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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. Looking at the Hoshidan spells, I noticed this interesting one… Horse God - 7th: D rank, 4 Might, 70 Hit, 1-2 range, price; 2100, Skill/Speed/Defense/Resistance +3 Is the fact that its relatively weak in attack strength really the only major drawback that his has? It sounds like ti could be quite useful for both defensive purposes (preventing being doubled and taking three less damage per hit) and some offensive purposes (i.e., securing a double attack previously inaccessible… that could be like 5 level ups worth of speed in many cases…. your damage per hit would be weaker, but if it let you secure two hits where you only got one before…. Is there anything that I'm overlooking here, or is Horse God really good for a D-rank spell?
  2. What do people think are the best flaws to take? The worst? For example: -LCK and -SKL were often taken on Lunatic Awakening, from what I understand, but now they've been more heavily penalized than before -20% growth in the main stat , -5% in the peripheral stats)…. of course, this might be considered indicative that IS doesn't place as high a value on them, but a -SKL flaw will now very heavily cost in-game skill activation rates, far more so than it did in Awakening [personal skill growth reduces from 40% to 20%], as well as accuracy, and likewise -LCK could threaten to make on extremely critical prone (reduces luck growth to 25% personal from 45%). With "Low-HP" Emblem being back in effect, it seems like -DEF could be dangerous… although the total growth rate penalty is more in line with other asset/flaws… (-10% Def, -5% Res, -5% Lck)… that would bring your personal defensive growths to 25% DEF and 20% RES, before assets…. although you start as a Nohr Prince(ss) so that gives you actual growths of 35% DEF and 25% RES, with the promotion of White Blood giving 40% Def and 20% Res and Dark Blood giving 30% Def and 35% Res. Then again, Ryouma is supposed to be one of the powerful characters (with a strong personal weapon) and even he has a -2 Def -2 Res modifier and personal growths of 35% Def and 25% Res, which become 35% Def and 35% Res as a Trueblade, so if he can be made to work then perhaps this shows I was worrying about DEF too much… A +MAG asset appeals to me because I could exploit either tomes or Magic weapons weapons (that Naginata that functions as a shock stick, Levin Sword, Bolt Axe, etc) with a 50% personal magic growth, even before class growths, which secures an average of 19 magic gained by 20/20… a 10% magic class would amplify this by a further 3.8, for 22.8 magic gained by 20/20, and a magic asset also increases your starting magic by 3. Comparing the Avatar's base stats vs their Nohr Prince class base stats, they seem to have a natural 1 magic in personal bases (4 as Nohr Prince vs. 3 class base), so these figures (19 from 50% growth classes, 3.8 from 10% growth classes, 3 from +MAG modification to bases, +1 in personal inherent bases) suggests you could get 26.8 magic above the class bases… even 23 magic above if you had been in a 0% magic class. Basically, I see it allowing for powerful mixed offense options, using stuff like both Levin swords for magic damage at range and the Yato [you still have a 60% STR growth as a white Blood, so 7 starting STR + 3 promotion + .6 *38 = gives you 32.8 STR by 20/20… and +MAG would also give you 29.8 MAG by 20/20…
  3. Well, he's basically claiming its an issue if she's the dual striker…. I don't have it myself, so I can only ask questions or speculate, not give answers…. By the way, have you seen any glitches, or its it working pretty well for you?
  4. Hopefully a glitch like this could be fixed by US release…. Although (and this is not excusing what happened, just noting what did as a matter of fact) even some of the English DLC was still glitched in Awakening: namely Inigio's quotes on Roster Rescue and I've heard of another's quote being messed up in Death's Embrace, both in the sense that the display doesn't work correctly. What are the other supposed 3rd path glitches? The one with Oboro sounds to be of the type where its annoying, but harmless to combat on the strategy and it doesn't seem to be something that crashes the game. So while it definitely should still be fixed, it doesn't sound like its a game-breaking glitch of any kind. But as I said, what of the others?
