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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. I liked how male Kamui x Matoi turned out…. particularly with how Matoi's behavior contrasted with Cordelia in one important point: .
  2. Have you tested this yourself? Since I've been having a mix of uncertain information or people suggesting (without much in the way of evidence) of the opposite [that they cannot]. But if you yourself have tested this with Luna and Lazward, then you've proved that the marriage seals do work differently than I've been led to believe, assuming your statement is true of course.
  3. RainThunder, Thanks for verifying this. In that case, if Nohr is 107 MB, Hoshido is 97 MB, then whichever route is digital DLC should easily fit on the SD card if the other route is physical. Same with the 3rd route. In fact, it could be down multiple times over. I guess that's the advantage of having so much stuff accounted for by the cart.
  4. These are my hopes too.. except that my card is still mostly empty.. but I think I also have the standard 2 GB card.
  5. From my analysis, my impression is that Hinoka is probably better for Matoi (slightly stronger growths for a better in-game Matoi, gives her resistance to bolster the naturally suited mage-killer role of a Pegasus Knight, etc.) and probably would have an easier time building support with Subaki (they have the same movement range, making it easier to keep them together when not using guard stance). However, I also conclude that Oboro is probably a better wife for Subaki because they can actually exploit their marriage seals to get each other's classes, while Subaki and Hinoka seem unlikely to be able to do that…. that said, Subaki still has a proc (Astra), a -faire (sword faire), a damage booster option (Line of Death), and some other combat useful skills (such as the strike skills, such as Swallow Strike, Flowing Strike, or Mirror Strike), so perhaps he can fulfill a somewhat different role without really needing that much in the way of skills form his wife. Although the fact that the marriage seal option is likely wasted is a mark against the allocative efficiency of Hinoka x Subaki. But that matters nothing in regards to if its optimal TO MATOI. Summary: For Matoi herself: Hinoka For Matoi and Subaki: Perhaps Oboro That's my thoughts…. As an aside, Setsuna is interesting because she grants Prescient victory, which is a +4 damage booster, as well as Bowfaire that could be used for Golden Kite Warrior and a faster speed modifier… her strength growth isn't too hot, that said. Also, Rinkah might allow for one of the highest defense units on the Hoshido side among 2nd gens, with 6 defense…. that could provide a very tanky unit as a Shura, although it might also be wasteful of Prodigy's effects… that and for in-game purposes at least Matoi probably would rather stick with Lances rather than having to build up a new axe rank… although it could still be done, obviously, its just an extra time/Weapon EXP cost that needs to be taken into consideration for main game. Obviously, it doesn't matter for post-game stat-maxed play. Neither Rinkah nor Setsuna offer procs, however, which is a key downside. Although procs aren't as reliable either in this game due to lower skill caps.
  6. On that note, as female Avatar would pass down Nohr Princess to Matoi, she wouldn't be able to give Matoi Breaking Sky. Of course, Matoi could potentially grab that with marriage or buddying, but its convenient to have core skills on the character themselves to have more flexibility with resource distribution. And I'll be using a male Avatar marrying Matoi anyways rather than a female Avatar mothering her. As noted above, Matoi has the following mothers who grant her Breaking Sky access without her needing to pick up the class via marriage seals or buddy seals, outside of female Avatar. 