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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. Actually, that's been disproven, based on the information our fellow SereneForest user Arya has provided. Well, more strictly speaking, what you described for Kamui!Midoriko works out correctly in that case, but its a specific case resulting from a more complex generalized system of inheritance rules. But as we see, its not ONLY the parent's base class as the general rule…. its a bit more complicated than that… What really happens is this: The child has a personal base class. If its the same as their father's, then the father passes down his secondary class tree. If its different from their fathers, then he passes down his base (primary) class tree instead. Its the same for the mother. The case for Kamui!Midoriko works in a way that resembles what you described because neither the mother nor father share a common base class with the child in that case, so they pass down their bases… but as soon as a base class is shared between a parent and child, the situation diverges from what was described. ​Don't worry about it… just yesterday I thought the same thing too, until some more talking to people who had the children and could directly quote the class sets they had on them showed me otherwise. Arya has a number of the children and has tested them with Second Seals…. here are the results. Hinoka!Matoi is included among them, so we know it works the way I described. Arya wrote… At astrophys request, here's the list of all the children I have and their class set: Matoi (Hinoka-Subaki): Falcon Warrior, Golden Kite Warrior, Trueblade, Weapon Master, Holy Lancer, Basara Shara (Azura-Tsukuyomi): Basara, Exorcist, Shura, Blacksmith, Falcon Warrior, Golden Kite Warrior Sophie (Sakura-Silas): Paladin, Great Knight, Hero, Bow Knight, Exorcist, War Priestess Midoriko (Hana-Kaze): Great Merchant, Trueblade, Weaponmaster, Elite Ninja, Puppetmaster (Note: She's the slowest unit on my team despite her parents from recruitment to endgame, so I'm questioning stat inheritance a bit) Mitama (Setsuna-Asuna): War Priestess, Exorcist, Golden Kite Warrior, Sniper, Puppetmaster, Great Merchant Kinu (Oboro-Nishiki): Kitsune, Holy Lancer, Basara, Exorcist Shigure (Aqua-Tsukuyomi): (He's not promoted) Pegasus Warrior, Rod Knight, Spellcaster
  2. Um… I already created a pairing thread days ago… but, then again, with the introduction of marriage seals and buddy seals, its a lot more complex than just pairing this time, so maybe this thread covers it better. What are people's opinions on the best Matoi on the Hoshido route? The best Matoi for the third route, given what we know about the 3rd route supports? And the best redheaded Matoi? (To make her look like Cordelia.) Hinoka looks pretty promising for Hoshido: Hinoka Matoi: +1 Str +0 Mag +2 Skl +0 Spd +0 Lck +3 Def +2 Res (Of course, growth rates matter more main game, with stat mods more relevant with grinding + the leveling increasing seal for use in hypothetical DLC; Hinoka is also fairly fast, which could along with Matoi's growths help offset Subaki). This Matoi would have a class set of Pegasus Warrior (personal starting class), Samuari (inherited from her father), and Lance Fighter (inherited from her mother). Lance Fighter is interesting for her Pegasus classes, as that grants her Lancefaire, which is also applicable to her weapon master class. Its also gives her Breaking Sky as a a proc. She also gets sword faire access. As for the other redhead Matoi that I know of (and I'm currently working on the third question on redhead Matoi possibilities), there's Luna!Matoi, which also has a bit of appeal from a support story standpoint. Luna's growths are pretty much flat out worse than Hinoka's in most areas, so she'd want to rely on caps here. Luna does have a stronger defense growth, but not much else for the growth aspect. She, however, is also faster than Hinoka in terms of max stat mods. Luna!Matoi -1 Str +1 Mag +2 Skl +1 Spd +1 Lck +5 Def -1 Res Classes: Pegasus Warrior (personal starting class), Samurai (inherited from father) and Mercenary (inherited from mother) Here, Matoi doesn't get any extra faires that she didn't get from her father already. Instead, she gets more defensive orientated skills: notably, Sol, a defensive/healing proc rather than the offensive Breaking Sky, two weapon breaker skills (Axebreaker and Kunaibreaker), a damage boosting skill for enemy phase usage (Patient Assurance), a luck based healing skill, and rally skill (but she does naturally have Rally Speed too already). Her defensive options are also augmented by her +5 Def modifier (3 from Subaki, 1 from Luna, 1 from child bonus). She doesn't get Lancefaire for use as a Pegasus Warrior, but she can use her Swordfaire either in the Samurai classes or as a Hero/Bow Knight. Of course, yet another angle of optimization is the issue that you can buddy seal and marriage seal her. In this case, her stronger attack mod is actually +1 magic, so she might in the long term desire a magical or hybrid class, something that could be achieved with a marriage seal if married to a magic user, or likewise with a buddy seal if one of her buddy options was magical. But of course, she and her parents have poor magic growth rates, so getting a magical Matoi would be something more for DLC grinding + repeated use of stat boosters and level cap increasing seals to get up to higher levels of magic. What are people's thoughts?