  5. I just corresponded with another SerenesForest user, one who had the Tsubaki x Aqua pairing, to confirm what happens with regards to class inheritance if a child cannot receive Aqua's Pegasus Knight (due to already having it) and isn't Shigure. Answer: As expected, they actually DO inherit Rod Knight, just like Shiugre did. User mimasho tested with the example of Aqua!Matoi. mimasho said: ====================================================================== Alright, just verified; Matoi is able to second seal to Rod Knight and Samurai, so yes, you are correct ! * U * Hope that helps ~! ======================================================================
  6. I always preferred magic using Avatars since Awakening, so I'm biased towards Dark Blood…. Draconic Curse and Nohr are appealing to me. Actually, on the third path, I think you can use both, so you could pick up the skills form both…. Dark Blood does have a notably worse luck cap, that said, so that's a consideration. Although I'm planning to marry a Hoshidan wife in the game, so flavor might make White Blood appealing…. although I do like tomes, that said, so Dark Blood still has strong appeal…. I suppose I could abuse Levin swords for magic.
  7. If you're concerned about Flamboyant making you more vulernable, you could compensate with a proc stack…. Generals have 32 SKL (31 with -SPD), so: Astra+Flamboyant: 15% activation base + 15% activation (Flamboyant) +10% activation Hoshido = 40% activation rate fro Astra Astra + Dragon Fang: --> Astra: 15% activation base + 10% Hoshido = 25% activation for Astra --> Dragon Fang: 23% base activation [0.75 skill] + 10% Hoshido = 33% activation for Astra. --> Astra > Dragon Fang? ---> This should result in a higher % chance of getting a proc attack than just Astra +Flamboyant Dragon Fang is likely to be very powerful as it seems to multiple ATK power (not damage) by 1.5, and since Generals already have 38 STR, + however much attack you have from your lance and weapon rank bonus, you stand to get some really big damage… I'll give the example of a Steel Lance, as its difficult to double attack won't matter. 38 STR + 10 Might + presumed 2 Weapon rank bonus if this works like Awakening… 50 ATK… Dragon Fang should add 25 damage, making the effective attack 75 ATK…
  8. Nope, no magic boosting ones that I can seem to find (unless I missed on)… Of course, Eternal Seals do exist, and in Hoshido and Invisible Kingdom I understand that you can grind, so you should be able in principle to eventually Raise Soleil's magic…. it just would take ages for it to catch up, so I'd argue its not worth it…. besides, you'd be fighting against her stats… Lazward gets 45% Str and Soleil gets 60% strength, so assuming Awakening growths Soleil gets: [35% +(Mother's Strength Growth%)/3] as her strength growth. Example: a mother with 30% Strength (like Luna) --> 45% STR Soleil…. a mother with 50% Str ---> 51.667% Str Soleil…. etc
  9. That's true, given that Pegasus Warrior's upgrade, Golden Kite Warrior, gets Soar, which grants them a free +30 Hit/+30 Avoid against all flying units. Of course, that would be even more terrifying with someone who passes down Bowman, given that they they'd be able to combine that with an entire class of dedicated weapons (Bows) that act as flier killers. By the way, back to your earlier question about optimizing your Copycat/Servant's Joy Healers…. I don't think Tomefaire actually helps in this game, as (at least judging from who the posts describe it), it says "Adds 5 damage when using a tome in battle" instead of "increase magic by 5 when equipped with a tome". Actually, this [how -faires work] is also relevant point to my discussion of Matoi as well, assuming I've interpreted it correctly, as that means adding Lancefaire (or sword faire) lets her amplify her damage by 5 points while having no effect on whether Prodigy activates…. and given that Prodigy gives +4 points of damage if the higher of the enemy strength or magic is more than Matoi's corresponding stat (and Falcon Warrior Matoi has only 29 Str and 27 Mag, while Trueblade Matoi has only 31 Str and 28 Mag), this means that Matoi's prodigy ail be active the majority of the time if considering capped units, although there are a few rare enemies (Bow Knights, Golden Kite Warriors, Elite Ninjas, etc.) who also have low stats such that it won't work. But it will work again enemy Heros, Holy Lancers, Berserkers, Great Knights, Generals, Sorcerers, Excorcists, Basaras if a Pegasus Warrior, Trueblades if a Pegasus Warrior, Dark Knights, Shuras, etc., etc. So basically, that 29 Str Falcon Warrior Matoi with an activated Prodigy will often have +4 damage, which is comparable to a 33 Str unit without a damage boosting personal skill.