7. Orochi!Matoi +0 Str, +4 Mag, +5 Skl, -3 Spd, -1 Lck, +2 Def, +1 Res; Spellcaster/Excorcist/Basara 8 Hinoka!Matoi: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res; Lance Fighter/Holy Lancer/Basara 10. Oboro!Matoi: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +4 Skl, +0 Spd, - 1 Lck, +5 Def, -1 Res; Lance Fighter/Holy Lancer/Basara ​Of these, Orochi!Matoi has a pretty horrendous speed modifier (-3), although she does have a +4 magic mod…. but given the importance of speed for doubling and preventing being doubled, I'd try to really avoid this one. As an aside, Orochi!Matoi does have Tomefaire, and when you combine that with Orochi's 65 magic growth that does give a magic growth rate of 33.33%… but Orochi also only has a strength growth of 5%, which would leave Matoi's strength growth at 23%…. in other words, she wouldn't' do particular well at either during the main game, while growths are still relevant. (Of course, none of that matters once stats are maxed… but even at maxed stats, we come back to that yucky -3 speed mod). So let's instead look at the other two candidates, Hinoka and Oboro. Both pass down the same classes: Lance Fighter, Holy Lancer, and Basara. These grant the skills of: Defense Seal, Substitute, Speed Seal, Lancefaire, Breaking Sky, and Flamboyant. In the long run, this puts them on equal footing, as they give the same pool of skills. In short-term practice, Oboro is able to pass something down to Matoi that's outside of Matoi's starting class tree, which lets them save on the usage of Parallel Seals. [Hinoka can pass down Lance Fighter tree skills too, but must use up a Parallel Seal to get into those classes so that she can do so]. ​So then the consideration comes down to stat mods [long-term consideration] and growth rates [short-term consideration]. 8 Hinoka!Matoi: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res; Lance Fighter/Holy Lancer/Basara 10. Oboro!Matoi: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +4 Skl, +0 Spd, - 1 Lck, +5 Def, -1 Res; Lance Fighter/Holy Lancer/Basara Mods: Whose is better? Strength: Tied Magic: Tied Skill: Oboro (+2 lead, 4 vs. 2) Speed: (Tied) Luck: Hinoka (+1 lead, 0 vs. -1) Defense: Oboro (+2 lead, 5 vs. 3) Resistance: Hinoka (+3 lead, 2 vs. -1) They both yield the same stat modifier total: a net of +8. So the question becomes what is regarded as more valuable: Oboro's +2 skill and +2 defense edge, or Hinoka's +1 luck and +3 resistance edge. If Matoi is fighting as a Peagsus Warrior upgraded to a Falcon Warrior, her most likely role is a mage killer, using weapon triangle advantage and Mirror Strike to slaughter opponents with tomes. Hinoka's resistance obviously aids this further .. the question is whether its "overkill" or not.. whether she wants even more resistance, or whether defense for other enemies would be preferred. Oboro will also offer a +3% activation rate for Breaking Sky… before boosters, a maxed Hinoka!Matoi activates it at 48% as a Falcon Warrior (32 skill), while Oboro!Matoi activates it at 51%. This is likely too small a difference to really care all that much about, seeing that its not something like Awakening where 100% activations on some skills like Vengeance made the difference between perfect reliability and occasional unexpected failure. But its still a minor point helping Oboro here. In terms of growth rates, Hinoka is superior… Matoi's and Subaki's personal growth rates are the same regardless, so only Hinoka's and Oboro's growth rates matter in determining which one offers the better set for Matoi. Growth rates, of course, are only a concern before maxing the character, such as main-game viability. Hinoka: 45 45 15 40 45 40 35 40 Oboro: 30 40 20 40 40 40 40 30 Whose growth are better? HP: Hinoka (+15%, 45% vs. 30%) Str: Hinoka (+5%, 45% vs. 40%) Mag: Oboro (+5%, 20% vs. 15%) Skl: Tied Speed: Hinoka (+5%, 45% vs. 40%) Luck: Tied Defense: Oboro (+5%, 40% vs 35%) Resistance: Hinoka (+10%, 40% vs. 30%) Net total growth winner: Hinoka (+25%, 305% between all stats vs. 280% between all stats) Of course, assuming Awakening style growth, the contribution of the mother's growths is effectively growths/3 (Matoi's/3 + Tsubaki's/3 + Mother's/3), so the differences in Hinoka's overall growth rates are divided by 3 for all of the above examples. That said, Hinoka does have better total growths than Oboro. (Actually, I've noticed that most of the royals uniformly have higher growths than most of the regular characters… story important Corrin/Kamui and Azura also have unusually high total growths on part with or slightly better than some of the royals) Another point, in terms of overall optimization, is how the spouses benefit the husband. Of course, this is totally irrelevant for optimizing