  3. I don't know Japanese, so I cannot do a competent translation, but running them through Google translate (even though translate does a poor quality job here) was enough to get a decent sense of what they're like…. its a pretty sweet support. On a tangential note, would anyone be willing to locate and translate the Matoi x male Corrin/Kamui support? ADDENDUM; Oh, and Morgan, according to calculations I did based on data provided to me by someone who has maxed out children characters, yes, the +1 modifier for kids returns.
  4. As for two of them being on Nohr's side…. Inigo and Severa are both mercenaries…. i.e. sellswords… it wouldn't be necessarily for a sellsword to end up on the Nohrian side if it was Nohr who was willing to hire them and pay them in the first place. Owain is harder to account for.
  5. By Arya's own words, "No penality if unit is doing a support attack", it sounds like Silvers are ideal for dual-striking if Braves aren't available (maybe even if Braves are available, depending how exactly the retooling of Braves interacts with dual strikes). ​Because it sounds like you don't get any penalty at all for dual striking with a Silver, only for being the lead unit using a silver. Switch the character who is going to dual strike to a silver, have a unit get their silver powered dual strikes, then have the character who was using a silver take their turn with a different weapon.
  6. This one is really problematic…. Even while I'd rather much of Fates to be kept intact, here's one where I'd make a clear exception…. Drugging someone like that is indefensible… EDIT: The core issue is the lack of asking her permission first even when it was a mind-altering potion.
  7. It DOESN'T render things non-canon because Awakening has ALREADY introduced the concept of ALTERNATE UNIVERSES/TIMELINES. The simple way out of it is that they're from one of countless alternate/parallel worlds in which the basic events of Fire Emblem Awakening occurred. However, there's no need for it to be the identically same VERSION of the the worlds in which OUR Fire Emblem Awakenings occurred in. It will be similar, in some cases almost the same, but nonetheless crucially different. In this case, one of the differences is that this is a world in which all three of them were single, in which Severa was actually a redhead of Cordelia's shade (despite none of her fathers in the gameplay providing for that), and which they all traveled together to another world. But yet there is another world in which another set of Inigo, Severa, and Owain went back in time, helped the versions of their parents from that world defeat Grima, married one of the comrades who travelled back in time with them (or a Robin of the opposite gender) and stayed put in the Awakening world. Just like there is another world in which these characters all died in battle in the Awakening world after coming back in time but before the defeat of Grima. There really is no solid canon on Awakening. Or rather, almost anything can be canon, but only in the individual context of that particular version of the world in which it happened. But as for an overall composite canon for Awakening itself… there's not much. Only a few details about Robin's relation to Grima, that Robin is the tactician, that Chrom gets married, that Lucina and the children come back in time, that the events of the main story chapters happen, and that Grima is defeated, and a few other things I neglected to mention. Stuff outside of these scopes are unrestricted by canon.
  8. Well, with the work I did with calculating caps based on the data GameFAQs user Dlordflash provided to me and the class stat caps/character modifiers listed on Serenes, it definitely works with respect to maximum stat modifiers. GROWTH RATES on the other hand, haven't been tested yet. Lutz will have a negative luck mod thanks to Arthur in almost all cases, but he has an extremely high personal growth rate. Of course, if its like Awakening, this will get averaged with Arthur's terrible luck growth rate and the mother's growth rate. At least the "exceptionally good luck" is still with regard to his personal skill's effect on himself and his allies… +15 crit evade to his nearby (within two spaces) allies is a helpful defensive boost.