  10. EDITING MY POST TO RESPOND TO Soen as well… then I'll switch topics into my own thoughts: Well, one thing to consider… while Asama does get a -MAG mod, he actually has a magic growth in his personal growths, and so does his daughter…. he gets 20% personal magic growth, and his daughter gets 35% personal magic growth before any possible influence of her parent's growths, assuming Awakening style inheritance of growths. Felicia also has a 35% growth rate and a +2 magic modifier… after the child bonus they'll be magic neutral (+0) in modifiers, and assuming Awakening growths Mitama will be left with a 30% Magic growth. Soleil does have a better absolute magic modifier (+3)… but she has a pathetic magic growth rate, which means she won't be getting much magic except that which her class end up giving her… Soleil has a personal 0% magic growth rate, and so does Lazward, which is relevant if you want to make her a dedicated healer (assuming growths inherit like Awakening, she'd be left with a 11.667% personal magic growth. I'd say that Mitama is a far better healer for the time that matters… Soleil does have a better modifier in magic, but that doesn't really matter for a long time as her magic growths will be excruciatingly low compared to Mitama… Mitama will have a +18.333% growth rate advantage, additively. CHANGING THE TOPIC NOW…. Thinking about things from a different angle…. As is obvious to those who have been looking at my posts, I've all along been planning Hinoka!Matoi for Hoshido and either Hinoka!Matoi or Luna!Matoi for 3rd route/Invisible Kingdom…. But this has got me thinking… what of the woman that I don't make the mother of Matoi? Who would she be best paired with? For example, if I went with a 3rd route Hinoka!Matoi marrying Kamui, what would be Luna's best pairing in terms of the resulting child? [i do like the idea of Lazward x Luna due to Awakening, although I'm not going to claim that its actually optimal…. unless someone surprises me here…. Luna!Soleil would be Mercenary, Pegasus, and Ninja]. But stepping away from those biasses, which child do you think that Luna would be the best mother for, assuming Subaki gets taken by Hinoka? Luna would normally pass down Mercenary? Luna gets her normal Nohrian and shared pool of husbands, as well as Hinata apparently in addition to the aforementioned Subaki… Hisame would end up as a Samurai/Oni Savage/Mercenary and Luna would get Swordfaire by marriage seal… but Hinata seems to have really low growths (235%), less than even Luna's (250%)…. and they all have negligible magic growth (5%, 0%, 0%), But of course, she could still just still with someone from Nohr… And then the reverse question: If I go with 3rd route Luna!Matoi marrying Kamui, that frees up Hinoka? Which of the remaining children would be better for her to be the mother of? Hinoka can marry within the Hoshidan marriage pool (except her siblings, Ryouma and Takmui), as well as Marx/Xander and Leon on the 3rd route. She would pass down Pegasus Knight as her class, although presumably she could pick up Lancefaire or Breaking Sky to pass down to a kid as well. The royals have growths, although there's also the issue of classes… Hinoka!Seigbert would be Cavalier/Wyvern Rider/Pegasus Warrior, whereas Hinoka!Foleo would have Rod Knight, Dark Mage, and Pegasus Warrior. Any thoughts?