Matoi herself, but its an interesting peripheral consideration in optimizing the overall team. Hinoka and Subaki share their starting class, so if the interpretation that Marriage Seals can only share the starting class, without doing any form of switchover to the secondary in the event of an overlap, would seem to imply that their marriage seals might be useless to each other…. Oboro and Subaki, in contrast, could trade each other Lance Fighter and Pegasus Warrior, which could allow both to become Lancefaire Falcon Warriors or something like that. BUT, as a caveat, I'm not entirely sure how Marriage Seals actually work…. if they do happen to switch over to the secondary class in the event of a primary class overall it would nullify any advantage Oboro would have gained form this point. Could someone clarify this? UPDATE/CORRECTION: SerenesForest user Arya has confirmed for me that marriage seals between Subaki and Hinoka do indeed work, so Subaki gets Lancer and Hinoka gets Samurai. Thus, the aforementioned hypothetical advantage of Oboro (now in strikethrough text) is nullified. Both pairings are equally capable of exploiting marriage seals. ADDENDUM: In response to mimasho's post #4, Aqua/Azura actually does have marginally stronger total growth rates than Hinoka does… 310% between all stats vs. 305% in Hinoka's case. Of course, it also matters how they're distributed. Azura 25 50 25 60 60 40 15 35 Hinoka 45 45 15 40 45 40 35 40 Winners in stat growth, Azura vs. Hinoka: HP: Hinoka (+20% win) Strength: Azura (+5% win) Magic: Azura (+10% win) Skill: Azura (+20% win) Speed: Azura (+15% win) Luck: Tie Defense: Hinoka (+20% win) Resistance: Hinoka (+5% win) Hinoka wins handily in durabilty (HP, Defense, and Resistance), but Azura wins in all offensive stats (Strength, Magic, Skill, and Speed), with Speed also having a defense role in avoiding being doubled. As for Azura!Matoi's mods vs. Hinoka!Matoi's mods, as well as class inheritances… 2. Azura!Matoi: +0 Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl, +2 Spd, +0 Lck, +1 Def, +0 Res; ??? {does she get Rod Knight like Shigure?} 8 Hinoka!Matoi: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res; Lance Fighter/Holy Lancer/Basara I'm not actually sure what class Azura gives Matoi…. her son Shigure gets Rod Knight when he already has Pegasus Knight and his mother cannot give him Singer, but I don't know whether the same would apply to Matoi… could someone confirm? Assuming its the same class, Azura!Matoi wouldn't give Lancefaire or Breaking Sky, but she would give access to Maid (for Servant's Joy in a staff support role or Tomebreaker for being a mage-killer) as well as Rod Knight (Resistance +2 at the cost of a skill slot, Demoiselle), and Strategist (Rally Resistance [giving Matoi a second rally] and Battle Command) Given that Matoi has a damage boosting personal skill, Prodigy, that said, she's probably best used in an offensive capacity. But Tomebreaker would still be useful as a mage-killing technique, although she does already have Mirror Strike… but they could be used in conjunction. But then again, we still need to confirm whether Azura would actually give her second child this class… its still unknown.
  7. I mean, someone has reported the size of a digital copy of the game on a GameFAQs topic: Fire Emblem IF 12, 239 blocks; source: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/997614-nintendo-3ds/72107277?page=4, post #49. From the context, I think they're talking about just one of the games. But that, obviously, doesn't relate to one who has a physical cart as a lot of the data would be on the cart itself and thus not need to be downloaded. And as such our question still needs an answer.
  8. Can anyone who actually has a Hoshido/Nohr version who has downloaded the other (or looked at their prices in the shop) confirm the sizes. (That said, I'm guessing that most who imported probably went with the Special Edition or digital.)
  9. If you primarily care about gameplay on the SRPG side of things, then its effectively IMPOSSIBLE to "ruin the game" from receiving story spoilers of any magnitude. If you primarily care about story…. well, I'm not one of those people, so I really don't have a proper understanding of what would constitute "ruining the game" from a spoiler in their eyes.
