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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. Bring up the discussion on the active page (you can skip to the end) and you'll get plenty of up to date thinking on it, including from Czar himself.
  2. The topic creator is quoting a post that is more than a year old… almost 15 months old, actually. The thought and theory of the game keeps on evolving, so some of these arguments listed in Czar's older post would be out of date, even relative to his own current positions.
  3. I'm going to actively seek out spoilers…. I'm strange like that, but I've purposefully spoiled almost every game I've ever played before playing it. I also read the endings of books before I start reading the rest of them. I'm weird like that.
  4. Alastor: I need to apologize as well… I could have said that more politely. OwnagePuffs: Thanks for the advice. I was thinking that too, but wanted to get other opinions before committing to it.
  5. What part of no-DLC Apotheosis was not understood? Limit Breaker and Aggressor are both DLC and are thus disqualified under the parameters to the challenge run that I explicitly said I was planning to do. Quote: "I'm planning to eventually try a no-DLC Apotheosis run."
  6. I'm in a position where I could soon go about recruiting Stahl!Yarne. Which Wyvern class tree skill do you think that I should inherit onto him from Panne? I'm planning to eventually try a no-DLC Apotheosis run. Obviously, the skills from that line are Strength+2, Tantivity, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker, Deliverer, and Lancebreaker. My calculations indicate that I could quite reasonably get to an 87 attack Berserker with 100% hit rates against Anna with Hit+20 and the assistance of a Hex/Anathema bot character, plus rallies, tonics, forges, tec.. That translates into 14 damage per hit against such a foe (58 defense). - Strength +2 would yield 15 damage per hit (a total of 4 more damage, 1 on each dual strike, assuming that the lead cannot double Anna in these conditions) - Swordbreaker doesn't' help against Anna or the Throne Berserkers, but it does help against regular foes in the process of training Yarne with axes. - Deliverer probaby isn't needed as he's likely rear support. - Weapon triangle advantage, Hex/Anathema, Hit+20, Forges, etc. already gives a 100% hit rate against lance using Anna, so Lancebreaker probably isn't needed. -Tantivity doesn't work well with in conjunction with Hex/Anathema bots. -Quick Burn isn't' that great for Apo. So, should I pass down Strength+2 for the slightly better damage, Swordbreaker for general utility in all the battles I have outside of Apo., or something else?
  7. Well, staves offer great utility, whereas Tomes will open up the ability for Kamui/Corrin to attack the other defensive stat, as Dragonstones and Swords presumably both already hit against physical defense.
  8. At this rate, I might very well go with Nohr first because, as petty of a reason as it is, I've more readily found a character who seems to (from initial impressions) appeal as a wife for Corrin on that side than on the Hoshido side [the ones that appeal on the Hoshido side are siblings and thus more likely to not be eligible in the first place]. But I don't have a particularly strong preference in terms of the story ramifications of the choice.
  9. Although it will not be an option (at least in the original two versions), working under the popular speculation/wishful thinking that it would feel fitting if Subaki's child would be not!Cordelia, it would have been neat if he could be paired with Luna if that speculation had turned out to be true (it probably won't, that said). Then we could have not!Severa as the mother of not!Cordelia this time and both of them would be redheads.
  10. These are subject to change because once I learn more about the characters I might warm to some or be turned off from others. And we also don't know whether 2nd gens (assuming the various leaks are true and we haven't all been hoodwinked) are going to be an option and if any of the candidates from their ranks would appeal to me more…. 1. Nohr, Male - I'm leaning towards Luna at the moment…. a hot redhead like Cordelia from Fire Emblem Awakening. Belka/Charlotte/Pieri don't appeal to me at the present time, Elise doesn't either and she's probably not an option anyways, Camilla's probably not an option [though she's hot] but the appeal that video game redheads exert on me is nonetheless drawing me towards Luna right now. 2. Hoshido, Male - Not as sure. Hinoka is a redheaded Pegasus Knight, like Cordelia was, but she's probably not even an option in the first place. I don't know who my fallback character would be. 3. Nohr, Female…. I haven't even given it any meaningful amount of thought yet. 4. Hoshido, Female…. The same; I haven't thought about it yet.
  11. Assuming that sibling incest is restricted out, I kind of feel sorry for those who had set their sights on Hinoka or Sakura as their "waifus" of choice…. unless of course there's some awkward plot twist in which it reveals "Surprise! You weren't really related after all!" I wonder if the Avatar will be able to marry among the various subordinates….
  12. Any idea why Famitsu wouldn't have mentioned something like this if it was real? Its kind of a big detail. EDIT: Leon of Nohr, which overview trailer are you referring to here?
  13. I'll just leave this thread for a few hours (I guess) and come back later, by which time people will hopefully have figured out whether this is a fake or whether its actually legitimate after all. I'm fine with either outcome, to be honest…. it doesn't make a huge difference to me.
  14. Well, a user named "Einvalt" on GameFAQs says that the stuff on "children" was found in "Nintendo Dream" (I don't know what that is). I haven't had the time to check yet, so I haven't been able to yet confirm whether he's lying, misinformed, duped himself by a hoax pulled off by other people, or telling the actual truth. If someone could figure this out, that would be great.
  15. It would be nice if someone could figure out whether this is legitimate or an elaborate hoax.
  16. Technically, Endgame was still wrong, as he said it was "already confirmed" and thus was committing a logical fallacy by stating as fact that which was only assumed. It turn out that his assumption was correct, but seeing that it only got confirmed today Endgame was still wrong about it being "already confirmed". In any event, I wonder how expansive the options will be. And I also wonder how people who had liked the Hoshido siblings will react given that they're blood relatives and thus makes them likely not to be allowed candidates… unless of course some plot twist reveals that they aren't actually related by blood or the game actually allows sibling incest. I wonder if Kamui/Corrin will at least be able to marry the various subordinates…
  17. Messing around with code often introduces unexpected errors that need to be corrected. It could be that the game is doing perfectly fine in Japan, but the localization process has introduced bugs into the North American/European prototype build that now need to be corrected and are causing problems like this in the meantime.