  11. You know, Invisible Kingdom Corrin gets access to both of his promotions, so he could get a pretty solid natural skillset before he even worries about other class trees, including his buddy seals and marriage seals: 1. Noble Lineage [a weaker Veteran, but we all know how useful Veteran was in Awakening; obviously, replace this when maxed out] 2. Dragon Fang (a proc) 3. Draconic Curse (-4 general debuff to enemy) 4. Hoshido 5. Nohr * Noble Lineage could be replaced by the in-class tree Draconic Shield without necessitating leaving the class tree… this would also benefit from Hoshido, I think…. Now, Hoshido's just a renamed Rightful King, and in Awakening I tended to not think that highly of Rightful King because proc stacking in your own slots was often more effective and you only had 5 slots to go around…. however, now, with less class access and the ability of Nohr to borrow procs….. Consider a Nohrian 2nd gen unit with a Cavalier parent (such as Xander, Pieri, Silas, etc.) and a Knight parent (Benoit, Effie). That easily creates a unit with access to Aegis + Pavise + Luna… this could facilitate a tanking role on their part while simultaneously allowing them to effectively gift three extra skills onto the Avatar if they paired with him for the cost of only one of the Avatar's skills (Nohr)… and then three skills would also get amplified in activation rate by Hoshido. Or, as a different, perhaps more offense orientated example, a Hoshidan 2nd-gen units with classes/inheritances of Samurai and either Lance Fighter or Spellcaster. There are many units that could meet this criterion, and they'd all be able to get Astra/Breaking Sky to pass onto the Avatar's Nohr. And then Lethality is also out there on the Hoshidan side… Speaking of Corrin's promotions, which one do you think would be more optimal to run in the 3rd path after he's already picked up all the skills he wants from both?
  12. We've already known this since shortly after the game came out, but yes. However, there are only limited pairings crossing kingdom lines for each character… they retain their regular pairing options in their own kingdom, and also gain the ability to marry 1 or 2 other characters from the opposite kingdom. For example, the Nohrian princes get two the Hoshidan princesses as their Hoshido marriage options, whereas the Hoshidan princes get the two Nohrian princesses as their Nohrian marriage options. Or, for example, Tsubaki/Subaki can marry Luna or Nyx as his Nohrian marriage options, as well as retaining all of his Hoshidan options.
  13. Some thoughts in response to the prior entry (#336)… Lazward cannot get sword faire, but he has Ninja as a secondary class and that has Kuanifaire…. although in all fairness a Hero has sufficiently higher strength than a NInja that Kunai Faire would only help to equalize the gap…. although Kunai are ranged and can double. Soleil has another option for getting Swallow Strike if Lazward marries Luna, applicable on both Nohr/Conquest and (EDIT) 3rd/Invisible Kingdom. Since Lazward and Luna both start with the Mercenary class, and Solei also starts with the Mercenary class, the result will be Lazward and Luna both giving their secondary classes to Solei. Luna!Soleil would end up as a Mercenary/Hero/Bow Knight, Pegasus Warrior/Falcon Warrior/Golden Kite Warrior, and Ninja/Elite Ninja/Puppeteer. Marrying Kisaragi in the 3rd route would then provide her with Bowman/Holy Bowman, which means she could take ending classes of Bow Knight, Holy Bowman, Golden Kite warrior, Elite Ninja, or Puppeteer while using her two weapon-faires, Kunaifaire (from her father) and Bowfaire (from her husband if its Kisaragi). EDIT: OH, you already mentioned that…. But Luna!Soleil would get both Swallow Strike (which you've suggested getting from Shigure) and then Kisagari could give her Raven Strike, Prescient Victory, and Bowfaire…. she does have Snake Venon or whatever its called and Lethality from the Ninja line as well.
  14. Seeing how much they're using the Dragonstone in the streams (so it seems from just the small part I watched, at least), could it perhaps be worth taking a magic asset so that the Dragonstone at least has better killing power (and so you also get a slight speed boost)?