  10. I was originally working on this stuff on the Unit Optimization Thread, but some of the other users politely asked me if I could split this stuff off onto a separate thread because I was creating too much of a tangent with just too much focused on the optimization of a single character. So this thread has been created to respect those wishes. I will be honest. I was a huge fan of Cordelia back in Fire Emblem Awakening. (Out of 9 playthroughs, I married her 7 times. Of the times I didn't, one with with Miriel and one was one I played the female Robin for variety and had female Robin marry Chrom.) So when I learned that a character who follows in the footsteps of Cordelia, Matoi, was in the game, like the other homage character to Gaius and Tharja (Grey and Shara), I naturally got excited… particularly as I had previously been having trouble choosing a wife for my Avatar for the Hoshido route and 3rd route. Its going to be a long time until the NA version of the game comes out at some point in 2016, so I won't actually be able to put this into practice for months, but while I'm still hyped from the release of Fates several days ago and the resulting activity on this board, I thought I'd start thinking about this issue: the various parent options I have for Matoi, as well as assets/flaws and classes I should take for my Avatar to work well with Matoi (as well as my Avatar being good on his individual merits) and to yield a decent result for a Matoi!Kanna. Hopefully the pair could also do well for Matoi's parents, although making Matoi good is my higher priority. While I admit that I have a bit of a preference for redheads (like Cordelia in Awakening), something that both Hinoka and Luna could provide, and I'm aware of Luna's special supports with Matoi, for the purposes of this thread, let's set those biases aside and try to figure out which options for Matoi are the best, which are good options (but not as good as the best ones), which are poor options, and which are the worst options. Now, let's begin: FIXED PROPERTIES OF MATOI: HER FATHER AND HER GROWTHS Matoi's father is Subaki (Tsubaki in Japan). He has the Pegasus Warrior and Samurai class tree and passes both of them onto Matoi. This guarantees her the ability to access the following classes and skills regardless of parentage, although she might not use or pick up all of them on any given playthrough. Pegasus Warrior [starting]{Swallow Strike, Eastern Heart}, Falcon Warrior {Rally Speed, Mirror Strike}, Golden Kite Warrior{Soar, Sun God} Samurai [inherited from her father]{Flowing Strike, Vantage}, Trueblade {Astra, Swordfaire}, Weapons Master {Strength Seal, Line of Death} Subaki's maximum stat modifiers are: -1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, -2 Spd, -1 Lck, +3 Def, -1 Res So he's slow for a Pegasus but as a high defense... The child bonus means that Matoi gets the following before the effects of her mother: +0 Str, +1 Mag, +3 Skl, -1 Spd, +0 Lck, +4 Def, +0 Res. Additionally, assuming growths work like Awakening, Matoi inherits 1/3 of her personal growths, 1/3 of her father's growths, and 1/3 of her mother's growths. Combining her growths and Subaki's growths and keeping her mother's as a variable, these are the formulas for the growths she'll have: HP: (36.667 + Mother's Growths/3) Str: (21.667 + Mother's Growths/3) Mag: (11.667 + Mother's Growths/3) Skl: (30 + Mother's Growths/3) Spd: (20 + Mother's Growths/3) Lck: (23.333 + Mother's Growths/3) Def: (26.667 + Mother's Growths/3) Res: (8.333 + Mother's Growths/3) INHERITANCES: Matoi has 13 possible mothers, if I'm informed correctly. If I've done my math right, they change her stats to the following and give her the following new classes. I will be assuming that I am not buying skills from other peoples MyCastle teams, so class inheritance, buddy seals, and marriage seals are the only ways she may gain new classes. 1. Felicia!Matoi: -2 Str, +3 Mag, +3 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +1 Res; Rod Knight/Strategist/Maid 2. Azura!Matoi: +0 Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl, +2 Spd, +0 Lck, +1 Def, +0 Res; ??? {does she get Rod Knight like Shigure?} 3. Mozume!Matoi: +0 Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl, +0 Spd, +1 Lck, +4 Def, -2 Res; Villager/Great Merchant 4. Rinkah!Matoi: -1 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +6 Def, +0 Res; Oni Savage/Shura/Blacksmith 5. Sakura!Matoi: +0 Str, +3 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +0 Res; Priestess/War Priestess/Excorcist 6. Hana!Matoi: +1Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl, +1 Spd, -1 Lck, +1 Def, +1 Res; Priestess/War Priestess/Excorcist 7. Orochi!Matoi +0 Str, +4 Mag, +5 Skl, -3 Spd, -1 Lck, +2 Def, +1 Res; Spellcaster/Excorcist/Basara 8 Hinoka!Matoi: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res; Lance Fighter/Holy Lancer/Basara 9. Setsuna!Matoi: +0 Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl, +2 Spd, -1 Lck, +3 Def, -1 Res; Bowman/Holy Bowman 10. Oboro!Matoi: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +4 Skl, +0 Spd, - 1 Lck, +5 Def, -1 Res; Lance Fighter/Holy Lancer/Basara 11. Kagerou!Matoi: +3 Str, +1 Mag, +2 Skl, -2 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +1 Res; Ninja/Elite Ninja/Puppeteer 12. Luna!Matoi (3rd route only): -1 Str, +1 Mag, +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +0 Lck, +5 Def, +0 Res; Mercenary/Hero/Bow Knight 13. Nyx!Matoi (3rd route only): +0 Str, +4 Mag, +1 Skl, +1 Spd, -1 Lck, +2 Def, +1 Res; Dark Mage/Dark Knight/Sorcerer To get Matoi's expected growth rates, add 1/3 of the Mother's growth rates to the above listed values: Numbers are growth rates listed in order: HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, Res Felicia 40 10 35 30 40 55 15 35 Azura 25 50 25 60 60 40 15 35 Mozume 30 40 5 50 55 45 35 30 Rinkah 20 25 15 50 45 35 45 20 Sakura 45 30 50 40 40 55 30 20 Hana 25 55 10 45 55 25 20 30 Orochi 35 5 65 50 15 35 25 45 Hinoka 45 45 15 40 45 40 35 40 Setsuna 30 20 0 30 60 30 15 40 Oboro 30 40 20 40 40 40 40 30 Kagerou 30 65 0 20 50 30 25 40 Nyx 30 5 50 35 50 20 15 30 Luna 40 30 5 25 45 30 45 30 Of course, class growths also need to be accounted for, but that would take a bunch more work, so I'll just leave it like this for now. Any thoughts? Which parents do you think give the best Matoi? The worst? Good/mediocre ones? Poor ones?
