, with Kamui being in the unlucky situation of being kidnapped as a child and put in a situation where his two families are going to be at war with each other…. I'm just wondering how it all interacts with enemy crit rates in this game….
  22. Seeing how weak some stave's healing is in this game, and how limited their uses and their ability to be purchased is, who thinks that regenerative skills (Renewal, Sun God, Sol, Lifetaker, etc.) might be ultimately significantly more valuable than they were in Awakening?
  23. That's kind of along the lines that I was thinking… and even if we consider things like Levin Swords… that's 11 Might as magic that doesn't involve weird stuff like cutting your ability to double (C-rank/Steel equivalent) or reducing your MAG stat after each use as well as Crit Evade penalties (B-rank/Silver equivalent). Sure, it does kill your Avoid and null out criticals, so it has problems of its own, but it avoids some of the different problems associated with higher end weapons. An using a magic sword gives you a ranged magic option in your base class tree that isn't a Dragonstone (which is 1 range and cannot double), AND it can be powered by the same weapon-faire that powers Yato (Swordfaire)… because even though Dark Blood can use Tomes, in order to boost them with a Faire it would either need to replace Swordfaire or waste an extra slot to run both [if you even bothered getting a Nohr Prince + Secondary + Buddy + Marriage combination that provided for them]. One Swordfaire from a Samurai secondary, marriage, or buddy provides +5 damage to both Levin Swords and Yato….
  24. I thought Levin Swords COULD double: http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/inventory/swords Levin Sword: C rank, 11 Might, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, -20 Avoid, 1-2 Range, Price: 3300, Magic Weapon, cannot inflict critical hits As for the discussion of -RES or -DEF, I've compiled the calculations related to them… Modification to base stats, according to: http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-characters/base-stats/ +Mag/-RES: Personal Growths: +20% Mag - 5% MAG = +15% Mag +5% Spd - 5% Spd = +0% Spd +5 % Res -10% Res = -5% Res Nohr Prince(ss) Growths: 60% HP [45%+15%], 60% Str [45%+15%], 55% Mag [30%+15%+10%], 50% Skl [40%+10%], 55% Spd [45% +10%], 45% Lck [45%+0%], 45% Def [35%+10%], 25% Res [25% -5% +5%] Mods: +3 Mag, +1 Spd, -1 Res Starting Stats: Nohr Princess: Level 1, 19 HP, 7 Str, 4+3=7 Mag, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 6 Def, 2-1=1 Res, 5 Move +MAG/-DEF Personal Growths: +20% Mag = +20% Mag +5% Spd = +5% Spd - 5% Lck = -5% Lck -10 % Def = -10% Def +5 % Res -5% Res = 0% Res Nohr Prince(ss) Growths: 60% HP [45%+15%], 60% Str [45%+15%], 60% Mag [30%+20%+10%], 50% Skl [40%+10%], 60% Spd [45%+5% +10%], 40% Lck [45%-5%+0%], 35% Def [35%-10%+10%], 30% Res [25% +5%] Mods: +4 Mag, +2 Spd, -1 Lck, -3 Def, +1 Res Starting Stats: Nohr Princess: Level 1, 19 HP, 7 Str, 4+3=7 Mag, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 6-1 =5 Def, 2 Res, 5 Move
  25. This has been noticed for some time, but thanks for pointing it out anyways. Yes, you're correct. You'd have to marry one who only supports the Avatar or a 2nd gen woman if you want to be "completionist" in the sense of unlocking all the units available on the given path. It might not be as large of a problem on Nohr's path, that said, as without grinding [which Nohr basically doesn't do much to accommodate, barring perhaps future DLC not yet released] you probably won't get most of the kids anyways.
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