  15. Given me not caring about the story all that much and recognizing it as just a means to hand wave away having a popular mechanic (that I happened to enjoy), I don't terribly mind, although I do agree the way they chose to implement it sounds stupid Yes, there are indeed the problems you cited. They DID add in about a part about "monsters" infiltrating and seeming trying to direct attack the children, although its blatantly contrived and one wonders why: a.) the parent's security at MyCastle was so vulnerable that this became a problem and b.) what if the monsters had found their way into said secluded lands. But I'm not going to worry about it all that much. Actually, to me, its so stupid of a mechanism that it actually becomes amusing again, particularly with all the hyperbolic time chamber jokes we get to throw around. Just like certain other excuses in other games make me chuckle at how dumb they are…. For example (from what I've heard about it, anyways, I haven't played this particular game), an excuse to have an H-scene in Fate/Stay Night:
  16. Good points about Luna!Matoi… .Deadly Breath would probably allow for much more damage total (area of effect, 20% damage to multiple enemies potentially, not situational), but Overbearing would give an in-battle bonus of +5… and of course, Peiri might be good for getting Luna on Luna…. About asset/flaws…. My main concern about luck is that I had heard that in this game enemy crit rates are much more likely to be non-trivial than in Awakening, so I was concerned that that might be particularly deadly… Its also a -20% penalty, from 45% to 25%, which becomes 35% on White Blood (45% in +20% luck classes like Pegasus)… 40% on White Blood if you have +SPD… Clearly, LCK is valued less than than the other stats by the game's apparent logic, as it gives much larger bonuses and penalties, and even the luck stat booster increases luck by 4 this time… hence, it seems to be penalized more than most flaws… But yeah, +SPD/-LCK is -1 Str, -1 Mag, +2 Skl, +4 SPD, -1 Lck, while +Mag/-Lck would be -1 Str, +3 Mag, +2 Spd, -3 Lck, +2 Res Hinoka!Matoi!Kanna: 0 Str, -1 Mag, +4 Skl, +4 Spd, -1 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res OR 0 Str, +3 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, -3 Lck, +3 Def, +4 Res for the -LCK, speed boosting examples that I cited above…. +RES/-LCK would be -1 Str, +1 Mag, +2 Spd, -3 Lck, +4 Res on Kamui and would give Kanna 0 Str, +1 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, -3 Lck, +3 Def, +6 Res, thus constituting the third and final of the three speed boosting (+SPD/+MAG/+RES) luck flaw (-LCK) options. Res would yield a Kanna as a White Blood with: 34 Str, 29 Mag, 31 Spd, 32 Spd, 30 Lck, 34 Def, and 34 Res at caps… Kamui's own growths would be 50% Def, 35% Res in that class.
  17. EDIT/ADDENDUM: Interesting build that JothTheConquerer proposes… I assume that Shurkiens/Kunai and the five seals can all stack together? True, even the higher level Kunai can obliterate enemy stats, but imagine stacking all the seals ON TOP of it…. Its also interesting because I have a temptation to run DM as my secondary, despite feeling it might be "suboptimal" and seeing what happens… so that build could work for me too, particularly as I haven't yet given any thought to Kanna's spouse…. although seeing that in my Hoshido playthrough I'm planning on Hinoka!Matoi!Kanna, that would also end up being incest (Kanna's grandmother and Kisaragi's father are siblings in this case)… although even Awakening allowed for cousin or aunt/uncle incest…. I see…. that does make a good degree of sense… I have to admit, with this being "Low HP Emblem", I'm a bit leery of -Def, given how that will lower my defense by 2 points and