  11. I was very happy to see how the supports with Matoi turned out, particularly as I'm planning to have my Avatar marry her in the two routes which will allow it (Hoshido and 3rd).
  12. The best use I could see would be as a one-shot safeguard for a case such as after playing most of a very long and demanding mission (say, something like an Apo. equivalent under challenge run conditions) you make a sloppy mistake and mess up, losing a unit. Then, rather than having some unknown amount of playtime go down the drain, you could resurrect the character and continue fighting. Thus, while from an in-game standpoint it might not be that useful (because you can reset), it could be a helpful real-life timesaver so that you can achieve whatever your goal had been before you messed up without investing what might amount to a now doubled amount of time.
  13. Someone was gracious enough to translate the male Kamui x Matoi support conversation when I posted a request on GameFAQs: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/114533-fire-emblem-fates-black-kingdom/72073245?page=7 On the GameFAQs page that is linked to, the C, B, A, and S supports are respectively in posts #77, #78, #80 (henceforth on the next page), and #81. The translation was provided by GameFAQs user Cynrascal.
  14. Although I agree that IS naturally wants to push the 3rd path as an ideal ending, and naturally they want to make money, I honestly do feel that certain details would still be missing from the paths (such as the Nohr path, as is often criticized) even if no such incentive existed for IS. This is because if you look at the events as if they're actually happening like "real life" (and from the in-universe perspective of the characters in the story, it is their "real lives"), real life events don't necessarily need to follow conventions that are considered "good storytelling". More specifically, I'm referring to the convention that in story telling its expected that the important information will be self-contained within the tale. But for the characters in the game, from their in-universe perspective, such principles need not apply. The very fact that there is "what if" as a premise in the game means that they will experience different events, which means on some route they'll have the events unfold in such a way that they'll end up learning some things. But when they've made the other choice, they'll never go down those roads in the first place, which means the events that led them to learn that information would never unfold. So, just like in real life, some things might feel like unsolved or unexplained mysteries because you didn't go down the path in which you would have discovered it. Just like details about the overall situation might be legitimately missed…. and the characters might not even realize that they had ever missed these details in the first place, these plot points as we outside observers might call it, as they never even realized the opportunity to learn these facts was missed by going down a particular road. So these various plot holes do carry a sense of internal in-universe logic….. yes, in the end, the DLC angle is still there and cannot be denied, but I think we're falling too much into a "single-cause fallacy" when we talk about missing details, acting like its only because "stripping for DLC" that some of the details are missing. I posit that while that indeed is a contributing factor, we'd still have this problem even if such a consideration wasn't present in the first place because we'd still have some lost opportunities on each path to learn certain things about the circumstances going on in the world that provided insight on the plot. Things would remain mysteries to the characters in some cases, just as they do to us in real life.
  15. What happens if the base class is shared? For example, we've determined what happens if the child has the same base class as their parent… they get the parent's secondary…. does this same principle work here, or does the marriage seal simply not work in this case? Also, a question…. if Azura marries one of the men who can have kids, and that kid already starts off as a Pegasus Knight (example: a hypothetical Azura!Matoi), does the kid get Rod Knight like Azura's son, who also starts as a Pegasus Knight, gets instead of his mothers Singer/Songstress class?