  9. What's the growth rates of Herb Merchant/Great Merchant… I cannot find them under the Hoshido Growth rates.
  10. Thanks! Matoi - So she DOES get the secondary classes of both of her parents when they overlap with her Pegasus primary… that's great news Shara - her base class, her father's secondary class that isn't in common with hers, and Azura's secondary (as her main isn't inherited) Sophie - her own class, her father's secondary that isn't her starting class, and her mother's starting clss Midoriko (Hana-Kaze) - her starting class, plus both parent's starting classes, which aren't in common with hers Mitama (Setsuna-Asuna) - the same rules seem to hold here too Kinu: Gets the Kitsune starting class, Oboro's Lancer (for Holy lancer) and Nishiki's secondary Spellcaster (which has a common promotion with Lancer in Basara) Shigure - starting class, Rod Knight seems to be his replacement for Aqua's class as she cannot pass her main and he already has her Pegasus, and his father's starting class. Thanks! I think that REALLY confirms the inheritance questions. Perhaps you got unlucky with Midoriko's stats, or had classes that were unfavorable to it.
  11. That seems reasonable. In any event, I remembered that SerenesForest user Arya had reported having Hinoka!Matoi in this thread: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=55111&hl=%2Bhinoka+%2Bmatoi So I just sent them a private message asking them what Hinoka Matoi's classes are. If they choose to answer the question, this should clear up the issue. ADDENDUM: I also started up a topic asking for information on what children characters people had gotten and their class sets on GameFAQs. Thanks to that, we now have an extra data set: Xion333 on GameFAQs wrote: "Just tested for Oboro!Sophie (so that is a NohrxHoshido class pairing) Sophie has: Cavalier Tree - Paladin and Great Knight Merc Tree - Hero and Bow Knight Lancer Tree - Holy Lancer and Basara No puppeteer nor Herb Merchant which Oboro can class change to" Reflecting on this, this would mean in a case like this Oboro would ant to class change to the Herb Merchant tree at some point to pass Sophie a Herb Merchant, Great Merchant, or Puppeteer (I think, that is a promotion of Herb Merchant, right?) if one was concerned with "optimization" and wasn't abusing buying skills from MyCastle battles [or simply didn't have a good internet connection to do so even if one wanted to]. Similarly to how one would want to inherit Kunaibreaker or another such Thief tree skill from Nyx, in the earlier example. As such, figuring out or at least confirming when the skills need to be in place will let us know how to set up such passes of trees that we're now finding out are definitely not inherited. SECOND ADDENDUM…. More information from Xion333 "My Shigure has Prince and Rod Knight for his class changes (AzuraxCorrin) As promoted his classes are: White Blood Falcon Knight GKW Strategist Butler No idea where the rod knight stuff came from as my Corrin's second class was samurai" My comments on Xion's information: So, Shigure's class trees ended up as: Nohr Prince/White Blood Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Great Kite Warrior Rod Knight/Strategist/Butler This would follow from: Pegasus Knight (starting class) Nohr Prince (inherited from primary/default class of Corrin) Rod Knight [this is not Aqua's class or Corrin's class….. it seems to be a replacement class for Aqua's primary Singer/Songstress] I'm guessing we've just discovered that Rod Knight is the replacement class that Shigure gets for Azura's/Aqua's Singer/Songstress. EDIT: Removed section on skill inheritance because I misunderstood Xion and the information I was giving was incorrect and what he has shared hasn't actually specified that information yet. THIRD ADDENDUM: Yet more useful information from Xion: "Whew finally did it. Shinonome gets Lancer, Samurai, and his mom's main class (mine is RyomaxSetsuna so archer in this case) As promoted his classes are: Trueblade Weapon Master Holy Lancer Basara GKW Holy Bowman Looks like the kids inherit the main class of the dad unless that main class is the main class of the child to begin with. In that case as is what was with Sophie you would get the dad's secondary class." ---
  12. So, if that interpretation was correct, then Hinoka!Matoi would at least have her father's Pegasus Warrior and Samurai. Another question would be whether it would look at Hinoka's duplicated Peagsus Warrior class, realize she has nothing to give, and grant Hinoka's secondary class, or whether Hinoka would just pass nothing. I'm not too optimistic on this regards and my (pure unsubstantiated speculation) guess would be that Hinoka might not pass any classes down in this case, but who knows? I suppose we could find someone on the forum who had Hinoka!Matoi and ask them directly… there was someone in a different thread about good/bad characters (from their personal experience) in which they had mentioned using her. If they responded, they could tell us how Matoi's inheritance worked, which would help us infer the inheritance rules. Back to the topic of when skills are inherited, has anyone been able to confirm the prior claims of when the inheritance is set in stone or otherwise contradict them? In other words, is inheritance set at the time of marriage, or inheritance set at the time of entering the recruitment level (like in Awakening) the case this time?