then another 3.8 over 38 levels to 20/20…. i.e., I'd be running a 5.8 (average) defense defect in a game where HPs at the endgame might be around 40…. although I have to admit that -Def or -Str would probably be the most honest choices of flaws on my part if I think about how I envision myself and what my strengths and weaknesses in the real world are… Then again, even certain very good characters like Ryouma run a -2 mod, and Elise on Nohr has a -3 mod (and even worse defense growth than a defense flaw Avatar has), as does Azura/Aqua on both routes…. so I'm probably being just a bit too panicky about the whole idea of "low HP emblem"… +SPD does sound like a very wise choice for an asset… the ability that it provides to help avoid being doubled is a huge defensive benefit, sometimes far more than the defense stat itself, and it also has offensive utility. I personally like +Mag for its associations with intellect and study (I'm of a scholarly bent when I'm not doing my video game and related hobbies), although I cannot shake the feeling it might not be a wise choice on Hoshido, with the Avatar being so clearly tilted toward strength in their growths and having the Yato as a strength based personal weapon. Although it does give a lesser +2 SPD Although perhaps I'm worrying needlessly… +SPD/-Def is probably the overall smarter choice…. +2 Skl, +4 Spd, +1 Lck, -3 Def, -1 Res. Growths (as White Blood): 60% HP, 60% Str, 40% Mag, 55% Skl, 70% Spd, 55% Lck, 40% Def, 20% Res +Mag/-Def: +4 Mag, +2 Spd, -1 Lck, -3 Def, +1 Res +Mag/-Def (as White Blood): 60% HP, 60% Str, 60% Mag, 50% Skl, 60% Spd, 50% Lck, 40% Def, 25% Res Although +Mag would tend to make the use of the Dragonstone more powerful…. although its meant to be a defensive weapon, so -DEF contradicts that part… but +4 Mag (at cap, +20% in growths) and +2 spd (at cap, +5% in growths) helps… of course, as Dragonstone cannot double, speed is only useful for it insofar as it prevents beign doubled itself. +SPD/-DEF Avatar: 0/0/2/4/1/-3/-1 Hinoka!Matoi: 1/0/2/0/0/3/2 Kanna: 1/0/4/4/1/0/1 +MAG/-DEF Avatar: 0/4/0/2/-1/-3/1 Hinoka!Matoi: 1/0/2/0/0/3/2 Kanna: 1/4/2/2/-1/0/3 More defensive (better resistance) and more magic for use of Dragonstone, but less spd/skill… Thinking ahead, what would you suggest if in the 3rd route one had Luna!Matoi as an alternate (although her growths aren't as good)… Luna!Matoi: -1 Str, +1 Mag, +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +0 lck, +5 Def, +0 Res. Thanks for the advice so far.
  18. I admit that I've never played RD, so maybe its different in context, but the RD blood pact has always seemed dumb to me from what I've heard…. I also agree that this crystal ball thing sound a bit stupid, inasmuch as its overly convenient (and then just as convenient to the plot that it gets destroyed)… but I'm never one who focuses that much on the story…. I've played Awakening nine times, and in most of those I skipped most cutscenes except for a few favorites. And I admit that Awakening has a really weak or mediocre plot…. but the game still entertained me, so that's what really mattered.
  19. Thanks, HeoandReo! Going with Hinoka + Setsuna A+ sounds like a really good idea… on that note, if I used a buddy seal to go to Golden Kite Warrior (which shares a common promotion with Bowman and Pegasus Warrior), would Hinoka start learning the missing Bowman skills (Prescient Victory + Raven Strike) before picking up Soar? If so, it might make it easy for Hinoka to pick up Prescient Victory, as she'd get to keep her lance rank as a Golden Kite Warrior rather than starting with a new weapon rank from the beginning. And even if I cannot, taking a quick detour into the Bowman tree to do that seems worthwhile for Prescient Victory….