  16. Someone has posted the Japanese of the male Kamui x Matoi support on Pastebin, but its not translated yet. http://pastebin.com/11QEzT2p Now, I don't know how to read Japanese…. but I can use Google Translate…. of course, being Google Translate, the overlap translation quality is AWFUL…. that said, it does seem to allow us to get the general gist of what is going on there…. Now if someone can just make a proper translation by a human, that would be much appreciated. (I just did the Google Translate because I wanted to know what the support was about while I waited for a better translation by a human.) It seems that one translation mistake is that Google Translate mistakes Matoi's name for "Wearing", "Dressed", or "Clad", so when these show up in the translation its actually referring to Matoi. Basically, the romance in the support seems to develop in the aftermath of a
  17. Basically… not to mention that wording like that also makes the purpose of it so blatantly directly stated would prevent people from misinterpreting things nearly as readily.
  18. I was a Cordelia fanboy back when I played Awakening….. this is basically following from that, with Matoi being extremely similar to her… I'm basically being a fanboy again and I know it. But you're right, I'm taking this too obsessively far…. sorry about that.
  19. Oh, you're justified about your dislike of Tharja. Another issue with the whole non-consent issue here is that its your Avatar character, the character who is supposed to be your representation/representative in the game, who is doing this morally unacceptable behavior. If it was another character, it would still be bad, but you could at least attribute it to this other character whom your player character cannot control being a bad person and their actions being outside of your character's control. But this support here forces YOU to be a bad person when you put in the potion without asking, even if the player themselves would be horrified by such a notion.
  20. I was thinking more about the optimization of Matoi, outside of Avatar parentage, as I'm planning to have the Avatar marry her instead. Subaki's Max Stat Modifiers: -1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, -2 Spd, -1 Lck, +3 Def, -1 Res Matoi, after Father's Mods + Child Bonus, but before Mother's Mods: +0 Str, +1 Mag, +3 Skl, -1 Spd, +0 Lck, +4 Def, +0 Res Matoi's OVERALL Growth Rates (assuming Awakening style inheritance, of (her own personal growths + father's growths + mother's growths)/3): HP: (36.667 + Mother's Growths/3) Str: (21.667 + Mother's Growths/3) Mag: (11.667 + Mother's Growths/3) Skl: (30 + Mother's Growths/3) Spd: (20 + Mother's Growths/3) Lck: (23.333 + Mother's Growths/3) Def: (26.667 + Mother's Growths/3) Res: (8.333 + Mother's Growths/3) Matoi's Default classes/skills Pegasus Warrior [starting]{Swallow Strike, Eastern Heart}, Falcon Warrior {Rally Speed, Mirror Strike}, Golden Kite Warrior{Soar, Sun God} Samurai [inherited from her father]{Flowing Strike, Vantage}, Trueblade {Astra, Swordfaire}, Weapons Master {Strength Seal, Line of Death} MAX Stats from these classes: Samurai 40 20 16 23 25 24 18 20 B Trueblade 55 30 28 32 35 33 27 31 S Weapon Master 65 33 25 30 30 31 31 28 A B B Pegasus Warrior 35 19 16 21 23 25 18 25 B Falcon Warrior 55 28 27 30 34 35 27 35 A B Golden-kite Warrior 50 27 26 33 31 34 25 31 B A Growth Rates from these classes: Samurai 10 10 0 15 20 15 0 10 Trueblade 10 10 5 15 20 15 0 10 Weapon Master 20 15 0 10 10 10 10 0 Pegasus Warrior 0 10 0 10 15 20 0 20 Falcon Warrior 0 10 10 10 15 20 0 20 Golden-kite Warrior 0 5 0 15 15 15 0 15 The marriage chart that I've found claims that Subaki can marry the various non-Avatar women: 1. Felicia 2. Rinka 3. Sakura 4. Azura 5. Hana 6. Orochi 7. Hinoka 8. Setsuna 9. Oboro 10. Kagerou 11. Mozume 12. Nyx (3rd Route only) 13. Luna (3rd Route only) I'll work through these in order of listing (not preference) as I have time, although not all at once. 1. Felicia!Matoi Growths HP: (36.667 + 40/3) = 50 Str: (21.667 + 10/3) = 25 Mag: (11.667 + 35/3) = 23.333 Skl: (30 + 30/3) = 40 Spd: (20 + 40/3) = 