  13. But they've grown up for the entirety of their own lives, so its not like you're actually cradle robbing.
  14. I'm still trying to find Matoi's supports with male Corrin/Kamui. Any luck in finding those?
  15. One of the GameFAQs users proposed the following as a hypothesis… does anyone have the information to test it? GameFAQs user NXmastererrace wrote: "Perhaps, the reason for Kanna inheriting MU's secondary is because dark princess is her base class and therefore inherited the secondary as she already had the default class. Maybe this can be tested to see if Grey inherits Saizou's second class as his default is ninja?"
  16. Of course, the hypothesis is not of my own origination, but something that was claimed to me in turn (admittedly, backed up by images, but I couldn't read the text of those images).
  17. Its been a bit confusing because I don't have the game myself, so I've naturally been having to piece together this information from secondhand sources. So you say inheritance is set when they marry…. that would be interesting, if that is indeed the case, as inheritances were only set in Awakening when you entered the paralogue, regardless how recently or how long ago you established the marriage. Are you confident about this? Have I understood you correctly?
  18. And its still set at the time you enter the chapter? Not at the time that they marry? As for secondary classes: In another thread, I asked people about how class inheritance was determined. As it turned out, people had images providing evidence to the hypothesis that it wasn't all classes from both parents that got inherited, but rather it was suggestive of them only inheriting the starting base class (and promotions thereof) from each parent. For example, there was an image of the class changing of Kaze's daughter, who was the daughter of female Kamui in that picture. I couldn't read Japanese, but he poster on SerenesForest who had provided the image link had claimed that the Japanese said that the class change options listed were "Dark Princess" and "Ninja". i.e., she got the primary class from female Kamui and the primary class from Kaze, but she got neither of the second base classes that they had had. That's what I meant.
  19. Just wondering, particularly when some of the information (screenshots) seems to be implying that only the default parent classes (not the secondaries) are getting passed.
  20. So, does this mean that if one isn't cheesing the skill system by buying them from other people's MyCastle teams, you might want the parent to class change into their secondary class before recruiting the kid (assuming things still work like in Awakening) so that you could give them a skill from the class they didn't get. Example: Subaki giving Matoi something like Swordfaire (if she gets a mother or husband who gives her sword classes), Line of Death, Astra, Strength Seal, Vantage, or Flowing Strike.
  21. Well, it does mean that someone like Hinoka!Matoi is a really bad idea unless you're happy with her base class tree skills and the growths/stat mods that would result from it: +1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res, Pegasus Warrior, Falcon Warrior, Golden Kite Warrior, Swallow Strike, Eastern Heart, Rally Speed, Mirror Strike, Soar, Sun God Of course, if you were doing just a no-grind main game run, such things might not matter, as what you get from these things might suffice perfectly fine. But it would be poor from a skill access standpoint in optimization. This might suggest, for example, that a unit like Matoi, working at the moment from examples on the Hoshido side, might want a mother like Oboro (Lance Fighter, for Lancefaire/Breaking Sky going Falcon Warrior) or Setsuna (Bowman, for Bowfaire/Raven Strike/Prescient Victory) going Golden Kite Warrior.
  22. The image looks pretty legit to me too, although I don't have the game, so I cannot be sure. So I guess that means the end of the era of kids often having what amounted to twice the class set of their parents. At best, they would have three, up to 50% more. Doesn't that means someone like Hinoka!Matoi would end up with only one base class, now that I think of it?
  23. Okay…. can someone provide independent confirmation of one of these ideas?
  24. Thanks! That helped a lot! I'll share this on GameFAQs too (crediting you, of course) so that people will definitively know there too.
  25. I'm also hearing claims from GameFAQs that the buddy/marriage seals only allow access to the class tree derived from the character's starting class (secondary class in untransferable classes such as Nohr Prince, etc.). So, in addition to the class inheritance question, which I still don't know, is this other piece of information on marriage/buddy seals also correct?
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