  18. Not if someone buys the digital version, as in that (at least in Japan) the choice is postponed until you get up to the chapter in question.
  19. There have been classes that could use magic and axes earlier in the series. And while its likely that Garon would have his own personal class, it could be taking inspiration from things like FE4's Barons or Emperors.
  20. Wouldn't Noire!Morgan (+something/-Luck) end up with -7 luck? The luck flaw is only -3. Actually, most/all of your numbers are off by one. There is no -1 for a 3rd gen character. Luck: -7. spd: -6 def: -7 str: -6 res: -6 mag: -5 Skl: -4
  21. That's a fair point that Vaike Gerome can abuse breaker….
  22. I myself know the whole +5/+5 skill/speed thing about Gaius!Kjelle vs. Donnel!Kjelle…. I admit that my preference for Donnel!Kjelle and Gaius!Noire has nothing to do with which one is better for their stats but rather their hair colors and what I think works better for each of them.
  23. With respect to Lon'qu!Laurent, one notable perk for him is that he's capable of making a 100% Ruin critical hit build on Apotheosis vs. the 55 luck enemies WITHOUT ANY DLC with a Sage support. He has exactly enough skill from Lon'qu's higher skill bonus to make this happen. CzarYoshi and I were discussing this build that CzarYoshi had worked out in a different thread [that I copied and pasted in this thread when discussing it]. Of course, this is only really applicable to challenge runs.
  24. Generally its best to think in terms of which females/mothers want the males as the parents for their children rather than which possible fathers want particular brides so that they can father the children. This is because (a.) its the women who are fixed in association with the children [so they NEED to be married in order to get the children] and (b.) there are more men in the marriage pool in the 1st generation than there are marriage women. That is, if you don't let anyone die, you'd have 3 spare (unmarried) men left over if your male Avatar marries a woman in the 1st generation and 2 spare (unmarried) men left over if your Avatar marries a woman in the 2nd generation (in which case one of the men who would have otherwise gone unmarried can take the Avatar's place in marrying one of the 1st gen women). So rather than asking, who do you prefer for Virion and Lon'qu, its better to ask the following: Which, if any, women want Virion or Lon'qu for their children? And do they want a different father more? Cordelia does well with both of these men. Virion makes Severa have +5 skill, +5 speed, and gives her access to Tomefaire and Magic+2, Bowfaire and the ability to use a Longbow if she goes to Archer/Sniper, Hit +20, and the Wyvern Rider skills (including Deliverer and Swordbreaker/Lancebreaker). Lon'qu gives a faster and more skillful Severa (+6 skill and +5 speed) and gives her access to Swordfaire and the Wyvern Rider skills. He also gives her Vantage, although its often not needed if Severa is Galeforce abusing a player-phase strategy. Oh, and he gives her trickster and Asssassin. I'd argue that Gerome/Cherche want Virion less than Yarne would, as Gerome doesn't naturally have Berserker access [he gets Fighter/Warrior/Hero, Cleric/Sage/War Monk, and Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider]. Virion's Hit +20 is useful for Berserker, which is something that Gerome would really love to have, but Virion cannot give him Berserker. Henry might be a better choice for Gerome… +5 strength modifier results, Berserker access, and Hex/Anathema provide a substitute for Hit+20. Gregor gives an even higher +6 strength if I recall correctly as well as the Berserker access, but he doesn't provide these highly sought +Hit skills like Henry does. Likewise, Vaike yields +7 strength Berserker but lacks Hex/Anathema or Hit +20. [Vaike does have Lucky 7, which is strictly better than Hit+20 for the first 7 turns of a battle only, but worthless afterwards… however, since the hardest map, Apotheosis, takes much longer than 7 turns to clear, generally this is not considered a "good" accuracy skill for that map]
  25. As for me, I happen to regularly have my Avatar marry Cordelia these days. And yes, you can get a super Morgan from Second Gen spouses, but it must be clarified what exactly is meant by this. Often, 3rd gen Morgans only have something like 1-2 stat points in modifiers in sum better than other Morgans. What really makes them better is if you've specialized their mods, with generally gives them something really high in a desired stat at the cost of what are often significant penalties in undesired stats. There is also the concept of pairing imbalance - 3rd gen Morgan lets all 2nd gens get married, while 2nd gen Morgan doesn't. But seeing that some second genes are likely going to benched anyways (such as Nah), this might not be a big issue after all. I myself must confess that I take my asset/flaws more on role-playing considerations than actual logical reasons…. I like imagining I'm some form of wizard (I'm very book smart and wizards use tomes/books as weapons), and I'm very weak in real life and don't have a good tolerance for pain. So normally I go as +Mag/-Str or +Mag/-Def for these reasons. While +Mag/-Def is one of the better combinations out there, there is the issue that my preferred wife for my character, Cordelia, has a -1 magic mod, so I cannot actually capitalize the Magic mod for Morgan as much as I could…. which is why I say that I have not actually chosen logically…. she'd probably be better married by a +SPD Avatar rather than my +MAG avatars that I actually use. That said, the fact that +MAG gives +2 speed that compounds with Cordelia's +2 speed and the child bonus means that its still not a total loss. My +Mag/-Def Morgan & Severa would end up with: +2 Str, +4 Magic, +3 Skill, +5 Speed, -1 Luck, -2 Defense, +1 Resistance Its not the best that's out there, but its serviceable.
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