33.333 Lck: (23.333 + 55/3) = 41.666 Def: (26.667 + 15/3) = 31.667 Res: (8.333 + 35/3) = 20 Inherited class: Rod Knight [Resistance +2, Demoiselle], Strategist [Rally Resistance, Battle Command], Maid [servant's Joy, Tomebreaker] Growths of Rod Knight: Rod Knight 0 0 10 20 10 15 0 15 Strategist 0 0 15 5 10 20 0 15 Maid/Butler 0 10 10 15 15 10 5 10 Caps of Rod Knight: Rod Knight 35 16 19 24 20 23 16 21 B Strategist 45 25 33 28 31 33 25 32 B A Maid/Butler 50 28 31 33 33 32 29 29 B S Felicia's Mods: Felicia -2 Str, +2 Mag, + 0 Skl, +1 Spd , +0 Lck, -1 Def, +1 Res Matoi, after Father's Mods + Child Bonus, but before Mother's Mods: +0 Str, +1 Mag, +3 Skl, -1 Spd, +0 Lck, +4 Def, +0 Res Felicia!Matoi: -2 Str, +3 Mag, +3 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +1 Res 2. Rinka!Matoi Rinka's Mods: -1 Str, +0 Mag, -2 Skl, +1 Spd, +0 Lck, +2 Def, + 0 Res Rinka!Matoi's mods: -1 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +6 Def, +0 Res Rinka's Growths: 20 Hp, 25 Str, 15 Mag, 50 Skl, 45 Spd, 35 Lck, 45 Def, 20 Res Rinka!Matoi's Growths HP: (36.667 + 20/3) = 43.333 Str: (21.667 + 25/3) = 30 Mag: (11.667 + 15/3) = 16.667 Skl: (30 + 50/3) = 46.667 Spd: (20 + 45/3) = 35 Lck: (23.333 + 35/3) = 35 Def: (26.667 + 45/3) = 41.667 Res: (8.333 + 20/3) = 15 New Classes and their (unadjusted) max stats: Oni Savage 45 24 19 16 20 17 23 18 B Shura 60 34 28 25 30 25 36 31 A B Blacksmith 65 33 25 32 31 30 32 27 B A And their growth rates: Oni Savage 20 20 10 0 10 0 20 0 Shura 10 20 15 0 10 0 20 5 Blacksmith 20 15 0 15 10 5 15 0 New skills: Resistance Seal Shove Ogre Strike Counter Smithy Skill Lancebreaker And that's it for now… I have some work to do, so I'll come back to the other Matois later….
  21. Can someone confirm whether Lancefaire (or other faires/damage boosters) and Prodigy interact the way I was thinking of in the earlier post #184?
  22. So if someone who imported a physical version and has downloaded the other route could tell us, this issue could be resolved. I suppose that if they release a special edition here, then that also could help alleviate the problem… doesn't that cartridge have both of the first two routes on it? However, we don't know if said edition will actually be released here yet, so we need to at least consider the possibility that the physical versions will only be Birthright or Conquest.
  23. I have about 13,000 or so blocks left on mine, plus a spare few hundred more, so the 2 extra routes (one of Hoshido/Nohr, whichever isn't the physical one, and the 3rd route) could stand to be say 6,000 blocks each and I'd still have more than 1,000 leftover for DLC… I've heard that the purely digital version is something on the order of 12,000 or 24,000 (not sure which is correct), but a lot of that probably also involves that they need to install all of the models, game engines, databases, etc., that would otherwise be provided by the physical cart, so in all likelihood the DLC versions of the 2nd + 3rd routes to go alongside a physical cart for the 1st route would be FAR less demanding… I just don't know how much. I hope I can fit it, as if I needed to go out and get a bigger SD card and maybe an SD card reader it would basically nullify the savings I'd get from going digital. Could perhaps the admins post a sticky of some kind or otherwise post the information on the data page where all sorts of other data tables are being placed so that anyone who wants to know can easily look up the download sizes? Of course, they don't need to do it, and its their prerogative if they decide that's not the best way to approach things… just a suggestion.
  24. I asked this in another thread, but it was ignored…. if I buy a physical version, how many blocks would downloading the other two routes onto it take? A few hundred? A few thousand? Tens of thousands? Again, this is assuming a physical version with one route, downloading the other two. Its NOT the pure digital version.
  25. Although I'm not going to build for PvP, perhaps a character who could help cripple the enemy team with seals would be useful.
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