  20. I suddenly feel a bit better to see someone else coming up with entire sets of calculations of growths, mods, etc., for the child resultant from their preferred "waifu" or "husbando". Kind of like what I was doing with Matoi earlier… I might suggest going with Oni Savage… .Samurai, Pegasus Warrior, and Ninja are already represented on the Nohr side (not only do you have Kaze as a Ninja, but Odin, Luna, and Lazward have Samurai, Pegasus, and Ninja as their secondary classes). Yet, to my knowledge, I cannot currently thick of someone on Nohr who gives you Oni Savage naturally… certainly not someone who can breed with non-Avatars. Berserkers get an inherent +20 critical bonus, and it makes sense to stack crit bonuses to make them as likely to occur as possible… particularly as the Berserker has poor crit evade itself and thus you want to try to finish off opponents on the first blow as much as possible. Perhaps Berserker Inherent Crit + Killer Axe + Ogre Strike…. that's a 65% crit chance already before skill and enemy crit evade is accounted for. Arthur can also help you null out the enemy crit evade if he's standing nearby, or at least greatly reduce their crit evade. If you're willing to sacrifice some hit, you could even run Roundhouse alongside this to get around a 75% crit chance BEFORE your skill is accounted for… If crit works like Awakening, which I'm not sure, your skill might give you something like 15-17% extra…. I'll just say 15 as an approximation to make the numbers easy…. so you're easily getting to a 90% crit rate before crit evades. I don't see a huge difference in outcomes between strength and skill here… you'll be getting tons of lethal critical hits either way. ----- On a related point, does anyone want to recommend what asset/flaw or secondary I should take if I want to marry Hinoka!Matoi on Hoshido? Her max stat mods: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res Her growths, before class (Awakening style): 51.66% Hp, 36.66% Str, 16.66% Mag, 43.33% Skl, 35% Spd, 36.66% Lck, 38.33% Def, 21.66% Res Her growths, Pegasus Warrior: 51.66% Hp, 46.66% Str, 16.66% Mag, 53.33% Skl, 50% Spd, 56.66% Lck, 38.33% Def, 41.66% Res Her growths, Falcon warrior: 51.66% Hp, 46.66% Str, 26.66% Mag, 53.33% Skl, 50% Spd, 56.66% Lck, 38.33% Def, 41.66% Res Estimated 20/20 stats: If parents were 20/0 when she was recruited: 43 Hp, 27 Str, 13 Mag, 32 Skl, 34 Spd, 31 Lck, 24 Def, 29 Res If parents were 20/20 when she was recruited:49 Hp, 29 Str, 17 Mag, 32 Skl, 34 Spd, 35 Lck, 29 Def, 34 Res Values are calculated according to the base class information posted on this website last night. Max possible stats after grinding and level cap raising, assuming Falcon Warrior: 55 Hp, 29 Str, 27 Mag, 32 Skl, 34 Spd, 35 Lck, 30 Def, 37 Res Full class options on Matoi: Falcon Warrior, Golden Kite Warrior, Trueblade, Weapons Master, Holy Lancer, Basara, promotions of husband's base class (not yet decided, please help me decide), promotion of buddy's base class (not yet decided). Hinoka!Matoi!Kanna's classes: White Blood [inherent], promotion of Kamui's secondary, other promotion of Kamui's secondary, Falcon Warrior [from Matoi], Golden Kite Warrior [from Matoi], promotions of her husband's base class, promotions of her buddy's base class. Any suggestion of asset/flaw and secondary class I should pick?
  21. From the Xander/Marx and Siegbert support This shows how Xander had viewed Garon, the man who raised him.
  22. Which aftermath varying in a manner unrelated to Kamui choice is this? So is this kind of like how, by analogy to examples form other SRPGs, Lyon in The Sacred Stones , or how Vyce in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together . Is that what you meant when you said the stories weren't compatible?
  23. I don't know first hand, but I believe I've read about there being a cap… HOWEVER, after a certain point, there also seems to be "child seals" that promote and auto-level you to a promoted level fitting to your progress as well. I don't know the chapter -> level correspondences, that said.
  24. I don't have the game yet (2016 North American localization) and what I put there is copied and pasted from the information provided by this site, but apparently they took steps in this game so that children units can be brought up to speed very quickly by putting in various measures to scale their strength to your story progress, in that their starting level is based on how far you've gotten in the game before recruiting them. I don't know the exact details, that said.
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